
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

7 Something is happening

'Yes, we can help you with that.' Water says and stands up. 'You can stay cross-legged. Just follow my instructions.' Ben nods his head. 'Okay close your eyes.' Ben closes his eyes. 'Just as you did with making a connection to us focus on the inside.' Water says to Ben. Ben retraces his steps as he did with making a connection to his entities when he feels them. 'Okay now you feel us, right?' Ben again nods.

'Now ignore our presence. Reach further inside than us.' Water says. Ben concentrates and tries to ignore Water, Boyd and Azrael. He feels a small tug at his consciousness, he appears inside a small realm where he sees an ethereal version of himself. 'Ben, can you hear me?' Ben hears Water's voice. Ben nods his head.

'Okay if I'm right you see an ethereal version of yourself.' Ben nods again. 'The space where you are right now is called your inner soul realm. It is where your soul resides. Now stop ignore our presences. Then pull us towards your inner soul realm.' Water says to Ben. Ben who stops ignoring the presences of his entities, starts to pull them inside his inner soul realm.

Ben sees three ethereal figures of his entities decent inside his inner soul realm. The ethereal version of Ben opens his eyes. Three threats shoot outside its body and connect to the entities. Ben's ethereal form pulls the three entities towards itself and the three entities change shapes. From their natural form to a floating ball of energy.

Water changes into a blue glowing ball, Boyd changes into a black ball and Azrael changes into a black purple ball of energy. The three balls of energy enter Ben's ethereal form. A blinding light occurs inside the inner soul realm and Ben is blinded for a small amount of time. When he can see again his face is full of astonishment. He doesn't know why but he just knows.

He can somehow feel his soul like he can touch it. Ben focuses on his ethereal form but is surprised that his ethereal form has become corporeal. Not only that but a complete set of amor is floating just above the skin of his soul self. 'Now try to bring out your soul. You should be able to feel it.' Water's voice breaks Ben out of his reverie.

Ben closes his eyes and tries to reach out to his soul. Suddenly he is forced out his inner soul realm. Ben opens his eyes and sees Water, Boyd and Azrael looking at him with wide open eyes looking at him. Ben feels like his vision is a little different. It feels like he is looking through a comfortable mask. "What is it?" Ben asks. 'You can see for yourself.' Water replies while gesturing to the mirror.

Ben stands up while giving Water a questioning look. Ben turns his head to the mirror. Ben is stunned about what he sees in the reflection of the mirror. He sees himself but with a skintight amor coating his whole body.

It is completely black with golden symbols and blue lines across his amor. Ben cannot even see his face, it is obstructed by a plain black mask. No symbols or lines are seen on the place where his face is supposed to be.

'Let your tail and wings come out.' Azrael says breaking the silence. Ben complies and he sees his wings and tail come out and be coated by the same armor as the rest of his armor. "Is there a reason for all the symbols and the lines?" Ben asks.

'Okay that is enough. You have been here for a long enough time already. I cannot expend more energy to keep you here and supply you.' The world tree says to Luna who was still cultivating. She slowly opened her eyes. "How long have I been cultivating?" Luna asks the world tree.

'Just less than a day has passed.' The world tree says to Luna. Roots take Luna to Ben. She sees him standing in front of the mirror. She sees that he has a glove on but that disappears and a shoulder pad appears on his shoulders. When Luna was put down, she walks over.

"Hey Ben, what was that? Your gloves disappeared and shoulder pads appeared on your body." Luna asks. "Cool right? It is part of my soul materialization. My soul becomes an armor." While saying this Ben let his full armor appear on his body. "Wow it's so beautiful." Luna says admiringly.

"Your majesty, something is happening!" A royal guard says to the king. The king looks up from his beverage. The world tree is emitting a bright green light. All present shielded their eyes. When the light started to dim, they saw a cocoon of silver on the ground at the foot of the world tree. Slowly the cocoon opened.

The king stood abrupt up, what he thought was a silver cocoon was actually wings from an elf looking boy. He held a small figure in comparison to him in his arms. The king recognized the small figure to be his daughter. The king took a step forward but got stopped by one of his royal guards.

"We don't know who the boy is your majesty, let us first communicate from a distance to figure out what he wants." The royal guard says. The king gives the guard a long stare. He then looks at the boy and his daughter. A giggle is then heard from the direction of the world tree. All gazes focused on the princess.

When Ben asked the question of the symbols and lines on his wings, he had gotten no answer from Azrael. Azrael told him he would explain later because he said it was related to his cultivation. Ben then started to experiment with his soul armament. First, he tried free his head of the armor.

He felt it was possible, but it didn't happen right away. He needed a little bit more time to free his head. Then he slowly tried to expel small parts of his armor. When he improved a bit in taken out his soul manifestation in bits and pieces. Ben got pulled out of his trance by the voice of Luna. Who was brought by the world tree. The voice of the world tree said to the two of them. 'I am going to bring you two out of here.

Little one your father and that brat are outside waiting for you. Take care of the young human, he will need it. He will be thrust into an unfamiliar world.' "Hey, I am standing right here." Ben says. He is already 17 right now, actually 18 because the was out cold for a year. When he was home, he was already very independent.

Ben is confident that he could survive inside this world because he has amazing entities. Even though it cannot hurt to let Luna help. "Of course, I'll help him. Thanks to him I unlocked my entity." Luna says. 'Then I will excuse myself.' The voice of the world tree says curtly. A bright green light engulfs them. Because of the nature of humans to be on guard of the unknown, Ben out of instinct grabs Luna puts his arms around her and his wings come out and surrounds them.

When the blinding light was gone Ben came out of his reverie. He heard Water inside his head say. 'Wow your newfound instincts are a little too strong. We will need to work on that later.' Ben's eyes opened and is greeted by blue white orbs right in front of him. "Ehm... Could you please release me?" The voice of Luna greets Ben's ears.

"I'm sorry that was my instincts kicking in. I'm new to all this you know." Ben says. "I also don't know how to control my wings yet, could you help me?" Ben asks embarrassingly to Luna. Luna giggles and says.

"Of course, right between your shoulder blades you should feel a connection to your wings, focus on that and try to move your wings like your arms." Luna explains. Ben focuses on his back and feels the connection to his wings. Slowly he gets control over them and opens his wings.