
Transmigrating Multiple Times to the Naruto World

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Kai as he immerses himself in the enchanting realm of Naruto. Adopting the guise of one character while wielding the remarkable powers of another, Kai's presence promises to reshape the narrative in unprecedented ways. Prepare to be captivated as you observe the profound impact of this unique fusion on the unfolding events.

MarSus · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Kai's eyes fluttered shut as sleep embraced him, pulling him into a realm of dreams. In this slumber, he found himself in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by a surreal expanse of blue data streams. It was like being inside a digital ocean, a world of endless possibilities.

Yet, this time, Kai had a sense of agency. He wasn't teleported away immediately. With a determined shout, "Settings! Options!" To his surprise, a translucent blue dashboard materialized before him.

Displayed on the screen was a curious message: "Predicted Score: A." Below it were two options, "Temporarily Continue" and "Return to Original World." Kai pondered his choices, his mind racing as he considered his next move.

Almost instinctively, his finger moved toward the "Return to Original World" button, a sense of longing for familiarity tugging at his heart. It was a good Run, but it was time for him to return back to the Real World. He pressed, "Return to The Original World" and shortly after. He was teleported back to reality.

Kai's heart swelled with a mix of emotions as he gazed upon his best friend, Kevin. The familiarity of Kevin's presence brought a sense of comfort and reassurance, anchoring him in the reality he cherished. With a lighthearted chuckle, Kevin remarked, "You're done? It's been barely 5 minutes."

Kai's lips curled into a warm smile, his eyes reflecting the depth of their bond. "Time works in mysterious ways," he mused, a newfound understanding of the simulations' quirks dawning upon him. The concept of time had taken on a different meaning during his experiences, and he couldn't help but find it both amusing and intriguing.

In a moment that spoke volumes without words, Kai enveloped Kevin in a tight embrace, a gesture of friendship that conveyed a sense of shared history and unbreakable camaraderie. "I'm glad to see you, my friend," he confessed, his voice tinged with a mixture of gratitude and relief.

Shortly after, a scene played out on a television screen, showcasing the epic tale that Kai had experienced. The events that had felt like years were condensed into mere minutes for the audience's viewing pleasure.

Kevin's empathetic expression reflected his concern for Kai's ordeal. "Are you okay? It must have been a scary experience!" he remarked, his voice laced with genuine care.

Kai offered a reassuring nod, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'm alright," he replied, his tone carrying a sense of resilience that spoke of his inner strength. The support and understanding he received from Kevin made the weight of his past trials feel a little lighter.

Soon, a display screen materialized before Kai once more, announcing his achievement with an impressive "A" score and a reward of 100,000G, the virtual currency within the system. This time, Kai's decision took a different turn. He chose to preserve his earnings, opting to save them for future endeavours rather than convert them into real-world currency. With a simple command, he uttered the word "store."

In response to his command, the display screen transformed once again, revealing a tantalizing array of items that could prove useful within the simulations. Among them, a particular item caught Kai's attention, resonating deeply with his recent encounter with Madara. It was a pill named "Soul Intact," touted to reduce the risk of possession and enhance resistance against external influences. The price tag of 20,000G was a small price to pay for a safeguard against such harrowing experiences.

Without hesitation, Kai selected the "Soul Intact" pill, a sense of assurance washing over him as he confirmed the purchase. It was a symbolic step toward securing his agency and fortifying his resolve to face whatever challenges the simulations might throw his way.

Kai checked, and understood the next simulation is approaching in a week. Kevin, with a playful grin, questioned Kai, "Hey, can you do something about that boring number username? It's kinda dull seeing it every time."

Kai, curious to test the system's capabilities, uttered the word "Username." The system promptly responded, offering the chance to alter his username.

Pausing for a moment, Kai contemplated his choice and eventually settled on the moniker "MarSus." While the reason behind this choice remained a mystery, it didn't really matter much in the grand scheme of things.

After minutes of conversation, Kevin bid Kai farewell and left him to relax in his apartment. Kevin made his way downstairs and exited the building, he swiftly retrieved his phone from his pocket. Dialing a mysterious number, he spoke with a sense of urgency, "Hey, it's me. Get the engineer ready. We have some important matters to discuss."