
Transmigration: Giving The Second Male Lead All The Love I Have.

Liu Yi has always love reading romance novels since she was young, now at the age of twenty, her love for romance novel has never reduced but instead increase to the point she wondered if spending all her day reading novel is one of the reason for her single life. Liu Yi has read a lot of novels in her twenty years of living but has never been able to let go of her newest obsession, she has read the novel more times she can count and still ended up crying at the end. She felt sorry for the second male lead who did not receive any love from any of his family members except from his grandfather and the woman he ended up liking only had eyes for the male lead. What hurted Liu Yi the most was when the second male lead gave his kidney to the female lead despite his heart condition and got a wedding invitation to her wedding with the male lead in return. Liu Yi hated the author of the book and hated the female lead, she knew it was just a book but for some reason she just couldn't move on from it, she felt like what happened to the second male lead was unfair and wished she could do something to change his unfair fate, those were her thoughts as her eyes became heavy with sleep. Liu Yi opened her eyes when she heard someone called her little miss and was surprised to see that she was not only in the body of a ten years old but she was in the novel, in the same world as the second male lead. Knowing that filled her heart with joy, no one might have loved the second male lead but she will, she was going to give the second male lead all the love she has, but the only problem is, she was not only in the body of a ten years old who turned out to be the female lead half sister but also, didn't the female lead half sister died at the age of eighteen? Worst part is, the author never stated who or what exactly killed her.

Rosepetals456 · Urban
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187 Chs

Can Only Concentrate When You Are By My Side.

Yang Meiyi woke up with a smile because she knew today was going to be the start of her love journey with Fu Mingze. She quickly washed up and put all her books in her bag and went downstairs.

"Come have breakfast." Sang Xiu said immediately she saw her daughter.

Yang Meiyi grabbed an apple and said "I can't, I'm already late. I will just buy something when I get to school."


Yang Meiyi kissed her mother on the cheek and said "Bye and don't bother asking the driver to pick me up, i will come back on my own."

Before Sang Xiu could say anything Yang Meiyi already ran out of the living room.


Fu Group.

"Your first week here and you already caused havok." Bai Jian said with a sinister smile.

"What do you want? I'm very busy." Fu Mingze replied coldly.

"Have you heard anything from Ye Qingyi?"

"Why? Isn't she still in the states?" Fu Mingze asked with a raised brow.

"She called me recently and complained of you not answering her calls." Bai Jian said.

"I've been busy."

"Busy enough to ignored your cousin antics, why do you tolerate him so much?"

"Because he behaves like a child." Fu Mingze replied with a shrugged.

"He is older than you."

"In age but not in brain, his brain is still developing. The best way to deal with a child tantrum is by ignoring him, he will surely get tired sooner than later."

Bai Jian laughed softly and replied "I will like to see you as a father. By the way I need you to pick my mom from the airport tomorrow."

Fu Mingze frowned and asked "Why should I do that?"

"Because I have something urgent to take care of and besides I'm sure she will prefer to see your face instead of mine."

Fu Mingze looked at his childhood friend in silence before saying "Send me the time and the name of the airport." Just then his phone rang, he frowned when he saw that it was Yang Meiyi calling and ignored the call.

"Who is calling you?" Bai Jian asked in curiosity

"Nobody." Fu Mingze replied coldly.

After the call ended, his phone rang again and this time he chose to just let it ring.

Bai Jian suddenly smiled and said "I know that look."

"What look?"

"That look of helplessness, I guess the kid hasn't gotten rid of her infatuation with you."

"Mind your business." Fu Mingze replied coldly.


Immeduately she closed from her school Yang Meiyi took a cab to Fu group and realized she forgot her purse, now she was standing outside the company with no way to pay the angry looking cab driver and to worsen it, Fu Mingze wasn't answering her call. She literally wanted to cry.

"Little miss, you have wasted my time long enough, if you can't pay with money then maybe you can pay with something else." The cab driver said while looking at her lustfully.

Yang Meiyi frowned and was about to respond when a deep voice asked "How much does she owe?"

Meiyi turned and saw Fu Mingze looking at the cab driver coldly, she hid her excitement and gave the cab driver a smug look.

The cab driver looked at Fu Mingze and said "Two hundred yuan."

"Two hundred!" Yang Meiyi shouted, this man was a thief, she looked at Fu Mingze and said "I don't owe him that much, he is obviously lying."

Fu Mingze took out his wallet and threw five hundred yuan at the cab driver. He held Yang Meiyi wrist and said "Get lost."

At that moment, Yang Meiyi felt he looked so cool, she let him dragged her to the elevator and when the elevator closed, he immediately let go of her and asked "What are you doing here?"

Yang Meiyi held her school bag and pouted her lips as she said "The college exams are starting soon and I need somewhere to concentrate and I just promise my mom that I would get the highest score in Suwei University entrance exam."

"How does that concerns me?" Fu Mingze asked with a frown.

"I can only concentrate when you are by my side."

"Meiyi." One could hear the helplessness in his voice.

"I promise I won't disturb your work, I only want to be beside you as I study, it's the only way I can focus." Yang Meiyi said without looking at him.

Fu Mingze took in a deep breath, he took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number, when the call went through he said "Prepare a chair and table in my office." He ended the call and saw Yang Meiyi looking at him with a smile and said "Don't smile, you are only staying for a week and then you are leaving. I don't want that old man nagging me."

Yang Meiyi nodded, she didn't want to push it. When the elevator opened, she followed him to his office and was amazed by how big it was. It even had a couch, a bedroom and even a bathroom, she looked at Fu Mingze and asked "Do you sleep here?"

"That's none of your business. Since you are here to study then do that and as long as you are here, you will study for five hours with no break. Xia Lian will take you home once the five hours are up. Got it?"

Yang Meiyi looked at Fu Mingze for a few seconds before nodding her head and just then there was a knock on the door,and after Fu Mingze have given permission to enter, a bulky man came in while holding a chair and follow by another man holding a table.

Yang Meiyi watched as Fu Mingze directed them to where they would set it and after the men left, Fu Mingze said "Sit there and study without disturbing me. All you have is five hours and then you are going home."

"Yes sir." Yang Meiyi said with a smile.

Fu Mingze looked at the smile in Yang Meiyi face and sighed, he just went back to his chair without saying anything.

Yang Meiyi on the other end, sat on the chair that has been prepared for her and bought out her books, the smile on her face never left even as she began studying.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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