
Repaying Her Debt

Usually i'm good at not getting caught off guard. In my old world I got into a lot of fights with bullies so I took up Tai Kwon Do, but when she said her name was Melody I was taken a back. I didn't think I would meet her so soon. All of a sudden I felt light headed and fainted into Melody's arms.

When I came to, I was in an unfamiliar room. Next to me sat Melody, sleeping in a chair. I lightly sat up in my bed and used Sound Tunnel to wake up Melody. She awoke sleepily and rubbed her eyes.

She saw me awake and was ecstatic, "You're alright!"

She wrapped me in a tight hug and didn't let go for awhile.

I gazed into her hazel eyes, "How long have I been out?"

Melody responded, "About a day. Your parents are waiting outside. I'll go get them."

She ran out of the room and closed the door behind her. A whole day? I started to think about what happened to make me faint. As soon as I heard her name, I got lightheaded. I thought about the owner of this body again but this time more then a name popped into my head, my heart started beating fast and I started blushing. The original bodies owner was in love with Melody!

Mid-thought, my parents and Zeph came into the room and hugged me. A woman I didn't know stood in the doorway.

I smiled, "Everyone, i'm fine now. You don't have worry."

Elena looked at me with saddened eyes, "We were so scared."

I looked to the doorway, "You must be Melody's mother?"

The woman walked to the bed and sat on the side with no people. She stared at me with a serious expression, "Thank you for helping my daughter. I do not like being in debt so I will grant you one favor in return for helping Melody. Since I have connections I can get you pretty much whatever it is you desire."

I smiled, "I would like to enroll into a prestigious academy for mages. Can you make that happen?"

I wasn't about to take this favor as a joke. This was an opportunity. Anything I desire? I wish to be judged by my ability and not by my identity. The only way for that to happen was to get stronger and make a name for myself in this world. The quickest way to do that? Go to a prestigious academy and learn!

The woman stared blankly at me, "I can arrange that. However, the age requirement to enroll is 18. You will have to wait for a couple of years."

I smirked, "That's okay, I have a lot of patience."

She smiled, "Alright, I will talk to my friends at Thorn Hill Academy and call in a few favors that they owe me."

She walked out of the room without a second glance, yet everyone else was dumbstruck. Thorn Hill Academy was the number one school for mages in the region! It's known for producing the best of the best, which meant it was super competitive! If Nova could get into Thorn Hill, then was anything impossible for her in the future? No! She would be open to so many possibilities one could not count them all!

I saw their expressions, "Its okay, if anything I have the talent to enroll there and I still have two years to train before enrolling."

Melody looked delighted, "This is great! We are going to be in the same school!"

The same school? That woman is good. She knew that I wanted to go to a prestigious school and decided on the one that her daughter is going? That can't be a coincidence. She probably wants me to protect Melody. I'll have to be careful around her in the future.

I smiled, "Melody, what magics can you cast?"

She smirked proudly, "I can cast sound, air, earth, and an ancient magic called companion magic."

This is good. She can teach me magics that I don't know yet.

Melody had curious eyes, "What about you Nova?"

"So far I can only cast sound, song and ice magics but since I can do ice magic I can probably cast water magic as well. As for other magics, I have yet to try them out."

Melody looked surprised. Nova could already cast two hexes at the age of sixteen? She has unlimited potential!

Melody smiled in my direction, "There is a way to determine what magics you are capable of. I'll be right back!"

Melody ran out of the room to get what she needed. My family sat on the bedside looking a bit down.

Elena was worried, "Nova, are you sure you want to go to Thorn Hill? That school is for nobles and well, we are commoners. You will be ridiculed by others."

This was the least of my concerns. Ridiculed? so what! i've been made fun of since the day I was born. This will be nothing new.

I reassured them, "I will be okay. I know how to handle myself. Plus, you saw how I scared those men away before."

They looked a little relieved. Of course in Thorn Hill it will be different. Those two men had multiple chances to use magic but they did not. They most likely did not have any strong magics to counter mine but the people enrolling into Thorn Hill are the best of the best in the region. However, I love a good challenge.

After a few minutes Melody came back into the room holding a large clear orb.

She placed it down next to me, "This is a soul orb. It reads your soul and determines what magics you can cast. You place your hand on top and it turns a color. That color corresponds with a certain magic. After a few seconds it will turn a different color if one can cast more than one magic."

Everyone stared at me with anticipation.

I decided, "I don't want to."

Melody looked confused, "Why not?"

"If I were to know what I am capable of then that would ruin the fun of finding out what I can do in the future, wouldn't it?"

If I were to see what I could do now that wouldn't be right. It would effect how I would train and how hard I would work in the future. I want to take it slowly. I'm not someone who takes the easy way out.

"Hey Melody, can I ask you something?"

She was curious, "Yeah, what is it?"

"Over these next two years I would like you to teach me what you know and in return I will teach you what I know."

This is the start of a long journey for us. Let's become stronger together! Only then can we live life without any fear.

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