
Transmigrated to Level Up in a New World

Fenrir was simply going to the school library to fetch his work book when he saw a dull glow coming from the fantasy section. His curiosity got the better of him and he decided to check it out and that was when his life changed. Sorry everyone the first few chapters aren’t that interesting so I will keep it short and get to the main plot.

MrJumble · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Status Page Review Part 1: Choosing a class

||| Status Page

Name: Fenrir Greywolf

Status Condition: Normal

Class: (Please choose class)

Level: 1 (0/100)

HP: 5/12

MP: 2/2

Health: 6

Magic: 1

Strength: 11

Defence: 4

Intelligence: 5

Perception: 3

Speed: 6

Stamina: 5

Status Effect Resistances: Status Effect Resistance: lvl 0 (404/10 000), Blinding Resistance: lvl 0 (3/100), Sleep Resistance; lvl 2 (93/300), Mental Pressure Resistance: lvl 0 (6/100), Pain Resistance: lvl 0 (2/100)

Physical Damage Resistances: Physical Damage Resistance: lvl 0 (9/10 000), Blunt Damage Resistance: lvl 0 (3/100), Falling Resistance: lvl 0 (1/100), Biting Resistance: lvl 0 (3/100), Slashing Resistance(claws or talons): lvl 0 (1/100), Reverberation Resistance: lvl 0 (1/100)

Magical Damage Resistances: None

Mundane Masteries: Exploration Mastery: lvl 0 (1/100),

Fighting Masteries: Cane Mastery: lvl 0 (15/100), Dodging Mastery: lvl 0 (1/100)

Magic Masteries: oNone

Magics: None

Skills: ?????: lvl MAX, Identify: lvl 1 (0/100),

In-Born Abilities: Map, ?????

Equipment: Other-World Bag, Enchanted Wooden Cane |||

Fenrir quickly skimmed through his stats. "Ooh. I have an identify skill. Now that's helpful as there are quite a few things I don't understand. IDENTIFY."

||| Status Page - An information sheet showing all your information (Stats, Resistances, Masteries, Magics, Skills and In-born Abilities). ?????


||| Status: Normal - This shows the state your body and mind are in. There are many status affects. Some are mind based. Some are body based. Your status is normal. |||


||| Class: None - A person's class dictates how your stats will improve. All classes will improve a total of 10 stats per level in addition to extra stats. Class chosen: (Please choose class). Identify the class choosing request to see options. |||

"Oh I have to chose a class. Let's see what choices there are. IDENTIFY"


Pure Stat Classes: Undying Tank(health 10), Scholar(intelligence 10), Berserker(strength 10), Heavy Tank(defence 10), One-Shot Mage(magic 10), Spy(perception 10), Sprinter(speed 10), runner(stamina 10)

Diverse Stat Classes: Tank(defence 5, health 3, stamina 2), Health Tank(health 5, defence 3, speed 2), Assassin(speed 5, perception 3, strength 2), Swordsman(strength 5, stamina 3, health 2), scout(perception 5, speed 3, intelligence 2), Mage(magic 5, intelligence 3, perception 2), Messenger(stamina 5, speed 3, health 2), Healer(intelligence 5, magic 3, perception 2),

All Rounded Stat Class: magic swordsman[a swordsman who can wield magic](strength 2, stamina 2, {health, defence, speed, intelligence, magic, perception are all 1}),

Fenrir's thought it through a bit. "Definitely no Pure Stat Classes as I don't want an extreme build, so it's between the Diverse Stat Classes and Magic Swordsman. First let's eliminate the ones I won't use. Mage, Healer, Scout, Messenger are out as I want to fight on the front lines leaving Tank, Heath Tank, Swordsman, Assassin and Magic Swordsman. Actually let's remove Health Tank as well. Tanks take a lot of hits and with lower defence meaning it's weaker than a Tank. I want to have lots of battles so I'll need stamina and it's not like I can just up and kill my opponent if it's a duel so I will choose between the two swordsman classes."

"Swordsman boosts strength, stamina and health but Magic Swordsman boosts all of them with a lower individual stat boost. In the long run it's obvious that the Magic Swordsman will be better and I'm wondering why it's the only class in its section while the others all have 8 corresponding to the different stats. I choose the MAGIC SWORDSMAN class."

*Ding* "You have chosen the Magic Swordsman class. You missed one level up without the class. Adding missing stats. Stats changed. Health 7, Magic 2, Strength 13, Defence 5, Intelligence 2, Perception 4, Speed 7, Stamina 7."

"Whooo" Fenrir exclaimed "That means levels 0 is an actual level. Let's check the rest of my stats."


||| Level: 1 - Level indicates how far above your base stats you are. Each level up gives +1 to all stats. Your level is 1 meaning you have plus one to all stats. |||

"What are base stats? IDENTIFY"

||| Base Stats - Also known as level 0. Your starting stats before any improvements by equipment or levels. Your base stats are Health 5, Magic 0, Strength 10, Defence 3, Intelligence 5, Perception 3, Speed 6, Stamina 5. |||

"Okay. That's makes sense. Let's carry on. IDENTIFY"

||| HP - Health Points are your lifeline. If it hits zero you will die. You will regain one HP every 10 minutes. Not a stat. |||


||| MP - Mana Points indicate how much mana you have. If it hits zero you can no longer cast spells. You will regain one MP every 20 minutes. Not a stat. |||

"What does it mean not stats? IDENTIFY"

||| Health - Health is the stat that symbolises how much HP you have. 1 Health stat equals 2 HP. |||


||| Magic - Magic is the stat that symbolises how much MP you have. 1 Magic Stat equals 2 MP. |||

"Oh so that's what it mean. HP and MP are just representations of the stats Health and Magic. IDENTIFY"

||| Strength - Strength is the stat that displays your well strength and physical damage is based off of this stat. |||


||| Defence - Defence is the stat that determines how much damage is received. |||


||| Intelligence - Intelligence is stat determines your learning capabilities. The higher your Intelligence the easier is to learn masteries. As a bonus it also lowers your spell casting speed and mana expenditure the higher it is. |||


||| Perception - Perception is the stat that indicates the strength of the senses. |||


||| Speed - Speed is the stat that indicates reaction speed and running speed. |||


||| Stamina - Stamina is the stat that shows how long you can last. Whether in combat, trading or running. |||

Fenrir's interest was piqued. "So those are the stats and what they are for. Let's check out resistances, masteries, magic, skills and in-born abilities."