
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Ch.18: Hand On Ice.

Inside a convenience store, a man with military wear, an Ak, and a plague mask was slowly checking the aisles. 'Its bad enough that that bastard gouged my eye out..'

He was inside of the convenience store because a kid with Light blue hair that covered their left eye attacked him with ice. 'Now I have to deal with this brat..' He saw said brat run into this store and he chased after.

[X-Ray: Allows user to see throught anything. They may be able to see through Lies with the right amount of training and concentration.]

He activated his Sigil and started looking around. He could adjust it to different levels so he wouldn't infinity be looking throught things that he doesn't want to look through. 'There you are..'

He saw a child hiding inside of a freezer meant for ice cream and such. When he did, he aimed his gun down sight at the child and sighed. 'Killing children isn't exactly my forte, but the little runt started it himself..'

He began to fire, his bullets destroying all the shelved items and more. The kid inside the freezer had made the ice around them thicker than normal ice and so the bullets couldn't touch them. This was unknown by the man and so he began walking towards the freezer.

'The bastard survived, huh?'

He stood a good distance away from it, tapping the gun at times. 'Ice that can tank bullets. That's not fair..' He sighed once more, unaware of the water on the floor slowly making it's way to his legs.

"Listen kid. Just come out and apologize. I'm a little pissed right now and I can admit that, but I promise I won't take it out on you."

He then reached to a shelf and grabbed a snickers. He threw it on top of the freezer and continued.

"Go on and take it. It's yours.."

The water became ice and shot up his leg, causing a great amount of pain to him. He couldn't even think clearly as he was encased in ice all around, causing him to pass out while looking conscious.

"We got that bastard sis!"

The glass broke to reveal the kid. He wore a smug expression as he hoped out the freezer and walked up to the frozen man.

"Eh? What do you mean we went too far? He was gonna kill us!"

He yelled out like another person was speaking to him. After some back and forth, the boy put his head down only move it back up. Instead of the murderous eyes he carried, he now wore a gentle one.

"I-Im sorry mister.."

The voice also changed to that of a little girl as she placed her hand on the ice. She shook her head in disappointment at herself then did a girly run to the door.

What she saw next was a person hands, coming to her head. 'Eh?' The person placed their hand onto her face, and throught the peep hole they gave, she could see an angelic smile.

"You really are just a kid.."


Kazemi sat Tory down onto the ground and kneeled down himself. 'CPR.. how the fuck do I do that..' He didn't know of such techniques which saddened him even further. 'Don't think too much about it, Kazemi. Just do..'

He ripped her clothes of to reveal her bare chest. He ignored them however and placed his right hand on top of her chest, followed by his left. He locked his left hand fingers into his right and sighed.

'You better be alive, Tory. I still haven't took you on a spaghetti date..' He started pumping, hoping he was doing this right. 'I have to kiss her too, right? Or do I have to hold her nose?' He did those and still failed.

'Oh no..'

He began going faster and faster. This was bad during CPR but this was unknown by Kazemi. He was getting anxious at the thought of losing her. 'These feelings...I've never felt them before..' He knew he was off when he had almost no reaction to hearing that his mother was assaulted.

'Its different though..'

He started slowing down, his brain teaching him how to do CPR on it's own. 'The love I had with Mother...I see how one sided it was. But with Tory, I can be myself and she loves that,..right?' With one last kiss, water was thrown into his face.


She said unconsciously while slowly opening her eyes. Her vision was wobbly so the person she saw wasn't clear. 'Kazemi..' She still however knew of the person in front of her. They've slept with each other, naked at that.


Kazemi was becoming red in the face as he slowly laid her up. 'Tory!' Words couldn't describe how happy he was to see her awake. He hugged her tightly which made her squeal cutely.

'If I lost..the one person who accepted me..then what would I have done?' She was the first person in this new life that fed him, gave him clothing, and showed him his role in the D-Game.

"Thank goodness.."

He put his head down into her shoulder. Tory finally became aware of the situation around her and smiled. If he was here then it meant that he got her mesaage. If he was here...then it meant that he truly cared for her.

"I should have found you sooner, Tory.."

"N-No, it's fine. I let my pride sway me into my defeat. It's my fault, Kazemi."

She placed her hand on the back of his head and started comforting him. 'I didn't know...that he could have such emtotion. And his aura...its completely different from before..' She couldn't help but wonder what happened in the past few hours.

"Oh,..then your an idiot, Tory. Ha, but I can't talk, huh.."

He laughed a bit and she did the same. 'It seems..that nothings changed..' She obviously saw that he matured a bit, but what she meant was his playful side. She didn't care about the mature side he now carried. It did make him seem more reliable though.

She didn't mind hanging out with a goofy person basically. It made her happy and that's what she liked.

"We're both idiots, haha.."

She smiled as Kazemi pulled his head back. What he was met with next was a kiss on the cheek. 'Huh..' His red face became as red as blood as she slowly pulled away.

"Thank You...For Saving Me, Kazemi."

He was still in a state of shock from the feeling of the kiss. He never felt something so genuine in his life. He never felt so much love in his life. He never experienced anything like this...in his life.

"N-No, problem. It was nothing honestly.."

As he said that, his body froze, resulting in him passing out. "K-Kazami?!" She quickly reacted to his absurd nature. What she forgot was that he swam through cold waters in nothing but boxers.

He was only human after all. A human that could survive gun shots and survive being poisoned, but yeah. He was still human.

Tory reacted quickly by picking him up and running away. She was going to take him to a bathhouse as that was the only thing hot enough around here to produce enough heat for his body to warm up.

"You better live, Kazemi.."

He just saved her and now she had to save him. 'I don't know what I'll do..if you don't..'


Kazemi had his hand on the face of a child. It was sort of dark outside as he's been in a sauna for a few hours. Kazemi was informed by Tory that a child fitting the description of the one in his hand did the things they did to her.

"A shame that such a cute kid has to 'die'..."

And with that being said, he took her Sigil. When he did though, he immediately gave it back, stumbling in the process. 'I..knew it. My power is wonky right now. I..take personality along with their power and other things..'

The little girl was too confused and scared to react. Her eyes were teary as her legs were shaking as well. 'I-I didn't fell big brothers presence for a moment.. What happened..'

"Well little girl, your in luck. My...ladyfriend said not to kill you and to only take your Sigil. Now give me the story of what happened between you two.."

Kazemi picked her up, making her yelp. 'W-W-What is he doing?!' Kazemi then walked up and sat down on the top of the convince store. 'Ah, kids are my weakness. They truly are..' He sighed as he dangled his legs over the ledge with the small girl in his lap.

Everything was going too fast for her to question things. She did indeed know who he was talking about though and she instanly felt bad. 'That must have been someone special to him..'

"Hey, stop shaking, okay? I won't hurt you, I promise. I just wanna know...why a cute kid is attacking people. Shouldn't you be building doll houses or something at your age?"

He placed his hand on her head like a arm rest. Like a cat, she purred which made Kazemi chuckle in surprisment. 'So cute...' Rukia would have to step her game up if she wanted to continue being his favorite little loli.

Speaking of Rukia, she's safe and sound, hiding out in the hotel. She didn't want to be left alone once again and Kazemi eventually had to use force to get her off him. He couldn't bring himself to say no and Tory had to use her chains to unbind the two is what he means.


She finally spoke.

"I'm sorry...for hurting your loved one.."

She then went on to tell Kazemi everything about herself. Like how she was born with two souls and developed two Sigils, and a second personality as well. She can manipulate water while the other half can manipulate ice. They combine such a power and have been thriving in D-Game since.

"Please forgive me~.."

She began crying out. She hated hurting others and killing while her twin was the complete opposite. 'I can understand you. Your caught up in a world of mixed emotion and you don't know what to do with yourself..'

"Of course I'll forgive you. Actually, I want to help you. I..have problems myself and I want to change. Do you think...that you could help me with that?"

His number one addiction was doing drugs. In fact, he asked Tory to chain him up when they walked by any sort of pharmacy/drug store. 'He..wants to help me? And because..he has problems too..?'

"We'll be in this together alright? You won't have to feel scared. You won't have to feel alone. You won't have to feel obligated to kill. We can learn all of this together."

Tory mentioned forming a party with him. A party was a group of individuals who stick together like family in and outside of D-Game. Theres no real merit in doing this besides not being alone. So I guess..that's a merit.


Her hopes were rising as the other Soul was dragging them down. He hated the idea of working with others as he thought that he and her alone would be just fine.

"Yes, really."

From then on, Kazemi found another purpose in life. To help people..become better selves. While trying to make a better self of himself of course.


She looked up at him with her huge, blue eye and Kazemi looked down at her. She knew how her brother would feel. She just hoped that he would understand such actions.

"I'd love too.."
