
Transmigration: Giving The Second Male Lead All The Love I Have.

Liu Yi has always love reading romance novels since she was young, now at the age of twenty, her love for romance novel has never reduced but instead increase to the point she wondered if spending all her day reading novel is one of the reason for her single life. Liu Yi has read a lot of novels in her twenty years of living but has never been able to let go of her newest obsession, she has read the novel more times she can count and still ended up crying at the end. She felt sorry for the second male lead who did not receive any love from any of his family members except from his grandfather and the woman he ended up liking only had eyes for the male lead. What hurted Liu Yi the most was when the second male lead gave his kidney to the female lead despite his heart condition and got a wedding invitation to her wedding with the male lead in return. Liu Yi hated the author of the book and hated the female lead, she knew it was just a book but for some reason she just couldn't move on from it, she felt like what happened to the second male lead was unfair and wished she could do something to change his unfair fate, those were her thoughts as her eyes became heavy with sleep. Liu Yi opened her eyes when she heard someone called her little miss and was surprised to see that she was not only in the body of a ten years old but she was in the novel, in the same world as the second male lead. Knowing that filled her heart with joy, no one might have loved the second male lead but she will, she was going to give the second male lead all the love she has, but the only problem is, she was not only in the body of a ten years old who turned out to be the female lead half sister but also, didn't the female lead half sister died at the age of eighteen? Worst part is, the author never stated who or what exactly killed her.

Rosepetals456 · Urban
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187 Chs

I Don't Date Kids.

Fu Mingze who just came out of a two hours meeting checked his watch and saw that the time was already six, he wondered if that girl was still reading in his office. He opened the door to his office and saw her sleeping on her books, he walked closer to her and smile subconsciously when he saw her drooling on her books. He arranged her hair that was falling to her eyes but immediately froze when she opened her eyes, they both look at each other for a few seconds before Fu Mingze step away from her and said coldly "If you are unable to study for just five hours, how do you think you can get in? Or does your confidence come from the fact that your mother is a board member in the university?"

"What?" Yang Meiyi asked confusedly, she just took a short break so why was she getting scolded?

"Even if your mother gets you into the university, if your grades are poor, you will be withdrawn from the institution." Fu Mingze said.

"If I was depending solely on my mother then I wouldn't be studying?"

"Then you should be studying harder rather than sleeping and drooling on your books."

Drooling? When did she drool? Meiyi asked herself when she noticed the spit on her book, she immediately clean her mouth and wanted to hide herself in embarrassment and to make matters worse the loud growling of her stomach was heard in the quiet office.

Fu Mingze hid his amusement when he saw how red her cheek have become and said "I will asked Xia Lian to send you home."

"Let's go on a date, I'm sure you haven't eaten." Yang Meiyi said as she stood up from her chair.

"Are you asking me out?" Fu Mingze asked with an amused tone.

"Yes." Yang Meiyi replied confidently.

Fu Mingze held his desire to laughed and said "You couldn't even pay the cab driver and now you think you can afford taking me on a date?"

Yang Meiyi felt so embarrassed when he said that, how could she be so stupid to forget her wallet? She looked at Fu Mingze and said "Then you take me out on a date."

"I don't date kids."

"But I'm not a kid." Yang Meiyi defended and when Fu Mingze raised a brow at her, she continued "I'm seventeen and every soon I will be an adult."

"Until then, you are still a kid."

"So does that mean you will allow me to date you when I become eighteen?"

"I never said that and it's getting late, you should go home."

Yang Meiyi shook her head and said "No."

Fu Mingze frowned and asked "No? Do you plan to sleep here?"

"I won't leave until I have seen you eaten, I know you just took over the Fu group and you are very busy but still you shouldn't neglect your health and have you even be taking your medicine?"

Fu Mingze massage his forehead with a sighed and said "Let's go" he walked out without saying anything more to her.

Yang Meiyi smiled and immediately gathered her things to follow him.


Fu Mingze stopped his car in front of a huge restaurant and said to the young girl on the passenger seat "Get out."

As they both came out of the car, Fu Mingze handed his car keys to the parking valet and entered the restaurant where they were both directed to a table for two.

Fu Mingze gave Yang Meiyi the menu and said "Order whatever you want."

Yang Meiyi took the menu with a smile and when the waiter came to take their order she said "Pasta with lot of beef."

The waiter wrote it down and turned to Fu Mingze to ask what he wanted "Get me the same thing she asked for and a bottle of white wine for me, you can get a glass of juice for her."

"I also want a bottle of wine." Yang Meiyi said.

The waiter turned to Fu Mingze with a conflicted look and nodded when he said "I'm the one paying and she is underage."

After the waiter left, Fu Mingze asked "Why do you want to go to Suwei University?"

"Because you went there and besides if I were to go to a lesser school than Yang Jia, those mouthy old women would surely make fun of my mom."

Just then, the waiter came in with their food while another placed their drink in front of them.

"Thank you." Yang Meiyi said and immediately began eating as if she have not eaten for days.

Fu Mingze was surprised at the way she ate and suddenly smiled "You know the food isn't running away. Were you that hungry?"

Yang Meiyi swallow the food in her mouth and drank her glass of juice before saying "Of course, I'm very hungry. I haven't eaten anything except for an apple and that was early in the morning."

Fu Mingze chuckled and grabbed a napkin, he stretch his hand forward to clean her mouth and said "With the way you eat, no one can tell you are from a rich family."

"And with the way you treat me, you make it impossible for me to fall out of love with you."

Fu Mingze looked at Yang Meiyi and asked "Do you want to fall out of love with me?"


Fu Mingze put the used napkin aside and pour his wine in a glass before saying "Then I don't think we have a problem."

Yang Meiyi felt as if her heart was going to burst in excitement, his words must mean that he didn't want her to stop loving him, it means that he was definitely going to reciprocate her love someday. She looked at his untouched food and said "You have to eat."

Fu Mingze smiled at her statement and began eating. Being with Yang Meiyi had always bought a certain warmth to his heart and though he had thought that keeping distance from her would be the best, but having dinner with her right at this moment made him to realize that he had missed her.