
Transmigrating as the Overpowered Villainous Cultivator

"What lies beyond the unspoken words?"- Zhang Xi Yin Upon awakening to a peculiar scenario, an unknown individual carried him like a sack of rice. He then heard the voice of a female AI speaking to him before being left alone. With assistance from the system, he discovered that he had transmigrated into a game. Despite his weariness and idleness in using his wits, he agreed to something that would later change his entire life. However, at the time, he believed it was all just one long dream. When he opened his eyes once more, he found himself within the body of a blind cultivator who turned out to be none other than Moon Emperor – one of the most powerful individuals in all 12 realms. As this new identity became familiar to him, troubles associated with being Moon Emperor began chasing after him and disrupting his personal desires and ambitions. "Obsession and greed – why must I care if they are seen as evil? From now on, I will do whatever I wish. If pursuing goals is deemed greedy or persistently chasing after desires is regarded as obsession, then we are all villains – spawn of evil. No one can live or die as a saint."- Zhang Xi Yin Update Schedule for 2024!Temporary Hiatus Each chapter contains over 1500 words! Status: Ongoing Reminder: Please keep an open mind while reading this novel. The title is subject to change but was previously known as "Birth of the Greedy Guardian".

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45 Chs

CH3.2: On Our Own

CH3.2: On Our Own

But alas, I am already suffering from consequences of possessing a vast sea of wealth, the consequence of having the ability to buy whatever I desire that is. How fun, now I only need to figure out how to remove the waiting time during auto cultivation... Hahh... 

Anyway, the system is back.

Let's see... 'System on'


⟨⟨Loading Successful.⟩⟩

⟨⟨Greeting to Character Lan Zhī Yuán. The system apologizes for the inconvenience it caused. Please claim your compensation rewards.⟩⟩

'Open system mail'

⟨⟨The system mail is now in display.⟩⟩

I cocked my eyebrows as I peered closer on the system screen...

... Isn't this too much? I thought as I scan through all the mail that contains the items meant to compensate me.

There's a total of seven mails and each seems to have three items attached on it. Well good for me then... 

'System, claim all rewards.'

⟨⟨All items have been claimed and was transferred to your inventory. Please view your inventory to see the items.⟩⟩

'Open Inventory'

⟨⟨Inventory is now in display.⟩⟩

The system is indeed very generous... Ahahaha...

Just what are these? Are modern games this generous?

From the compensation rewards, I received a total of 5 billion points, it's nothing comparing to what I earned from the last two weeks, but this should be considered a lot for a newbie.

There's also three jade slips, each of these is worth 5 billion points in the system.

Six of the 5th Tier bottomless qi pill, two of these are enough to expand the capacity of my meridians into the same level of a cultivator in the early stage of the Celestial Guardian Realm. This feels like a cheating item, but I'm still taking them nevertheless. Can't be wasting any blessings now, right? Plus it's not like I haven't been 'cheating.' Possessing a system that gives away such overwhelming rewards and compensation could already be considered cheating.

I scrolled through all the new items, some of the items are quite average but should be useful at some point especially this one which is supposed to double the damage I make for an hour. Honestly, some are truly... bizarre... peculiar.

I lift my hand and tapped on one of the inventory slots and in a split second, an egg floats, dropping gently on my arms. I forgot I can touch the screen, I must've gotten used to speaking with the system during the time I was blind.

But wasn't I blind only for a short time?

I adjusted very quickly, did I? How amusing, was I that lazy?

I jolted realizing that I was about to drift away from my current task because of my thoughts. I took a deep breath and examined the egg in my arms.

What a huge egg, is this a dinosaur's egg? All it displays are three questions marks whenever I stare at it in the system inventory screen...

... Should I hatch it? Do they have...

I paused realizing how ridiculous what I was about to look for. I forgot there isn't an incubator in this era.

I took a deep breath. I could almost laugh at myself, but I won't. I won't.

But then...

... What if I create one? I could, but I'm not sure if it will automatically create the parts inside too...

I groaned, I should try later. I almost forgot that I have to do something else. I blinked and the system screen and the large egg both disappears.

I looked around, checking on Li Qian and the others. It seems that they're far from being done. Is Qi Fei holding an illustration of the Emperor Ai and Dong Xian? I probably made a mistake, they wouldn't have that here, won't they?

(Note: Emperor Ai and Dong Xian were known for the passion of the cut sleeve, Emperor Ai chose to cut the sleeves of his Hanfu to avoid waking up Dong Xian who was asleep, lying on his sleeve. Note that both are male and are lovers.)

I closed my eyes as I recall an image of a familiar red token, similar to the ones that special members of this shop has. Although it can be purchased, they would not sell it at the moment because the auction will be held at dawn and that would only earn this "shop" a bad reputation from the special members if more customers where to suddenly get a seat and potentially give them trouble in bidding for the item that they wanted.

Unfortunately for those guys, I can cheat my way into it without anyone knowing at all. I also have Qi Fei to help me take care of how everyone's interaction with me will go, Qi Fei plans to put the old lady under his enchantment to make sure we won't have any problem in joining in. I had to pay him though...

What a sly fox but then again, I'd most likely do the same and I would most likely charge them a higher price.

Normally, the old lady won't leave the counter, so it should be Qi Fei's doing that she continuously follow them around. I think I should raise my cultivation. Qi Fei can be scary if I'd be honest, it's just he usually acts all loud and naggy around me most of the time.

He's such a pest.

I pulled apart my arm, revealing a red token I made. Interestingly, clothes from this place has hidden pockets inside the long sleeves of the outer robe, but I don't suggest putting in something heavy and huge.

I think this token should work, it looks exactly like the ones they make for their customers. I didn't really need to bother doing this because I already had Qi Fei on work for our pass but better safe than sorry, just as they say back in the modern age.

I opened my eyes, stood up and approached the counter. I gave a glance at the four who was loudly gossiping about the famous two male lovers, well except Yīhan. Qi Fei grinned at me before returning the bolt of cloths that he had picked up earlier as a trigger to put the old lady under his enchantment, it seems that she didn't really like how Qi Fei are messing up the display. The old lady turned around, returning to his previous post behind the counter, she blinks a few times before finally turning to me. That should mean that she's back to her normal self now, well sort of if Qi Fei did everything as I requested from him. I had him use his ability on this old lady to make sure that this fake token will be accepted no matter what.

I extended my hand, holding out the token. The old lady took it and carefully inspected its details within a few seconds. She really is in a hurry...

Also, I think Qi Fei is craving for a whole season of scolding. How dare he not do everything that I paid him to do? I specifically told him to make sure the old lady won't do that, but then again I'm lucky enough that he prevented her from using an appraisal artifact. But, he must learn his lesson, I should have him soak in the river at night with no clothes.

The old lady went in the back of the shop when she returned to the counter, she handed me a small white sack.

This should be our masks, it feels very light, but that should confirm that we succeeded.

I looked at Li Qian and when he noticed my gaze, I spoke, 'Little child, I shall give you what you desire after I had obtained another thing we needed from the auction. If you doubt my word, you can find us at the Yangtze Inn.' He stared at me for a few seconds, he seems surprised before nodding and turning around to do something, they would probably close the shop soon before afternoon comes.

"Well, let's go now. I bought us some new clothes!" Qi Fei excitedly spoke as he dragged I and Yīhán to leave the shop.

I sighed.

How much did this guy spent and what else did he bought? Ah, why do I care?

Although we have a deal that is binding us to each other, we are only working together for our goals are aligned.

We both seek revenge.

But I doubt that his goal will remain the same once he finds out the truth behind all the lies that were protecting him.

Although Qi Fei is quite cunning, he's terribly much softer than I could be.

... Maybe because he keeps lingering around those ladies in the inn. He calls them his friends.

Why did he tell me that...? What a weird fellow. I guess that's just how young adults are...

As we stroll along the streets of the capital, I felt one distinct gaze piercing my back. Qi Fei and Yīhán seems unaware as they continue to point on almost each stalls that we passed through.

Looks like we caught someone's eye. Interesting.

But this one seems to be teasing me. He isn't really hiding his presence at all that even without a random screen popping up in front of my face to alert me, I would still immediately sense his presence.

That should be him.