
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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187 Chs

Really want a car wash?


At first, when he heard that a guest was coming to wash the car, the burly man thought it was normal. However, after a moment of consideration, his brain went blank. Judging by the sound, he knew there was a woman in the car. How mentally retarded must she be to come "wash the car" during negotiations between the big shots?

His intuition told him that the other party's purpose was probably not to wash the car.

Immediately, he reached for a weapon, preparing to make the other person leave quickly.

Daisy's movements were much quicker than his. She forcefully pushed open the car door.

With a loud "Thud," the burly man's head had an intimate encounter with the car door. If Daisy hadn't been afraid of damaging the door, she could have used even more force.

The burly man stumbled back, not yet understanding what was happening, when Daisy pulled him back. The taser "crackled" against his neck, and he passed out with rolled-back eyes.

Daisy tiptoed and flipped the burly man over.

No firearms or knives, just a set of brass knuckles fell out of the burly man's pocket. Daisy didn't know how to use this thing. She sighed and calmly looked at the remaining five people.

Although the style of painting was not right, she still stated her purpose, "Can you guys wash the car?..."

Whether it was James Wesley in sleek suits with square-framed glasses or the several Russians, they all stood there stunned. Do these young people use such a fresh excuse to cause trouble now?

James Wesley took two steps back with a look on his face.

The thin man suppressed his anger, "I don't care who sent you, but get out now!"

There were three other strong men around, eyeing the situation and moving in to surround her.

Daisy looked at their weapons, not sure if they liked hand-to-hand combat or just didn't want to use firearms. These Russians were using cold weapons—clubs, knives, iron chains, and the like.

"Why can't I make you understand? The persecution paranoia is too serious..." Before the group could close in on her, Daisy ran towards the left side, where a bald man with an iron chain was standing.

Iron chains are difficult to use, and this bald man uses them even more sparsely. Daisy was superior to him in both reaction and speed.

Using a fake move to dodge the opponent, she broke free from the encirclement. With a swift kick to the guy's ass, she sent the man with the iron chain tumbling towards his comrades. Daisy took advantage of the situation, accelerating towards James Wesley, who was watching the scene.

James's face changed drastically. It was true that he was involved in gangs, but he was a strategist and assistant. In the original timeline, he pretended to be an idiot, got shot by the heroine of Daredevil multiple times, and had weak combat skills. Before he could react, Daisy was already in front of him.

With a kick to the abdomen, taking advantage of his bent posture, Daisy pulled out an M1911 from his holster.

She checked the magazine—seven bullets in total—and glanced at the gun. "Hey, this a collector's edition, right? Mr. Wesley has good taste."

Afterward, she pointed the gun at James Wesley and said something that made everyone want to faint: "Quick, make them wash my car."

"Are you crazy?" James Wesley was angry that his teeth itched. In his mind, he envisioned a cat-and-mouse game, and he absolutely did not believe that she came to wash the car.

The several Russian henchmen were also confused. This strange situation was truly the first time they encountered such a thing. They looked at their boss, waiting for him to make up his mind.

The thin man was a bit indecisive. His subordinates only needed to be aggressive, but he had to consider many things.

Daisy's grip on James was more lethal than holding any of his subordinates. If Kingpin's assistant died here, forget about cooperating in real estate development; they would immediately become enemies. James was not just a Kingpin's assistant but also a friend. If anything happened to him, they wouldn't be able to explain.

Thinking through the several enemies in his mind, he couldn't figure out which faction would send a woman here to cause trouble.

Regardless of any conspiracy behind the scenes, he had to save James. He ordered his subordinates, "Go wash it for her."

The subordinates obeyed the command, opened the car door, and saw the bloodstains on the back seat.

They set up the water gun and started cleaning. In less than ten minutes, the entire car was washed, and they even replaced the seat cover on the back seat with a new one for her.

Daisy raised her gun, signaling James to get into the car, and checked it over. These Russians were skilled; they had cleaned it thoroughly, and there was no trace of blood.

She didn't mention money, and the Russians didn't bring it up either. This was good news for Daisy, who only had five hundred dollars left. The several Russian henchmen watched as she took James Wesley hostage at gunpoint.

"Inform the others. Mr. Wesley has been kidnapped by an unknown woman. The rest of the matter has nothing to do with us," the thin man seemed to be watching the fun without fear of any serious trouble.

Meanwhile, Daisy drove back.

"You're covering your face because I've seen you before, right?" James Wesley analyzed on his own, trying to find clues.

Daisy answered unrelatedly, "Mr. Wesley is a talented person. Fluent in several languages, skilled in socializing, proficient in modern capital operations, and outstanding in work. With such good conditions, why not develop in a big enterprise instead of getting involved with the mob?"

The other party curiously glanced at her. Daisy held the steering wheel with one hand and pointed the gun at him with the other.

He snorted, indicating that he wasn't planning to answer that question.

Daisy continued, "If I give you a chance to walk in the sunlight, and enjoy the attention of the media, would you take it?"

James Wesley was a bit confused about who she was. Was she from a headhunting company?

Which headhunting company runs to the mob to recruit people? And pointing a gun at yourself, threatening to shoot if the person doesn't agree?

"What on earth do you want to say?"

"Was just bored driving, so casually asking." Her words lacked any sincerity.

Seeing no pursuers behind, Daisy knocked out James Wesley with a single blow, throwing this elite who, despite aspiring to money and honor, was bound by friendship and ran around for the mob, out of the car.

Daisy thought about recruiting him; he was undoubtedly talented. However, considering his friendship with Kingpin and her pitiful five hundred dollars, she temporarily gave up on the idea.

To build goodwill, she wiped the fingerprints off the pistol and put it back in his pocket.

Putting the license plate back, which she had removed earlier, she drove to another legitimate car wash, repainted the car, made some modifications, and finally returned it to the rental agency.

After all the trouble, there was little left of the five hundred dollars...

Sighing, Daisy took a bus to visit her future Uncle Frank. If he woke up sober, it would be even better if he could help reimburse her expenses.

Ordinarily, one should not ask for anything in return for saving people, but she really had no money.

Pushing open the door, she found the room empty.

Daisy sensed it; there was no Frank's vibration frequency around the house. Checking the scene, the other party left very calmly, not leaving behind a single cent.

"Recovered so quickly, is this guy's physique really that of an ordinary person?" She shook her head, slowly leaving the neighborhood.


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