
Transmigrated as a Secret Agent Into a Novel

"Tides of Chaos: A Worldwide Fantasy Web Novel" Unveiling the protagonist's journey and the struggles encountered along the way. Yet, were these events truly meant to strengthen the protagonist, or was there a hidden agenda behind them? All the events that have occurred so far, which seemed to be mere obstacles for the protagonist, were actually part of a plan orchestrated by a secret organization—BlightWeavers. The mastermind behind these events, the puppeteer, was a high-level BlightWeavers agent operating under the alias of Silas. When Alex transmigrated into this novel, he realized he was neither a main character nor an extra. Instead, he had assumed the role of Silas, as a rookie field agent during his early days within the organization. Alex unwittingly became the catalyst for the events that drive the story's progression, all under the orders of the BlightWeavers. *** Update schedule: 1 chapter/day [GMT+8 (Shanghai, China) 15:00 ~ GMT+5:30 (India) 12:30 ~ GMT -4 (New York) 03:00 ~ GMT +3 (Turkey) 10:00 ]

WriterOfEnd · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Awakening Potion

Alex glanced at the incoming call just as he was about to unleash a torrent of curses on the caller and their entire family. He realized the caller was his dad, causing him to snap his mouth shut in an instant.

The sight of 'Dad' displayed on the screen filled him with a sense of panic.

'Why is Original Alex's father calling now?' Alex pondered. While he knew the day would come when he would have to confront him, he hadn't expected it to be so soon.

'Should I simply ignore the call?' Alex briefly entertained the thought but quickly dismissed it. He feared that ignoring the call would only raise suspicion and lead to future troubles.

Or, at least, that's what he convinced himself was the reason for not ignoring the call. Deep down, Alex acknowledged, 'It's not because I have a fear of the word 'dad,' but rather because, from a young age, the authoritative image of 'dad' had been forcibly ingrained in me, evoking respect and commanding obedience.'

Alex answered the call and said, "Hi, Dad."

"Hi, son. It took you quite a while to answer. Were you busy with something?" Robert asked curiously.

"Oh, no. Sorry about that. I was just having dinner," Alex lied and responded, his tone slightly formal.

Robert sensed that something was off about Alex's tone and attitude, but he attributed it to Alex's recent rejection

"Never mind, how are things going in your life? Is everything all right?" Robert inquired, genuine concern in his voice.

"Everything's fine. I'm okay," Alex replied reflexively.

Robert remained skeptical, noticing how awkwardly Alex was behaving. He let out a sigh and pondered, 'Is it really my fault? Did I make a mistake by encouraging him and telling him that if he tries hard enough in love, he will eventually succeed?'

"Son, I always told you that a man needs to be determined in love and never give up," Robert sighed, his voice tinged with regret.

Robert paused for a moment before continuing, "But I think I was wrong. Sometimes, it's better to give up and move on. Not all relationships have to be like me and your mom."

'It's Amelia again. When will people stop bothering me about her?' Alex let out an exasperated sigh.

"I understand, Dad. Don't worry, I'm fine… I'll be fine," Alex acted accordingly to the mood, not wanting to arouse any more suspicion, knowing he was being awkward.

Robert, seeing how hard Alex was trying not to show his feelings, decided not to pursue the matter anymore and changed the subject.

"You know, the annual anniversary of the River Family Corporation is coming up, right?" Robert said.

"Yes," Alex replied, recalling that it had also been mentioned in the T.O.C. During the event, there were going to be problems that could potentially cause the River Family to lose influence.

"I want you to attend as well," Robert said.

Considering the events that were going to happen at that annual anniversary, Alex didn't want to go, so he tried to reject, acting burdened.

"Can't I pass, Dad? I don't think it's right for me to attend," Alex said hesitantly.

"Alex, I know I told you to give up, but don't forget that you carry the surname Hart. You can give up, but you must never act cowardly or appear as one," Robert said firmly.

Alex realized that he had no choice after hearing Robert's tone. He reluctantly nodded and said, "Okay, I will attend."

After a little more conversation, they hung up.

Alex looked into the trash with a hint of disappointment and saw his collection of numerous failed attempts to create the awakening potion.

He then turned his attention to the remaining ingredients on his table. His tired eyes shifted from one to another, lost in thought.

"It looks like I only have enough ingredients for one last attempt," Alex realized, fully understanding the gravity of the situation.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, and began focusing on the process, mentally going through each step of the potion's creation.

After a moment of contemplation, Alex felt a surge of determination. "Let's do this," he encouraged himself, and confidently started the process again.

Alex's hands were moving with high precision, mixing ingredients, adding and subtracting, grinding multiple necessary ingredients, and then adding them to the final product with precise quantities while carefully observing the potion's reactions and timing.

After an arduous and lengthy process, Alex finally succeeded in creating the infamous awakening potion. The potion revealed a captivating ocean-blue hue and emitted a refreshingly alluring aroma.

In that moment, a wave of nostalgia washed over Alex, transporting him back to his primary school days when he nurtured his very first bean flower. The sense of accomplishment and fond memories intertwined, creating a bittersweet yet gratifying experience.

Alex decided to have dinner before taking the potion, as he anticipated that the awakening process would require energy. With that in mind, he headed to the kitchen to prepare a simple yet nutritious meal for himself.

As Alex enjoyed his meal, an array of thoughts flooded his mind. 'Am I making the right decision? Can someone like me, a regular person from Earth, truly survive in this fantastical world?'

"Do I have no other options but to immerse myself in this absurd world of fantasy?" Alex questioned himself.

'Why do I feel as though the choices I'm making will lead me to a point of no return?' Alex was plagued by uncertainty, unsure if he was treading the right path.

Alex yearned to abandon it all and live as an ordinary human being, even in a world filled with magic and wonder.

He could live like an unawakened person, where he could follow the monotonous routine of work and home, leading a simple and uneventful life.

Then Alex woke up from his reverie and thought bitterly, 'Do I even have the right to want this? I am a fucking secret agent for the world's most sinister organization.'

Alex tried to shake off these depressing thoughts and said to himself, "My only choice is to keep moving until I become strong enough to make my own decisions and live the life I truly want."

Alex finished his meal with these complicated thoughts running through his mind.