
Transmigration with QQ Farm [{REPOSTED}]

All she was doing was playing QQ Farm, how did she end up waking up somewhere foreign? A straw house in the country side? No food at home? Dad was severely injured? Mom was weak? A bunch of siblings? Eh? QQ Farm transmigrated with her? She could farm? She could raise farm animals? What? All the chicken, ducks, and rabbits she raised in the dimension are spiritual animals? Not only could QQ dimension level up, it could also collect all vicious animals in the world and turn her into the strongest summoner! Merchants pounding on their door? Gentlemen visiting? Special guests showing up? The appearing of mysterious sect? Her folks’ family arriving? All the troubles brought about by the spiritual animals! Well, cross that bridge when we come to it. Fake it till you make it. Let’s see how Cheng Xiao Xiao utilize the dimension and have her fun in the foreign land! Match maker at the door? Get out, couldn’t you see I got farms to plow?

MOS9895 · Urban
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243 Chs

Going to the palace in the night

The night sinks like water, the moonlight is clean and radiant, and the faint radiance is heard. The sound of the insects is clearly audible, and the occasional night screams are particularly crisp.

The seemingly calm Chengfu still has guards patrolling. There are several hidden guards hidden in the dark. The defense is not particularly strict, and ordinary people are still easy to find.

However, whether they are strict or loose, in the eyes of Cheng Hao, there is no difference. In space, the two are like walking in their own home.

"Hey, do you still remember this Cheng family?" Mo Xuanzun asked casually.

Looking at the situation outside, Cheng Hao shook his head. "I don't remember, after I was injured, I forgot a lot of things, especially about this family!"

She doesn't tell anyone about her, she won't tell anyone, even if she is the closest person next to her, she won't say it. After all, this thing is too weird. It doesn't necessarily believe it, just say nothing. It's good.


Mo Xuanzun had some accidents. He had heard about Cheng Hao's serious injuries. So he was not surprised. "Hey, are we going directly to the elders here?"

"People are looking for, not now, let's take a look at how good this process is!" Time is still early, Cheng Hao is not in a hurry.

"If you find someone, what are we going to do?"

"In fact, before I found my grandmother, it would be difficult to do whatever it was, but my grandmother didn't know where it was hiding. This is more troublesome!"

"Hey, Grandma has already counted for her. She is in the Imperial City. All of them are more likely to be here. If it is really Chengfu, why is it hidden here for more than ten years? No one has found it?" It should be said impossible, a bit strange!"

"Nothing strange!" Cheng Xiaowei meditated for a moment, immediately said: "Don't you forget what the elders of the text said? The elders are here in the province, and they can say that they are covering the sky. After decades of hard work, they will completely complete the process." Controlled, the people in the whole house are used to listening to his orders, even if there are any weird things, they will not care too much!"

"This is also possible. To put it bluntly, the elder is so arrogant, and no one resists or discovers his means. It is still somewhat difficult to believe!"

When Mo Xuanzun spoke, he suddenly said: "There is a yard in the left side of the front, someone is talking, we listened in the past!"

"Alright!" Cheng Hao also heard a quiet conversation.

Xiao Yuteng did not need to be told by two people to directly control the space.

"This old and undead is really getting too much -"

The low voice came from the house, and the two couldn't help but look at each other. The two people who appeared in the window soon saw a pair of middle-aged couples. The male expression was somewhat distorted because of anger, and the woman's face was a bit stunned. speak.

Cheng Hao is not her, so she is not conscious of the two in front of her. However, looking at the appearance of this middle-aged man, he knows that he must also be a character next to Cheng, because this middle-aged man and the program The original two points are similar.

It can be said that there is a blood relationship, otherwise there will be no similarities.

"One month is less than a month. I really don't know where they got the resources!" The middle-aged man screamed indecently.

The middle-aged woman looked up at him and sighed in a sigh: "It's not the first day. What use is it for you? If you don't have it, you can still go with them!"

"What grabs or grabs, it is the welfare we deserve!"

"In this home, what other benefits can you say? Don't starve you, be merciful!"

"As today's homeowner is a generation that is not as good as a generation, really is -"

"You still have to say a few words. If this is said, you are --" "middle-aged women interrupted him, and his expression was still indifferent, and he seemed to get used to it."

"Hey--" The middle-aged man snorted, "I certainly understand their minds. Are they not thinking about playing the game now? Now they control our welfare, that is, we want to grab everyone in the future." The resources, their means I have long been clear!"

"-" "Middle-aged women have lowered their heads and stopped talking to each other."

"This house will be scattered sooner or later. It will be destroyed sooner or later. If you have a life, you can survive by yourself. If you want to eat yourself, you don't have to be trapped here. You have to look at other people's meals." The look is really alive and worse than a dog!"

"do not talk--"

The voice of middle-aged women is getting smaller and smaller, and the tone is full of helplessness. "If you don't want to get the end of the eleven elders, don't say more. You don't think about it for yourself, but also think about a few children. No matter what, there are a few people in the family, if so--"

"What if?"

The middle-aged man is ridiculously ridiculed. "One word is 'dead'. Now I am not afraid of death. I am afraid that I will not be able to say a few gossips. They will kill me and they will start. It's a big deal for our family to go to Huangquan. What is terrible!"


Hearing here, Cheng Hao never listened again. It was just a pair of numbness, only the complaining couples. This kind of person will only say a few words in the back. If it is really called them to resist, absolutely not dare!

After leaving this small yard, Mo Xuanzun couldn't help but sigh and said: "Chengfu, it should be gone, hey, I believe that if you move your hands, I believe that many people here will definitely applaud. !"

"What about that? Counting the dishes, do you think they are really innocent people? If they have family in their hearts, they will never pick up the butcher knife to their loved ones, and the people who live in this house are all in their hearts." The guy who benefits, isn't that the man's words, did you hear it clearly?"


"Their elders now control the welfare of these people, just to deepen their desire for resources. When they are directed at us, there are only two words in their minds, that is resources, forcing them to forget what they have." Only a little conscience, become cold and ruthless, can get the resources they want, even if it is to kill our family, they do not hesitate, can't wait to kill us with the fastest speed, in order to get more Resources!"

Cheng Hao smiled coldly, but she did not miss the most crucial point.

Mo Xuanzun thought for a moment and nodded silently. He naturally understood the meaning of the person just now.

It can be said that the entire Chengfu has been assimilated. Unconsciously, it has long been a common stream, but it is just a matter of self-consciousness.

What's more, the people just now, no matter how complained and angry, he is only angry for his own interests, not for the sake of what is right or wrong, not for what kind of grievances are clear, such people are also selfish, and there is nothing. Worth poor!

Next, the two used the space to go around and found nothing. Even if the Cheng family's ancestral hall had gone in, they found no abnormalities.

However, Cheng Hao is full of all kinds of spiritual positions, these ancestors are all things that are not used by ghosts. They are smouldering by outsiders, and they will not show their spirits. Under one breath, they will take out the fly swatter and smash dozens of them. All the spirits are sweeping, not worthy of worship by future generations!

Fortunately, Mo Xuanzun was bounded, the entire ancestral hall was destroyed, and no one was alarmed.

"Little master, grandfather, is there really no place to go?" Seeing the past is an hour, no gains, Xiao Yuteng began to be impatient!

"The whole process of the palace is almost gone. We are going to the east now. The so-called grand elders are forbidden to see if this old guy is in that place. He hides what is not seen, even no matter who went there. He killed it, it should be weird! "Cheng Wei whispered.

"Hey, are you saying that?"

Suddenly, Mo Xuanzun's eyes brightened a few points and looked straight at the people in front of him.

Without talking, Cheng Hao can understand the meaning of his words, and horrified: "You mean, the forbidden land of the elders, may be under house arrest of my grandmother?"

"I think it is possible!"

"So, let's go and see!" Xiao Yuteng heard the conversation between the two, and it drove the space straight to the east!

Xiao Yuteng is more anxious than the two. In the blink of an eye, it appears in the forbidden area in the far east. This place is much more concealed than other places, and it is a bit weird. It seems to be a place where no one lives. There are many weeds everywhere, and the environment here is a bit desolate and quiet.

Although the space passed by in this emptiness, they all felt the anomaly here, and they couldn't help but look at each other. Soon, in the corner, there was actually a pavilion. At this time, there was a light inside the pavilion.

Someone inside!

The two immediately released their perceptions. Immediately afterwards, the two men changed their minds and looked at each other again. Mo Xuanzun couldn't help but say: "Oh, it seems, here is really -"

"It should be!" Cheng Hao said nothing. The people inside are male or female. You don't have to look at it. You can feel it directly.

The entire pavilion, there is only a woman's breath, enough to explain their guess, Xiao Yuteng surprisedly called: "Wow, this woman, really beautiful -"

As Xiao Yuteng whispered, Cheng Hao also saw the woman sitting in the bedroom.

She seems to be only in her thirties. The beauty, the brilliance, the gesture is simply unparalleled. Even if it is a glance, Cheng Hao can see that this woman will never lose to her mother or Madame Gong.

Just her face, Cheng Hao directly dare to be sure that she is her grandmother, Fang Shuyun!

Sure enough, there is no death!

Moreover, she is still at Cheng!

As far as she is concerned, she is absolutely related to the elders. Then, what grandma's so-called lyrics were also the ghosts of the elders, why did he target grandmothers? And set this up, why?

Cheng Hao stared at the person in front of the wood, and raised various questions in his heart. It was really unreasonable. What is going on!

"Little master, she is very wrong, like a person without a soul!" Xiao Yuteng stared at the outside person for a while, said.

Cheng Hao's expression was serious and said: "It should be controlled by people!"

"Hey, Grandma and the Great Elders--" Mo Xuanzun is somewhat difficult to tell, and he can see what problems he thinks!

"There must be an insider. I believe that Grandma is not willing. She now looks like a puppet, and there is no soul in the dead."

"-" "Mo Xuanzun nodded. With his eyesight, it is natural to see that this grandmother was hit hard and has been self-styled and has no sense of insight!"

Xiao Yuteng asked: "Small Lord, are we going out to see her, or are she taking her into the space?"

"The elders haven't found it yet. If you go out, I'm afraid I can't say anything more. I don't know if she can recognize me. It's better to enter the space and talk more conveniently!" Cheng Hao thought for a moment. Road.

"Okay, I will take her in!" Xiao Yuteng nodded and immediately yelled at the people outside: "Put up -"

The next moment, the person sitting in the chair disappeared!

Cheng Hao looked at the people who appeared in the space in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel nervous and did not go.

Fang Shuyun, the sluggish scorpion slowly moved, and she seemed to find that she was not in the original place, slowly turning her eyes, but her expression did not change much.

Always paying attention to her two men and one elf, they all stared at her with some expectation, I don't know what she will do.

For a long time, Fang Shuyun's gaze finally fell on the eyes of two elves, she only looked at Mo Xuanzun and Xiao Yuteng, and finally, she looked at Cheng Hao.

The two looked at each other silently, and no one spoke. They seemed to know who the other person was, but did not say hello.

After a while, Cheng Hao walked over to her, stood three steps away from her, and whispered, "Do you remember the past?"

"You, you are -"

Fang Shuyun slowly opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse. It seemed to be a long time. People who had not spoken for a long time, her expression did not change, just looking at Cheng Hao's eyes, a little more emotion.

Cheng Xiao smiled at her, Cheng Hao introduced himself: "My name is Cheng Hao, you should not know me, but you must know me, I will call Cheng Biyuan, if I have not guessed wrong, you are My grandma, Fang Shuyun, right?"

"You, you are, Bi Yuan, you are Bier's -"

Trying to speak, Fang Shuyun seems to be unable to express the words in his heart. She just said a few words in her eyes is full of tears!

"Yes, I am your granddaughter, Cheng Biyuan is just like me!" Cheng Hao said, and went forward, reaching out and holding the grandmother who kept shaking!

She did not refuse Cheng Hao's touch, Cheng Hao also breathed a sigh of relief, comforting her: "Grandma, you are sad, we are all very good, you can see it soon!"

"Original, my original child -"

Fang Shuyun tears like a rain, his mouth muttered to himself, yelling at his son, Cheng Hao from her words, heard the deep thoughts of his father.

The heart seems to be slammed by one hand, making her feel difficult to breathe, and clearly understand the pain of this heartbreaking.

"Grandma, I will send you to rest for a while, and you will soon see you!" Although there are many questions in my heart that I want to ask, I don't know how to do it. At this moment, my grandmother can't say anything to herself.

Fang Shuyun, who still lost his soul, seems to have accepted this granddaughter of her own. She lost her tears and she followed her unconsciously.

Mo Xuanzun did not follow the past, he was afraid that he was scared to the elder who was not sober.

After entering the villa, Cheng Hao sent her grandmother into the room on the second floor. In front of the person who could not stop the tears, she felt that she had some headaches and I didn't know what to do.

People are here, but the situation is not right now. If the father knows, it will definitely be anxious.

Xiao Yuteng appeared, and this little hand was facing Shu Fang, and she burst into tears and suddenly passed out.

"Little Yuteng, what are you doing?"

While asking, Cheng Hao gently moved the grandmother who fell on the bed to let her lay down!

"Little master, she has no control ability at the moment, and she also needs treatment. It is not a way for you to keep crying like this. So, let me take a break!"

"Treatment? Do you have a way?" Cheng Hao looked at him and asked.

"This is a small problem. Of course, it can be treated. However, she still needs time to recuperate. It will not be cured in a moment!"

"Nothing, as long as you can cure your grandmother!"

"Good!" Xiao Yuteng promised to go down and then asked: "Little Lord, are we going back now?"

"Go back?" Cheng Yan blinked. "It seems that we haven't seen the so-called big elders. Can we see if we can find him? Even if we can't kill him right away, let's go to the process house, etc. At a time, we have to leave a commemoration for them."


Xiao Yuteng nodded. At this moment, this little face showed excitement and said: "Little master, are we going to rob them? They must have collected a lot of treasures, little masters, let's wait for them. The treasure house has been moved, okay?"

"You want to copy home -"

Xiao Yuteng's suggestion is that Cheng Hao feels very unexpected. I didn't think about it. This little guy made this idea.

"Of course, of course!" Xiao Yuteng's small head of melon seeds kept on, and the smile could be stunned: "Little master, you are also a good name. It is a good thing. You have something that belongs to you. They don't want to give it to you. We will Go to move yourself, you said it is good!"

"Hey, you girl!"

Cheng Hao shook his head, neither objecting nor supporting. She took out her handkerchief, wiped the tears on her grandmother's face, pulled the quilt to help her cover it, and then went out: "Go, let's go see The situation of Chengfu!"

"Yes, little master!"

One person, one elf, walked out of the villa, and saw the person waiting for her. Mo Xuanzun greeted him and asked softly: "How? Is the situation of Grandma very bad?"

"I haven't helped my grandmother for the time being. When we leave Chengfu, Xiao Yuteng will help my grandmother cure!" Cheng Hao explained.

"That's good!" Mo Xuanzun's slightly lifted heart, it will be put down!

"Let's turn again. Xiao Yuteng said that she should be a female bandit and rob the treasure house of others!"

"Hey!" Mo Xuanzun snorted and looked up at Xiao Yuteng. "Good, Xiao Yuteng, I support you!"

"Of course, my grandfather, we have to take everything away and let them become nothing!" Xiao Yuteng is proud of the earth.

Cheng Hao turned his eyes blankly and said: "Would you like to put another fire? This is called the policy of burning light and robbing light!"

"Okay, okay, wait a minute before we go, put a fire again, surely let them have no way to sleep tonight!"

Xiao Yuteng is happy to dance and act directly.

Look at her like this, Cheng Hao is too lazy to say anything more. If you continue, Xiao Yuteng will implement the Sanguang policy. At that time, it is really a big leash.

"Oh, Xiao Yuteng, it is really amazing!" Mo Xuanzun smiled.

"Of course!" The arrogant little jade vine is even more impressive.

With their dialogue, the space began to wander around in Chengfu, and unconsciously went to several pavilions in the main house.

This is where the home owner Cheng Yutang lives with his son Cheng Bihua.

Just entering this film, Mo Xuanzun immediately felt the difference here.

"Hey, there is a martial arts enchantment here. It seems that the elders are here!" Mo Xuanzun reminded.

Cheng Hao is also a Wu Emperor. She immediately feels the enchantment of the Emperor Wu, and includes the first road: "Yes, except that this elder is the Emperor Wu, there is no master of the Emperor, he should be Here it is!"

"Xiao Yuteng, can you cross his enchantment?" Turned his head and asked Xiao Yuteng.

"Little master, no problem, the enchantment of the district's Wuhuang, even if it is the enchantment of the Emperor Wu, our space can be unimpeded!"

"Come on, let's go, let's see what he is doing!"

"it is good!"

The two instantly felt the space sway a little, and then came the voice of the conversation inside the house.

"How did you retreat for two months? Are you going to bed?"

"I will eat the gas of Dan, I don't know why there is no breakthrough!"

"It's useless to eat, mainly whether you have cultivated!"

"Yes, I have practice!"

From the dialogue between the two, I heard that the two are not the same age!

Sure enough, when space appeared at their window, Cheng Hao immediately saw the two people in front of him. Needless to say, this older guy is the elder of Cheng Jiada, who is a surname, the white eye raised by the ancestors of Cheng's family. Wolf.

Mo Xuanzun was also looking at the two people in front of him. He looked at it and showed a surprised expression. He said, "Hey, do you think that they are similar?"

"Similar? No -"

What Cheng Haogang wants to say, seeing the two faces in front of him, there are indeed three or four points similar. If they are separated, maybe it's not like it. Now there are only two people. It seems very obvious between the eyebrows. .

I have not heard that the elders have sons, how can there be young people like him!

Although the young man seems to be close to thirty or so, Cheng Hao does not know him, and he does not know what his name is.