
Companion Magic

A few days have past since I met Melody and we were starting our training today. Melody arrived at my house in the morning and joined us for breakfast. We ate and talked nonchalantly. After we finished we went outside to start training. Everyone else came outside to train as well. Zeph trained his Sound Barrier, While Markus helped Elena improve her Sound Tunnel.

"So what do you want to learn first, Nova?"

"I want to learn companion magic first."

Melody looked at me like I was crazy which I was expecting. I picked the one that is the most challenging but there's a method to my madness. In these two years I want to learn as many hexes or ancient magics as possible. I want to be the underdog in Thorn Hill but I will not brag because then I would be just like those noble snobs. This way I can protect myself and Melody.

Melody didn't want to argue, "Alright, first sit down cross-legged."

I sat down and made myself comfortable.

"Next, I will draw an incantation circle around you. You will not have to do this every time but when making a contract with a being from a different realm it is necessary."

Melody drew a circle in the dirt and inside of it put weird symbols I did not know.

"The final step is to draw your blood. I brought a knife for you. Once you enter the Nether Realm the rest is up to you."

She handed me a knife and I slid it down my palm without any indication of pain. The blood trickled down my hand and fell to the ground like a rain drop. As soon as the blood hit the incantation circle, my vision went black and I lost consciousness.


The Nether Realm was nothing like I expected it to be. It was not dark or covered with fire, it was very bright and soothing. In front of me was a small line of people waiting in front of a man seated at a desk. The line slowly moved forward but I did not understand what we were waiting for.

I asked the man in front of me, "Are you here to make a contract as well?"

He responded, "Contract? This is the line to get into the underworld. The line for contracts is that line over there."

He pointed to the line a few feet to my right. There, many young men and women stood in line waiting to make a contract with a familiar. I got out of line and stood on the line the man pointed out and patiently waited for my turn. After about an hour of waiting I finally reached the front of the line. There was a desk where a middle aged man sat looking at paperwork.

I spoke respectively, "I am here to sign a contract with a familiar."

The man looked up from his documents, "Go to room 19,472. Next!"

A door appeared in front of me that had the number 19,472 and I walked through it. There was nothing but empty space.

I was confused, "Hello!"

Suddenly A loud voice rumbled out from above, "Who has summoned me to make a contract?"

A huge white dragon landed in front of me, at least three stories tall. He stared at me with his deep blue eyes, "You are the one who summoned me? This must be some joke!"

I responded, "What makes you think that this is a joke? I want to make a contract with you. Is there a problem?"

"Is there a problem?! Your a little girl! How could someone weak like you summon me?"

I smiled, "If you believe I am weak then prove it."

The dragon sneered, "Fine! I will prove that you are not worthy of signing a contract with me. Place your hand on my head. I will read your soul and prove you are a weakling!"

He laid down so I could place my hand on his head. As soon as It touched its scaly scalp he took a few steps back and stared at me eyes wide, "You..."

This kid is this powerful? No wonder she could summon me! This girl is a freak!

The dragon let out a sigh, "I will sign a contract with you."

I smiled, "So how do we make a contract?"

The dragon's voice bellowed, "I will give you my pendant that has my blood imbedded in it. As long as you wear it around your neck you can summon me at anytime. However, you must give me something in return."

I thought for a bit about what I should give him in return. What would a giant dragon want?

"Can I give you information? I am the only one who knows about this information in this world."

The dragon was curious, "Alright, let me hear this information."

I told him about how there is a different world where magic doesn't exist and that I hail from that world. At first he did not believe me but by my expression he could tell I was not lying.

He seemed happy with the new information, "Alright, as long as you tell me stories of that world from time to time I will be your familiar. Now, give me a name so we can complete the contract."

"A name... How about Atlas?"

The dragon smiled, "Atlas... I like it. What is your name?"

I responded, "Nova."

He looked delighted, "Nova, I entrust my pendant with you."

Atlas gave me a pendant that had a white dragon on it, "Anytime you wish to summon me say 'Come forth, White Dragon!' and I will appear."

After Atlas said goodbye I awoke with a start, still inside of the incantation circle. Only now the hand that I had slit had a dragon pendant in it.

Melody asked, "What kind of familiar did you get?"

I responded nonchalantly, "A white dragon."

Melody quickly jumped back in surprise, "A white dragon! Do you have any idea how powerful the four dragons are?!"

I had an innocent face, "Nope. Are they rare to get as a familiar?"

Melody didn't know if she should congratulate Nova or be scared of her. If Nova could make a contract with one of the four dragons then how powerful is she really?

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