
Transmigrated to Level Up in a New World

Fenrir was simply going to the school library to fetch his work book when he saw a dull glow coming from the fantasy section. His curiosity got the better of him and he decided to check it out and that was when his life changed. Sorry everyone the first few chapters aren’t that interesting so I will keep it short and get to the main plot.

MrJumble · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Level up system

Fenrir was in shock. He had never felt such pain before. "Ow. What? Wait system? No way."

Pulling himself together "Wait let's handle this overgrown lizard first." He turned around and once again faced the lizard again. This time with no thoughts of running as he now knew he couldn't. He lifted his cane defensively to prepare himself for another attack. When he was not attacked he decided to go on the offensive and made a clumsy swing at the lizard .

The lizard took a step forward completely ignoring the attack thinking it would be weak. *Clack* the attack had little effect but still making it take a step back. *Ding* "2 damage dealt, 18/20 remaining." "I really have a system. Does this mean I really am in another world?" he thought.

While he was musing to himself the lizard had started charging at him. At the last moment Fenrir shook himself out of his thoughts and jabbed his cane at the lizard. He hit the lizard but due to his low strength and the lizards momentum the cane slipped and hit him in the chest. *Ding* "4 damage dealt, 14/20 remaining." *Ding* "2 damage received 5 HP remaining, check stats for more detail." He stumbled back.

"Yes!" He shouted "I am in another world." He swung his cane again this time a bit smoother and hit the lizard in the head. *Ding* "4 damage dealt, 10/20 remaining."

"Halfway there." he mumbled. *Clack* he swung the can again but was blocked by the lizards tail which made his arms shake from the force. *Ding* "1 damage dealt, 9/20 remaining." *Ding* "1 damage received, 4/10 HP remaining."

While he was recovering from the reverberations of the blow the lizard swiped its claws again but Fenrir fell back barely dodging it. He stumbled back a bit gaining some much need space. "Phew. That close." He stumbled back trying to not fall.


Fenrir quickly looked up to see the lizard charging him, nearly on him already. "Ha this lizard is stupid. It literally screeched, telling me it was coming to attack." He planted the back of his cane in the ground at the last second and aimed the other end at the lizard. His cane hit the lizards throat and bent under the pressure. *Ding* "Critical hit dealt, 50% damage increase. 6 damage dealt, 3/20 remaining." The lizard writhed on the floor having its airflow blocked. "Yes! Critical hit. I wonder why the headshot wasn't a critical hit. Maybe it has a thick skull." He exclaimed. He quickly decided to attack before it recovered. He jabbed his cane at the lizards stomach hoping to finish it off in one strike but it was deflected by the lizard at the last moment making him stumble. The lizard lashed out with its claws. Fenrir only just blocked it receiving a nick to his leg by a claw. *Ding* "1 damage received, 3/10 HP remaining" He quickly swung his staff. *Smack* The cane hit its mark and he took a step back afraid that it wouldn't be enough.

*Ding* "3 damage dealt, 0/20 remaining. You have defeated a rank-F monster, the pain lizard, 10 exp received." "Yes!" Fenrir shouted.

*Ding* "You have levelled up, you are now level 1. Your stats have been activated." Fenrir gasped. "Huh, I already levelled up. Isn't that a bit fast." "Oh. It said I levelled to level 1 does that mean I was level 0. That would explain why I says my stats had been activated." He thought out loud. "I wonder if I can open my stats. That announcement thingie said I could so how do I. It's probably as simple as saying OPEN STATUS"

||| Status Page

Name: Fenrir Greywolf

Status Condition: Normal

Class: (Please choose class)

Level: 1 (0/100)

HP: 5/12

MP: 2/2

Health: 6

Magic: 1

Strength: 11

Vitality: 4

Intelligence: 5


Speed: 6

Stamina: 5

Status Effect Resistances: Status Effect Resistance: lvl 0 (404/10 000), Blinding Resistance: lvl 0 (3/100), Sleep Resistance; lvl 2 (93/300), Mental Pressure Resistance: lvl 0 (6/100), Pain Resistance: lvl 0 (2/100)

Physical Damage Resistances: Physical Damage Resistance: lvl 0 (9/10 000), Blunt Damage Resistance: lvl 0 (3/100), Falling Resistance: lvl 0 (1/100), Biting Resistance: lvl 0 (3/100), Slashing Resistance(claws or talons): lvl 0 (1/100), Reverberation Resistance: lvl 0 (1/100)

Magical Damage Resistances: None

Mundane Masteries: Exploration Mastery: lvl 0 (1/100),

Fighting Masteries: Cane Mastery: lvl 0 (15/100), Dodging Mastery: lvl 0 (1/100)

Magic Masteries: None

Magics: None

Skills: ?????: lvl MAX, Identify: lvl 1 (0/100),

In-Born Abilities: Map, ?????

Equipment: Other-World Bag, Enchanted Wooden Cane |||