
Chapter 8

(AN: I decided with Water as a healing base. In the future, it might change to wood but I still need to look into that as I haven't watched all of the original Naruto and barely some episodes of Shipudden...)

Kazuki had just got out of school and was sitting on the edge of the roof of one of the high buildings in Musutafu city.

Kazuki had his legs dangling as he felt the warm air around him.

Beside him was a bag of one of his favorites burger shops around here. It was cheap and delicious so it was perfect for him.

Kazuki had just finished his meal and was sipping on his drink.

"Thank goodness class is over. I couldn't stand it after I got back to the surveillance room..." Kazuki said in between sips.

When Kazuki returned from his practice battle, most of his classmates were teasing him about him possibly having a crush on Momo.

Kazuki wasn't embarrassed but rather annoyed. Especially from Kaminari and Mina.

"She was literally unconscious a few minutes before, but still decided to annoy me... Especially that Kaminari guy."

"I should slap him next time. Maybe after that, he'll learn a bit..." Kazuki wasn't joking.

As Kazuki was enjoying the scenery of the city, he couldn't help and think about a problem that was soon arriving.

'Tomorrow's the day 'that' guy will infiltrate U.A and cause the USJ incident. I still don't know how to deal with his little league of villains...'

Kazuki sighed before he laid his back on the roof floor and used his backpack as a pillow.

He was now looking at the orange sky as it was almost dawn.

"What can I do..." Kazuki asked himself.

'The way I see it, I have three options. I expose their plan to Mr. Aiazawa and Principle Nezu by making up some bullshit story. I swap the USJ schedule form before the villains could get a hand on it. Or, I surprise attack them at the USJ and try to take out that teleporting guy first before going up against the Nomu...'

Kazuki clicked his teeth and ruled out all those options.

'I would be way too suspicious by the heroes in the first two options and I can't defeat that Nomu. He is on All Might's current level.'

Kazuki was only thinking for himself. He wanted an option that guaranteed his safety and would benefit him somehow.

Kazuki was confident he could take out all those villains except Nomu. Maybe he could stand a chance, but he didn't know until he tried, and he wasn't too keen on trying.

"The only thing I could probably do is put up a tracker in the bus we will be taking and wait it out until All Might arrives."

Kazuki wasn't too confident in this idea but it's all he had right now.

Kazuki released a tired breath and he hadn't even started his daily training.

After a few minutes of resting, Kazuki had gotten up and was going to go to his usual place to train but suddenly, he heard an explosion from afar.


Kazuki looked in that direction only to see a Pro Hero trying to stop a criminal. Something normal in this world.

But what caught Kazuki's attention was the

Pro Hero. It was a beautiful woman that had turned giant.

"Damm, I could see everything from here," Kazuki said to himself.

There were no tall buildings in that area so Kazuki had a good look at this Pro Hero.

Kazuki shook his head. Now wasn't the time for that. He still needed to complete his daily training.

With that, Kazuki left.


The Next Day.

Kazuki was walking toward the U.A school gate and could see it was filled with reporters.

As he made it to the gate, he was approached by a female reporter.

"Are you one of All Might's students? Please tell us, what's the number one hero like in person?"

"Fuck off.", Is what Kazuki wanted to say, but that would leave a negative impact when he becomes famous and earns a lot of money in the future.

In the end, Kazuki just ignored them and walked by them since he didn't want to talk to the media when he was just a nobody right now.

"The nerve of that kid! Can't we just get one good line about All Might from these kids?" The female reporter complained.

A few minutes later, Kazuki walked into class as usual. As he was walking in, he heard everybody talking about the media that was in front of the school.

"Do you think we'll be famous?!" Mina exclaimed to her invisible friend.

"I was so nervous! I hope I looked good." Hagakure Toru was panicking slightly.

'I'm pretty sure they didn't see you.' Is what everybody thought.

"I looked great as usual," Aoyama said while flaunting but nobody paid attention to him.

As Kazuki walked toward his seat, he saw Bakugo glaring at him again. It seems he wasn't as dispirited as yesterday anymore.

'Guess he finally accepted Midoriya as his rival now, huh?' Kazuki made it to his seat and sat down.

Kirishima and Kaminari then approached him.

"Akiyama, what did you say to the media?" Kaminari asked him.

"Nothing. They only wanted to know about All Might so there wasn't worth anything to say." Kazuki said while looking inside his backpack for something.

"You're right. Not like they were here for just some students." Kirishima agreed. He didn't think he was worth noticing.

"You're probably right. To them were probably not worth the time." Sero Hanta was smiling as usual. His seat was pretty close to Kazuki so he heard their conversation.

Kazuki took out a notebook and pen and started writing something. It was something related to his quirk. He wanted to combine his main Elements and hoped to fuse them. So Kazuki wrote ideas on how to combine them since he didn't know if there would be a drawback if he did it without care. He knew his individual Elements wouldn't harm him but he still didn't want to take risks.

He was writing it now since he forgot about it yesterday night as he went directly to bed when he got home.

"Hey, Akiyama, what are you writing?" Kirishima asked him as he couldn't understand it. Even Kaminari was confused.

Kazuki then looked at them, 'These guys are pretty dumb to not understand it. They should at least have a little knowledge about this language.'

Kazuki was writing English as he knew these guys didn't understand it fully. He also chose to write in big complicated words so it will be harder for them.

'Midoriya hasn't come to school yet so it's a perfect time for this.'

He knew Midoriya was smart so he chose not to write anything when he would come to school.

Kazuki also knew Momo was very intelligent so she could understand this pretty easily. But she was seated behind him so she couldn't see the context of his notebook.

"It's nothing. Just some homework I forgot to do." Kazuki replied while still writing in his notebook.

"Wait, we had homework?!" Kaminari panicked.

Kirishima wasn't panicked. He had completed it yesterday.

Kaminari looked toward Momo and saw her talking to Jiro. He then looked at her with pleading eyes.

Momo and Jiro heard their conversation since they were behind them.

Jiro smirked at him, "Don't listen to him, Momo. It's his own dumb fault."

Momo put a hand over her mouth and giggled.

Kaminari then looked at Kazuki and pleaded, "Akiyama, tell your girlfriend to help me out here, please."

In normal circumstances, he would envy Kazuki. But this was way more important to him. He didn't want to get in trouble.

Momo blushed as she remembered yesterday. She then covered her face with her arms on the table so she could hide her embarrassment.

Jiro and Kazuki both glared at him. Both for different reasons.

Jiro was mad he made her friend upset. While Kazuki was annoyed by his stupid teasing.

Kaminari started sweating nervously, "W-What?"

Just as Kazuki and Jiro were about to hurt him, Midoriya came into the classroom and Mr. Aizawa came from under his desk and started class.

"Alright class, settle down. Now that you're all here, let's review yesterday's performances." He said with a dead look.

'How long has he been there...' Everybody thought.

Everyone took their seats and Aizawa started giving Bakugo and Midoriya tips and told them they needed to improve after their battle yesterday. He then looked at Kazuki.

"And Akiyama, good work yesterday."

Kazuki hmmed as a response.

After reviewing everyone's practice battle, he then became serious.

"Now class, this next task will decide your future..."

Everyone was on the edge.

"Choose a Class Representative."

Everyone sighed in relief that it was just normal school stuff.

As the class became loud as everyone wanted to be Class President, Kazuki decided to get some quick shut-eye.

Although being class president and graduating from this school would've given Kazuki a great advantage at becoming famous when starting his Pro Hero career, it also required extra work.

He was willing to sacrifice the role since leading wasn't a trait of his and he didn't want to do that extra work.

As everyone wanted to be Class President, an election was proposed by Iida.

When everyone voted not including Kazuki, the results were known.

Kazuki then opened his tired eyes as someone woke him up.

Kazuki stretched and looked toward Momo as she was the one to wake him up.

"...Thanks," He said tiredly.

Momo was still feeling a little embarrassed about the whole ordeal yesterday but someone had to wake him up especially since he was elected to be their Class President.

Kazuki then felt stares coming from everyone.

And everyone was staring at him.

Kazuki was confused until he looked at the chalkboard and understood why.

'The fuck...'

It turns out Kazuki had received 5 votes while Midoriya and Momo received 2 votes each.

"Alright, which idiot voted for them?!" Bakugo asked angrily.

"Do you honestly think anybody was going to vote for you?" Sero said to him.

"The hell do you say, bastard?!" Bakugo barked back.

Kazuki was still at a loss. Who did vote for him?

Ochako was sweating nervously, 'Maybe I'll keep my vote to myself.'

Iida was disheartened that he got 0 votes, but then realized something.

"Wait, why is there an odd number of voters? Who didn't vote?"

Everyone subconsciously looked at the boy who was sleeping through the whole voting process.

Iida felt crushed again, "He didn't even vote and still got 5 votes..."

Aizawa had also finished his nap and stepped out of his sleeping bag.

As soon as Momo saw that, she raised her hand.

"What is it, Yaoyorozu?" Aizawa said to her.

"Sir, since me and Midoriya got the same amount of votes, who will be the Class Vice President?"

"I don't know. Akiyama, choose who you want as Vice President."

Kazuki had already recovered from his surprise. He still didn't know who voted for him but it didn't matter now.

"Why should I pick?" Kazuki asked. By his tone, he wasn't too happy about being Class President.

"Because you are now the Class Representative. Now, hurry up and choose who you want as your Deputy." Aizawa said back.

Kazuki clicked his teeth, 'Well, since I have to pick then I'm obviously picking Momo. Midoriya has stage fright and I could leave all my work to her...'

"I guess...Momo."

Aizawa nodded with his dead fish look.

"Well, now it's settled. Akiyama will be your Class President and Yaoyorozu will be your Class Vice President."

Kazuki laid his head on his desk helplessly. His naps would be cut a little shorter now...


It was lunchtime and Kazuki was sitting at a table with a few empty chairs around him. He had a lot of food and he enjoyed his peaceful time as he ate.

But his peaceful time was cut short as some of his classmates had decided to sit next to him.

It was the trio from his class.

"Hey, Akiyama. How come you didn't take the station yesterday?" Ochako asked as she sat down shamelessly.

Even Iida did the same.

Midoriya was sweating nervously as he sat down. He was the only one to read Kazuki's mood.

Kazuki had given up. It's not like he could've forced them to sit anywhere else or could he...

Kazuki shook his head. He didn't want to hurt some kids only for this petty reason.

"...I took a different station yesterday..." Kazuki said between bites of his food. He was hardly paying attention to them

Ochako nodded and Iida asked her a question.

"By the way, Uraraka. Who did you vote for to become our Class President?"

Ochako started eating her tasty food and pointed toward Kazuki.

Iida was quite shocked. He didn't think she would vote for Kazuki.

Even Midoriya was surprised. Didn't everyone want to be Class President?

"It was between him, Deku, or you, Tenya. I just wrote all your names and put it inside a small box and Akiyama came out the winner." Ochako said while enjoying her meal. She never wanted to be Class President and considered these three her friends so she went with this and turns out, Kazuki was the luckiest.

Iida and Midoriya looked at her surprised. Even Kazuki was looking at her as he stopped eating his food for a moment.

'So she was one of the people who cut my sleeping time...'

Iida fixed his glasses, "Well I voted for Midoriya. He was the one to figure out the meaning in the Entrance Exams."

Kazuki then went back to eating his food. He didn't want to hear their conversation anymore.

Even though he didn't want to listen to them, he still heard that Iida was the younger brother of the Turbo Hero, Ingenium.

Midoriya and Ochako were shocked and wanted to ask him more questions but something unexpected happened.

The school alarm went off.

Iida looked around and everyone in the cafeteria was vacating the place. Confused, he asked another student not too far from him.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"It's a level 3 security breach. Someone managed to infiltrate the school!" The student left as he followed everyone else who was leaving.

Iida was on edge but managed to stay calm. His face then became serious and he looked toward Ochako and Midoriya.

"We should get going as well."

They both nodded seriously and started leaving as well.

But something stopped the trio from evacuating the cafeteria.

Kazuki was still eating his lunch without the care in the world.

"Akiyama, we should get going," Ochako spoke with a little worry. This was one of her first friends she made in High School so it was only given. Midoriya was slightly the same.

Kazuki didn't see them in that way though.

"Naw, I'm good," Kazuki said in an uncaring voice.


"Akiyama, is this the attitude the Class President of Class 1-A should show?" Iida was slightly angry.

Kazuki looked at him with annoyance. He didn't want to be lectured by him.

"Did you not remember the reporters from this morning? One of them probably managed to sneak in and this whole messed was caused."

The three of them widened their eyes. They forgot about that.

Iida then looked toward the glass windows that overlooked the front gate of U.A.

And Kazuki was right. The reporters did manged to trespass on school property.

Iida then looked back toward Kazuki and bowed.

"I sincerely apologize for my rudeness. I didn't know this and still got angry with you. It seems it was the correct decision for you to become or Class President." Iida was honest about his mistake.

Kazuki just went back to eating his food.


Iida then raised his head and felt slight respect for Kazuki. Just like Midoriya, Kazuki was able to understand the whole situation at first glance.

Iida then looked at Ochako and Midoriya.

"I will head toward the students who exited this place. They probably still don't understand the full situation. Would you guys help me?"

Ochako and Midoriya nodded while smiling before the trio went toward the Exit.

Left alone, Kazuki was thinking about something else.

'It seems 'that' guy already infiltrated the school. I need to play my cards right or I might make more unnecessary problems.'

Next chapter