
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Ch.20: The Heart.

"Oh, I see. Your joking. Yeah, that must be it. Theres no way a little girl like you could be someone like that."

Kazemi was sitting in a chair with Rukia in his lap. In front of them were screens that projected different aspects of the hotel. Rukia just told him that she was the person who held all information of Japan's Sigils.

"N-No, I mean it... I..should have said this already, but I'm also the one who put a bounty on your head because of your Sigil.. B-But, I never told anyone what it was..."

Kazemi cocked his head back at that. 'Oh, so your the little bastard that did that, huh? I see..' Kazemi placed his hand on her head and smiled.

"I see. I am pissed off about that, but....you had the guts to admit that too. And for that, I'm glad.." He couldn't really be mad at her. One, she was a cute kid, and two, she knew all the information on the Sigils of Japan.

Even he, an idiot, knew that killing her would be useless. 'H-He forgave me like that?! No-' He delivered a chop to her head which made her whimper. She then looked up at him while holding her head, tears wanting to escape.

"I won't be so nice next time. Don't..don't do this again."

While he loved his little loli, he had to show some form of discipline. Built character, showed her that she couldn't easily trample over him, and such. 'Y-Yes!' She was too afraid for words and so she rapidly nodded.

"Good. Now when this all blows over, your gonna tell me about every Sigil in Japan. Is that clear.."

He played in her hair which resulted in another series of nodding. 'Would you look at that, Dad. I'm using your tactics..' He frowned which was noted by Rukia but she didn't say anything.

They both then continued watching the cameras while Rukia answered some of his questions. He asked something along the lines of how did she know his Sigil and she replied with watching him and Tory fight. She saw how when his eyes gleamed a bit, her power stopped working.

She either concluded that he could stop Sigils or..take them. She came to that conclusion by seeing the chains react a bit when Kazemi helped her up and stopped reacting in that moment as well. She then concluded that he could also give powers back.

'Yeeeeeah, if a child could figure this out, then maybe I shouldn't have strutted around and gave myself away to that beautiful guy from back then. I didn't really say I had it, but he definitely came to the same conclusion as Rukia by now..'

He rubbed his forehead with a long sigh. 'I need to rescue him quickly. Not saying he's a snitch, but I'll definitely feel better if he's in my care..' Also, he promised and so, he has to do it.

Kazemi then asked her a question about how to make money easily. She told him that he needed to challenge players. The shorter the fight, the more money he receives. From the fight with that kid, he received a lot of money. It was enough to set his other life up...for life.

'The thing is though, that's not always the case. For rookies, the shorter the fight the more income. That's because having a short fight as a rookie is rare. After about a week or so, I won't be considered a rookie. I'll be an average player and that's when the money becomes higher and the rewards become more...'

He then wished that Tory told him such things instead of making it seem like that was how it was for everyone. 'I guess..that she didn't want me to worry that much..' He smiled a bit while shaking his head.

"What about you, Rukia? You sit around all day, right?"

"Huh? Oh, well since I'm an info broker, I make my money off that."

She said in triumph. 'What? Does that mean she can use real money for buying afk perks? I thought you could only use D-Game currency..' Not wanting to sound like an idiot, he refrained from confirming this.

"How much do you make in a day?"

He asked an odd question to a child.

"Depends on what I'm selling."

"What exactly do you sell?"

"Hm? Information...?"

She said in a confused manner. She just told him this and yet he asked again? 'Ah, shit. Haha, yeah I'm addicted..' He swayed her by telling her it was a joke. 'God, I need help. Unconsciously asking for something like that...'

"Hey, Rukia. I've been meaning to ask, but what's your Sigil? I'm quite interested in how you managed to out do the tentacle bastard."

"O-Oh, yeah. I can see into a random amount of the future.."

Kazemi nodded while looking around at the cameras. 'That's a pretty good power. Makes me wanna take it from you, but your too cute for me to bring myself to do that..'

"Hey, don't be scared of me. I won't take your power. I'll *never* take your power." He added emphasis to the never portion to show how much he meant it.

"Yeah, I know.."

She was so close to his chest that any change in heart would have been felt. She..didn't feel such a change so she knew he wasn't lying.

"You do now? Glad to see how much you trust me."

He laughed while showing a small smile. 'My cute little loli is too much for me...' He then looked past him and down at her legs. 'It..ain't even like that. I just wanna know why..'

"Hey, why don't you wear shoes? Or socks?"

She had her dog's out which made him wonder how her feet felt. 'Eh? Such a strange question..' She sat them up on the desk and used them to type. 'No..'

He typed on that same keyboard and ate from a burger as well. 'Come on, Rukia... That's disgusting..' Rukia knew what she was doing and laughed.

"This way, I can use them and be on a tablet at the same time..."

"To think...that you could have that much control over you body.."


She became embarrassed. They then talked more about stuff and got to know each other better. They watched a movie together as well until Kazemi realized how much time he spent with her and not with his...girlfriend(?) who almost died.

"Alright Rukia, I'll be back later, okay? Just hold the fort down and..."

He got up, making her fall onto the floor. He then saw a plauge mask in front of a camera, holding a sign that said, 'Let me in.' The plague was pointing at the sign as well.

"Wow. She actually came.."

Kazemi then picked up the crying Rukia and sat her down in the chair. He grabbed his coat and told her he'll be back. He slipped out the back and then to the front.

"I see you got my sticky note."

The plague man looked over and stared at Kazemi. It didn't even take 2 seconds for them to aim their Ak at Kazemi. 'C-Calm down bro..' Kazemi put his hands up with a cold sweat

"Bastard! It was you who did that?!"

"Yeah, I'm guilty.."

"Stop being so nonchalant! I should take back what you took from me!"

She slowly rushed up to him and pushed him to the ground. She soon took out a huge machete and put the pointed tip right over his eye ball.

"Give me one good reason not too."

Kazemi used the Sigil which allowed him to see the heart of any being. He saw that hers was beating fast which lead him to scoff.

"You can't do it. Your not a killer."

"What?! I can't kill?! Yeah, let's see about that.."

She then threw the knife up high into the sky. 'What the hell is she planning...' The machete came back down, the plague mask starring directly into Kazemi's eyes. 'No..fear..?'

With the momentum of the knife, she caught it right before it broke throught the small layer of protection on his eyes. 'And he didn't even flinch..' Once you've seen death and experienced it, you tend not become afraid of it.

"Is this all? Some clown show? What's next?"

In a moment, Kazemi appeared behind her with the machete to her ski mask that went down on her neck. 'What?!' Amazed by his speed, she could only tremble. When it came to being right in your face, Kazemi never lost a battle.

"Go on. What's next?"

Everyone watched from the camera room at the spectacular scene shown in front of them. 'He doesn't flinch in the face of death and he's quick too..' Tentacle man nodded in approval. 'That's my Kazemi..'

Tory smiled with warmth. 'Wow..' Water Loli stared in amazement. 'My head hurts..' Rukia held her head while tearing up once again. Even Akari watched from a room and was impressed.

"C-Calm down, okay? We can work this out.."

"Can we though? Can we?"

Kazemi threw the Machete away and then held the back of her throat. She was a little taller because of the boots she wore but without them, they would practically be the same height.

"Ten seconds. Speak."

From there, his grip strength increased. By which his rate of grip increasing, she would be dead in the next 10 seconds. She figured this out after 3 seconds and immediately started rambling on.

She said that she could do things that a man usually wouldn't offer to another man and more. 'Just tell me what I'm looking for..' 7 seconds passed and he could feel her almost out of life and breath.


She managed to squeeze out.

"I'm a woman!"

Kazemi threw her out his hand and she immediately began collecting the surrounding air in. The people in the room were surprised, all excepted the water loli.

"A woman you say? Oh, now you can definitely complete those demands.." Not like it mattered if it was a man or woman to be fair. Just wouldn't be as awkward with a girl.

"This is why men are only savages.."

She took the plague mask off and showed herself to him. She had a tomboyish look as well and a frown to boot. The people in the command room were taken aback by her beauty, even the Water loli couldn't help but blush from seeing her again.

"And yet, you refer and dress as one. That's sorta controversial isn't it?"

"Shut up! I have my reasons for this!" ('And why isn't he reacting to my beauty?..) The most dangerous type of woman was ones that were self aware of their own beauty. When I tell you they hold power, I mean it.

"Well, I don't care for those reasons. I just wanted to say sorry actually and not to embarrass you like this..."

He laughed awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head. 'Huh? Apologize..' She touched the black eye patch on her right eye.

"I took your eye, and even left you in the middle of the hallway for death. I was being a dick and I see that now."

She only threatened him. Heck, she didn't even do that. She only surprised him which led him to attacking her. 'Nah, because he seems so genuine but I can't trust him..' Just then, her heart cramped, resulting in a series of pain and tears.

She fell onto her knees, confusing and surprising everyone watching. 'W-What did he do?!' She held her chest and slowly looked up at him. 'The fuck..' She saw a beating heart in his chest which made her puke.

'I-I'm not even using my Sigil..'

From seeing the beating heart appear out of no where, it made her pass out and fall into her throw up. 'This is..' Kazemi walked up to her and stood over her limp body.

'An apology.."

He gave her the Sigil that allowed you to see any beings heart. Before you guys say what an idiot the Mc was, let me explain. So basically, the Mc took this power in the first place because he wanted to see what the kid saw.

He never had a use for it though.

Kazemi didn't see the use in this power. He could already pinpoint a heart on humans and even some animals from experience. Sure he could have used that power to see a higher beings heart, but he's...Kazemi.

He definitely didn't think that far ahead. 'And off breathing pattern, I can tell if someone is afraid of me or just scared in general..' He bent down and moved her head out the vomit.

'Use this power...to really see someone.'

You could tell a lot from a person's heart. How evil or good they are. If their lying or not. How scared they are. How they think too. Kazemi had access to these already or could use them to a degree.

'Because IF You Can't, It'll Get You Killed..'


(An: Aye, your boy got himself his first job...

Yes sir. Don't all clap at once... Please clap. But in all seriousness, I might not post on certain days. And I hate that because...I love you all. You criticize me, tell me where I should improve and much more. As an author, that's the best thing you could ask for.

And so, thanks. Thanks for reading this series, and for giving it a chance.)