
Transmigrating Multiple Times to the Naruto World

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Kai as he immerses himself in the enchanting realm of Naruto. Adopting the guise of one character while wielding the remarkable powers of another, Kai's presence promises to reshape the narrative in unprecedented ways. Prepare to be captivated as you observe the profound impact of this unique fusion on the unfolding events.

MarSus · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The Following Days

The following morning, Kai woke up with a refreshed feeling. He glanced at his bank balance, seeing $1000 there, and a small smile formed on his face. He decided to head to the central business district of Emerald City, where the lively atmosphere always brought a sense of excitement.

At the bank, he initiated a transfer of $500 to another account, adding a note that read, "Enjoy some good eats!". It was unknown who this was for at this moment.

The bustling streets were as lively as ever, with people going about their daily activities. Kai strolled around, taking in the sights and sounds. He decided not to contact Kevin for the day, opting instead to have a leisurely time on his own. He treated himself to some delicious snacks, indulged in a computer game at a local cafe, and eventually made his way back home, wrapping up his day with a sense of contentment.

In the days that followed, Kai was determined to establish a more stable life for himself. He realized that despite the benefits of the simulation, the unpredictable passage of time within it made it unreliable as a sole source of income.

He actively looked for job opportunities, considering various options. One day, a brochure caught his eye. It advertised a martial arts tournament, which piqued his interest. He wondered whether his experiences in the simulation had translated into real-world skills.

Unlike the usual "Dreamer" simulations that didn't allow for skill transfer, Kai was an exception due to his unique circumstances. He had truly lived and learned within the simulated world, gaining genuine abilities. This gave him an edge that others didn't possess.

Curious, Kai decided to explore this avenue. He visited a Karate dojo where a black belt instructor greeted him, offering enrollment in their classes. Politely declining, Kai instead asked if he could engage in a friendly sparring session to gauge his abilities.

The instructor considered the unusual request and agreed to spar with Kai as he was being polite. Kai nodded, changed into appropriate attire, and aligned himself with the dojo's atmosphere. With both participants ready, they stepped onto the mat to begin the friendly match.

The instructor showcased his true expertise as a black belt in Karate, delivering precise kicks and punches that exemplified his skill level. However, Kai displayed impressive defensive maneuvers, adeptly blocking and evading the attacks.

In a surprising turn, Kai launched a counter-attack that caught the instructor off-guard, momentarily unsettling his balance. The instructor was genuinely impressed by Kai's performance, and Kai himself was amazed by his newfound abilities.

With a grin, the instructor commented, "You're no novice either. You must be a black belt as well."

Kai chuckled at the instructor's response and changed back into his regular attire. As he was about to leave, the instructor had a suggestion, "Hey, if you're up for it, you might want to consider entering this competition. It could be a great way to test your skills."

The brochure was titled "The Battle of the Black Belts" and contained all the necessary details. However, what truly caught Kai's attention was the enticing prize money of $10,000 for the first-place winner. Given his financial situation, this seemed like a golden opportunity.

Curious and intrigued, Kai asked the instructor, "By the way, what's your name?"

The instructor introduced himself as "Tyson." With a nod of appreciation, Kai thanked Tyson and exited the dojo. As he read through the brochure, he realized the tournament was scheduled in just three days. Kai's anticipation grew as he decided to participate and take on the challenge.




Three days flew by, and Kai dedicated this time to refining his newfound skills. He hit the gym, worked on his techniques, and mentally prepared for the upcoming tournament.

As the day of the competition arrived, Kai made his way to the venue. The sight of the other participants might have seemed intimidating to some, but after facing Shinobis in his previous adventures, this was a walk in the park for Kai.

Among the crowd, he spotted Tyson, his dojo instructor, and they exchanged greetings. Engaged in friendly conversation, they walked over to the registration table together. There, they were informed of the $200 registration fee. Kai hesitated for a moment, but reluctantly paid the fee.

As they strolled together, awaiting their turn, the announcement came for Tyson's match. His opponent was undoubtedly formidable, and Tyson's valiant efforts were met with a swift roundhouse kick, leading to his defeat.

Kai quickly rushed to Tyson's side, and much to his surprise, even the victor offered a hand to help Tyson up. It was a display of sportsmanship that warmed Kai's heart. With Tyson's encouragement, Kai then stepped onto the stage as his own match was called.

The nervousness was clear as Kai faced his opponent. Yet, as if a switch had been flipped, an unexpected calm washed over him. It was almost as if the essence of Madara Uchiha's strength still lingered within him. With newfound confidence, Kai executed a simple but effective side kick, and in an instant, the round was over, declaring his victory. The crowd erupted into cheers, and even Tyson gave him a thumbs-up from the sidelines.

Kai advanced through the rounds, each victory fueling his determination. Before he knew it, he found himself in the final match, facing an unexpected opponent - none other than Tyson's previous adversary. A sense of camaraderie tinged with competition hung in the air as they exchanged nods of mutual respect and understanding, ready to give it their all.

With the crowd's eager cheers as their backdrop, the two combatants squared off, displaying impressive stances and poised determination. The fight began, a dance of swift movements and powerful strikes. Their kicks and punches flowed seamlessly, showcasing their years of training and expertise, or at least, Kai's opponent experiences.

Kai deftly blocked a high kick, countering with a lightning-fast punch that forced his opponent to step back. The foe retaliated with a swift roundhouse kick, but Kai's instincts kicked in as he ducked under the attack, delivering a precise low kick that swept his adversary off balance.

The battle raged on, both fighters demonstrating their impressive skill and technique. It was a true spectacle of martial arts prowess, and the crowd was enthralled by the display of athleticism and precision. Kai and his opponent exchanged blows, each landing their strikes with calculated grace.

As the final moments of the match approached, Kai summoned his focus and unleashed a series of rapid strikes, finishing with a powerful spinning kick that caught his opponent off guard. With a resounding thud, his opponent hit the mat, and the referee's count began.

"One! Two! Three!"

The crowd held its collective breath as the count continued, but Kai's adversary managed to muster the strength to rise, narrowly beating the count. Both competitors were visibly fatigued, their determination unwavering.

With seconds left on the clock, Kai's opponent lunged forward with a final desperate strike, aiming for Kai's head. In a split second, Kai instinctively sidestepped and countered, delivering a well-placed punch that connected cleanly. The buzzer sounded, marking the end of the match.

The arena erupted in cheers and applause as Kai stood victorious, his opponent offering a gracious nod of acknowledgment. Both fighters were spent, but the camaraderie between them was evident. They exchanged a respectful handshake before raising each other's arms in a gesture of mutual respect, showcasing the true spirit of sportsmanship.

Kai was the champion of the "Battle of the Black Belts,".