
Chapter 25: Kill the Trolls!

[General POV]

The raindrops were falling slowly, making a soft "plic, plic" against the trolls horrible face. The three were walking quickly through the forest, searching for the human who hurt their brother.

However, they were bewildered, as they could only see a dozen small creatures holding weapons in front of them. One of the trolls, four meters tall, with a round, bald head, said sharply:

"This is the first time I've seen anything so small what are they, are they humans too?"

"They should be dwarves. Mom caught some when I was little" Replied the other troll, who seemed to be the older brother, as he was the tallest, with a height of ten meters.

The smallest troll, with a height of four meters, reached out his hand to scratch his bald head and thought for a few seconds before speaking:

"Can they be eaten?"

"Of course they can be eaten, just like humans " Said the larger troll loudly.

"The humans we captured last time were not tasty. The meat was too old and I can still feel one of their ribs in my tooth" Said the smaller one.

"Idiot, those were two old farmers; they were thin and didn't have much meat, of course they weren't going to be delicious!" The bigger troll patted the smaller troll on the head and continued in a low voice, "These dwarves are different. Look at that fat dwarf, he like a meatball; he sure is delicious!" he said as he looked at Bombur.

"Hey, were these dwarves the ones that hurt you?" asked the little guy to the troll who was missing his fingers.

"No, those dwarves weren't; they just hit me, but their blows didn't hurt me much."

"Oh, then, who was it?" The larger troll looked at the middle brother, who was leading the way.

"It was that human next to that dwarf" Said the troll as he pointed at Aldril "That human has a very sharp sword, brother, plus when he gets angry he is very scary."

Hearing his brother's words, the larger troll's eyes seemed to light up and he immediately said:

"Then let me kill him. No, I'd better eat it; it looks very delicious."

He could already imagine how delicious that human must be, since from afar he could feel its strong and dangerous presence. Over his years, he learned that those with a dangerous presence were the most delicious.

As he was lost in his fantasies, mentally savoring the feast ahead, his vision dimmed on his left side and he felt an excruciating pain that made him instinctively bring his hand to the place where he felt the pain. His mind took a moment to process what had happened, the shock and pain clouding his reasoning quickly.

"Ahhhh, my eye!!!!! I can't see!!!" He screamed in desperation.

Dark blood drained from his eye, staining his hand and dripping to the ground. The pain was intense, giving him a tingling sensation that spread from the wound to the middle of his face.

As he tried to focus with his remaining eye, the blurred, choppy vision searched swiftly for his assailant. His mind was still dazed from the surprise attack, but he slowly began to regain clarity.

He felt fury replace the pain, a blind rage rising from within him; he could only think of revenge and killing the one who hurt him.

"Damn you!" bellowed the wounded troll, moving awkwardly as he tried to locate his attacker "I'll kill you and eat you all!"

With its roar, it advanced rapidly towards the group of dwarves. The other trolls, bewildered by the sudden attack, recovered from their initial shock and, with a roar, charged in support of their brother.

"They're coming, split up as agreed!" shouted Thorin, raising his sword to prepare the dwarves for combat "Let's show them what Durin's dwarves are made of!"


Aldril was the first to move to intercept the larger troll; rain drenched his dark hair as he drew his sword, which caused a faint silver flash under the gray sky. The wounded troll, still bleeding from the eye, roared in fury at the sight of the human rushing to confront him.

"You! You're the one who hurt me!" bellowed the troll, his voice echoing like thunder in the forest "I'm going to gut you and devour you!"

Faced with the threat posed by the troll, Aldril took a very serious attitude; he did not want the same thing to happen as with the Huargos. This time he would give everything without being confident.

"Try if you can, you bastard" Aldril whispered. With a quick swing of his sword, the blade cut through the air with a hiss. Aldril eyes were fixed on his enemy with absolute concentration.

Aldril sword movement found its target, slicing its way through the troll's right thigh. The slash was so deep that it severed an artery and from the wound came a torrent of blood that stained the ground with a dark substance, forming a puddle that mingled with the rain falling from the gray sky.

The troll let out a roar of pain. The attack caused it to fall to one knee. In an attempt to attack, the troll threw a swipe with the aim of hitting the human.

Seeing the oncoming attack, Aldril ducked; he felt the air shift from the powerful blow that passed over his head. With one fluid motion, Aldril rose and slashed with his sword.

The blade sliced through the raindrops as it headed for the troll's elbow. The blade's edge was sharp enough to cut the ulna bone that joined the humerus, causing the troll's arm to go limp.

"Ahhhh!" was the troll's pained cry; he could not understand how this simple human being could hurt him so badly in such a short time. Not even the many human warriors he devoured some time ago could damage him to this extent; it was too humiliating.

Aldril watched as his sword, bathed in the troll's blood, glowed with a silvery light, causing the blood to slide off, as if it had landed on a hydrophobic surface.

The troll, feeling dizzy from the enormous loss of blood, made a desperate attack, hoping to kill the human. However, these hopes were shattered, since Aldril, with great agility, dodged the attack and, taking advantage of the fact that the troll was on one knee and with one arm useless, made a strong leap and forcefully plunged his sword into his chest.

Such was the force he applied that he pushed the troll, who was now lying prone; the sword found its way through the hard bones of the chest and found its end in the troll's heart.

With bated breath, Aldril drew his sword, which came out without much difficulty, still retaining its silver sheen.

Ignoring the strangeness of the sword for the moment, Aldril turned his attention to the others, who were still fighting with the remaining trolls.

[With the dwarves.]

Seeing how Aldril caught the attention of the largest troll, the others got to work and hurried forward. According to Thorin's instructions, they split into two groups, one of six and the other of seven.

The group led by Thorin, Balin, Dori, Nori, Ori and Óin faced the medium-sized troll, who not long ago lost his fingers to an angry Aldril.

Seeing how his older brother would deal with the human, the medium troll gained confidence and, with heavy steps, faced the group. Despite the injury to his hand and nostrils, the troll believed it would be easy to deal with these simple dwarves.

But would the dwarves accompanying Thorin Oakenshield be simple? Of course not! They quickly demonstrated how capable they were. With much coordination, they waited for the right moment to strike.

The troll, in his confidence, threw a strong blow with his wounded hand; however, the dwarves, with their coordination and good reflexes, dodged the incoming attack.

The blow impacted on the hard ground, causing the blood still gushing from his severed fingers to be scattered to the surroundings.

"Ouch, it hurts!!!" he cried out. The force applied caused the bleeding wound to open even wider, proving that of the three brothers he was the most stupid by using his injured hand for the attack.

Taking his other hand instinctively to cover the wound, he became careless, allowing the dwarves to attack him.

Rushing forward, the dwarves attacked the troll's crotch, legs and toes with their axes and hammers. All these parts were constantly struck by the dwarves led by Thorin.

The troll, roaring angrily, looked at the hateful dwarves who were still beating him. With his non-bleeding arm, he slapped hard towards where Thorin and Balin were standing.

Despite his age, Balin showed that he was still very agile, for the moment they saw the troll raise his arm to smash them, they both threw themselves to the side, causing the troll's slap to be marked in the dirt.


The ground shook from the violent attack; mud and water splashed everywhere. It was at that moment that Thorin, his face caked with mud, shouted, "Óin! Throw your dagger at his eye!!!"

The troll, having neglected his face, was greeted by a thrown dagger, which traced a line as it spun and inserted itself into his right eyeball, causing black blood to gush from it.

"Ouch!!! you hurt my eye!!!" shrieked the troll as he fell on his buttocks, losing his balance from the pain of his bleeding eye.

"Nori!!!" At Thorin's cry, Nori, in a tacit understanding, used her arms to help leap Thorin towards the troll's body. At that moment, Thorin Oakenshield showed his courage, advancing across the troll's body to then leap and plunge his sword into the troll's other eye socket, causing his sword to embed itself so deep that it reached the brain, causing the troll to stop moving after a few seconds of struggling.

Upon seeing the troll's corpse, the dwarves began to celebrate; however, Thorin's loud voice interrupted their festivities:

"This is no time for celebrate!!!! We have to help the others," he said, watching as the other group dealt with the last of the trolls.


The last troll, besieged by Kili, Fíli, Dwalin, Glóin, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur, watched as his brothers were slain and, in endless rage, roared, "You bastards!!! You murdered my brothers!!! I'll tear you to pieces!!!"

With unbridled fury, the troll began to stomp and punch at random; all kinds of stones, logs and earth were scattered around, preventing the dwarves from approaching.

"Shiss" "AHH!"

Kili, like a good archer, aimed for the troll's nostrils. A few minutes ago he could see how Aldril's attack on the nostrils was very effective, so, implementing the same technique, he shot an arrow.

This unbalanced the troll, who drew his hands towards his bleeding nostrils. In disbelief, he pulled the arrow out of his nose and could see how it was covered in blood and snot.

"Damn dwarf!!!" he roared towards Kili, since he was the only dwarf with a bow. However, in his rage, he didn't notice the shadow moving swiftly behind him.


The sound of flesh being pierced echoed through the now silent forest. The rain, which used to fall incessantly, had ceased, leaving an eerie silence and a sky covered in gray clouds.

At some point, Aldril sneaked around the troll's back and, with a mighty leap, inserted his sword into the troll's head, piercing its skull and brain at the same time. The troll's corpse began to fall forward, and with it, an Aldril holding his sword tightly.


The corpse fell heavily, kicking up the mud around it.

"And that was the last one," Aldril said with slightly bated breath. There was silence for a brief moment, only to be broken by the feasting of the dwarves.


"We defeated the trolls!!!"

"Those bastards brought it on themselves!!!"

Aldril, still with the sword embedded in the troll's head, gave a smile and a sigh of relief. It was in that moment of celebration that a loud voice coming from a gray-robed wizard was heard.

"What the hell happened here, and why do I leave for a few minutes and find them with the corpses of three trolls?"


Hey, here's your favourite author! 

Soon we are approaching the origin of the Mc and by the way, what good games marked his childhood! I read some that I had forgotten and for nostalgia I have put an emulator and played some haha 

A big question, can you explain me why there are times when the names are put with "S" at the end? 

For example, sometimes the correction marks me "Thorin's, Gandalf's, Aldril's" why is that? 

Remember that there are 10 chapters ahead in my patreon, support me to reach 100 subs! "patreon.com/Mrnevercry" 

Middle-earth to conquer! Move those stones of power, you foul orcs! We have a Middle-earth to conquer


Ax_nevermay_crycreators' thoughts