
Transmigration with QQ Farm [{REPOSTED}]

All she was doing was playing QQ Farm, how did she end up waking up somewhere foreign? A straw house in the country side? No food at home? Dad was severely injured? Mom was weak? A bunch of siblings? Eh? QQ Farm transmigrated with her? She could farm? She could raise farm animals? What? All the chicken, ducks, and rabbits she raised in the dimension are spiritual animals? Not only could QQ dimension level up, it could also collect all vicious animals in the world and turn her into the strongest summoner! Merchants pounding on their door? Gentlemen visiting? Special guests showing up? The appearing of mysterious sect? Her folks’ family arriving? All the troubles brought about by the spiritual animals! Well, cross that bridge when we come to it. Fake it till you make it. Let’s see how Cheng Xiao Xiao utilize the dimension and have her fun in the foreign land! Match maker at the door? Get out, couldn’t you see I got farms to plow?

MOS9895 · Urban
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243 Chs

Yuteng anger, alarming the city

"Bihua, you have to be a little bit eager to break through, you can inherit the position of the homeowner at an early date. Now, what is your cultivation, how can I make you a homeowner? Even if it is Wuling, I can push you to the position of the homeowner, you see You have been five or six years, and every month, you have to eat as a snack for you. If you are serious about practicing, let alone Wuling, even if you are a king, you should break through!"

I hated the words of iron and steel, and I heard people in the space stunned.

What happened to the two was not the position of the owner who was not the owner, but the character named Cheng Bihua.

Cheng Bihua, a man named Cheng Biyuan's younger brother, Cheng Hao's uncle, although she did not know the life before her, vaguely knew that the most fierce person who bullied her family was this unscrupulous person.

I remember that my father once said that he moved to Liushu Village. This is the **** who brought people to hurt his father and himself. It is because of his poisonous hands that the original Cheng Hao is fragrant and jade.

Their voice continued to ring.

"When is the owner, what is fun, let Cheng Yutang do it, I can't take care of those **** things, I like the days of freedom now!"


The elders dyed a bit of annoyance and said: "You give me some things. Everything I do is for you. Do you want to do this and wait for death? You are now a martial artist, only one hundred. When you are around 50, you don't want to live a few more years, so you have to live three or four hundred years old, look at you, what it looks like now-"

"It's not a hundred years, I just don't practice, and I'll eat it for decades. I'm sure to break through to the Emperor, what I'm afraid of—"


Seeing this indifferent person, the elders almost vomited blood and couldn't help but roar: "If you just eat a fart, you won't cultivate. If you do this again, I will kill all your women. Light--"

"killed, I will find it again-"

"You find one, I kill one!"

In the elders, it seems that this process has provoked anger. I saw that his face was gloomy and terrible. His eyes stared at him and said, "If you continue this way, I will kill you!"


At this moment, Cheng Bihua finally showed a hint of fear. He felt the killing in the long elders who always loved him. He believed that the people in front of him didn't mean to joke.

If you really annoyed the elders, the elders will really kill themselves.

Cheng Bihua is closer to the elders. Even if everyone is afraid of the majesty of the elders, he dares to make some arrogance in front of him. From small to large, fundamentally what he has asked, the elders will satisfy him.

In the past, when he was a young man, his older brother Cheng Biyuan was the pride of the family. All the good things in the family were enjoyed by the older brother. The father was kind to the genius, and the mother made the big brother a baby. Since he was sensible. Since, he has always envied him, and of course he is more embarrassed.

Until the elders found him, they screamed, and then they were very intimate with themselves. Originally, he had no talent, and he had been given a lot of medicinal herbs by the elders. Other benefits would be given to himself.

In fact, he did not know this reason. When he was a child, he asked the elders. He laughed and didn't answer. He grew up. He didn't bother to ask, and he was used to enjoying the personal love of the elders.

On the contrary, because he grew up to become a habit of a child, he did not like his father, and his father was particularly harsh on him, so he only had fear and resentment against his father, and he preferred to talk to the elders.

Moreover, anything can be said to follow him, although the two are not common in Cheng family, every other month or two, will be the same as tonight, seeing one side, what requirements can also be raised to the elders.

The feelings of the two are more like fathers and sons, but the elders, although they want him to compete for each other, will never show his killings like he is tonight.

Therefore, he was afraid, no longer dare to put the other party's request in mind, and quickly agreed: "The elders, I will work hard, I will certainly break through the middle of the martial arts, will not let the elders forget."

"It is best. You remember it for me. At this time next month, if you don't break through, I will kill you a little. If you dare to find another woman, I will kill two women, don't believe, you Give it a try!"

The voice of the elders is cruel and sinister, as if life is an ant in his eyes, killing and killing, not at all.

"This old guy is really not a thing, even killing others to threaten, it should be killed!" Xiao Yuteng heard this and he screamed.

Mo Xuanzun's eyes flashed with chills. "He's not a thing, he's cheaper to shoot him!"

"Little master, grandfather, or else, let's act now? Will they be killed?"

Xiao Yuteng said that the wind is rain, and I want to jump out and act now.

Cheng Hao shook his head and said: "No hurry, they can't escape our palms, listen to what they say first, maybe we can hear some secrets!"

"Well, wait a minute, I want to shoot him!" I don't know why, the little main vine is eyeing people.

When Mo Xuanzun heard this, he couldn't help but smile: "You can shoot him, but don't shoot, the elders wait for revenge, and kill him!"

"Nothing, shoot dead, leave it to the old man whip corpse!"

Such a cute little doll vomited in the mouth, and Cheng Hao couldn't help but frown, and squeezed her small face and said: "Don't move, shout and kill, we are Sven!"

"Little master, hate, pinch me!"

Xiao Yuteng couldn't open, but the little mouth protested, and still did not forget to refute: "It is the Sven, only to destroy them, we leave this scourge!"

"Okay, don't make a noise, see what they have to say!" Cheng Hao no longer 'bullying' Xiao Yuteng.

The three stopped communicating and continued to listen to them.

"I, I know, I know-" Cheng Bihua's horrified voice trembled, showing that he could not hold back the fear in his heart.

In the face of his fear and cowardice, the expression of the elders finally changed a little, and the tone gradually softened: "I am for you, you should know the so-called Central Plains now, what your brother got out of." !"


"At last you know something about women, but you know something!"

The elder couldn't help but ridicule him, and then he showed his unpleasant color. "He is just a waste. In just one year, he has this ability. Now he not only plays his own name, but his cultivation is It has become a king of Wu, you look at you, it is really shameful -"

"-" Cheng Bihua hangs his head and dare not say anything.


Seeing him in a pocket, the elders were angry and annoyed, and they didn't know what to do with him.

"You remember what I said just now. The worst you must break through Wuwang. I will supervise you this year. You have to understand my pains. Everything is for yourself. I don't understand!"


Understand what, Cheng Bihua did not understand anything at all. He opened his mouth and found nothing to say.

"I won't lie to you, don't say this way, even if I am going to take over the Central Plains holy land in the future, I will help you to take it over. With your current cultivation, do you think you can sit in the position of the Count of the Central Plains? Those elders who have to go to Biyuan's home, don't say the characters on their side. If you don't break through, it's this Cheng family, you can't sit still, you don't understand!"

"This, this -"

Cheng Bihua is going to be stupid. He can't believe what he heard. "Want, what do you want to win the original home? His Earl's title?"

This is simply impossible!

The elders seemed to see what he thought, and coldly said: "As long as you listen to me, the day when you become a martial artist, I will take over the Jiangshan that Cheng Biyuan has laid, and I can help people on the way home. The position of the head of the family also has the ability to put you on the path of the original city, there is nothing I can't win!"

When they heard their conversation, the people in the space were about to blow up. Xiao Yuteng rushed to the crown and shouted: "Little master, I can't help it anymore, I must shoot him!"

"Little Yuteng, I support you!" Mo Xuanzun cold channel.

Cheng Hao, who is tightly flanked by her face, is thoroughly happy. She believes that this old guy will definitely play his own idea. After all, he can already be said to control the elders of the text. There are absolutely other means for his family.

This kind of person can't kill!

"I went out to shoot him!" Little vine can feel the feeling of Cheng Hao, it flashed out of space.

The elder who was talking suddenly felt that there was a strange air machine, and he could not help but look up.

A flash of emptiness, a strange fan appeared out of thin air.

The most important thing is that this fan gives him a dangerous feeling.

"Flash -"

The elders were immediately stunned by the frightened person, and he eagerly took a shot, hoping to block it.


A loud noise, the whole house exploded, and the figure of the elders was picked up by the back of the fan and directly hit the wall.

"Whoever dares to attack our Cheng family-"

The elder elder who rushed out rushed and patted the fan, and angered him. He did not find anyone, only the appearance of this fan.

Mo Xuanzun looked at Xiao Yuteng and could directly hide in the outside, control the fan to shoot people, so that the other party could not find it, and could not help but ask: "Hey, Xiao Yuteng can be so invisible?"

"I don't know what level Yu Xiaoteng was promoted to, but it must be better than your Wudi. What's more, she was originally an elf. It is not surprising that there is such a skill!"

Cheng Hao smiled and thought it was quite fun. Then he said: "Little Yuteng wants to do it, Grandma also found it, just get them tonight!"

"Hey, we all do it? But the father-in-law and the elders of the text did not appear. Should we ask them to come over?"

"Yes, of course!" Cheng Hao nodded. "I sent letters to the elders. They all came over. Anyway, they have already gotten into trouble. Just play it all at once!"


Cheng Hao quickly sent a letter to the person who wanted the inn.

The old man who was waiting for a chat broke through his brows, and everyone immediately noticed his abnormality and did not speak.

"Homeowner, Elder Wen, Missy and Grandpa are in the process of Chengfu, we hurry past!"

"What, is there any danger?"

"Let's go, don't let them get hurt!"

The people did not dare to neglect, they were all Wu Emperors, they instantly left and left.



The entire Chengfu was shot by a huge fan, and this movement naturally awakened all the people in Chengfu, and all of them rushed out.

"Dare, who is it -"

"Someone attacked, act fast-"

"Don't let the thief -"

The eleven elders all rushed out, followed by the disciples of the Cheng family. They were all staring at the air in the air, which was directed at the big elders.

This fan is too weird. It is something they have never seen. Of course, what surprised them the most is that they can't see who controls the fan.

Cheng Yutang, the owner of the family, was the first person to appear. He stood by Cheng Yuhua at the moment and found that his son was so trembling with his legs, and he frowned at dissatisfaction. He said: "Do you know what is going on? ?"

"I, I don't know, we are talking, suddenly this fan is coming out, it is shot against us, I don't know anything -"

Cheng Bihua, who was shaking his voice, still returned, but his words did not satisfy Cheng Yutang. On the contrary, he screamed at the son coldly.

The line of sight turned to the space, which has a fan that swept the world. If you think about it, he seems to have heard of this weird fan.

Fan, like to use a fan to shoot people, who likes to shoot people with fans, shoot people -

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly shrank, and he thought of what he had, and immediately flew up, and fell on the top of the undestroyed pavilion, yelling at the void: "Cheng Wei, you are so bold. , dare to appear in our government -"

With the roar of the owner, the whole family also thought of it. I heard that Cheng Biyuan's daughter, Cheng Hao, was holding a fan and shooting people. Now –


It was also a fan slammed down, and the pavilion standing at the foot of Cheng Yutang gave the smash.

The destructive power of Xiao Yuteng, the top melon!

"Cheng Wei, let the old man roll out -" The elders also thought of the owner of this fan at this time, and he screamed in anger.

Only he just slammed the sound, and the fan shot him again.


The two people in the space were surprised, so they were recognized by them.

"Hey, we --" Mo Xuanzun asked.

"Of course we see them!"

The two flashed from the space and immediately appeared in the eyes of everyone.

A man and a woman appeared, and immediately let the Cheng family's people all stunned. Why didn't they think that they appeared like this? Most people can still recognize Cheng Hao.

"It's them--"

"Sure enough, Cheng Hao -"

"It's really they started to us -"

"Cheng Wei is actually Wu Huangxiu?"

"The person who is with her is the **** operator of the Heavenly Temple?"


The Cheng family below looked at the people in midair, and couldn't help but whisper.

Too unexpected, none of them thought that Cheng Hao would actually kill the city.

Since the two appeared, Xiao Yuteng did not attack again. It was quiet, and a huge fan stopped in the air like this!

"Ha ha ha ha -"

An ecstasy laugh came from a distance, and the laughter immediately covered the entire city, and immediately alerted the entire city!

At the moment, the entire emperor's repairers were alarmed, even those who were retreating were shocked by this ridiculous laughter, because they all felt that the voice was full of threats.

"What happened, what made this amazing laughter?"

"What makes you laugh, how do I feel that my heart is rolling, it's amazing!"

"It seems that it is not only the peak of the Emperor Wu, is there really the existence of Emperor Wu?"

"Great, who is this, I have to go and have a look!"


In an instant, because of a burst of laughter, the whole city was messed up, and a few rare old guys ran out, the purpose was to see what characters came to the city.

The emperor in the palace was making a finale. He heard the laughter coming, and the dragon changed, and immediately put down the pen and ran out of the royal study.

The old dean heard the laughter and stunned. He immediately smiled and said to himself: "How should this old man appear? I am afraid that many people from Chengjia have come here!"

Not only did the old dean come out, but even the elders who had another retreat were shocked. They all appeared, and they just discovered that the students of the Shendiao Academy were shocked.

In order not to have any accidents, the old dean's voiced disciples returned to rest, and they formed a world to prevent these disciples from running out.

"Missy, that **** is looking for you and my grandfather-"

With this voice, Cheng Hao's eyes showed helplessness. Apart from this old man, no one really was so daring!

Mo Xuanzun smiled and said: "The Imperial City tonight is very lively, good, good!"

The people of Cheng Jia were all stunned, and they were shocked by the laughter of the elders who were proud of themselves. He was stunned and forgot everything. I don't know why, it was the first time for him. Feel afraid.

Yes, fear, fear of the bottom of my heart!

Everyone heard the sound and saw that a group of people rushed quickly and soon appeared in front of them.

In addition to strangers, two of them are people who are known by Cheng family. One is the one who has been away for four years, and the other is the eleven elders who have just left for half a year.

"Hey, you're fine!" Cheng Biyuan ignored the eyes of other people and came to his daughter and asked.

Yan Yan smiled, Cheng Hao smiled and said: "Nothing, I am not here!"

"Miss, how come so fast, how can we wait for us to come again!" The elders smiled and said authentically.

Cheng Hao's eyes glimpsed and said: "Which eyes do you see me, nonsense!"

"Oh, who is it--" When I saw the hanging fan, I should grin at the old man and immediately understand what was going on.

"Missy, my grandfather-"

The elders handed the two to the man.

The two nodded and did not say anything. The eyes of the group were shot to the elders of Cheng Jiada and the family.

I officially met tonight!

At this moment, a group of figures came from all directions, and they soon appeared around!