
Transmigrating as the Overpowered Villainous Cultivator

"What lies beyond the unspoken words?"- Zhang Xi Yin Upon awakening to a peculiar scenario, an unknown individual carried him like a sack of rice. He then heard the voice of a female AI speaking to him before being left alone. With assistance from the system, he discovered that he had transmigrated into a game. Despite his weariness and idleness in using his wits, he agreed to something that would later change his entire life. However, at the time, he believed it was all just one long dream. When he opened his eyes once more, he found himself within the body of a blind cultivator who turned out to be none other than Moon Emperor – one of the most powerful individuals in all 12 realms. As this new identity became familiar to him, troubles associated with being Moon Emperor began chasing after him and disrupting his personal desires and ambitions. "Obsession and greed – why must I care if they are seen as evil? From now on, I will do whatever I wish. If pursuing goals is deemed greedy or persistently chasing after desires is regarded as obsession, then we are all villains – spawn of evil. No one can live or die as a saint."- Zhang Xi Yin Update Schedule for 2024!Temporary Hiatus Each chapter contains over 1500 words! Status: Ongoing Reminder: Please keep an open mind while reading this novel. The title is subject to change but was previously known as "Birth of the Greedy Guardian".

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45 Chs

Chapter 28: Antagonist

[Zhang Xi Yin's Narrative][Dragon Shrine Arena]

What a drama that was honestly...

I'm actually slightly feeling awful for not helping Li Qian, but I was curious how the story around him will progress without me directly interfering. Furthermore, I didn't really have to help him because I'm certain that the story won't really kill him yet, and I was right.

Li Qian successfully escaped, after all the men with the masked face didn't really chased after him.

It looked like wolves playing with its prey. Smart wolves that planned a trap for its desperate prey...

With Li Qian shaken by the sight of his dead master's head, he wouldn't be able to see all the blunders around his seemingly clever escape out of desperation and agony that he was feeling.

What a poor lamb...

But then, I should probably avoid doing such thing, or the system might actually give me a penalty.

Curse the system, if only I could take control of it...

After a short while, the two men disappeared from inside the pavilion. The pavilion was left with more mess than it originally turned out before Li Qian had escaped. The red haired man made a bit more mess before disappearing.

The blue snake quickly slithered out of the pavilion, it had stopped sharing its vision after it started to slither towards my direction. It became an earring once again as it bit my earlobe.

'System, display my progress in the main story quest.'

⟨⟨Story Quest: Keep Li Qian, the fourth protagonist safe!


Once upon a time, an innocent lamb was raised by a clan of slaved assassins. As he grew up, he would come to despise their line of work, although he too lived years working alongside the assassins who took him under their wing. One lively night during a feast among the assassins, the little lamb decided to slip away from their care. He traveled far, far away and ended up working as a helper of an auction house that puts up a front as an unsuspecting general store during mornings. The little lamb set himself to become a disciple of a martial sect wishing to live anew, he would accept different errands to earn additional pocket money, which he plans to use and buy himself the materials necessary for him to be able to cultivate and ascend to a higher realm.

-Data Error-

Invalid Data has been censored.

Vengeance: Episode 1

With the grace of the emperor's blessing, the poor lamb was gifted the opportunity to become a ??? under the tutelage of the generous master, Jung Jìng Dé.

Through honest hard work and with the help provided by Jung Jìng De, Li Qian will prove in front of all the members of the sect that he is deserving of his current position inside the sect.

Unfortunately, Li Qian will be forced to suffer from the same tragedy that occured in his past, his greatest fear, that he thought has been buried by the years that passed.

Character Live Status: Li Qian may be found within the grounds of the Júhuā Pavilion.⟩⟩

⟨⟨Episode Data has been added into this character's data.⟩⟩

The Júhuā Pavilion? Isn't that where the VIP characters of this game stays during a visit?


[Yan Chao Xiang's Narrative][Dragon Shrine Sect, A few meters away from the Arena]

If only I could laugh without being suspected, I would've already laughed like a maniac. Just who wouldn't want to do it if they saw this puppy's pitiful look?

But then that would ruin all my hard work.

How unfortunate, how agonizing!

Li Qian shook his head.

His voice trembled as he struggled to pull out a word.

How heartbreaking, Li Qian, you should try crying.

He looked straight into my eyes, he gave up trying to say whatever did he wanted to say earlier. His eyes showed an obvious sign of confusion, sadness, and grief. He remained still like a rock, not even doing anything or saying a word. 

The awkwardness stretched for quite a while, before I decided to end it with another blow to rattle his emotion and sanity. 

I like his expression, but it's just not enough yet.

With a soft sigh, I spoke with a hint of hesitation.

I spoke, "These ugly masked guys that went after us... I know why they targeted you..."

His gazed seemed to be shaking as he spoke. "You do? Then, why? If they're after me, why did they have to kill Master Jung too?"

I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you certain that you want to know the reason? I think it's better that you get some rest first--"

He interrupted and pushed my hand off.

"No! Tell me this instant! I have to know the reason! Because of me, someone died! Master Jung died!" His voice cracked as he raised his voice.

He's obviously in so much distress. This is perfect!~

I sighed, "Very well. But, we should go somewhere else. It's not safe here. Come along..."

I held out my hand and almost immediately, he took hold of it tightly. I slightly gazed on the shadow that hid behind the tree a few steps behind Li Qian, without further stalling, I teleported the two of us in front of the Júhuā Pavilion, where noble guests would be welcomed to stay during their visit within the sect.

As we entered the pavilion, Li Qian remained silent. His eyes pinned on the ground as we walked. We entered the quarter designated for my inn, I invited Li Qian to take a seat, which he accepted.

His voice sounded glum, "Thank you..."

I sat in front of him. "Now, should I be blunt?"

He nodded, his shoulders were slumped.

I lightly nodded, "Alright. Then the first thing, someone wants you dead."

He stared at the corner of table that is near where I sat. It appeared as if he's ashamed to stare into my eyes again.

He spoke, "Yes, apparently..."

This child...

I looked at him with a sympathetic gaze and continued to speak.

"Those guys... they work for Lord Māo, and..."

Come on, entertain me with your reactions~

Cry for me, that would be such a delightful sight, my dear~

I continued, "Your master... he's working with Lord Māo."

Immediately, Li Qian stood up causing the chair where he sat to fall on it's back. Li Qian glared at me, the pressure of the Qi that his body had unconsciously released slightly caused the wooden table, the chair, and the floor under his feet to suffer a few almost unnoticeable cracks.

He shouted angrily, "You! Do you still dare to slander the dead?! Master had died! He was murdered, and you accuse him of such a terrible thing?! Can't you show some respect? Can't you give Master Jung some face?!"

I looked down and sighed, I directed my gaze directly into his eyes while I maintained the same apologetic yet guilty expression.

I spoke, "... Li Qian... I apologize..."

I shook my head and sighed, "But, you must listen. Lord Māo has his own people who work for him as the first leader of the investigation unit of the Intel Guild, the Intel Guild which is led by Cui Fu Xiang, but unfortunately she does not seem to be aware of the darker agenda that Lord Māo is operating behind her back--"

Li Qian sneered and angrily interrupted me with a raised voice. "Then, how did you know?"

I took a deep breath and stood up, I knelt beside him and held on to his hand.

Li Qian, do I look pitiful enough? Of course, I am.

I do this every day.

I spoke, "Lord Māo was injured because of me, because of a foolish mistake that I had committed, his bloodline root was greatly damaged and..."

A lie.

I'll pause for a while, so you'll be more invested~

Hurry and become impatient to hear everything.

That's how they do it in the plays. Enjoy my performance, my main protagonist~

I stood up and stared straight into his eyes.

I sighed, "... He's the next guardian of the Dragon's Shrine, although your master is also a candidate for that position. A guardian with no power will be nothing but a fodder for nothing more than a second."

Another lie.

Li Qian tilted his body and gaze to where I stood.

Good, he bit the bait. Fortunately, I had Brother Jìng Dé to have him study about the history of the sect and the realm.

I continued to speak with a tone of hesitance within my voice, "Have you read about the perpetrator behind the massacre within the Dragon Shrine Sect from thirteen millenniums ago? That guy... That guy was me. Lord Māo took responsibility for my sake..."

Yet another lie.

Although half of I said are actually true, the other half is a fabricated lie of the lies that Lord Māo made to hide the events of the past.

I was so foolish to listen to his venomous chants back then, although I did wanted to stop the process of appointing a guardian completely, I did not mean to kill anyone...

From that time, I couldn't stop doing it anymore...

I think that broke something in my head.

But now that I'm aware of his true intensions, I'll do whatever it takes to prevent him from succeeding. I'm certain that what looked like a good deed has something hidden in its shadow...

Perhaps, I should steal that guy from Lord Māo sooner...Zhang Xi Yin, I hope that he hasn't been completely fooled by that guy...

That snake patronizing slave, Māo Tóu Ying.