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Yes, it is said that they cannot be differentiated, but let's remember that the aesthetics of dwarves is very different from that of humans and elves. jaja
other half elves, but they are not mentioned much.
ugh! don't remind me, poor Celeborn grew horns, Galadriel was supposed to be Celeborn's partner at that time and they put that kiss to Elrond...I don't know what the writers thought when they put a scene like that.
True, true, but what I was referring to was that when Finwe went to Formenos with Feanor who was left in charge of leading the Noldor at that time was Fingolfin.
But you forgot one important fact. Feanor did not rule them, remember that fingolfin assumed the temporal throne in the absence of finwe, who followed feanor in his exile, hence most of the noldor followed fingolfin instead of feanor.
I understand your point, but not at all that I underestimate them, if I remember correctly it is said that the Noldor massacred the Teleri, but from the beginning they were overwhelmed by the many Teleri that were there, remember that a large part of the Noldor followed Fingolfin, it was not until Fingolfin's host entered that they really massacred the Teleri.
comes from a murderous line of Balrogs, before they made the modification, it was said that Tuor had murdered many Balrogs and Tuor is his grandfather, reason why already you imagine the broken thing that they are. But still, compared to Gandalf and Glorfindel, he is the weakest one.
He has fought against sauron since the creation of the rings of power, he has a lot of experience and besides being the son of Earendil, his genes already make him extremely strong.
Let's just say that he is still not up to the heels of Gandalf, Elrond and Glorfindel, but he could face all of Sauron's wraiths and maybe he could beat the witch-king.
I was planning on attaching all the photos in an auxiliary chapter, but you beat me to it haha, thanks so much for posting the photos.