
Transmigrated as a Secret Agent Into a Novel

"Tides of Chaos: A Worldwide Fantasy Web Novel" Unveiling the protagonist's journey and the struggles encountered along the way. Yet, were these events truly meant to strengthen the protagonist, or was there a hidden agenda behind them? All the events that have occurred so far, which seemed to be mere obstacles for the protagonist, were actually part of a plan orchestrated by a secret organization—BlightWeavers. The mastermind behind these events, the puppeteer, was a high-level BlightWeavers agent operating under the alias of Silas. When Alex transmigrated into this novel, he realized he was neither a main character nor an extra. Instead, he had assumed the role of Silas, as a rookie field agent during his early days within the organization. Alex unwittingly became the catalyst for the events that drive the story's progression, all under the orders of the BlightWeavers. *** Update schedule: 1 chapter/day [GMT+8 (Shanghai, China) 15:00 ~ GMT+5:30 (India) 12:30 ~ GMT -4 (New York) 03:00 ~ GMT +3 (Turkey) 10:00 ]

WriterOfEnd · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Alex headed to the training room, thinking it would be the best place for awakening.

Upon entering the training room, Alex activated all the protective measures in case something were to happen.

Alex pondered the process of awakening and the examples in TOC. It stated that during the process, some individuals might awaken their innate abilities, which could potentially cause harm to both the environment and the person involved.

After ensuring that everything was ready, Alex took the Blesswhisper Venom Serenity Lull and awakening potion in his hands. He held the venom in his right hand and the potion in his left.

He looked at both of them and took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing," he said to the empty room, and then he drank the venom first, followed by the potion.

Alex waited for a few seconds and thought, 'Did I fail...?' Then he collapsed to the ground.

Alex was in the grip of a violent seizure, his entire body convulsing and thrashing on the floor. Coughing up blood, he left crimson stains that painted the floor.

This distressing episode persisted for nearly half an hour until suddenly Alex's body became rigid, contorting into an arch-like shape resembling a bow. Then, an unseen force drew the mana in the room into Alex's body.

With each passing moment, the density of the absorbed mana increased, causing multiple spatial portals to materialize and vanish rapidly throughout the room. To an outside observer, it would seem as though the fabric of space itself was collapsing around Alex.

The pulsating mana danced between the ruptures in space, traversing from one portal to another, all converging toward the spiraling vortex absorbed by Alex.

After an extended period, the mana in the room returned to its normal state, and the cracks in space dissipated as if they had never existed.

Alex's body finally relaxed, releasing its tense form and crumpling to the floor.

Having long lost consciousness, Alex lay motionless amidst a pool of his own blood. His appearance now bore a resemblance to that of the first victim of a serial killer—an amateurishly and unplannedly murdered individual.

Alex slowly regained consciousness, his eyelids fluttering open. He struggled to keep them from closing again, lacking the strength to perform such a simple action.

'Damn, is this the excruciating pain they talk about in TOC, like having a tooth pulled?' Alex cursed silently.

In his previous life, Alex had never encountered this level of agony. It made him wonder, 'Is this the price one pays for awakening and transcending into a higher state of being?'

His thoughts were muddled, still overwhelmed by the lingering pain. If only he could regain control of his body, he might have screamed for help.

'Could the venom's effects still be lingering?' Alex pondered, desperately searching for an explanation as to why he couldn't fully command his own limbs.

As time passed, a sense of panic began to creep into Alex's mind, fueled by the realization that his body remained beyond his control.

'Did I fail and ruin my body?' Alex began to think of the worst outcomes, feeling anxious.

Even his thoughts became sluggish, and with growing unease, he questioned, 'Am I going to die again after being granted a second chance at life?'

"NO!" Alex mustered all his willpower, attempting to scream, but he couldn't even be sure if the words had escaped his lips. Then, his consciousness faded, and he fell into deep darkness.


In an unfamiliar place resembling a grand hall, there stood a long table flanked by empty seats on either side. At the head of the table sat a throne.

Resting his head on his left hand, which was propped up by the armrest, he appeared to be watching something. His face portrayed profound boredom. He emitted an air of indifference, as if nothing in this world could captivate or excite him.

Suddenly, he leapt up from his throne and began pacing back and forth. The mask of boredom was replaced by a look of astonishment and confusion etched across his face.

He strode towards an open area, gazing at the sky, wearing an expression that was difficult to decipher. It seemed like he was trying to contemplate something and understand it.

After what felt like an eternity, he broke the silence, uttering aloud, "Something has changed."

Swiftly, he conjured a series of characters in the air, typing with an invisible keyboard.

[Assignment Details]

[Agent: All Agents]

[Mission: Operation Twilight]

[Objective: Observe and report any anomalous activities between 1600 hours and 1700 hours today]

[Reward: 1 CP]

[Mission Failure: None]

[Mission Status: Active]

[Submit Secure Report]

The agents scattered across the world, ranging from novices to seasoned dukes, received this unusual mission. Some were confused, and some ignored it, but for every one of them, this mission aroused curiosity.

A collective sentiment echoed within their minds: 'Something must have occurred or is about to unfold.'

They held firm in their understanding that BW never assigned missions in vain or without purpose.

History had shown that even seemingly trivial tasks held significance, as their impacts on the world would later be unveiled.


As the first light of morning broke, Alex woke up in agony.

"I am alive," Alex rejoiced. He thought he had died again, just two days after arriving in the new world.

Alex got up and stretched his muscles to feel alive again, checking if there was a problem or not. After seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Alex breathed a sigh of relief.

Alex surveyed the room, horrified by the sight before him. 'Is all of this my blood?' he wondered.

"I suppose the protective measures worked," Alex mumbled, a sense of relief washing over him as he realized the academy staff hadn't breached his dorm.

Alex first decided to check if his mana heart had formed. He closed his eyes, focusing his attention on his body. After deep concentration, he sensed the presence of his mana heart slowly rotating within his chest.

The shape of his mana heart resembled a solar system, albeit with fewer orbiting planets. As an F-rank, he currently possessed only one planet orbiting around his mana heart at the moment.

"I guess I've evolved," Alex uttered. He could sense a noticeable shift in his senses.

Alex felt a surge of energy coursing through him, allowing him to perceive the world differently when he tapped into his mana.

Through the lens of mana, the world seemed more alive and intricately woven. It was as if he were peering into an exquisite oil painting, where every detail came to life.

After becoming familiar with mana, Alex was eager to determine if he possessed any innate abilities.