
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

20 Dark change

I still remember being anxious for the next three days. Because once electricity went back on. We all plugged our phones in and charged them. Then we all rushed to the television. The first thing we heard was a person saying that we needed to go out and notify everyone we know to start up their television.

Because in half an hour a nation-wide broadcast would ensue. My father took a megaphone for occasions when I had a soccer game.

Dad practically ran outside and started screaming through the megaphone that everyone had to power up their television. A lot of neighbors joint him in spreading the news.

15 minutes of screaming later. We are sitting on the sofa in front of the television. "It has been three days since we all experienced the 'dark change'." The man on the screen begins. Directly after the 'dark change' stopped our president contacted everyone he could. Even the enemy.

Our president found out when he contacted other countries that he could communicate with them. We suspect that we are all given the ability to speak the same language.

We know that the will of the world possessed our entities when they appeared. It told us that we have 2 years to prepare. We all feel it imprinted on our very being. This is a time of crisis. This is the time to set our differences apart and bond together to face the common threat. The UN has come to an agreement with all nations all around the world.

Every country will send a representative to a new UN HQ, where new plans for the future will be conducted. All nations will help in building a headquarters and try to gather information in what kind of situation the world has found itself.

A day ago, the start of manufacturing a satellite that will be send out to space to see what happened to our world. Researches have already found out that the time zones are different.

Right now, our world is divided into three time zones. One of whole America, one of Europe and Africa and one of Asia and Oceania. The time ratio between day and night is the same. We are still researching why that is.

The UN is also asking if all researchers, small or big, young and old to flock towards northern Europe. There the will the new headquarters will be build. You all will be provided with compensation, a roof above your head and given all equipment you ask for.

For the people that aren't researchers. In every city there will be a booth of the government where you can sign yourself in the military. You are all informed about cultivation by your entities. So, you all should know that we need to prepare for the worst.

Even though you don't want to join the military there are many more jobs that you can assign for in the city. You can also just cultivate on your own. We won't pressure anyone in joining.

From now on every day there will be an update. Just like today we will inform you of what happened. Please stay safe and listen to your entities when it comes to cultivating. That's it for today." The man on television disappeared and the screen turned dark.

Me and my parent were just blankly staring at the screen. Suddenly a painful scream was heard outside. That took us out of our trace like state. Then the most pain I ever felt in my life assaulted me. It was like I was on fire and deconstructed and repaired after to deconstruct once again.

After the pain finally was gone. I saw my parent laying on the ground. At first, I didn't recognized them, but then I heard their familiar voice and came to the conclusion that the strange looking people are actually my parents.

The first thing I did was take out my entities and asking what just happened. They told us that we just broke fully free of the seals of mortality. Our bodies could reach their full potential. Right now, we don't need food and water to sustain our bodies. The energies in the atmosphere will be enough. They advised me to look in a mirror.

And when I did, I couldn't believe my eyes. My breast actually shrunk! Could you believe that? The things that made me stand out actually became regular! But in exchange my appearance became so much more beautiful.

My pitch-black hair got a crimson glint to, my eyes actually changed color from brown to a fiery yellow and I actually grew a bit taller. My facial features where so much more accentuated than before, I even had a pretty jaw line.

The following week nothing much happened, the construction of the new UN HQ finished, the first researcher could start to work. Me and my parents aside from anxiously waiting for more clues of what happened to my brother, we actually took the first steps of cultivating.

Phea, Lena and Molly gave their cultivation manuals to me. Phea told me that she didn't have a body cultivation manual because phoenixes in comparison to dragons where much closer to the source of their element.

While dragons where flesh made said element. Phoenixes where embodiment of said element. That is why Phoenixes appear ethereal. They are amazing soul and energy cultivation talents.

Phea gave me [Fire phoenix] as soul cultivation manual. As for my energy cultivation, she gave me [Fire force]. Lena gave me [Lightning flash], [Sovereign lightning] and [Sparking bird]. Body, energy and soul manual respectively. I immediately discarded [sparking bird]. This manual was way weaker than the one from Phea. Molly gave me [Unmovable mountain], [Metal physique] body cultivation manuals. She also gave me an energy one but that one was so trash.

I chose [Metal physique] and [Lightning flash] as my body cultivation techniques. With [Metal physique] My body would eventually be as strong as a metal golem. [Lightning flash] is actually more of a movement technique but also changes my body. It will temper my body to accommodate lightning to travel through and use this lightning to move around like a lightning flash.

It is a perfect balance of ultimate defense and swiftness. Normally one would say 'with an impenetrable defense no one can defeat you' while another says 'when you are so fast that nothing will ever hit you you'll never get hurt'. These two sayings are what I can achieve with my two cultivation manuals.

For my energy path I chose [Sovereign lightning]. It will give me sovereignty over lightning and because it is a bit better than [Fire force] from Phea. As for my soul cultivation I chose of course [Fire phoenix]. The reason is that this cultivation manual is way better than the one form Lena.

[Fire phoenix] will change my soul into one of a fire phoenix. I will have the same power as a fire phoenix. This excites me to no end. Because if I become very strong, I could survive after the two-year preparation time when the protection disappears. And of course, I can look for my brother.

When in an update a week and a half later questions could be asked. The question of missing people was asked. The answer was that researchers suspect that when the very fabrics of time and space changed some could have been sucked in and spewed out in a completely different space. Even outside the protective barrier.

That was also the moment I knew my brother was outside the barrier, call it woman's instinct because even my mother knew. I knew I needed to become stronger and fast. If I ever wanted to find out what happened to my brother I needed to travel outside.