
Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Mu Liang traveled to a parallel world of apocalypse, this world has become a wasteland, the cultivation, the rain are sour, and the sky is scattered with dust. Mu Liang was rescued by a mutant rabbit ear i mother, and he was bound to the trainer system at the same time. Tame a tortoise, and evolve infinitely to the sacred beast Xuanwu, with a back width of more than ten thousand miles, with mountains and flowing water, and black and fertile soil… just to build a home on the back. Tame a small tree sapling and evolve into a world tree, block the gale and acid rain, purify the air, and reappear the blue sky and white clouds. Tame a military ant, who dares to provoke me? Marching ants, like a sandstorm, left a pile of dead bones wherever they swept. Tame a bunny ears mother, and then get entangled? ? ? One year later, give a small rabbit ears. ——— Link: patreon.com/user?u=44739101 Donate to the translator please. MTL Novel with small corrections. Follow me on patreon for advance chapters

Noa764 · Eastern
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146 Chs

Chapter 65 Let me be the Lord of the Month? (9/10)


The Lord of the Moon asked quietly: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, what do you think of the Moon Lake Tribe?".

"The Yuetan Tribe is pretty good, with enough people and big enough land". Mu Liang thought about several advantages at will.

"Really? I want to hear the truth, not such perfunctory words". The moon lord lifted up his snowy bow.

"The truth, are you sure?". The smile on Mu Liang's mouth disappeared.

"Of course, you can comment". Moon Lord's aqua blue eyes flashed earnestly.

"In my opinion, the Yuetan tribe will perish sooner or later, and the time will be soon". Mu Liang said astonishingly.

"Mu Liang, what are you talking nonsense?". Yue Feiyan exploded, her red eyes shining with fire.

Suddenly she said that her home was going away.

"Feiyan, don't interrupt His Excellency Mu Liang". Moon Lord's voice raised slightly and stopped.

"Oh". Yue Feiyan bit her lip and shrank her neck aggrievedly.

"Sorry, Mr. Mu Liang, please continue".

The Moon Lord lowered his head apologetically, paused for a while, raised his head and said: "Please speak boldly, I want to hear comments that you can't hear from others".

"Since you have said so, then I'm not welcome".

Mu Liang is not accustomed to people, although sometimes he is gentler, but it is also very scary to be serious.

"Please speak". Moon Lord's eyes were bright.

"First of all, the way the Yuetan tribe exists makes me feel unbelievable. It actually depends on one person for its existence".

Mu Liang crossed his arms and said calmly: "As long as this person does not exist, the Moon Lake Tribe will be completely destroyed".

"I think you also understand; the true portrayal is like tonight".

Police Mu Liang glanced at the red-haired girl, admiringly said: "Tonight, I think Yue Fei's face is quite right. Some people are just blood-sucking bugs".

"Huh! It was originally". Yue Feiyan Tsundere raised her snow-white chin.

"Like tonight, you are injured and fell, and the people in the tribe are not looking for other hope".

Mu Liang's black eyes flashed with sarcasm: "On the contrary, I blame you. I also want to wait for you to heal, and then draw your "blood" Life".

He paused, and his tone was full of warnings: "This mode is pathological. If you don't change this state, you will soon die".

"Death? How come?". Yue Feiyan Tsundere's face stiffened, and she looked over in disbelief.

"Don't look at me like this, your mother should know it best". Mu Liang raised an index finger and pointed at the black-bellied woman.

"Mother, is what Mu Liang said true?", Yue Crimson's red eyes trembled in panic.

"It's not so exaggerated, but it's a bit tired".

Moon Lord Quinlan's eyes were half-squinted, and he smiled: "How could I die".

"I don't believe it, you fainted several times before".

Yue Feiyan's face turned pale, and she trembled: "Moreover, you fainted more and more times".

"Really, this time I have a good rest, and I can fully recuperate".

The Moon Lord's tone was full of confidence, but the bitterness that flashed through his eyes concealed it well.

"Hmph, I will stare at you".

Yue Feiyan sucked on her sour nose, with a hoarse voice: "You will lie in bed these few days".

"Yes, I listen to you". Moon Lord's pretty face was full of helplessness.

She turned to look at Mu Liang, her aqua-blue eyes flashed with a hint of demand, and her voice was weak and asked: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, how can I reform?".

"Actually, I don't have a good way". Mu Liang sighed.

He knows too little about the surroundings and can't give very good advice.

"Just give a little suggestion". The Moon Lord lowered his head weakly.

"Then I will say a little bit of unique insights".

Mu Liang saw that the black-bellied woman was already very tired, and said quickly: "The first point is that the tribe can't raise idlers for nothing. It's okay to let them do some handicrafts that they can.

Second, find out the characteristic products or technology of the tribe.

Third, send a caravan to do business outside, instead of shutting the door at home with the only bit of water.

Fourth, find a new source of water.

Twelfth, reform the Yuetan tribe's authority to not allow too many people to intervene in the distribution of water sources".

The twelve suggestions in a row made the few people present stunned.

"Is this a little insight?", The Moon Lord muttered to herself blankly, many insights she had never thought of.

She was a little suspicious of herself and fell into her own denial: Perhaps, I was wrong when I took over the position of the Moon Lord.

I am not suitable to be a month master at all. The leader of the tribe should be a capable person.

"These are some of my thoughts, you don't need to listen to them all".

Seeing the black-bellied woman at a loss, Mu Liang couldn't help but explain: "Everyone has their own management mode, and there is no need to force others to accept the mode."

"No, you are right".

The Moon Lord slowed down and said softly: "I think the Moon Lake Tribe will do what you say, at least it's much better than it is now".

"Don't be eager to change. If you are too eager, something big will happen". Mu Liang quickly reminded.

Among the several insights he raised, many of them involved the power of the Elders of the tribe. Once there was a backlash, black-bellied women might be imprisoned as "auspicious water-producing babies."

"I'm not a fool". The Moon Lord rolled his eyes charmingly.


Mu Liang's mouth twitched, the charm of this mature woman is really amazing.

The moon lord's pretty face was serious and solemn, and said: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, the transaction I mentioned before, I want to talk to you now".

"Let's talk about it". Mu Liang nodded lightly.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang, I wonder if you can stay, what about the moon lord of the Moon Lake tribe?".

The Moon Lord showed an elegant smile and solemnly said: "I think the Moon Lake Tribe needs a man with insight like you to lead it".

"Huh eh eh?".

Liyue, Mino, and Yue Feiyan widened their eyes simultaneously, making incredibly surprised sounds.

"Don't be kidding". Mu Liang was taken aback, then waved his hand with a wry smile.

"Aaaahh, what i said is true". The moon lord's mouth twitched slightly, showing an unconceivable tired smile.

She is really too tired and needs someone to take the load on her shoulders.

"I refuse". Mu Liang saw that he couldn't get it right, so he refused.

He will not support the entire tribe.

Mu Liang knows that he is not such a great person, he is a little selfish, and if he has the ability, he may show a little kindness.

But let him be a water supply machine?

Sorry, Mu Liang would rather live alone.

"I see". The Moon Lord was silent for a moment, then nodded blankly.

In fact, she knew there was a high possibility of being rejected, but she was unwilling to give it a try.

Starting from the hotel, the moon master saw that Mu Liang was a water awakener, and he had the idea of giving up his position to cultivate the next generation of moon masters.

Otherwise, do you really think she would make fun of her daughter at will? It's all her temptation.

On the way, the Moon Lord heard the conversation between the two girls, indicating that the day was about to leave.

Therefore, she will be so radical now, otherwise she will have to observe for dozens of days before giving up the position of the moon master.

"Really don't try the current month lord?". Yue Qinlan was a little unwilling.

She didn't wait for Mu Liang to speak, and then wittily said: "My stupid daughter is the wife of the next generation of moon masters".

"Mother, you are here again". Yue Feiyan reluctantly covered her slightly flushed face.

"No need". Mu Liang looked at Moon Master's aqua blue eyes, and could see a trace of seriousness and entanglement.

He has a mobile home like the rock tortoise, there is no need to take over a mess.

"And it's also possible, you don't think about it anymore". Yue Miao blinked his left eye profoundly.

Liyue couldn't help rolling her eyes when she saw it.

She whispered in a low voice: "It's really like a fox-shaped mutant who can seduce people."

"No, I don't have the ability to manage a Yuetan tribe".

Mu Liang shook his head lightly. It is not so easy for Chinese and Americans.

It's not that there is no home.

"Well, you can go back and think about it". The Moon Lord sighed.

"Then we will retire first". Mu Liang nodded slightly, turned and walked outside.

Liyue and Mino followed out.

"Feiyan, go and send the fierce beast spar to Mu Liang". The Moon Lord weakly ordered.

After talking about the things she was worried about in her heart, the repressed feeling of sleepiness and pain invaded.


A few seconds.

The moon lord fell into a deep sleep, and made a small 'snoring' delicately, and the slender eyebrows trembled occasionally.

"Good~", Yue Feiyan replied in a small volume.

She came to the bed lightly and helped the moon master to cover the quilt before turning around and leaving the room.

Yue Feiyan came to the lobby.

She smiled apologetically to the three of Mu Liang: "Sorry, my mother is sometimes more willful".


"It's okay, she is funny".

Mu Liang wanted to use the word "charm", but it was a bit inappropriate to say it in front of his daughter.

"She's just a wicked person". Yue Feiyan couldn't help but complain.

"Wait for me, I will get you the fierce beast spar".

After she finished speaking, she found that it was a bit bad, leaving a sentence, and ran to another room.

"Evil taste?". Liyue tilted her head and nodded in agreement.

"Aunt's personality is a bit dark". Mino said poorly in color.

"It's a black belly". Mu Liang silently completed.

Just when the three of them complained about the Moon Lord, Yue Feiyan came back with a bag of fierce beast spar.

"Here, one hundred junior high-grade fierce beast spar, just a lot more". Yue Feiyan handed it over boldly.


After Mu Liang accepted it, he whispered, "Then we will go back to the hotel".

"I have a spare room in my house, do you want to stay?", Yue Feiyan said expectantly with her red eyes open.

"No, that would be too much trouble for you". Mu Liang shook his head with a faint smile.

Now that you have rejected them, don't bother them anymore.

"Okay". A trace of sadness flashed across Yue Crimson's red eyes.

The friends she finally made, want to talk more.

Yes, the red-haired girl regards Mu Liang who are fighting side by side as friends.

"Tomorrow, you can come to us". Mu Liang said gently.

"Then it's settled. Tomorrow I will bring you the news of the master of your portrait".

Yue Feiyan showed a happy smile.

"Well, it's settled". Mu Liang gave a thumbs up.

When he walked to the door, he paused, turning his head lightly and leaving a sentence.

"If your mother wakes up, please tell her: If you can't stay any longer, you can choose to be selfish and live for yourself".

Yue Feiyan stood at the door blankly, this sentence echoed in her mind.

Be selfish and live for yourself?

Why can't you stay?

Wouldn't it be good forever?

The red-haired girl was a little dazed, looking at the three people who disappeared into the darkness, there was an urge to ask loudly.

"Forget it, it's the same if you ask again tomorrow".


Yue Feiyan yawned sleepily.

She walked to her mother's room, and she was ready to lie on the bedside tonight.

Lest mother need help to find her in the middle of the night.