
Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Mu Liang traveled to a parallel world of apocalypse, this world has become a wasteland, the cultivation, the rain are sour, and the sky is scattered with dust. Mu Liang was rescued by a mutant rabbit ear i mother, and he was bound to the trainer system at the same time. Tame a tortoise, and evolve infinitely to the sacred beast Xuanwu, with a back width of more than ten thousand miles, with mountains and flowing water, and black and fertile soil… just to build a home on the back. Tame a small tree sapling and evolve into a world tree, block the gale and acid rain, purify the air, and reappear the blue sky and white clouds. Tame a military ant, who dares to provoke me? Marching ants, like a sandstorm, left a pile of dead bones wherever they swept. Tame a bunny ears mother, and then get entangled? ? ? One year later, give a small rabbit ears. ——— Link: patreon.com/user?u=44739101 Donate to the translator please. MTL Novel with small corrections. Follow me on patreon for advance chapters

Noa764 · Eastern
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146 Chs

Chapter 44 : The madness of the blood beard.


At the foot of a hill, a bonfire was burning vigorously.

Two thieves, one tall and one short, were watching the night on the hill.

"The boss is so angry this time, he didn't want to chase him and was deceived by the people in that small camp". The short thief whispered.

The tall thief glanced at the campfire under the hill and lowered his voice: "Who said no, the two poor pathfinders were killed on the spot".

"Fortunately, the captain of the tracker went with him. After smelling it, we know that the smell was left a few days ago, otherwise we would have to chase it foolishly".

"I'm going back tomorrow; I hope I can share a little more water this time".

"Huh? Look, there is light in the distance". The short thief pads his feet and points to the light radiating from the dark night in the distance.

After a glance, the tall thief warned: "Don't look, don't be too curious about those lights, they will kill you".

"Why? Maybe someone is there too. Let's grab a handful in the past?". The short thief eagerly instigated.

"Do you want to die?".

The tall thief said in a huff: "The fierce beasts at night are terrifying, and they are also very smart. Some of the light is made by the fierce beasts to attract prey".

"Really?". The short thief was startled.

"You wait; the light will disappear soon". The tall thief sneered.

"Huh? It's really gone".

"Am I right? Maybe the fierce beast that emits that light is as big as a hill".

"I see, don't tell me anymore".

The night fell silent again.

The next day, it was still dark.

The Bloodbeard thieves gathered and rushed to the base camp again.

They were marching in a hurry along the way, and the atmosphere was very depressing. Bloodbeard had already lost his temper several times, hurting many people.

Even the leader-level captains of the night jackal and the tracker did not dare to offend the temper of the blood beard.

In the evening, when I went back outside the valley, I saw the blood knife leading a team of about 200 people waiting.

"What are you doing here? Who is guarding at home?". Bloodbeard's face turned black, and his hand was already on the handle of the knife around his waist.

If the answer makes him unsatisfied, he will let the son lie down for a few days.

"Father, the nursery room is gone".

The blood knife shrank his neck in fear, and said bitterly: "The incubation room was sneaked in by a thief, and important things were stolen".

"What? Where's the crystal fish?". The blood-bearded beard exploded, grabbing the collar of the blood-knife, and drooling on his son's face.

"Also, it's gone".

Faced with his father's murderous gaze, the blood knife replied bitterly: "Only, only some water and dried meat are left."


Bloodbeard slapped his face with a gloomy face, and slapped his son three or four meters away.

The crystal fish is the foundation of the thieves group and the core resource for the formation of the thieves group.

Without the crystal fish, the band of thieves would fall apart sooner or later, and everyone would not submit to his rule.

If Blood Knife wasn't the only son of Bloodbeard, he had already used a knife on the spot.

"Get away from me". Bloodbeard drove the people around, leaving behind the four boss-level captains and the blood knife.

He didn't even go into the valley, and Da Ma Jindao sat on the stone beside the road.

Bloodbeard violently said: "Give me a little bit of clarity about the situation".

"The night before, the thief climbed up from behind the hill and blocked the door after entering".

The blood knife was covering his swollen face, and his voice was vague: "Yesterday we opened the door and found that the thief had left. We searched the entire camp and found no one".

"How can you be so stupid? People who can climb up the hill will hide in the camp for you to catch?".

Bloodbeard stared at his blood-red pupils, and his temper was a little unbearable.

Cunning Fox, one of the four bosses, persuaded: "Boss, the most important thing now is to track the thief".

"Yes, the thief must have not gone far, and he should be able to catch up now". The stalker persuaded him.

In addition, today, the thief has been away for two days, but everyone dares not say that he can't catch up with the thief.

"Huh…what did the thief leave behind?". Bloodbeard gasped and suppressed his temper.

"Leave some white ropes". The blood knife took out a stack of white and somewhat transparent ropes from his pocket.

"Tracker, leave it to you". Bloodbeard threw the rope to the tracker casually.

"Yes". The tracker took the white rope and began to sniff it in front of his nose.

After sniffing, he suddenly confronted a scent in his memory, and said in astonishment: "Boss, this scent is the same as the scent left by the people who stayed in the small camp before".

"You mean, the people who lured us over in that small camp are the same people who stole my stuff?". The blood beard raised eyebrows.

"Yes, the remaining smell is left by the same person". The tracker was very sure.

"Very well, it's actually calculated on me".

Bloodbeard grinned gloomily with a yellow tooth, and said hoarsely: "Catch me up. I want to see what kind of person it is. I dare to tease me like this".

"Yes". The tracker respectfully said.

He raised his head and sniffed in the air, then sniffed the white rope in his hand again.

"There are still some ropes here". The blood knife immediately made people take all the collected white ropes.


After the follower smelled it, his expression changed.

The blood beard said coldly: "If you find anything, just say it".

"Yes, there are two other smells in this rope, one is a very light smell". The tracker had a solemn expression.

He said with a hint of astonishment: "The remaining smell is very strong, and it doesn't feel like a human smell".

"I don't care if it's human or not".

Bloodbeard growled impatiently: "I only ask if you can catch up".

"Yes, by smelling this kind of rope with a strong smell, you can catch the trace of the other party". The tracker said confidently.

As a mutant, he has a keen sense of smell like a dog, as long as it is not more than three days old, he can catch the smell left by people.

"Go get all the water and meat out, let everyone eat when they are full, and set off". Bloodbeard went crazy.

He decided to take a thieves group of more than 500 people to chase the thieves overnight.

The crystal fish is gone; these thieves are almost unable to raise it.

It's okay if the crystal fish can be regained, and it's better to manage it if you can't die part of it.

"Yes". The blood knife took people to move meat and water.