
Transmigrating as the Overpowered Villainous Cultivator

"What lies beyond the unspoken words?"- Zhang Xi Yin Upon awakening to a peculiar scenario, an unknown individual carried him like a sack of rice. He then heard the voice of a female AI speaking to him before being left alone. With assistance from the system, he discovered that he had transmigrated into a game. Despite his weariness and idleness in using his wits, he agreed to something that would later change his entire life. However, at the time, he believed it was all just one long dream. When he opened his eyes once more, he found himself within the body of a blind cultivator who turned out to be none other than Moon Emperor – one of the most powerful individuals in all 12 realms. As this new identity became familiar to him, troubles associated with being Moon Emperor began chasing after him and disrupting his personal desires and ambitions. "Obsession and greed – why must I care if they are seen as evil? From now on, I will do whatever I wish. If pursuing goals is deemed greedy or persistently chasing after desires is regarded as obsession, then we are all villains – spawn of evil. No one can live or die as a saint."- Zhang Xi Yin Update Schedule for 2024!Temporary Hiatus Each chapter contains over 1500 words! Status: Ongoing Reminder: Please keep an open mind while reading this novel. The title is subject to change but was previously known as "Birth of the Greedy Guardian".

Mx_Third · Eastern
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45 Chs

CH4: Another Step

Chapter 4: Another Step

After our trip from the shop, the three of us immediately returned to the inn. I set down the bag containing the masks before opening it and when I opened the bag, thin sheets of what looks like to be a paper in the shape of a fancy crest landed on the table.

If only the shape was similar to a human's face, but why does this look awfully familiar...? Have I seen it somewhere?

But anyway, anyone should easily be able to tell that this is no ordinary "mask." These masks, when placed on the skin of a person could change their whole appearance base on the details entailed on these masks, but unfortunately there is no such flawless creations. When a liquid touches the user, it will almost immediately wear off.

I wonder if I could do something about its flaw? Right, that should be possible, but I'll have to put it aside for now. But I probably should keep it to myself strictly as only auction houses has these special paper masks.

As I busy myself with my current task which could possibly became a card that could potentially save our lives or... just mine, I heard the door sliding open behind me. As usual, I spared it no attention and unusually so, no dog started to bark.

I usually would just use a skill of mine, but I do not really feel compelled to do so, whoever is behind me should pose no threat.

"Greeting, Mr. Zhang." The person behind me called. That name feels nostalgic to hear...

When was the last time I heard it again? Well not that long. Aside from today, probably the last time I heard it from my office colleagues was about three weeks ago, I don't really talk much with anyone back then unless necessary. But there was this intern who kept

approaching me for almost everything that he was tasked to do...

I chuckled, placing down the bag of masks. I turned around to face my guest and gestured for him to take a seat.

"Here's what you requested. What are you going to do with these insects anyway?" He asked, placing a jar of the said insects. Those are moths, but not just a regular moth.

After I heard a new group of guests of this inn talking about these moths that are being auctioned in the underground market, I thought that I just have to obtain it. Unfortunately, I have no way of entering that "underground" market because it isn't just a normal underground market but an auction house in the underworld. But I would be stupid to just let it slide, connections should be used properly, so I just did what I should do. And this guy here in front me is Māo Tóu Yīnɡ, another fellow who's after the culprit of the kidnapping cases. A very capable guy whom I just need.

I had to do something for him in exchange though, but it's not that much of a bother. What he wanted was just exactly what I plan to do anyway. And I'm getting closer in achieving that goal.

I wonder how could I get a person like him to become my people though? It's obvious that he wouldn't need my money, he seems to like collecting artifacts so maybe rare treasures? That won't be a problem as long as I'll have him in exchange, but I don't think now is the right timing to do that. I'll attempt to strike a deal with him after we resolve the case of the kidnapping.

I smiled at him, "Hm, since I trust that you can keep a secret then I'll tell you. I plan to use these things to..." I paused, this guy won't certainly like it if I told him that I plan to cultivate these moths into flesh eating moths. Well I could be wrong, this guy is strange too. Whenever I purposely try to do something weird in front of him, he doesn't budge at all and just watches me. Shouldn't he be asking me what and why I'm doing such things?

Also, about this idea of mine, I used to read a lot of online articles and I accidentally stumbled into one that talks about vampire moths and since nothing makes sense here, It should be possible to recreate that without trouble.

Anyway, doesn't my plan sound interesting? Imagine a pretty moth feasting on fresh flesh and blood, but I feel as if, I should add a little more twist to it...

Should I ask Qi Fei for his opinion? I'm sure that guy would be able to come up with an idea. He's very creative too. I accidentally saw him customizing his and Yīhan's clothes a few days ago, but it looks like he doesn't really want anyone to know about that skill of his though. He was very startled when he saw me and asked if I saw what he was doing, so I lied and said no. Because of that I found out that he can't sense my presence, how strange...

That's really strange ...

Anyway, back to Lord Māo and my plan.

I smiled at him as I watch him stir his tea, "... something like a smoke bomb." For some reason, smoke bombs exists here, but it isn't really that weird in my opinion considering those weird artifacts in this game. I guess it doesn't matter if it isn't historically accurate since it's supposed to be a fiction story?

For several seconds, he only stared at me in silence. He's doubting me, isn't he? I know he wouldn't buy anything that I'd say either way. That's just how this guy is.

"That's an awful excuse, Mr. Zhang." He sighed with his awful blank face. He's always so serious, such a waste of a handsome face for over a hundred years old man.

"Aw, it didn't work?" I grinned. For some reason, although this guy is suspicious of my actions, he still leaves me to do what I want. I heard this guy is a pain the ass. Does he know something about me? This body specifically?

"Lord Māo, do you perhaps know something about me?"

"You're suspicious, that I'm aware." He bluntly stated, taking a sip of the tea. Unfortunately, you forgot to remain even slightly cautious around me. I barely stifled my laugh as I watch him.

As to be expected, he dropped the tea cup and started to cough. He fell on the floor on top of that. Fortunately, my reflexes were quick enough to save the tea cup from hitting the floor. That would've been really messy, and this tea set was really expensive...

Or should I have let it fall and made him pay twice the price I paid for it? It's awful, It's already too late...

"You should've ordered from the inn's kitchen or that tea house instead! Ack, that's awful." He complained still coughing but is now seated back in front of me. His face turned red, that probably really hurts, doesn't it?

But I'm sincerely trying my best though...

"That was fast. How did you like it? " I grinned, thrilled of his reaction.

"You had better stop, let the inn prepare the tea instead. I thought I had a taste of death you bastard." He took a deep breath to compose himself once more as he pat his clothes for any dirt that might've clinged to it when he fell.

No way that our floor is dirty. I had Qi Fei clean it again after I did, right after the inn staff cleaned our room... well, that was yesterday. We're a little occupied for today, but that's always on my list.

Back to this man in front of me...

Our situation feels awfully familiar. It's like one of those drama where another character would think that, "Oh, so he curses too, but it doesn't look like he minds it that he used a swear word. I was waiting for a chance to tease him." Well too bad for him, I have plenty of cards on my sleeves, but that should be saved for the grand finale.

How thrilling...

Anyway, what tea should I brew next? I wonder what tea does he like?

I chuckled as I lean a little closer to the table between us, "But now, you know I won't do anything that may harm my ally, right? "

I raised my hands that are now holding my own cup of tea. Unlike him, I play safe. The one in my hand was brewed by Qi Fei.

It IS agreeable that I still require a little more practice, but anyway...

He sighed and did the same well, aside from drinking the tea again. Smart move but that's rude...

Since he's here, it's better that I bring it up now than later.

Fewer things to think about.

I cleared my throat and set down the tea cup gently on the table. I'll take care of those moths when he leaves, for now I have so something I must discuss with him.

"Lord Māo, about our ... little quest."

Announcement! Update for tomorrow might come a little later than the usual 2am PST because I need to visit my school for the enrollment! I hope everyone enjoyed reading this book! Please add this book to your library!

Also I'm open for art commissions! Visit me on Instagram! My IG: @asterrio_ky

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