
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

6 Entities

"Okay come stand in front of the mirror." Luna says. Ben stand up and stands in front of the mirror. "Take off the clothes above the waist." Luna says with a serious expression while standing up herself. Ben takes of his hoodie and shirt. Exposing his torso. 'Oh wow!' Ben thinks while looking at himself in the mirror. His face is not the only part of his body that has changed.

Ben has abs all of a sudden and they are full and compact. 'Damn I never looked this good. Is this only because of this worlds energy?' All of a sudden Ben feels a small, soft and warm hand on his back. "Okay Ben you need to close your eyes and focus on my hand." Luna says. "Okay" Ben does as asked, He closes his eyes and focuses on the hand of Luna.

"Now clear your mind. Follow my hand. You will feel a pull after some time. Focus on that and you will feel a connection, follow it and your entity will reveal itself." Luna explains. Ben starts to follow the instructions and falls in a pseudo meditative state.

Luna kept her hand on Bens' back unconsciously while focusing on Bens expressions. Out of nowhere a gentle force pushes her hand of Bens' back. Ben then sits down cross-legged. His body starts to exclude a pitch-black aura and a tail start to materialize where his tail bone is supposed to be.

The tail is pitch black. It looks like the tail is absorbing everything. Like an unfillable void. The pitch-black aura changes to a black purplish with a white sheen colour. Slowly silver wings start to appear on the back of Ben right between his shoulder blades. They hold a holy but also dreading aura. They are majestic Ben now has a wingspan of over ten meters.

'Two entities? He is that powerful? And by the looks of it they are two humanoid beasts.' Luna thinks to herself. A third aura forms around Ben and an exact replica of Ben without the beast features made from water materializes mirroring the real Ben. The aura that Ben is currently excluding is so ancient that the world tree starts to shake and rumble.

Tree roots start to appear in this space and coil Luna and take her away from this space. Luna starts to struggle because she wants to see what kind of entity that is. 'Don't panic little one. I am taking you away because it will be dangerous for you right now to be next to him.' Luna hears inside her mind. "But I want to know." Luna says. 'Not now, later you will find out. Now is not the time.' The world tree responds.

Luna sits down with a dejected face and a little pout. 'You should start cultivating. I could provide a very dense wood and earth chi to you.' The world tree tries to reconcile with Luna. "Humph... Give me the best wood and earth chi you have then." Luna demands while crossing her arms and closing her eyes. A very dense wood qi starts to fill in the space where Luna is currently residing.

Luna smirks and makes a connection to her entity just like Ben just did. The sword of nature materializes and lays on her lap. Then white dragon wings appear on her back, her canine's extent, her eyes turn into slits and a white dragon tail appears where her tail bone is located. 'White? I have a forest dragon as an entity, right? Well doesn't matter, white is more my colour anyway.' With that as her final thought she starts to cultivate the wood and earth qi around her.

Ben is currently sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. All of a sudden Ben hears a voice say in his mind 'Open your eyes Ben.' Ben does as the voice asks. He sees a replica of himself sitting in front of him. "Who are you?" Ben asks. 'I am water. Well for you I am primordial water.' Water says back. "P-primordial water? Does that mean I have you as my entity?"

'Yes.' Ben is in the clouds right now. 'But if I find that you are unworthy, I can detach myself from you and find a different individual. But right now, that will not happen.' Water says. 'Currently you are worthy to be my master and I will help you to the best to my ability.' Water continues.

Then Ben notices something is different. He feels some weight at his back and an uncomfortable feeling at his lower back, just above his butt. Ben looks behind him and notices the wings and the tail. "Holy crap, these are wings and a tail. What the hell does this mean?" Ben exclaims and directs his question to Water.

'That is not my place to answer' with that two more figures materialize before Ben, facing him. 'Hi Ben, I am the angel of death.' The humanoid figure with silver wings and a black white halo above his head says. 'And I am a void kitsune' The humanoid fox with nine tails says.

Ben just stared into space, mouth wide open. 'I think we have broken him Water.' The angel says to Water. 'No just wait a bit.' Water replies. Ben comes out of his stupor and cast his gaze upon the kitsune and angel. "Oh my god I have three entities and one is a primordial, one is an angel and the last one is a nine tailed kitsune. A fricking primordial and two humanoid entities." Ben slowly mutters. His feelings are in turmoil. He feels excitement, confusion and loads of other feelings at the same time.

He is certain that he will become very powerful in the future. I wonder what all the powers I will get. "Ehm... Just to be sure. You are all my entities." All three nodded. "What powers will I gain from you all?" Ben asks. 'From me you will have absolute control over water when I guide you into water laws. You will eventually be water itself.' Water says proudly.

'With me you will gain eventually my nine tails and control over the void law. I specialise in void will but because kitsune are tricksters in nature you also have a low affinity to illusion laws. The tails are not only an indication of your power, but you can also defend and attack with them. As you can feel, you have slightly clawed hands and longer canines. And last you will have heightened senses, natural beast senses.' The kitsune says.

'As you can feel you have my wings and when you start to cultivate with my guidance and my powers you will slowly form your halo. You will have control of death qi, darkness qi and holy qi. You will be able to survive for up to a full day when your heart stops beating because you have control over death.' The angel of death says.

'This is insane. I'm such a cheat. Not that I can complain though.' Ben thinks to himself. "Do you guys have names? It makes it easier to communicate." Ben says to the trio. They look at each other then face Ben. 'Well I have gotten many names throughout history. My original name is just water.' Water says. 'I don't have a name.' The void kitsune says.

'Me too, I also don't have a name.' The angel says. "Okay I'll just keep calling you Water then. As for you kitsune I'll call you Boyd.' Ben says as he fell silent for a small amount of time. "You are the angel of death. In my world the angel of death is called Azrael. So, I will call you the same." Ben says. 'Thank you!' Boyd and Azrael say to Ben with gratitude. "No problem." Ben says.

"Okay, now introductions are over. Can you guys help me with my soul weapon?" Ben asks his entities.