
Transmigrating Multiple Times to the Naruto World

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Kai as he immerses himself in the enchanting realm of Naruto. Adopting the guise of one character while wielding the remarkable powers of another, Kai's presence promises to reshape the narrative in unprecedented ways. Prepare to be captivated as you observe the profound impact of this unique fusion on the unfolding events.

MarSus · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The Following Days (2)

Kai was truly amazed by the resilience and skill of his opponent, even though he emerged victorious. He hadn't anticipated the challenge would be this formidable, especially considering he had the abilities of Madara at his disposal. Admittedly, he acknowledged that his mastery over Madara's powers was not yet at its peak due to his limited physical capabilities.

However, a murmur began to spread through the crowd as they questioned, "Isn't that Ihsan, the MMA Featherweight challenger?" "How did he end up losing?"

The whispers grew louder, and amidst the noise, Ihsan simply grinned at Kai, reassuring him to ignore the gossip. Kai quickly realized that this could potentially become a significant issue. He stepped down from the stage, joined by Ihsan, and they made their way backstage together.

In the backstage area, Ihsan struck up a conversation with Kai. Ihsan's friendly demeanor put Kai at ease, and they began to exchange words.

Ihsan grinned and said, "You're quite the fighter. I didn't expect such a tough challenge."

Kai chuckled, "Likewise. You're an impressive opponent, Ihsan."

Ihsan's smile widened, "Well, I didn't become the featherweight challenger for nothing."

Kai nodded, "I can see why. Your skills are top-notch."

Ihsan's expression turned more serious as he continued, "Don't worry about the whispers from the crowd. People love to speculate and jump to conclusions. The truth is, I've been testing my limits, exploring new techniques. Today, I decided to give it my all against you. It's all about pushing ourselves, right?"

Kai smiled in agreement, "You're right. It's about personal growth and challenging ourselves."

Ihsan extended a hand, "By the way, I'm Ihsan. Nice to meet you."

Kai shook his hand, "I'm Kai. Pleasure's mine."

Ihsan chuckled, "Kai, you've got potential. Keep pushing your limits, and who knows, we might cross paths again someday."

Once they both Greeted farewell, the atmosphere shifted to a more grounded scene. Kai sat in front of a computer, diligently filling in the necessary bank account details to claim his hard-earned prize money. The screen's glow cast a soft illumination across his face as he navigated through the process.

Amidst this mundane task, an unexpected presence disrupted Kai's focus. A portly, elderly man, the very organizer of the tournament, sidled up to him. The man's girth seemed almost at odds with the air of cunning that surrounded him.

"Ah, young champion," the man began, his voice a blend of honeyed persuasion, "may I interest you in a proposition?" He leaned in, a conspiratorial glint in his eye. "Consider staying informed about upcoming tournaments, and perhaps even forging a partnership. Together, we could ascend to great heights of prestige and wealth."

Kai's features remained impassive, his polite smile concealing his true sentiments. He found the man's mannerisms somewhat grating, and his offer raised suspicions. He was hesitant to align himself with someone who exuded such an air of self-interest.

Gently declining the proposition, Kai maintained his distance from the man's schemes. However, he recognized the potential benefits of staying informed about future tournaments, and agreed to provide his contact information for that purpose.

Having navigated the encounter with the oily-tongued organizer, Kai returned to the comfort of his apartment. With a sense of accomplishment, he settled down to rest, the events of the day slowly fading into the backdrop of his thoughts.




In a starkly different setting, Kevin exuded an air of seriousness that contrasted sharply with his demeanor around Kai. His countenance was stern, and his attire exuded an aura of formality and authority. In front of him stood a towering edifice adorned with the inscription "Webnovel Tower." Though waves of employees offered greetings upon his arrival, Kevin's attention remained steadfastly focused, disregarding the pleasantries.

Navigating his way through the expansive interior, he reached the elevators and ascended to the 40th floor. There, a team of engineers stood prepared, awaiting his arrival with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

Entering a well-appointed meeting room, Kevin's demeanor was unmistakably irate. He simmered with frustration over the past few days, a period marked by the absence of any satisfactory explanation for Kai's inexplicable entry into the simulation.

"Mr. Chairman," one of the engineers ventured cautiously, "this occurrence is truly beyond the realm of possibility. We have expended extensive efforts, but an explanation eludes us."

The room was filled with an air of unease as the engineers collectively conveyed their inability to comprehend the anomaly. Kevin, though visibly exasperated, took a moment to collect his thoughts.

"Then provide me with a resolution to this matter," Kevin demanded with an edge of authority in his voice. "How can we prevent such events from occurring in the future? How do I stop this dangerous simulation that has been occurring to Kai?"

The engineers exchanged apprehensive glances, acutely aware of the gravity of the situation. The challenge before them was formidable, and the path to a solution remained uncertain.