
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
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35 Chs

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(A/n: I'm going to experiment with different writing styles. I hope it works out.)

A lot has changed since a year ago. I still remember that day like I'm reliving it. It was a sunny morning, it was summer break. My brother would go to college after summer break ended. All was normal.

The day before in the late evening, me and my parents dropped my brother off at the airport. He would go on a vacation for the first time alone. He wanted to visit the ancient ruins in Peru of the Mayas. The next morning it al began, the end of an era and the dawn of a new one.

It was just around noon, I was outside walking to the mall, I felt very happy so much so that I began skipping. I still remember that it felt so surreal. Being stopped mid-air in a skip. I was there just floating in the air. I wanted to look down, but I could only move my eyes. I just saw my bosom and the tip of my feet.

I looked up and saw some birds just frozen in the air. Something caught my attention behind the birds. My eyes constricted and I knew we would all die. Then it came, I like to wonder that the feeling I got was the feeling the dinosaurs got when they saw the meteorite.

The funny thing was is that I couldn't think straight. If I could, I would notice that the world didn't burn away because what I saw was that the sun became bigger and bigger. Like it came closer. I just watched how the whole sky was engulf with light.

My eyes began to water because of the brightness of the sky. Then I saw the first cracks start to form. It started with small black dots and then black cracks started to form in the sky. I think everyone would relive this moment in their minds if they hear the sound of glass breaking.

That is the sound that reverberated throughout the whole world upon which the sky broke. Yes, I said that correctly, the sky broke. Now only darkness was present. I looked down again and saw nothing. I couldn't even see my bosom and tip of my foot anymore. It was like the very definition of light didn't exist anymore.

Then all of a sudden, I saw a golden light all around me. I looked up and saw that the bird from earlier were shining in a gold light. From the limited vision I had I saw some more golden lights in the distance, some took form of cats and other dogs. I saw symbols and golden lines all over their small bodies. Then the sound of glass breaking accompanied with the symbols and lines breaking the golden light again receded.

Then the same happened to me. My skin got covered in intricate lines and symbols. I was so immersed in the symbols and lines that I didn't even notice that around me other people had the same thing happen to them. The glass breaking sound resounded again. With that the golden light on our skin also faded away. Everything was dark again.

I don't know how I knew but everyone somehow knew too. Two years. We will get two years of preparation. It was like this information was imprinted on our minds. Preparation for a new world, a new era.

We all got a real time timer imprinted on our very being and world. Everyone knew we had two years. I know even the most rival relations that existed in the world could not overcome this feeling of doom looming over us. The whole world felt it. It urged us to mend the relations with each other.

Then the unbelievable happened. Out of my body three bright balls escaped and floated around me. If you think of a cry of a phoenix, the shriek that escaped one of the balls was the definition of a cry of a phoenix. Also, the chirping of a sparrow resounded around me. The third ball was just standing still like a statue and didn't make a sound.

Then a massive explosion occurred in every part of the world. A massive wave of a dense substance washed over the whole world. The tree balls of bright light started to morph and change shape. One began to take the shape of a bird, but I didn't know which kind of bird. I had seen nothing like it. The second was like a big sparrow. The last one was very strange. It was a mountain with a metallic sheen.

Then the first bird became ethereal and looked to be burning. What left was a burning ethereal figure of a bird. The sparrow though, only changed color. The body of the sparrow became blue with white. Its eyes became blue. Streaks of lightning came from its body. Then the last figure of the mountain. The mountain moved and became a rocky body of a woman made out of metal.

All three of the figures looked at me. All three dipped their head on making eye contact with me. This was my first-time meeting Phea, Lena and Molly. My entities. Phea is a fire phoenix, Lena is is lightning sparrow and Molly is a metal golem.

I remember our first interaction. I was scared shitless. They had to comfort me to calm me down. When I finally started thinking rationally again. They started to explain what just happened. They told me that they got this information from the will of the world itself. They explained that the information somehow got imprinted and a foreign will overtook them and told what the information said.

The information explained that the current world merged with a world of cultivation. What they see before them, the entities, are the source of the power they could cultivate. The substance they felt before washing over them are the energies that they will cultivate.

The information also included the feeling of looming doom over two years. It said that the world will be protected for two years by the fabric of time and space. The information urged them to bolster up their forces and cultivate to the best of their ability to protect them to foreign forces, non-human forces.

When the protection of the fabric of space and time disappeared, they need to be prepared. It repeated the information five times. The last words of the will of the world said that the entities will guide them in their cultivation. It also stated that in the next hour the restriction of motion on the bodies of everyone will stay. When the hour is over this dark space will disappear and the restrictions will be lifted.

Then the entities got control of their bodies back. I was full of questions. Then I had the first real conversation with my entities. An hour restricted in motion feels like a long time. My entities enlightened me about the way of cultivation. They also asked if they could integrate fully with my whole being. I accepted and I am glad I did. I don't know where I would be without them.

When I was still talking to my entities, the hour was almost over. The dark sky slowly started to gain its light back. When it looked like nothing at all had happened. But I knew it happened because my entities were still in front of me and we were still talking to each other.

Then the restriction of motion suddenly ended and I tripped and fell face first on the ground.

I remembered I stood up so fast and rushed back home in record time that I forgot my entities were still out. I came to a stop and called them back inside. I continued running home. When I burst through the door my parents were waiting for me and pulled me into a hug.

They had a worried face and I knew why. My brothers flight hadn't landed yet at the time this all happened. My father had the idea of powering up the television but found out that electricity was down. We all got out our phones but saw that we didn't have any service.