
Transmigrating as the Overpowered Villainous Cultivator

"What lies beyond the unspoken words?"- Zhang Xi Yin Upon awakening to a peculiar scenario, an unknown individual carried him like a sack of rice. He then heard the voice of a female AI speaking to him before being left alone. With assistance from the system, he discovered that he had transmigrated into a game. Despite his weariness and idleness in using his wits, he agreed to something that would later change his entire life. However, at the time, he believed it was all just one long dream. When he opened his eyes once more, he found himself within the body of a blind cultivator who turned out to be none other than Moon Emperor – one of the most powerful individuals in all 12 realms. As this new identity became familiar to him, troubles associated with being Moon Emperor began chasing after him and disrupting his personal desires and ambitions. "Obsession and greed – why must I care if they are seen as evil? From now on, I will do whatever I wish. If pursuing goals is deemed greedy or persistently chasing after desires is regarded as obsession, then we are all villains – spawn of evil. No one can live or die as a saint."- Zhang Xi Yin Update Schedule for 2024!Temporary Hiatus Each chapter contains over 1500 words! Status: Ongoing Reminder: Please keep an open mind while reading this novel. The title is subject to change but was previously known as "Birth of the Greedy Guardian".

Mx_Third · Eastern
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45 Chs

Chapter 29: Pretentious Ally?

[Yan Chao Xiang's Narrative]

Li Qian stared into my eyes intensely, the air felt tensed, but not even enough to make me feel any fear.

Who knew a little lone lamb would be so entertaining? Though Li Qian should be taught how to control his emotions...

Li Qian reminded me of a tiny animal that is trying to intimidate it's predator.

Li Qian took a step closer and harshly pulled the collar of my outer robe, his face is adorned with an expression that obviously spells out how upset he is.

He spoke angrily, "If you think that would make me believe you, you are very much wrong! You just said that you were the person who killed the guardian candidates, the patriarch and the others from the past! How am I supposed to believe a dirty criminal? You're with those murderers, aren't you?"

I sighed, "...Isn't that too much to say? How could you accuse me so easily?"

I looked into his eyes with a sad expression, a miserable smile on my lips. Li Qian briefly loosened his grip on my robe before grabbing on it tightly once again.

Li Qian impatiently ushered me to speak. "If you have something else to say, then say it. I won't wait any longer than a minute for a criminal like you. Speak quickly."

Dear child, telling me that already cost you a minute.

I spoke, "First, how come you believed that I am the criminal, but did not even considered anything else that I have spoken of? Isn't that unfair? I know your master very well because he was my junior brother, I know Lord Mao very well because he's my benefactor. Have I been so horrible to you that you can't even give me a chance? I'm choosing to tell you all these, because I worry for those two. I need your help, I do not want to approach this with brute force like a brainless fool. I want to avoid causing a fight as much as possible... and with your help, I believe it is possible. With your presence that is as pure a child, I believe that Lord Māo will listen and rethink his choices..."

He frowned. "I though that you are not certain that my master and Lord Māo are the ones that did all these? Why are you directly pointing at Lord Māo now?"

Ah, that's my fault. Let me try again~

I spoke. "I wasn't sure at first if I should have just directly pointed at Lord Māo because I was worried of how you might react, and I was right to be cautious even just a little, but I realized that I should have not hide anything from you if I want to ask for your help... For that, I sincerely apologize..."

Li Qian looked away with a guilty expression.

Perhaps, he had realized how unreasonable his words was.

Li Qian shook his head. "Speak ..."

I smiled. "You have my gratitude, then..."

Li Qian slowly refocused his gaze onto my eyes, anticipating any word that would come out of my mouth. His eyes showed a hint of gloominess.

He must be very devastated, that would work wonders for my plan.

I spoke. "First, let us go back to the reason which helped you enter this sect. It was Lord Māo's doing with the cooperation of Jung Jìng Dé, Martial Brother Jung had no choice but to accept Lord Māo's request of taking you in because he is indebted to him. But because he was feeling guilty, Brother Jung would avoid you, but would leave you with books to read, which he wished would help you in some way, and it did...they helped you." I smiled at Li Qian with a pained expression.

I took a deep breath after a short pause.

Can't make the audience wait too long, can't I?

I continued. "Second, Lord Māo went through such lengths for you, because you are someone that could turn things around in his eyes. Your origins to be specific. You are the key to accomplish a goal and fulfill a role."

Obviously bewildered, Li Qian's eyes hinted his demand for more explanation after listening to what I had said. His eyebrows furrowed towards each other.

He spoke. "What do you mean? ... I'm nothing but a leftover of an ordinary family. How would I become his "key?" For what purpose? I do not have the power. Does he know something that I'm not aware of?"

Oh, dear~ Bingo! Should I tell him honestly? Hmmm.

Well, I'm supposed to be generous, aren't I? Let's have this guys put his trust on the current me for now.

Li Qian should be starting to feel that I am just like him, which is just what I wanted. I had him doubt me, so that after "proving" his accusations against me "wrong," he would be overwhelmed with guilt that will push him to become emotionally indebted to me.

Manipulating the emotions of the vulnerable is so... cruel and lovely to behold...

But despite what I am doing, I'm not like Lord Māo who is only taking care of this poor guy because he is useful for him once he became as strong as that bastard snake. As Li Qian is only a mortal in the cultivation stage of Martial Master Realm, he is still vulnerable to the backlash of the "sealing," or to put bluntly, he will die if he were to reinforce the formation that covers the whole realm.

But he cannot be used just yet, he is still too weak, and he wouldn't be enough...

That's is why Lord Māo took such length to put Li Qian inside such a prestigious sect.

I knew I was right to be suspicious of that guy...he still hasn't changed.

He still loves to act all mighty and kind, but he isn't like that at all. He's truly a wolf in a sheep's clothing...

How vexing...

[Zhang Xi Yin's Narrative][In front of the Jùhuá Pavilion]

-- Twelve incense sticks later --

I stood quietly in front of a towering pavilion, where an abundance of clashing auras has been present for almost the worth of time it is to burn one incense stick. The man who suddenly dragged me along with him, remained still as he close his eyes without saying anything. In a split second, the elders whom I saw during the competition, flew out from inside the pavilion that is in front of us.

Going back from a while earlier...

I was about to search for Li Qian when this man interrupted me. He introduced himself as the disciple of the Sect Ancestor, his name is Wei Jin Hong. It seems that he holds a unique position within the sect as the disciple of the Sect Ancestor, he seems to be treated as they would treat a Sect Patriarch.

At least, that's how it appears for me...

And how would I be wrong anyway? The system has the very same thing for this man's data.

I was dragged along with him because he suspects that I might be involved in the chaos that ensued within the Zhù Pavilion.

Isn't he equally suspicious? Oh, well.

I already explained why I was in the vicinity of the Zhù Pavilion, but since he is searching for Li Qian. I did not protested and went along with him quietly.

That made him lower his guard around me. It looks like this guy doesn't have much experience yet ...

Well, at least he doesn't seems to be like these trash elders yet, and I benefited from being arrested by him anyway.

The elders lined up into two lines in front of him, they clasp their hands and bowed slightly. Wei Jin Hong opened his eyes slightly with a sigh, an elder took a step forward and spoke to him about the reason of their presence in this place.

Wei Jin Hong spoke with a calm tone of voice, "You mean to say that the apprentice of Master Jung was the person who did what unsightly fate he suffered? How so, may I ask?"

The elder spoke, "Although we were not present at the time that it occured, this child was the only one who came out unscathed. Isn't that enough proof, Senior Wei?"

The elders looked at each other, as if to show that they all think the same. Li Qian was about to say something, but was stopped by Yan Chao Xiang.

Why is this guy here with Li Qian?

I stared at Yan Chao Xiang for a second and a system window appeared, it's written that he was the one who saw Li Qian after Li Qian teleported away from the Zhù Pavilion.

⟨⟨Story Data has been updated!⟩⟩


⟨⟨New! Episode 1: Chapter 1: Framed

Under the threat of the mysterious masked intruders, Li Qian quickly ran away for his safety with regret upon being unavailable to do anything for his master.

With the help of an artifact that has been hidden by his master, Li Qian safely left the Zhù Pavilion and was found lying on the ground by Yan Chao Xiang.

Unable to fully put his trust on Yan Chao Xiang's words, he demanded explanation from him.⟩⟩

...That's all of it?

Li Qian can't trust Yan Chao Xiang's word? Can't say I'm surprised. But I don't believe that one should give a verdict upon only seeing the tip of the full story...

'Omniscient Insight.'

With a mention of these words in my head, images flashed in my eyes, while everything they've spoken resounded in my head.

Ah, so that's what happened...

But clearly, something else is up behind all of these...

The reason he would plot against Lord Māo, I want to know everything about it. It looks like I have to postpone my plan of pulling that guy with my strings, it might even be a terrible choice...

This guy knows something that no one else knows, but I'm aware that they're hiding something. I need to know more, so I could put the pieces together quickly...

Wei Jin Hong lifted his head and stared towards the direction where Li Qian stood. He gestured for Li Qian to come closer to him, Li Qian did as he wanted.

He spoke to Li Qian, "How did our noble guests came to stand next to you?"

Li Qian bowed and spoke, "Benefactor Yan found me unconscious after I used a teleportation artifact to escape the men who killed Master Jung. For our safety, he took me along with him into the Júhuā Pavilion, where Benefactor Yan told me about a... possible reason why we were attacked."

Wei Jin Hong nodded quietly.

He turned his head to the direction of the elders, he extended his right palm towards Li Qian. Li Qian blinked in confusion, but quickly took out the used artifact from the pouch that hangs on his waist scarf. He placed it carefully on Wei Jin Hong's palm.

Wei Jin Hong spoke, "I believe this shows a clear answer of my verdict, sect elders. Please report to the sect ancestor immediately."

The elders gasped, one of the elders spoke in protest.

The elder spoke."Senior Wei, how could that mere trash prove that what this child said is the truth?"

Wei Jin Hong threw the artifact in the space between the two lines where the elders are lined up, it floated and hovered in the air, giving the elders a closer look at the artifact.

Wei Jin Hong spoke."It seems that none of you are knowledgeable about rare artifacts such as this one. Artifacts that can only be used for one time has the ability to record the exact time that it was activated, look closely. This child is innocent."

The elders all stepped closer to the artifact, murmurs errupted among some of them, while the elder who spoke to Wei Jin Hong remained quiet with a bitter expression on his face.

Li Qian sighed in relief, he turned to my direction and greeted me, but Wei Jin Hong prevented him from coming closer to me.

Li Qian spoke. "Ah, Senior...? This man is also my benefactor, may I please talk to him?"

Wei Jin Hong spoke. "This man is possibly one of those who threatened you and killed your master. I cannot let you face any danger."

Li Qian's mouth fell slightly agaped, but shook his head and knelt. Wei Jin Hong stared at him quietly.

Li Qian spoke. "Please, believe me. This man is Zhang Xi Yin, the person who saved me from my situation back in the lower realm. I firmly believe that he is not one of those men as I saw them closely. One has a blue hair and the other has a red hair, Benefactor Zhang can't do such a thing although he could be ruthless! Please, believe me..."

Wei Jin Hong went silent for a while before letting out a soft sigh.

He spoke. "I see."

He turned around and faced me with an almost unnoticable hint of guilty expression.

He spoke. "Forgive me for I had falsely accused you, I am now indebted to you, if one day you might require anything, please come to seek my aid."

I smiled and nodded.

I spoke. "I understand, thank you for believing that I'm innocent."

What a pain in the ass. I hope this day ends sooner.

--For reference, the incense sticks in this story is the sandalwood incense stick, which burns for about an 10 minutes--

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