
Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Mu Liang traveled to a parallel world of apocalypse, this world has become a wasteland, the cultivation, the rain are sour, and the sky is scattered with dust. Mu Liang was rescued by a mutant rabbit ear i mother, and he was bound to the trainer system at the same time. Tame a tortoise, and evolve infinitely to the sacred beast Xuanwu, with a back width of more than ten thousand miles, with mountains and flowing water, and black and fertile soil… just to build a home on the back. Tame a small tree sapling and evolve into a world tree, block the gale and acid rain, purify the air, and reappear the blue sky and white clouds. Tame a military ant, who dares to provoke me? Marching ants, like a sandstorm, left a pile of dead bones wherever they swept. Tame a bunny ears mother, and then get entangled? ? ? One year later, give a small rabbit ears. ——— Link: patreon.com/user?u=44739101 Donate to the translator please. MTL Novel with small corrections. Follow me on patreon for advance chapters

Noa764 · Eastern
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146 Chs

Chapter 67 After coaxing and drinking the secret medicine. (1/4)


When Wei Geng came home from the night shift, he thought of some conversations he heard during the patrol.

His mood suddenly became irritable.

"What's the matter with you?", The wife greeted her and took the animal skin armor and the long knife.

"Su'er, who in the world stole my meat?".

Wei Geng's middle-aged face was flushed with irritability, and he walked around in the living room.

Some of the meat and water he had finally accumulated was stolen within a few days.

Moreover, not only stolen one time, but three times in a row, did the thief live in their home?

"I don't know, I have always guarded meat and water".

Su'er rubbed his temples a little bit distractedly, and said with a sad face: "It's just because when I gave a glance, I woke up and found that the meat and water were gone".

"This bastard thief is thinking about our house. I went to find out. Nothing else has been stolen". Wei Geng gritted his teeth when he said it.

He finally got promoted and became one of the captains of the hunting team.

The treatment was raised, and the house was patronized by thieves three times, and he almost became a joke in the hunting team.

"Then what to do? If it is stolen, we won't be able to store much food". Su'er glanced worriedly at the inner room.

"I turned over the house again, and I didn't believe I couldn't find a place for the thief to hide".

Wei Geng is not stupid. He was stolen three times in a row, and he stepped outside without catching anyone, indicating that the thief was very likely to be hiding in his home.

The most improbable idea was removed by him, and now in retrospect, the more likely it is.

Wei Geng thought of this, his heart was terrified, a thief was hiding under his nose, it was too dangerous.

"I'll help too". Su'er rolled up his sleeves and turned the cabinet for a while.

She couldn't bear to be lonely, and began to talk shortly at home: "Husband, when will the injury of the moon lord be healed?".

"I heard it will take a long time". Wei Geng sighed.

The Moon Lord is the lifeblood of the Yuetan tribe. If something happens, everyone will leave their homes.

"I think Moon Lord is very pitiful, every day the condensation water is exhausted". Su'er's eyes flashed with distress.

As one of the maid of the moon lord, she knows something about it more or less.


Wei Geng was silent, and all his hands turning over the cabinet stopped.

He looked at the messy home, feeling a little bit ashamed in his heart, he was arrogant about ordering meat and water.

The Moon Lord was so tired that he fainted for the livelihood of a tribe.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?", Su'er asked suspiciously.

"It's okay". Wei Geng shook his head, then turned the cabinets and cabinets, but his movements were very slow.

He asked casually: "Su'er, do you say that the Moon Lord is good to us?".

"Of course it's fine, there would be no Yuetan Tribe without the Moon Lord". Su'er replied without even thinking about it.

"If, I said if...", Wei Geng has reached the middle-aged bearded face, at this moment he is entangled in what he wants to say.

"Husband, it's okay if you don't want to say it". Su'er put her hands on the face of her childhood sweetheart who grew up with her since childhood.

The two have been together for thirty-five years, and they all know what little expressions mean.

"Oh~~ I am ashamed". Wei Geng thought of the command from above not long ago.

He vaguely felt that there was a change, which was related to the change of the Moon Lord.

"Go according to your heart, don't worry about me and my children".

Su'er squeezed Wei Geng's ear hard, just like he did when he was a child.

She used a tolerant and gentle tone: "I have always said that I have never been a drag on you".

"I know; I will follow my heart". Wei Geng shook his wife's palm firmly.

He remembered the teachings of his father since he was a child. The man who was once the captain of the hunting team kept asking him to remember one sentence: We all owe a debt to the Moon Lord.

"But you can't take a woman home, otherwise...".

Su'er's gentle face changed in an instant. He smiled and compared a "V" with two fingers, and opened and closed gestures.

"Of course I know; I will definitely not do anything I'm sorry for you". Wei Geng's forehead and back were sweating coldly.

Such a reaction came from the shadows formed in childhood.

"Oh, why do you sweat so much". Su'er smiled and helped wipe the sweat.

"Captain, there is a mission".

At this moment, a shout came from outside the door.

"I'm coming right away". Wei Geng responded in a loud voice.

His face changed slightly, knowing that the time to come would always come.

"Go, it really doesn't work, we can leave the Moon Lake Tribe".

Su'er brought the animal skin armor and the long knife to help put it on.

As the maid of the moon lord and the wife of one of the captains of the hunting team, she could vaguely guess what.

"Don't worry, I won't put you and your child in danger". Wei Geng gently patted his wife on the shoulder.

He turned and walked towards the door, and stopped as he approached the door.

"I will pack my things and wait for you to come back". Su'er said softly.

"Then I'm leaving". Wei Geng opened the door and left.

As for the thief, there will be a chance to talk about it later.

At this time, Wei Geng's yard was under the ground.

Hidden safe house.

"Look, it's here again, it's noisy in the middle of the night".

Yu Fei'er raised his finger to the side, and there was a sound of churning things from above.

"I'm suspecting that the owner may be looking for you, a thief". Liyue said in a bad mood.

"It's impossible to find me".

Yu Fei'er waved his hand calmly, and said with a little content: "I dug a hole from the side of his stone steps".

"You're really good". Liyue sometimes suspects that the blonde woman is not confused at all.

"By the way, Xiaoyueyue, you just came here". Youfeier pulled the white-haired girl's arm and pulled it to the table.

"Wait, don't you want me again".

Liyue's complexion changed greatly, but she didn't get away from the blonde woman's palm.

"Oh, don't mess around". Yu Fei Er picked up a wooden bowl from the table and stretched it out in front of the white-haired girl.

She grinned and said confidently: "This is my newly researched secret medicine, and it will definitely cure" the infection of the virtual ghost. You should try it quickly".

"I don't believe you, you must have tasted it yourself, do you believe it?", Liyue asked sternly.

She tightened her mouth and lip, and quickly retracted her head, away from the unknown purple liquid in the wooden bowl in front of her.

"I have tasted it. Maybe I have taken too many secret medicines. It seems that I don't feel anything".

Yu Fei'er tilted her head and said with a bit of anguish: "So, I need someone to taste the secret medicine and see how it reacts".

For the white-haired girl not to resist, she promised: "Don't worry, there is absolutely no poison".

"You said the same before, but after you coaxed you to drink the secret medicine, Yan Bing had a stomachache for a day, and Alina fell asleep for two days and two nights".

Liyue's face turned pale, and she started to accuse them: "What's the situation with the two of them?".

"Oh! Those are just accidents; they are all small problems".

Yu Fei'er pouted innocently, and her golden eyes floated to the upper right corner unconsciously.

"Don't try to get through it. Anyway, I don't dare to drink the secret medicine you made indiscriminately". Liyue refused.

She broke away from the palm of the blonde girl and quickly hid away so that she wouldn't be fooled by the secret medicine by accident.

"It's really stingy". Youfeier deliberately squinted at the white-haired girl.

"It's useless for you to look at me like this". Liyue said in a bad mood.

"Humph! I won't give you the secret medicine in the future". Yu Fei'er threatened like a child.

She raised her chin and drank the unknown purple liquid in the wooden bowl.


Yu Fei'er licked her lips, tilted her head for a moment, and said, "It seems that it's still a little short, why there is still no reaction at all".

"You are not afraid of poisoning yourself to death that day". Liyue vomited with her forehead.

"Poison to death? No, I have calculated the amount of venom produced and the amount of change.".

Yu Fei'er waved his hand as "if you were talking and laughing".

She continued with a casual voice: "I only have sixty-three days to live. It's better to die by poison in my own hands".

Liyue reacted sensitively when she heard how many days he could live.

"By the way, I was almost confused by you".

She patted her forehead, remembering what she was here for.

"Me? I didn't do anything". Yu Fei'er blinked her golden eyes blankly.

"I found the' Angel Wings'". Liyue said solemnly.

"Hey? Did you really find the 'Angel Wings'?". Yu Fei'er's golden eyes rushed to the white-haired girl in threes or twos.

She also remembered that Liyue seemed to be looking for "Angel Wings" from Bloodbeard.

"Well, I found it". "Liyue nodded her head.

"How is the effect? By the way, what about the flowers? Did the 'Angel Tears' work?".

Yu Fei'er muttered anxiously, pulling the white-haired girl's pocket with both hands.

"Stop, stop".

Liyue raised her hand and pressed the blonde woman's forehead, and said softly, "Don't worry, I will tell you slowly".

"You said". Yu Fei Er blinked obediently.

"'Angel Tears' can't cure the infection of the "Void Ghost"". Liyue decided to tell the truth.

"No? How is it possible?".

Yu Fei'er was completely stunned, her golden eyes dimmed and lost their color.

She squatted on the ground weakly holding her head, and said hoarsely: "Impossible, if there is any medicine that can treat the 'virtual ghost's infection', only 'Angel Tears' will be the most likely".

Although the blonde woman is naturally confused, she also knows the horror of the virtual ghost, and her heart is full of panic.

"It's true, I have already tried 'Angel Tears'". Liyue squatted down and hugged the blonde woman.

"After saying the bad news, say the good news".

She squinted her silver-white eyes, and said in a soft voice: "The good news is that 'angel tears' can restrain the erosion of 'virtual ghost infection'".

"Huh? Can it stop the erosion?", Yu Feier suddenly raised her head, looking at the white-haired girl with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, it can stop the erosion of the 'Virtual Ghost', as long as we keep taking 'Angel Tears', we will not become monsters".

The corner of Liyue's mouth was slightly raised, sharing this long-lost good news.

"Where did I make tears that day? Take it out and let me have a look. Maybe I can work out how to cure the 'Virtual Ghost's infection' secret medicine".

Yu Feier hurriedly urged, the golden eyes exuding brilliance again.