
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
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35 Chs

21 Another year

This was also the motivation I needed to join the military, because I knew that when the protection ended, foreign forces would attack. The UN already confirmed we are not the only beings in this world. There is a continent very close to japan, china, Australia and Russia filled with other societies.

If I joined the military I could go outside, that was my thought process. How foolish I was. In the military we were being trained into fighting machines. When you joined the army, they first let you recite a few words. What I didn't knew was that those words were a mantra that doesn't let you speak of anything that will transpire for the next week.

Once this week is over, anything I experienced in this week I couldn't talk about. The first thing they informed me in this week was of how they got this mantra. Apparently legacy worlds appeared inside our closed off space. They first discovered a legacy world when a representative of the Dutch went missing on his flight to the new HQ.

When he wasn't found even after almost five days of searching, tensions were rising between the Dutch and UN. When on the sixth day the representative showed up butt naked at the HQ. We found out he discovered a legacy world filled with information about formations.

Since then three other legacy worlds were found. One about array formations, a small part of the overarching subject of formations. The second one was a legacy world of a martial sect. It was a sect that focused on fighting with weapons and filled with body cultivators.

The third legacy world was a bit odd. It was not a regular legacy world, this legacy world was filled with research already. The research was about the cultivation world in general. This is how they found out that every cultivator has a soul armament.

At the end of the week, when they informed me of all that was researched already and found out. They asked me to form my soul armament. I did and it surprised me a lot. I actually got a war axe.

It had a short handle, so it was meant to be a one-handed war axe, with a double bladed axe. In the middle of the two blades a gap was seen. Inside this gap a small flame was burning. When I cultivated my soul technique, I actually felt this small flame getting stronger.

They also told me that a researcher had a good idea of revisiting old mines to look if there is any change inside them. That was one of the best things they could have done because they discovered that all kinds of new metals were created because of the energy in the air. That is also how they found the appropriate crystal to measure ones aptitude to what kind of weapon.

They let me take the test and they saw the one-handed war axe appear. That wasn't so surprising since my soul armament was a one-handed war axe.

I was briefed of how my daily life would look like. Stand up at 6, eat, train, train, train, train, train, break, train, train, and train. Of course, this was not how it was explained, but this is what it actually boiled down to. I reminded myself of the reason of why I joined the military. This gave me the motivation to withstand the daily torture of training and even integrate this routine into my system.

What the world also came to know is that every form of life has shed their mortal shackles. Animals and even plants evolved. The biggest tree in the world in California, the General Sherman, evolved into an Ent tree. The UN had already a few conversations with it.

They could even make friendly ties with the tree. The three gave information that the rainforests and forests all over the world are filled with dangerous beasts. So, the UN declared the rainforests red zones. Forests were marked as yellow zones.

In the next months the UN discovered some more legacy worlds. The research is also progressing in a very fast pace. Most of the researchers are trying to merge our tech with that of the cultivation world.

Right now, a year after the 'dark change'. My body cultivation is standing firmly in the middle soldier realm. The second realm of the body path. My body can already defend against regular bullets. I can also already run as fast as 50 km/h with help of [lightning flash]. My soul cultivation right now is in the higher nascent soul stage.

For my energy cultivation. I just started because I just turned 18. I wanted to become the strongest and the advice of Phea and the rest was to start energy cultivating when I turned 18. I just entered the peak of the lower foundation stage. On my 18th birthday Phea, Lena and Molly gave me each a technique. Phea gave me a basic offensive fire technique called [fire blast]. But because I have phoenix fire because of Phea my version of [fire blast] is much stronger than others.

Lena gave me [Lightning strike], this was also a common offensive lightning attributed technique. While Molly gave me, a defensive technique called [9 metallic layer]. This technique when mastered will give me 9 metal layers of skin. When activating this technique, I will be protected from critical attacks 9 times before the metal layers disappear.

Some people around the globe didn't have an entity. These people are asked to help with the research and construction of new researched stuff. These people also needed food and water to stay alive because they have cannot fully get rid of the seals of mortality because they don't have entities.

The UN found out in the library legacy world that contracted spirits also exist. They could help in giving these people who didn't have an entity contract these spirits. The UN searched around the world in search of spirits but couldn't find even one.

They did some more research in spirits and found out that they only appeared when a very concentrated energy pool came together with a special condition that an object was present a spirit could form inside this object.

They started experimenting with formations and newly invented weapons and concentrated energy. This is how the birth of a new weapon spirit came into existence.

A German researcher of weapons did not have an entity, but his wife did, this man is called Heinz Dop. Heinz asked his wife to cultivate and let him examine the energies. His wife complied and cultivated in front of Heinz. That is how chaos energy is discovered.

Heinz found out that when the process of refining the energies in the body the residue of the refined energies that couldn't be absorbed in the body was expelled out the body.

This energy was chaos energy. Heinz started experimenting with these chaos energies. He eventually build a gun totally run on chaos energy. When he finished building it the heavens came down and gave its blessing to this weapon. This was the birth of a new kind of weapons, a weapon spirit came into existence inside this weapon and made a contract with Heinz.

The weapon was the dawn of new tech. Heinz came to the UN and demonstrated his newfound power. The gun fired an energy blast that shot through 15-inch-thick steel and didn't stop. It shot through the metal plate and imbedded itself in the wall behind it.

Heinz was directly appointed as the new head of the weapon research team.

The world was in for a rapid change. The technology researched boomed. The infrastructure was replaced with newer and better buildings and roads. In the military came a reform, all soldiers had to do the weapon aptitude test again.

This time everyone had two weapons that popped up. One was an old melee weapon, like swords and stuff, while the second one was a futuristic looking gun. We speculated that since the heavens approved of the weapon made by Heinz that it even gave birth to a whole new kind of weapon spirits. Our race, humans, were the only ones that could get an affinity to a gun.

I still need to wait for a year to get the chance to search for my brother. I just hope he is safe.