
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
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35 Chs

5 Questions

"Okay second question. What do you mean with energies?" Benjamin followed up. "Wait hold up. You don't know about energies?" Luna asked and Benjamin shook his head. "Do you know about cultivation?" Luna asks. "Well yes but also no, because that is fantasy in my world. It is a made-up concept written in book form for entertainment. It means that it doesn't exist." Benjamin replied.

"Really? Well in this world it does. What has the world tree actually told you?" Luna was intrigued. She had never met someone that didn't know anything about cultivation.

After Ben (A/n it's easier to use this version of his name) told everything that happened when he woke up. Luna got a better estimation at what to tell Ben. "So, you are completely clueless about this world your world appeared into?" Luna asked. "Yes, I am completely clueless as to what kind of world we are in." Benjamin says.

"Okay. Well this world is made up out of energies. These energies all vary from space energies to death energies. But when we have it about one energy in particular, we call it 'qi', 'will' or 'chi'. But you cannot cultivate any of these energies if you don't have an inner entity or a contracted spirit.

An entity is normally discovered at your birth. There are some cases where the entity doesn't show up at all or at a later date. Contracted spirits are a somewhat weaker version of entities at the starting area. They can become powerful though.

By contracting a spirit, you need to cultivate the corresponding 'chi' and give it through your body to the spirit. The spirit will grow stronger and in return it will give you access to his powers. Any questions so far?" Luna asks Ben. "Yes, what entities or spirits do you have?" Ben asked.

"Well I actually have a contracted spirit. It is called 'sword of nature' I have a contracted spirit because when I was born no entity revealed itself in me but recently I have unlocked a entity called a forest dragon." Luna answers in glee by remembering the feeling of flying through the forest and finding out she unlocked an entity.

"Oh, wow a sword and a dragon. You should be very powerful then." Ben says looking at Luna with shock. "Well actually I unlocked my forest dragon a few moments before saving you from the metal tube." Luna says. "Metal tube? Oh, you mean the plane?" Ben says. "A plane? So, the metal tube is called that? That's is weird name." Luna says. Ben rolls his eyes.

"We are getting off topic here. Please continue with explaining Luna." Ben says. "Okay where did I leave? Oh yes entities and spirits. So, without them you cannot cultivate. If your entity is a high enough grade it can communicate with the holder of the entity. The entities, when cultivating have a chance to evolve.

There are weapon entities. They let you materialize the weapon they are and wield it. The weapons could have multiple affinities to certain 'chis'. For example, my sword, even though it is a contracted spirit, lets me only cultivate wood and earth chi. If my sword was called sword of wood, it would only let me cultivate wood chi.

Then you have the mythical beast entities. They can vary from normal beast to more humanoid creatures. In this section is the most variety. There are a lot of weak beast entities but there are also very strong ones.

A weak one is when it doesn't allow you to cultivate any chi but only gives you physical boosts. They are also not intelligent. They cannot communicate with the holder. Then above those are the ones that let you cultivate a certain chi but don't have a high affinity to that certain chi. And so on and so forth.

Then you get to the humanoid beasts. They are a lot stronger. They are also very rare to have. They have gained intelligence and can communicate with the holder. They give you a very high physical boost and always have a very high affinity to a certain type of chi.

Then there are also special entities they are the embodiment of the elements in beast form. For example, a fire dragon or fire phoenix are 'fire' taken physical form.

Above the dragons and phoenixes, you have the strongest entities. The primordial's. The element itself. They are not like dragons who are the elements made flesh but primordial's are literally the element itself. There cannot be multiple individuals that have the same primordial entity. If you have the entity primordial Darkness. There is no other individual that can have the same entity.

There are entities that are just under or on par with primordial's. That are the gods and goddesses. For example, the god of fire gives you control of fire while the primordial fire is fire.

So, a god is borrowing the power of a primordial. Their starting point is lower compared to primordial's. With cultivating they can overcome this hinder and could be even more powerful. That is one of the reasons that people say that Gods and Goddesses are just under or on par but not stronger than primordial, because primordial can naturally also cultivate to become stronger.

Entities of Gods and goddesses are many, they are just the same as primordial's, no more than one entity for a title. There cannot be two gods of fire. There is only one. There is just like primordial not more than one individual that holds a God or Goddess entity.

Okay that is it for now for entities. On to the spirits. Spirits can be found everywhere. They mostly reside close to dense chi areas complimenting their own. Spirit need to be contracted for an individual to use. Spirits come in grades, in form of stars.

Ranking from one star to 9 stars. The spirit can be upgraded to a higher rank but that cost a lot of resources and time. My sword is a third star spirit. The higher the stars the more powerful. Why we say that spirits are weaker than entities, is mainly because of a harsh bottleneck at 9 stars. Another reason is that spirits can only take form of weapons and humanoid spirits. They cannot be a beast.

Your entity or spirit gives you a certain affinity to a qi. When you start cultivating the first thing you need to do is make your law seed. This law seed gives you access to the control of qi given form. For example, if you have a law seed of fire. You will comprehend the fire laws. It will give you control over fire and you can produce fire. Well you got all that Ben?"

Luna looks at Benjamin and sees him frowning and in deep thought. "Well Ben?" Luna asks again. "Huh? Oh yes I got all of it." Ben answers. "Have you listened to anything I said at all?" Luna asks with an angry expression on her face.

"Yes, but I am just wondering what my entities are." Ben explains. "Oh, okay then everything is fine. I could help with that though. I could guide you to your inner entities and try to bring them out. Grandmother did it a lot to me and taught me the technique." Luna suggests. "That would be much appreciated." Ben answers.

"But not right now I am not done with explaining." Luna says. "Okay we will find out what my entities are later." Ben says. "Okay now that I have explained about energies. We will go on to the soul. Every elf, dwarf, beastmen can materialize his own soul into an object. Most of the time they are weapons. I have seen some people have pill cauldrons or anvils as soul manifestation though. So, it is not guaranteed that you will have a weapon." Luna says. "That is so cool I cannot wait to try it out. Let us start with my entities." Ben says.