
Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Mu Liang traveled to a parallel world of apocalypse, this world has become a wasteland, the cultivation, the rain are sour, and the sky is scattered with dust. Mu Liang was rescued by a mutant rabbit ear i mother, and he was bound to the trainer system at the same time. Tame a tortoise, and evolve infinitely to the sacred beast Xuanwu, with a back width of more than ten thousand miles, with mountains and flowing water, and black and fertile soil… just to build a home on the back. Tame a small tree sapling and evolve into a world tree, block the gale and acid rain, purify the air, and reappear the blue sky and white clouds. Tame a military ant, who dares to provoke me? Marching ants, like a sandstorm, left a pile of dead bones wherever they swept. Tame a bunny ears mother, and then get entangled? ? ? One year later, give a small rabbit ears. ——— Link: patreon.com/user?u=44739101 Donate to the translator please. MTL Novel with small corrections. Follow me on patreon for advance chapters

Noa764 · Eastern
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146 Chs

Chapter 45 : The ability to make everyone jealous.

The sky is bright.

Liyue slowly opened her eyes and woke up, and found a piece of animal skin quilt on her body, which made her heart warm.

She looked sideways at the wall full of swords, her pretty face softened a lot.

Yes, the white-haired girl slept in Mu Liang's room again last night, and the reason-has been forgotten.

"If this continues, I'm afraid I can't bear to leave, right?". Liyue murmured, raising her hand to touch the scarlet lines on her right cheek.

If there is no "virtual ghost infection", she might want to stay.

After all, extravagant enough to bathe with water, extravagant enough to drink tea, the most important thing is that he doesn't hate her.

"Oh, what am I thinking about, Yu Fei Er and others are still waiting for me to meet with "Angel Tears"".

Liyue covered her pretty face with her hands, her silver-white eyes radiating a hazy light, and she rolled left and right on the bed.


A cough came from the door of the room.

"…" As soon as Liyue rolled halfway, she froze.

"I'll come in to get something, and you will continue".

Mu Liang leaned against the door with a smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at the white-haired girl who was froze on the bed.


Liyue caught the animal skin quilt and covered her head with unprecedented speed.

Mu Liang's black eyes flashed with a smile, and he picked up a waterproof backpack in the corner of the room.

He walked to the door and reminded with a chuckle: "I'm leaving; you can continue to sleep."

Mu Liang came to the hall with a waterproof backpack, poured out the contents, and looked at the animal skins inside.

While the weather was still early and the two girls were still sleeping, he planned to study the oracle bone inscriptions on the animal skins.

I just didn't expect to see the other side of the white-haired girl by accident, it was really a little cute.

"This oracle bone script corresponds to the fire character". Mu Liang copied the oracle bone inscriptions one by one, and then wrote the corresponding simplified characters.

He used the method of contrast to recognize oracle bone inscriptions.

"There are so many words that I don't know". Mu Liang scratched his head.

He was obsessed with recognizing words.

Time passed slowly, and the sky was already bright.

"Aha~~" Mino yawned and opened the door, and saw that there was no cooking on the fire.

The girl with rabbit ears quickly raised her hand and shouted, "Mu Liang, I'll cook breakfast".

"Huh?", Mu Liang recovered, then smiled and said, "Then I will trouble you".

"It's not troublesome at all". Mino eagerly carried the steel pot into the warehouse.

10 seconds later.

The girl with bunny ears grimaced, holding an empty wooden barrel and exiting, weakly said: "Mu Liang, we have no water".

"Don't worry, we have water". Mu Liang smiled lightly.

He picked up a wooden bucket from under the wooden table, opened a gap and suddenly water poured out.


"Huh? When was there an extra bucket of water?". Mino held the bucket in surprise and came forward to receive the water.

She accidentally saw the gap in the wooden barrel, and she was trying to squeeze it out of the gap.

"Mu Liang, there seems to be something in the barrel". Mino's face stretched, and he quickly touched Mu Liang's foot with his toe.

She was a little scared and reminded in a low voice: "It seems to want to get out of the barrel".

"Oh, there are crystal fish in the wooden barrel". Mu Liang woke up. The rabbit-eared girl hadn't seen a crystal fish.

He suddenly lifted the lid of the wooden barrel and squeezed the crystal fish quickly with eyesight.

Mu Liang reminded half of the system in his mind and ordered: "Tame the crystal fish and evolve directly to level 3".

[Ding! Level 1 life·Crystal fish detected, taming…]

[Ding! The taming is successful when you consume 10 taming points.]

[Ding! Evolve from level 1 to level 3, deduct 110 evolution points.]

[Ding! Level 3 crystal fish evolved successfully.]

[Ding! Whether to inherit the 'Crystal Fish' Talent: Condensation of water elements.]

"Inheriting the condensation of the water element". The corner of Mu Liang's mouth couldn't help but lifted up.

He once again got an ability that made everyone jealous, and he no longer had to worry about running out of water.

[Ding! The 'Water Elemental Condensation' is being improved…adapted…inheritance completed.]

Mu Liang only felt a refreshing sensation from beginning to end, and then it was gone.

He didn't care, opened the system and checked the properties.

[Trainer: Mu Liang.]

[Physical strength: 48.]

[Speed: 45.8.]

[Strength: 46.]

[Spirit: 70.]

[Lifespan: 24 years/1200 years.]

[Taming point: 0.] (Refreshed every day, can be accumulated)

[Evolution point: 748.]

[Ability: Mimicry Scaly Hardening (Level 4)

Hundred Silk Control (Level 4)

Earth and Rock Control (Level 4) Realm (Level 3)

Water Elemental Condensation (Level 3) Angel's Tears (Level 1)]


[Domesticated beasts:]

[Tricolor lizard Talent: Mimicry Scaly hardening. (level 4)]

[Red Ghost Spider Talent: Hundred Silk control. (level 4)]

[Rock Tortoise Talent: Earth and Rock Manipulation (Level 4)]

[Crystal Fish Talent: Water Elemental Condensation (Level 3)]


[Starlight Tea Tree Talent: Starlight Realm (Level 3)]

[Angel Wings Talent: Angel Tears (Level 1)]


Mu Liang glanced at the life span of a thousand years and closed the attribute interface satisfied.

"Huh? The crystal fish has grown bigger". Mino stared at blue eyes in surprise.

Every time she saw Mu Liang put a small animal, it became very huge in an instant, she would be surprised and shocked.

"Oh! Mu Liang, let go of the crystal fish".

Mino poked Mu Liang's cheek with his finger and reminded: "It's about to be pinched to death by you".

"Uh…" Mu Liang heard the sound and saw that the crystal fish in his palm was struggling weakly.

He quickly let go of his palm, letting the crystal fish, which had grown to half a meter long, breathe.


The crystal fish activates its talents, and many water drops quickly gather and envelop itself.

A large water ball with a diameter of more than one meter wrapped Mu Liang's arm.

"It seems that I have to put you in the big bathtub for the time being". Mu Liang looked helplessly at his wet sleeves.

"What a great crystal fish, it's long and beautiful, it's actually translucent".

Mino leaned forward in amazement, and carefully touched the surface of the water polo with his finger.

"It's a bit naughty right now". Mu Liang shook his head unhappily, and put the crystal fish into an empty big bathtub.

"Hehehe… It's also nice to be naughty". Mino defended the crystal fish.

She was caught by the shiny crystal fish, or by the shiny fish body.

Whether a woman is a mature or a little girl, she likes shiny things.


The big bathtub was instantly filled with water.

"Guru Guru…" Crystal Fish conveyed his grievances to Mu Liang, feeling that the place was too small.

"You stay obediently, and then dig a big pool before letting you in".

Mu Liang calmed down with his mind and thoughts so that the crystal fish would not get water everywhere.