
Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Mu Liang traveled to a parallel world of apocalypse, this world has become a wasteland, the cultivation, the rain are sour, and the sky is scattered with dust. Mu Liang was rescued by a mutant rabbit ear i mother, and he was bound to the trainer system at the same time. Tame a tortoise, and evolve infinitely to the sacred beast Xuanwu, with a back width of more than ten thousand miles, with mountains and flowing water, and black and fertile soil… just to build a home on the back. Tame a small tree sapling and evolve into a world tree, block the gale and acid rain, purify the air, and reappear the blue sky and white clouds. Tame a military ant, who dares to provoke me? Marching ants, like a sandstorm, left a pile of dead bones wherever they swept. Tame a bunny ears mother, and then get entangled? ? ? One year later, give a small rabbit ears. ——— Link: patreon.com/user?u=44739101 Donate to the translator please. MTL Novel with small corrections. Follow me on patreon for advance chapters

Noa764 · Eastern
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146 Chs

Chapter 66 Confused blond woman(10/10).

Quietly on the way back to the hotel.

Occasionally, a patrol team passed by, holding a torch and taking a look at the clothes of Mu Liang and the three of them, they all retreated with a 'no'.

Liyue endured it for a while, and finally couldn't help but asked: "Mu Liang, why don't you want to be the Lord of the Moon?".

"I thought you would endure until when you would ask". Mu Liang shook his head amused.

He did not immediately answer the white-haired girl, but asked a question: "What do you think is the benefit of being the leader of the Yuetan tribe?".

"The advantage, of course, is that there is no need to starve, someone is protected, and there is a lot of water to drink". Liyue pointed out the benefits.

"Liyue, these benefits..."

Mino raised his hand like a child, and the weak reminded: "We also have it at the back of the little Black Tortoise".

"I seem to understand". Liyue thought for a while before she figured it out.

Yes, the little Black Tortoise's back home already has many things that others can't expect.

"The answer, you must know it".

Mu Liang stretched and lazily said, "Then I don't need to answer you".

"Yeah". Liyue pursed her lips and smiled.

"Mu Liang, when will we return to Little Black Tortoise tomorrow". Mino asked crisply.

Less than a day passed after his departure, but he already missed the return home of the little Black Tortoise.

"It depends on the situation, don't worry". Mu Liang's black eyes flickered.

Liyue stopped and said softly, "Mu Liang, I want to find my companion now".

She originally wanted to find Yu Fei'er after nightfall, but she didn't expect a series of things to happen later, and it was almost midnight now.

"Do you need us to accompany you?", Mu Liang raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Huh?". Liyue moved slightly, and then shook her head: "No, her place is relatively small".

If she takes two people there, she is afraid that something bad will happen.

"Well then, be careful yourself". Mu Liang exhorted.

"Yes". Liyue nodded obediently.

"We will go back first, and you will come back soon".

Mu Liang took the earless girl to the hotel.

Liyue stayed in place and watched the two disappear into the 'shadow', turning around lightly into an alley.

She walked in a dark corner, her eyes already showing the talent "Eagle Eye", looking for possible marks left by the corner.

Since drinking "Angel's Tears", the "virtual ghost infection" has been contained, and the use of the "virtual ghost talent" will not increase erosion.

"The woman Yufer, did you forget to mark it again?".

Liyue looked around for a while, but couldn't find the unique mark of the 'Team of Four'.

Mark the meaning of a pattern that only the "Four Team" can understand.

Every time I go to a new place, I will stay: I'm here, I'm leaving, I'm staying, I'm in a hidden place, etc. Easy-to-remember marks.

The mark is left in the corner of the wall and is often covered by dust, so if you stay long enough, you should always come out and leave the mark.

However, if you go far away, you must leave a very obvious mark in an obvious place.

Liyue looked around for a while, but couldn't find any signs, not even the obvious signs far away.

She suddenly thought of a possibility, and said in astonishment: "Wouldn't Youfeier leave the hiding place since I last time?".

"Nothing will happen, right". Liyue's face became solemn.

Thinking of this possibility, she galloped in the darkness and came to the border where the slave stayed and the inner border where the tax citizens stayed.

The white-haired girl looked around vigilantly, and quickly entered an alley without seeing anyone.


Liyue knocked out the few people sleeping in the alley and stopped in the middle of the alley.


She wiped the corner of the wall, found a covered wooden board, and opened it carefully.

"Youfei, are you there?". Liyue whispered to the entrance of the cave.

Quiet, no one answered.

"Isn't he leaving the Moon Lake Tribe after forgetting to leave the mark?".

Liyue frowned her snow-white eyebrows, and decided to go down and take a look.

She glanced around again vigilantly, and a short body entered the hole against the wall.

The white-haired girl reclosed the wooden board with her backhand, and pulled a rope next to it. On the wall outside the wooden board, the dust that had been piled up in advance slipped down and covered the wooden board again.

"It smells weird, Yu Fei'er, a confused woman, doesn't know how to do another experiment and not clean it up, right?".

Liyue wrinkled Qiong's nose and waved her hand in front of her nose.

She lifted the blackout curtain in front of her eyes, and a bright light came into her eyes, which immediately stunned her.

A familiar blond figure was sleeping on a messy tabletop.

"So I fell asleep". Liyue relaxed herself.

She looked around and found many wooden bowls, barrels, and wooden boxes piled up.

These things are Yu Fei Er's treasures, and only she can understand the contents.

"It has been at least twenty days; this woman is not afraid of being dull". Liyue couldn't help but vomit distractedly.

She pulled a piece of animal skin that was thrown aside, and draped it lightly on Yu Fei'er.


Yu Fei'er felt strange for a moment, her golden eyes narrowed, her figure twisted, and a fist struck in confusion.

"It's me". Liyue's voice fell, and her dirty fist stayed in front of her nose.

As long as you slow down for half a second, the white-haired girl's nose will be squashed.

"It turned out to be Xiao Yueyue".

When Yu Fei'er heard the sound, she blinked her golden eyes blankly.

Next second.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at the white-haired girl with a mask in front of her.

"Who are you?".

Yufei'er Liu slanted her eyebrows, and said coldly: "It's impossible for Xiaoyueyue in my house to be so clean and still wearing such beautiful clothes".

"Really, why are you always so confused". Liyue took off her mask helplessly, showing a headache.

"Oh! It's Xiaoyueyue".

Yu Fei'er's serious expression was completely thrown aside, and she opened her arms and hugged it happily.

"Wait". Liyue opened her silver-white eyes slightly, smelling a heavy stench.

"Wow! Xiaoyueyue is so fragrant now, so white and tender".

Yu Fei'er held the white-haired girl and rubbed her cheek vigorously, like a small animal playing around.


Liyue's expression on her face was irresistible, letting Yu Feier increase her cheek.

This confused woman loves this.

"Okay, hey!", Liyue pulled away the enthusiastic and confused woman.

She looked at Yu Fei Er who was at a loss, and said angrily: "You shouldn't be stupid under here, right?".

"How can I be stupid? I have to study medicines for the treatment of "virtual ghost's infection...", Youfeier answered naturally and seriously.

"How many days have you stayed here?". Liyue asked curiously.

She didn't care about the question of being stupid or not, otherwise this confused blond woman would be able to talk to her for a day without annoying.

"23 days". Youfeier blurted out.

"I don't know if you are so confused, you can remember the numbers so accurately". Liyue murmured on a familiar topic.

"Why can't I remember the numbers? The numbers are very simple". Yu Feier was a little puzzled.

"Why do I talk about this topic again?". Liyue patted his forehead with anguish.

She looked at the burrow that was about to be filled with things, and asked in doubt: "Why are you staying here all the time? Aren't there other burrows?".

Every time the 'four-person team' has to stay in a place long enough, they will find some natural burrows to transform them into hidden safe houses.

The Yuetan tribe has three safe houses, one is located outside the Yuetan tribe, and the other is the one used now.

"It's too much trouble, I don't want to move things". Yu Fei Er flat mouth.

"The jerky and water put here should have been eaten long ago. Why can't you have something to eat if you don't go out?".

Liyue asked in surprise, wanting to know how her companion survived.

Especially the confused blond woman in front of her, if she is not careful, she will do stunned things.

"I dug a hole from here and went to the house above to get something to eat".

Yu Fei'er pointed to the side of the hole, looking like I went to my house to get something to eat.


Liyue's pretty face was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the one-meter-wide hole in the side soil wall.

She remembered that the upper part of the side should be the home of a small hunting team leader.

Liyue couldn't help being curious, and asked, "So, how long have you taken the meat and water?".

"It didn't take long; I took it three times in total".

When Yu Fei'er chatted about this, she said with a little bit of contentment: "I took them separately every three days, every six days, and every eight days. He couldn't hold me at all. I really thought I would be so stupid to take them every day".

"If you take things at a time, wouldn't it be all the things you moved away?". Liyue pursed her pink lips, thinking of a possibility.

"Yes, it's too much trouble to always go out to find food".

Yu Fei'er nodded of course, as if "I don't go out too much".

"Then he is really unlucky". Liyue twitched her mouth, inexplicably silent for the little leader of the hunting team for a second.

"Unlucky? He was very energetic, making noise on it every day, yelling and annoying".

Yu Fei'er wrinkled her face, and said a little distressed: "It made me unable to concentrate even during experiments during the day".

"Who do you think caused the damage?", Liyue rolled her eyes and complained.

"I don't know who it is". Yu Fei'er blinked her golden eyes blankly.

"There is no one, but he is not good". Liyue's forehead was a little numb.

She had only been out for more than ten days, and she couldn't cope with this confused blond woman.