
Transmigration with QQ Farm [{REPOSTED}]

All she was doing was playing QQ Farm, how did she end up waking up somewhere foreign? A straw house in the country side? No food at home? Dad was severely injured? Mom was weak? A bunch of siblings? Eh? QQ Farm transmigrated with her? She could farm? She could raise farm animals? What? All the chicken, ducks, and rabbits she raised in the dimension are spiritual animals? Not only could QQ dimension level up, it could also collect all vicious animals in the world and turn her into the strongest summoner! Merchants pounding on their door? Gentlemen visiting? Special guests showing up? The appearing of mysterious sect? Her folks’ family arriving? All the troubles brought about by the spiritual animals! Well, cross that bridge when we come to it. Fake it till you make it. Let’s see how Cheng Xiao Xiao utilize the dimension and have her fun in the foreign land! Match maker at the door? Get out, couldn’t you see I got farms to plow?

MOS9895 · Urban
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243 Chs

Angry scolding, abolished the Emperor

If the big emperor city is over, there are countless such people, some of them appear close to Chengfu, and some are far from the crowd!

Everyone knows that there is something going wrong tonight!

It's just that they don't dare to act!

The entire Chengfu people saw these people appear, they all stayed and no one spoke!

Quiet, quiet!

Someone is still coming in succession!

In the end, the emperor wearing a robes was also under the support of several old men with white beards.

In addition to the emperor leading people close, several old guys following the Shendiao Academy are also close.

"The Earl of Central Plains -"

Full of majestic sounds, the emperor is determined to complete the original!

Although he did not see the process of Biyuan, but the emperor knew everyone in the Cheng family, because the portrait of the Cheng family has long appeared in the dragon case, I do not know him.

"I have seen the emperor--" Cheng Biyuan arched his hand and continued: "I am amazed, please forgive me, and have a private solution under it, will not cause trouble to the emperor, hope the emperor will complete!"

"-" The emperor stared at his eyes. He didn't speak because his heart was really unhappy. The Cheng family was too arrogant. The last time he injured his son, because his son was wrong, he couldn't pursue Cheng Jia. Now -

Too much to put his emperor in the eye!

Unexpectedly, the emperor is here to play the prestige, Cheng Hao's Liu Mei slightly, slightly inductive old man!


In the infuriating body of the old man, a blast of blasting, tyrannical infuriating, immediately in this emptiness, set off a storm.

Like a raging dragon, it immediately turned into a lightning bolt and fired toward the standing emperor.

The next moment, the emperor's face changed greatly, especially the white beards behind him immediately reacted, and they even handed over the emperor.


Under the protection of several white beards, they all turned over, and the group of people was directly taken out a few feet away!

Of course, this is still the case when the old man does not have a killer!

Seeing this scene, everyone's face has changed greatly, and his face is incredibly screaming at the old man.

However, the old man did not care, his infuriating still cumbered the emperor's air!

The emperor wolfed his body and the black and white intertwined face was very ugly.

He was a monarch of a country, and he was so shameful in the eyes of the public. It was really almost a blow to him.

However, who is the other person, he is very clear, even if he hates now, he can't take people, because people are Wudi, people who can't exist.

"The little emperor, it seems that you are not convinced, is it because our family wants to deal with family matters, you are not willing, do you have to protect these bastards!"

The old man's voice was not big, and he still spread throughout the emperor, and all the people heard it.

The emperor of today is actually called a little emperor?

It seems that the emperor is in his forties, but in front of a few hundred years old, he is indeed a little emperor.

The face corresponds to the arrogance of the old man, the emperor did not dare to do it, Cheng Biyuan smiled a bit, did not care.

Cheng Hao sneaked at him, and the old man who had been tempered by the mountains and rivers suddenly fell down and smirked at her to reveal a flattering smile: "Missy, the little emperor is too disappointing, even at this time, it's out of the prestige, isn't it owing? We deal with family matters, he has nothing to do to make fun of it, not to marry his emperor!"

Seeing his transformation, everyone almost smashed his eyes.

It's too fast for this person to change his face!

Of course, many people are shocked by the heart. This peerless master has even told a little girl to listen to it. It is really an accident!

"You are reasonable!" Cheng Hao's mouth twitched a few times, no longer paying attention to him.

Mo Xuanzun's mouth twitched with a faint smile, rushing toward the emperor who was slowly approaching, saying: "The emperor, this time is just a family grievance, we will not make the emperor embarrassed!"

"Remember your promise!" The emperor took a deep look at them and immediately led the people to leave.

As a king of a country, his face is lost, and naturally there is no face to stay!

"Cheng Jiazhu, Miss Cheng Da, Mo Gongzi, should be old, we met again -"

The old dean of the Shendiao Academy appeared. Although he was smiling, he still showed a hint of envy for the old man!

It's just that he can't make a decision now!

The contract, the word, told him that he couldn't see it, because putting his life in the hands of others really made him unacceptable!

Fortunately, he still has decades to think, not eager to break through!

Cheng Biyuan and others retired with the old dean, and he said hello to him. The old man waved his hand unceremoniously and impatiently said: "The old dean, it's okay, you come to join in the fun, get there soon. Go on the side!"

"You are this -" The old and ridiculous dean knows what kind of character he is, and he is not annoyed. He immediately nodded with the person next to him and left a few feet away.

At this moment, Dachang was completely calm down, thinking about it from beginning to end, and immediately understood what was going on.

It was he who swears and robs Cheng Biyuan's family business and starts to be attacked. Then, they already know their own thoughts!

The heart was shocked and scared. Now, he knows that he is completely underestimated. He is not the same as Wu's Amon, and he can play with himself!

The three days of the singer, look at each other, this is really true!

The emotions in my heart were thousands of turns, and the expression became more and more gloomy and terrible. When his eyes fell on the elders of the text, his eyes suddenly slammed and almost screamed.

He turned out to be a martial artist!

Wu Wang, who had just risen for two months, turned into an emperor in a blink of an eye. This is a joke!

The elders hate to swear by the sky, it is too unacceptable to him!

"The two of them just called me out. I don't know if I want to come out and discuss anything?"

Cheng Hao's eyes fell on Cheng Yutang and the elders. Mei Mei stared at the elders and smiled coldly. "Is it necessary for me to come out and discuss how to seize our Central Plains holy land?"

"Cheng Wei, you are arrogant, don't want to spurt blood -" Cheng Yutang didn't know, who was talking to Cheng, and he didn't even think about it. He shouted loudly.

"Noisy, palms!" Cheng Hao cold eyes swept over.


The crisp slaps echoed throughout the void, even if people in the distance could hear it clearly!

As a martial artist, Cheng Yutang slaps in the face, he has no chance to flash!

A slap in the face of him, if it is not the burning pain on his face, he would have thought that he was not beaten by himself because he did not find out who was moving.

"You dare to hit me -" After the reaction, Cheng Yutang was angry!

"What are you doing!" Cheng Hao's expression was cold and frosty, and he only had disgust on this person. He said coldly: "Do you still need me to do it?"

"Missy, this person is not stupid. It is obviously how I blame the Missy head, or else, I will give him a few slaps, and let him wake up!" The old man smiled.

Upon hearing the words of two people, Cheng Yutang understood that he had made an oolong thing, and his angered eyes glared at the elders.

The elder should have no other person in his eyes. Just don't say that he is giving him a slap, even if he wants his life, it is just a matter of raising his hand.

He gave him a blank eye, and Cheng Hao once again fell on the elders. "Why, can't you admit it? Our Cheng family is here. You kill us now. The Central Plains is yours, you want Who is the city owner? Who is the city owner? This is not the topic you just talked about. Now you have the opportunity to realize it. Don't miss it. Are you saying it?"

Some words, not too big or small, people who can hear, all heard!

At this moment, everyone knows why Cheng Hao will shoot, because people are plotting the original holy land, no wonder people can't help but start.

The eyes of the public could not help but shoot at the elders, and even Cheng Yutang was no exception!

The great elder did not pay attention to the eyes of others. He looked directly at Cheng Biyuan and said: "Bi Yuan, Cheng Jia will raise you, how do you repay the family?"

"Family? Are you talking about this pile of ruins?" Cheng Biyuan responded with a mouthful, saying: "You are a surnamed person, Cheng Jia will raise you a big adult, train you into a talent, you have been in Chengjia for decades, Cheng There are not hundreds or thousands of people who die in your hands. I want to know why you want to destroy Cheng Jia?"

"What do you say -" The face of the elders changed!

"Isn't it? Do you dare to say that the blood of the family members is bloody?"

Cheng Biyuan's eyes are very cold, staring at him: "However, you don't admit that it's normal. After all, you've already abandoned the family's surname's family name. Now, it's normal to not recognize your blood. Abandoning the traitors of the ancestors, what should be done!"

"How do you know?" At this time, the elders acknowledged it.

Immediately caused a burst of sorrow, especially the Cheng family, one by one, squinting, a look that could not believe.

"There is nothing in the world, no one can hide it!" Suddenly Mo Xuanzun said a word.

The elders seemed to wake up to something, nodded, but did not care, rushing to Cheng Biyuan: "If you leave now, I can think that there is no such thing happening, otherwise, I will definitely ask you to regret it. and!"

The tone is very tough, and he seems to be mastering the heavens and the earth, and he does not put the people of Chengjia in his eyes.

He is indeed a chip that threatens Cheng family, but he does not know that his chips have disappeared.

Cheng Hao and Mo Xuan Zun can't help but smile coldly to see who can threaten who!

"Old man, you are fart-"

Wenchang is really intolerable, yelling at him: "Old man, you miscellaneous, do not know where the wild species ran out, white-eyed wolf, ancestors will save you back to Chengjia, will raise you into you, this insidious The villain, not only kills the ancestors, but also kills countless children, and I will kill you today-"

The anger and anger of the roaring sounds curb the cloud, and the people of Cheng Jia once again changed their faces. They couldn't help but think of Cheng Jia's situation in recent decades!

Even the elders who are arrogant and arrogant are slightly discolored, and they screamed: "Nonsense, this elder is a half-hearted man for Cheng Jia, and he will harm others. Don't push your own fault to the old man!"


For example, today's elders are no longer afraid of him. I saw him anger and pointed to him: "Is it clear in your heart, we all know in our hearts, the truth is in front of everyone!"

Speaking of this, the elders of the text directed at the hundreds of family members below: "You are all growing up, you can count yourself, how many people die each year, and who are these dead people, they are What is the relationship with this old man, the people who died at all are offended or the people who have smacked him. As long as you think about it yourself, you know if I have told the truth."

"What's more, he is a kind of person. You don't know it yourself. He can have a little affection for you. You have paid for Cheng Jia for decades. What kind of days are you living now? Think about it yourself. Is it true that everything about Cheng Jia does not belong to you at all? Do you have a little freedom now? You still have no relatives in your heart. You have already become a demon like Laofufu. You have already spit out a little bit of meat for his mouth. I don't hesitate to raise my knife to kill my loved ones. You said it yourself—"

Ashamed, all Cheng Cheng people have shy colors on their faces.

The elders of the same age have been contemplating, and they are trying to reflect on the bits and pieces that have happened in these decades. The more they think, the more ugly they are.

Unconsciously, they found that the words of the eleven elders were not wrong. The talents or disciples lost by Cheng Jia in these decades have more or less been related to the elders. Of course, this relationship is not a good relationship.

Nowadays, the people who have left their lives are basically obeying his disciples. As long as they do not obey his arrangements, they will not have a good end. The most obvious is the eleven elders!

Because the eleven elders were not willing to take the resources of Cheng Biyuan, they drove their family out of the imperial city, and sent people to pursue them all the way, killing dozens of them all, and finally only three of his grandparents.

It seems that such things, in these decades, are due to the elders and continue to perform such things.

The population of other big families has long been tens of thousands. However, they have only been a few hundred people, and most of these hundreds of people are descendants. The real Cheng's disciples are only a few dozen. If you continue this way, then Cheng Jia finally -

Thinking of this, these old guys who have been supporting the elders can't help but fight a chill. If the elders are masterminds, they are accomplices, they are killing their own family!

The elders apparently did not let them go. They pointed to their continued reprimand. "You look at it yourself. Cheng has gone through decades. People have died almost the same. They have not prospered for generations. They all die inexplicably. After several decades, Cheng Jia's family business has not grown bigger and bigger, but it has become smaller and smaller. How do you go to see other family situations? You can compare it yourself, whose family has fallen so far. You are all looking for a dead end, one can not see through, is a soft egg to others, cold and ruthless to their loved ones, damn, it is damn-"


These squeaks once again made these people's people shy and almost buried their heads on the ground. This is what they did!

If you haven't been mentioned, others don't feel like it. Now people are coming out with a sentence. As long as they still have a face, they will be ashamed to kill!

Of course, some people are calm, and there is no such thing as a slap in the face, as if this is a matter of course, this is the great elder!

The expression of this culprit is normal. The most abnormal person is Cheng Yutang. He can't see whether he is guilty or ashamed. He only sees that he is just staring at Cheng Biyuan, and he does not hide his hatred.

His hate may be a bit weird!

Only Cheng Hao can understand, because she thinks of a word, how deep love is, how deep hate!

In the past, he regarded his father as a baby, but finally found that this son is not his own, naturally turning the full love into hate!

I am afraid that not only will it be a hate to my father, but even the hatred of my grandmother will be added to my father, so I will show my gaze.

However, this kind of person is not worthy of sympathy!

"Old guy, don't you tell everything clearly?" Cheng Hao's voice sounded.

Everyone knows that he is speaking to the elders.

"Little girl, thinking who you are, high on the top, want to dominate our family, not best, it is best to get out of the way, otherwise -"

"Should be old man, give me a slap in the air, think about how to play, how to play, don't play dead!" It is too lazy to look at his face, Cheng Hao told the people next to him.

"Ha ha ha -"

The old man smiled happily. "Miss, no problem, I will let him know what the time is for Junjie!"

clap clap clap -

A loud slap in the air kept ringing.

Everyone was stunned and looked at the old man. However, the elders of Chengjia, who have always been arrogant, are like a dead dog, and they are still slap in the face.

Next to Cheng Biyuan's complex look, too lazy to look at the scene in front of me, thinking of a person in my heart, asked with different eyes.

Cheng Hao condensed his voice and gave him a message. "Hey, you can rest assured that I have found my grandmother, that is, the old elder, the old elder, has put underarms on her grandmother!"

"Really, hey, where is your grandmother, is it in space?" Cheng Biyuan had a big face and had the same way to talk to her daughter!

"Yes, I will take my grandmother into the space. However, my grandmother's situation is not very good. I still need treatment. But you can rest assured that Xiao Yuteng will cure his grandmother."

"That's good, as long as I find your grandma, I will be relieved!"

"Hey, it's because we've found out that Grandma is coming, we're going to do it. Now, how do you want to reveal all the answers in public?"

"Oh, no matter what, we still give your grandmother a face, can't be said in public here, or else, we will get them back and say -"

"Oh, your exam is good, but it is not practical. In any case, it is a fact that Cheng Jia was murdered by an outsider. Although the truth is said to be detrimental to his grandmother's reputation, he can just humiliate his grandmother!"

"This one--"

Cheng Biyuan really has some worries. If he doesn't say it, his mother will still be recognized by others, and he will become a laughing stock of others. He is really difficult to decide!

"Oh, life is alive, it was originally said, no matter who, good or bad, will be said by people, we just have to do it ourselves, if it is really only for the comments of others, then We should choose what kind of life, others say good, we will be good people? When others say bad, they will be bad people? This is impossible thing!"

"Moreover, my grandmother was originally a wounded person. I believe that everyone has more pity for her. This kind of thing is not something she has made. It is a matter of being forced. The sin is not in the grandmother. So, let the world know." No problem."

"Well, since you said this, I am up to you, anyway, I will hand it over to you!"

"Okay, hey -"

Communicating with my father, Cheng Hao had a plan in mind, no matter what, the sins of the elders must be made public, so that everyone knows what is going on!

I don't know how many slaps I have, and the old man should have a good time and finally stopped.

"Hey, old boy, how, don't you tell me the origin of this hybrid? Why do you want to murder the Cheng family who will grow up and grow up, why do you want to be enemies, I believe that you have a reason for not having a stomach, not happy. Tell the uncle!"


A **** spit on the ground, the elders sneered, even if the old face was drawn into a big pig's head, he also showed disdain.

He will never admit that even if it is a fact, and he admits it, it is a land of difference!

"Old man, what do you have to be arrogant, isn't it true that we have no Wudi in the Central Plains, how about it, is it very comfortable to eat slap in the hands of our elders?"

The literary man is really not accustomed to the arrogance of the other side, can not help but ridicule.

The elders heard the sound, and he stared at him like a snake-like scorpion. He said, "You will regret it and you will regret it!"

"Repent?" Elder Wen smiled coldly and pointed at him and shouted: "Old man, do you think that the poison that I forced me to swallow, should I regret it for no antidote? Hahaha, you will never think about it forever!"

"You--" The face of the elders has finally changed again, and the sharp eyes are still staring at him, as if to see the elders of the text to see if he has detoxified.

In fact, he did not believe in his heart at all. He did not believe that he had detoxified because he knew that the antidote was only available to him. No one could lift the poison.

Thinking of this, the elders are still showing a disdainful expression.

"Bastard, don't think about dreaming again!" The elders of Wen continued to lose their minds, but he still didn't do it.

At this time, the old man should ring the command in his ear: "Abolish the old guy's veins, and then arrest him and stop him."

With a slight head, the old man should immediately shoot a palm!

yell yell--

After being hit by more than a dozen palms, the elders finally screamed. He didn't know how many people were abolished, and finally it was his turn.

The face of Cheng Jia has changed. Some people want to save people. They move a little, and they stop.

Complex eyes look at the elders who become waste in the blink of an eye!

However, Cheng Yutang finally couldn't help but endure, and rushed to Cheng Biyuan to swear: "Hey, what do you want?"

The repair of the elders is abolished. It is equivalent to pulling up their Cheng Jialian and never have the opportunity to rise. He is willing to be willing to abolish his hopes!

"What do you mean, are you equipped with people?" Cheng Yuyu is cold, watching his eyes sparkle with deep disgust!