
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Ch.19: Regroup.

He jumped down from the roof and held the loli's hand. She told him that she just encased someone in ice which led him to become interested in who.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me.."

Kazemi bursted into laughter as he saw the familiar suit. 'H-He let himself get captured by a child?! That's sad to be honest..' Kazemi whipped away his tears of laughter and stood in front of the ice.

"Can you...melt him?"

He asked as he looked around the ice. The little girl nodded and put her hand on the ice. The ice instanly dissolved into water, causing the man to fall on Kazemi. 'D-Damn, your heavy..'

The little girl became worried for him and bent down to help him. Kazemi told her he was fine and that something like this wouldn't hurt him. 'While he's out, let's see the man behind the mask..'

He slouched up against a freezer and began taking the mask off. 'I wonder if we're really the same age. The mask distorts his voice so I can't tell.' Kazemi undid the last straps and pulled the mask off. 'And for the big reveal..'

He saw brown skin, followed by a beautiful face. 'This...ain't not dude bruh..'

He saw a passed out woman with a eye patch over her right eye. She had beautiful caramel skin with short, soft purple hair. Wearing light purple lip stick to match her hair, you'd never see someone as beautiful as her again.

Unless you see Tory.

"M-Mister is a girl?!"

Water Loli said in surprisment. 'Yeah, I'm..just as shocked as you are. I swear...I referred to her as a guy and she didn't say anything about it. She refered to herself as a guy too, right? I can't really remember..'

Kazemi then cupped her face and examined her closer. 'Soft skin and clear at that. My acne took forever to go away..' He was jealous of clear skinned people. They were his number one enemy behind poverty.

"I guess she is, huh? And she's very beautiful at that. A shame she'd kill me if we've ever met again.."

He put her mask back on while sighing. Maybe in another life could she not hate him. Kazemi sat her against a wall and told the little girl to go to the hotel. He was going to find her a ring.

'Oh, and if your like, 'I thought he said that he only had 3 hours' then I forget to say that it was 13 hours. It's quite easy to mistake, right?'

He coughed as he placed his hand on her head. He comforted her and she soon agreed to it. She left him while waving and went on her way to the hotel. 'I never got her name, huh? Oh well..' He looked at the army woman and sighed.

'You'll survive. Knowing that you lost to a kid, but you'll survive.."

He then walked out the store and began roaming the streets. 'Only 70 people left, huh? That's so little in this big ass place..' He groaned out as the idea of getting a Sigil that marked the location of other Sigil users appeared in his mind again.

'I'll get it one day. And when I do, I'll catch everyone lackin'..'

He soon met up with Tory who had to sneak around to find clothes. She was too worried about Kazemi to notice that her clothes were missing. 'Fun while it lasted..'

"I-It was not fun for me pervert!"

She easily read his mind off of reading the smirk he wore on his face. Kazemi had his hands rested in his pockets as Tory had her arms crossed while giving the typical tsundere look away and pout.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I had to do..what I had to do.."

Her face became even redder as she knew it was true but still embarrassing. 'You saved my life, Kazemi, and for that...I'll forever be grateful..' She stopped her pout and showed a smile while having her hands behind her back.

"I think...I love you, Kazemi."


He yelled while stopping and watching her back. 'W-What did she just say?! Ah, I'm hearing things, yeah that's it...' Daemon was stammering while in embarrassment from the words she knew she spoke of.

"D-Don't make me repeat...such a thing.." She herself was even more embarrassed. The two went silent after that as Tory didn't know what to say and Kazemi was too baffled by her words.

'Not even Mother...said such words to me..' Kazemi's face relaxed as a small smiled showed itself on his face. 'I..really love this girl..' He could easily die happy right in that moment. It was like all his worries faded away when he heard her words.

"I see someone.."

Tory said while pointing at someone. They were in a group of 4 and seemed to be on death's door. 'I...want her to have my babies..' That's what people say when they want to be with someone forever, right?


Kazemi focused on the 4 people, a gun appearing in his hand. 'Eh? When...could he do that?' She knew he wasn't using the D-Game item shop features as it appears in a package with a blue aura around it. This gun however just showed up.

'Ah, he must have took it from someone...'

Kazemi and Tory hid on the side of a building, waiting for the 4 people to pass by. 1 was a girl while the rest were guys. The girl was jumpy, looking at the guys from time to time.

'That look..'

Kazemi had figured it out, sighing in the process. 'I'm sorry for you. Its something that no one should experience. And for that, I'll put you out of your misery..' Kazemi told Tory he'd take care of it and she didn't mind.

Kazemi came out from behind the wall and walked in front of the people. When they saw him, they jumped and started running away. Seeing as they were in a parallel dimension, no people could enter beside D-game players.

'They're running away from me, meaning their Sigils are shit. No point in wasting any more time then..'

Kazemi then ran at an angle and aimed his gun at the back of a guys head. He shot at the head and the bullet easily pierced it. It also pierced the other 3 as well with perfect precision.

'Damn it! I'm sure I left the water on..'

They fell in sync while the bullet casing hit the ground. '4 rings, eh? Yeah, this is fine. Now we just chill for the next few hours..' Tory came up to him and Kazemi told her it was fine for them to go back to the hotel now.

They did with Kazemi stopping by the convenience store once again. He left a note for the fallen soldier that said to go to the hotel if they wanted to survive.

Arriving at the hotel, he was instantly met with a someone jumping into his arms. 'And here we go again..' He sighed as he fell to the floor. Rukia sat on his chest with her hands rested there as well.


She hugged him in the same position with her underwear revealing slightly. 'Oh, who am I kidding! This is great!' No, he wasn't a lolicon(doubt), he just really liked kids.

"Hey, Rukia.."

Tory was conceiling her anger while water loli and a businessman came up to them. Yeah, that's right, he survived. The murderer/rapist survived. Wanna know how?

Well apparently, he can only die if you attack at his heart. Everything else will just temporally kill him, only for him to revive 30 minutes later. Think of him as a Zombie. He won't die until you throw holy water on it.

"And hey, bastard.."

"Yeah, fuck you too.."

They two were ready to fight at anytime but because of reasons, they weren't. One was that he was using his tentacles to protect this place while Kazemi didn't want to show his killer side in front of Rukia again, the water Loli as well.

"Rukia, have you found anything out?"

One he knew the player count and how many rings there was needed, it brought up the question of why are people over killing? One hundred and 50 people were to die and survive today. Right now, theres probably around 60 left.

"Yes. A notorious group called, 'Distance' is also in the game. They have been killing more players than intended which is...not uncommon for their nature.."

'Distance' was a group of criminals who each had Sigils. Their leader had some sort of Sigil that if you get into close contact of them, your practically dead. Anyways, the group is known for all sorts of law breaking things. Because of D-Game higher ups though, they haven't been exposed for how they do it all.

"Good girl.."

He rubbed her head, leaving her with a satisfied expression. 'So cute..' It also left Kazemi with a satisfied expression. 'D-Damn it...' Tory saw the side eye she was getting from Rukia.

'That little bastard..'

She cursed the child in her head. 'I-I want that too..' Water loli pouted while looking down. The businessman just went away as the scene he saw intrested him but he was trying to change.

He had a goal now and that was to have one final conversation with his Daughter before death.

"H-Hey, Kazemi, why don't you give her the rings you collected.."

Tory said while holding back frustration. Kazemi didn't seem to notice that as he snapped out his daze and sat up while holding Rukia's back. Rukia held onto him tighter while putting her head into his chest.

"Your right..."

He got up while carrying Rukia from her bottom. He then went up to the water loli who slowly looked up at him. 'I gave Rukia a ring. I myself have a ring. The business man has 9 rings. Tory has 3 rings. And now, you have 4 rings..'

He nodded at his math while kneeling down to place the rings around her neck. 'We wait it out here, and we'll be safe..' Water loli became happy at this but was still sad as she knew how he collected these.

"Don't worry, little girl. You won't have to hurt someone again in your life.."

He placed his hand on her head. 'For a child, murder is obviously something that one should never have to experience. It..changes you, dulls you, it makes you wanna crave more for it. When I realized how easy it was to kill, I thought I could solve every problem like that. But, I knew it was inhuman and so I held back..'

"I promise.."

She faintly smile and nodded. He would then bend back up and look up. 'Akari...she's still in here, huh? I wonder..' The girl he fought on the top floors is who he was referring to.

"Let's lay low guys..."

They all agreed with him and went about their separate ways. Tory went to go eat. Water Loli went to go change and Kazemi and Rukia went to the control room with the cameras and such to watch.
