
Transmigration: Giving The Second Male Lead All The Love I Have.

Liu Yi has always love reading romance novels since she was young, now at the age of twenty, her love for romance novel has never reduced but instead increase to the point she wondered if spending all her day reading novel is one of the reason for her single life. Liu Yi has read a lot of novels in her twenty years of living but has never been able to let go of her newest obsession, she has read the novel more times she can count and still ended up crying at the end. She felt sorry for the second male lead who did not receive any love from any of his family members except from his grandfather and the woman he ended up liking only had eyes for the male lead. What hurted Liu Yi the most was when the second male lead gave his kidney to the female lead despite his heart condition and got a wedding invitation to her wedding with the male lead in return. Liu Yi hated the author of the book and hated the female lead, she knew it was just a book but for some reason she just couldn't move on from it, she felt like what happened to the second male lead was unfair and wished she could do something to change his unfair fate, those were her thoughts as her eyes became heavy with sleep. Liu Yi opened her eyes when she heard someone called her little miss and was surprised to see that she was not only in the body of a ten years old but she was in the novel, in the same world as the second male lead. Knowing that filled her heart with joy, no one might have loved the second male lead but she will, she was going to give the second male lead all the love she has, but the only problem is, she was not only in the body of a ten years old who turned out to be the female lead half sister but also, didn't the female lead half sister died at the age of eighteen? Worst part is, the author never stated who or what exactly killed her.

Rosepetals456 · Urban
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187 Chs

I Fell In Love With Him While Reading A Book.

Few months has passed away and Suwei University entrance exam is now a week away, not only that, but Fu Mingze footing in the Fu group has not only become stronger but he has become one of the strongest and most feared businessmen within just few months of taking over the Fu group.

Sang Xiu knocked on the door of her daughter room and when she heard the permission to come in, she opened the door and saw her daughter studying, she placed the glass of milk she bought for Meiyi on the table and said "You have been studying since morning, don't you want to take your break?"

Yang Meiyi shook her head without looking at her mother and said "I have to study harder if I want to pass the entrance exam and besides I have to see Fu Mingze tonight and he will ask me questions on what I have study today, if I don't answer correctly, then he won't speak to me. Last time I failed to answer, he didn't speak to me for a week, asking me to focus more on my books."

Sang Xiu sighed and sat on the bed and said "You and Fu Mingze have become closer during these months and I see he has positive effect on you but I still get worried that you will get your heart broken in the end."

Yang Meiyi stopped what she was doing when she heard her mother words and turned to looked at her and said "You are getting worried for nothing. For now, Fu Mingze only sees me as a kid, he doesn't spare a chance to remind me that I'm just seventeen and you don't have to worry about me getting my heart broken, I love spending time with him and as long as he is happy then so am i."

Sang Xiu looked at her daughter smiling face and suddenly asked "Why do you love him? I remember that you were just ten years old when you declared your love for him and since then it has only been him, I'm just curious on how and why you love Fu Mingze so much?"

"I fell in love with him while reading a book."

"A book?"

Yang Meiyi smiled and nodded "At that moment, I decided that if given the opportunity I will love him with all my heart."

Sang Xiu couldn't understand what her daughter was saying, how could she have fallen in love with Fu Mingze over a book, that doesn't even make sense. She decided to ignored Yang Meiyi statement and said "If you are going out with Fu Mingze ensure he brings you home before ten."

"Yes Mom."

Sang Xiu smiled and kissed her daughter cheek before leaving the room.

As soon as her mother left, Yang Meiyi immediately bought out her phone and called Fu Mingze, she smiled when the call went through and heard his husky voice asking "Aren't you supposed to be studying?"

"I was studying but then I started feeling unwell." Yang Meiyi said in a pitiful voice.

Fu Mingze who was dinning with some businessmen excused himself when he held about Meiyi complaints and asked "Is it serious? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Yang Meiyi smiled when she heard how worried he was and said "No, I'm feeling better now. It turned out that the reason for me feeling unwell was because i missed you and hearing your voice has made me feel slightly better."

"Why slightly?" Fu Mingze asked amusedly

"Because only by seeing you will I be completely better."

Fu Mingze held his desire to laughed and just smiled when he asked "Were you these way with your boyfriends?"

"Boyfriends? Of course not. I have never had a boyfriend."


"Because I could only think about you. Whenever a guy ask me out, I always find myself comparing them to you, at this rate if you keep refusing me then my mother will have to get me married through an arranged marriage."

Fu Mingze finally let out a chuckle and said "An arrange marriage for you sounds awful."

"Indeed it does but it will be the only choice I have left if a certain guy doesn't agree to be my boyfriend even after I turned eighteen."

"There is nothing special about me Meiyi, I assure you that there are a lot of guys who are better than me, guys who are at the same age with you and who are more healthier."

"But Meiyi heart only wants Fu Mingze."

After hearing her words, Fu Mingze could swear he felt his heart skip a beat, he took in a deep breath and did not expect his voice to come out as a whispered when he said "I want to see you."

Yang Meiyi couldn't stop the blush that crept on her cheek as she heard his voice, she smiled and said "Just tell me where you are and I will go to you."

Fu Mingze chuckled and said "I having a business lunch. After I'm done, I will go to you."

"A business lunch sounds boring."

"It is boring." Fu Mingze admitted with a smile. "Your entrance exam is a week away, come with your books, I need to see how far you have read."

"Yes teacher Fu, with your help I have no doubt that I can get into Suwei University." Yang Meiyi said with a teasing smile.

Fu Mingze smiled and said "I have to go, I will call you later."

"I love you." Yang Meiyi said with a bright smile.

Fu Mingze held his phone tightly when he heard her confession and said "I will see you later, bye." He ended the call and bought the phone to his chest as he said to himself 'I told her to stop saying that randomly.'

"Mr Fu, we need you inside." A man dressed in suit said. He was one of the business men Fu Mingze was dinning with.

Fu Mingze nodded and said "Let's go."