
Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Mu Liang traveled to a parallel world of apocalypse, this world has become a wasteland, the cultivation, the rain are sour, and the sky is scattered with dust. Mu Liang was rescued by a mutant rabbit ear i mother, and he was bound to the trainer system at the same time. Tame a tortoise, and evolve infinitely to the sacred beast Xuanwu, with a back width of more than ten thousand miles, with mountains and flowing water, and black and fertile soil… just to build a home on the back. Tame a small tree sapling and evolve into a world tree, block the gale and acid rain, purify the air, and reappear the blue sky and white clouds. Tame a military ant, who dares to provoke me? Marching ants, like a sandstorm, left a pile of dead bones wherever they swept. Tame a bunny ears mother, and then get entangled? ? ? One year later, give a small rabbit ears. ——— Link: patreon.com/user?u=44739101 Donate to the translator please. MTL Novel with small corrections. Follow me on patreon for advance chapters

Noa764 · Eastern
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146 Chs

Chapter 43 : Only add ten times the price to sell.

After a lot of noisy didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Mu Liang put the red-hot stone in the big bathtub, heated the water just enough to get in the bath, and drove the two girls in to take a bath.

After a busy day, my whole body is dirty, either sweat or dust.

"The idea has to be reversed slowly". Mu Liang shook his head.

If you have the ability to live better, you can't do it if you don't have the ability, right?

"Fry the tea while you are free now".

Mu Liang glanced at the direction of the bathroom, ignoring the yelling of the bunny-eared girl inside.

He hung the cleaned steel pot on the fire, and put in the young leaves and sprouts of tea picked by the girl with rabbit ears.

"Activate Mimicry·Scaly Hardening".

Mu Liang uses his power to flip the stir-fried tea. Some of the steps are omitted. In a little bit of terminology, it is stir-fried green.

"We also need to twist the tea". Mu Liang recalled that when he was in the army, a teammate who liked to drink tea talked about the craft of tea frying.

Since he has been strengthened, his past memories can be easily recalled, and he can read what he has seen before at any time.

"Okay, that's it". Mu Liang shook the steel pot and looked at the tea leaves that had changed drastically.

He poured the tea into the wooden dinner board and waited to let it cool before making tea.

At this time, the door to the bathroom opened, and the two girls who had changed dramatically stepped out.

Mino wore a long white one-piece dress, which was a bit strange except for the style, which gave people a youthful and beautiful feeling.

Liyue is a beautiful girl with a cool feeling, with white skin and long white hair, as cold and firm as a flower in the snow.

The white-haired girl wears a long gown, giving people a classic, cold and small Big sis feeling.

"It's pretty.". Mu Liang praised with a thumbs up.

"I'm back to my room". Liyue lowered her head shyly.

The white-haired girl held her old clothes in her small hands, and moved her steps to go back to the room built during the day.

"And many more...".

Mu Liang called the white-haired girl and said gently, "You don't have a bed in that room. I will still sleep in my room tonight".

"No, I can sleep". Liyue shook her head stubbornly.

I used to sleep casually in the wild, not to mention that there are rooms to shelter from the wind and rain.

"Then have a cup of tea". Mu Liang didn't force the white-haired girl to wash a bowl of tea for the two girls with a wooden bowl.


He was surprised to find that the tea leaves were unfolding in the wooden bowl, and the small green spots on the tea leaves glowed.

Especially after being refracted in the water, it looks more like stars in the sky.

"It's so beautiful". Mino's blue eyes flashed obsessively.

"It's so beautiful". Liyue also indulged in.

No one will reject good things.

"Let's taste how it tastes". Mu Liang urged the two girls.

"Okay". Mino recovered, gingerly took a sip of the tea and breathed.

Next second.


The girl with rabbit ears swallowed the tea, and spit out a fragrant little face with a bitter face: "It's so bitter".


Mino then stared at his blue eyes and shouted in surprise: "It's so sweet now, and it feels so cool in his head".

"Tea is bittersweet first". Mu Liang looked at the bunny-eared girl with a vivid expression like a face change in Peking opera.

"Is that so? Hehehe…" Mino said embarrassedly and laughed.

"It's delicious", Liyue took a sip, closing her eyes for a taste.

The white-haired girl softly commented: "The sweetness can last for a long time, and it can be refreshing. It is the top tea I have heard of".

"Then how many fierce beast spars do you think can be exchanged for a cup of tea?". Mu Liang asked curiously.

There are so many tea leaves in Starlight Tea Tree, which can be used as a specialty to trade Fierce Beast Spar.

"I don't know how much I can trade". Liyue shook her head, having only heard of tea before.

However, the white-haired girl did not really involve tea, such advanced things.

If she hadn't been here in Mu Liang, she might not have been able to taste the taste of tea in her life.

"It seems I have to find someone who understands tea to try it".

Mu Liang felt that he needed to be a source of excitement to find people who had a large number of beast spars and were willing to buy tea.

Liyue saw his intentions and said softly: "Some big people will definitely like it. You don't want to trade too much at one time".

"I understand that I won't trade these for the time being". Mu Liang looked at the few tea leaves left on the wooden dinner board.

Mino also saw a little bit of tea left, weak and embarrassed: "Did we drink too much?".

"No, these high-end goods, of course, are going to be sold at a high price". Mu Liang smiled and shook his head.

Or, it's not better to keep it for yourself.

"High-end goods?" Liyue frowned her snow-white eyebrows, not knowing what she meant.

"Tea can not only be made from young leaves and buds". Mu Liang's mouth turned up.

Ordinary leaves can also be made into tea, but the taste will be worse.

"Do you still want to pick tea?". Mino's blue eyes flashed with eager light.

"Yes, the work of picking the tea leaves is left to you". Mu Liang said softly.

"I can go picking tea now". Mino jumped up excitedly, and rushed towards the door.

"Don't you stop her? It's night now". Liyue looked at the rabbit-eared girl who disappeared at the gate.

"She will be back soon". Mu Liang raised his eyebrows with a small smile.

He picked up the wooden bowl of the girl with rabbit ears and took a sip of tea.

Well, it really is the best tea, even better than the tea drunk on the earth.

Mu Liang decided to add ten times the price to sell, otherwise he would lose a lot.


Liyue opened her mouth slightly, not quite understanding what Mu Liang meant.

Less than ten seconds.

"Wow, wow~~ Mu Liang, come and take a look".

Before the Minoans arrived at the door, there was an excitement yelling.

The girl with bunny ears rushed to the door, yelling crisply: "The tea tree is glowing, it's super beautiful".

"I see". Mu Liang smiled lightly.

"How could you know that you are coming out and see". Mino pursed his lips and ran over and dragged Mu Liang's arm out.

"Well, I'll just go and see it". Mu Liang's black eyes flashed in favor.

He got up and walked to the door, and patted the white-haired girl on the shoulder.


Liyue blinked her silver-white eyes suspiciously, hesitated for a while, got up and followed out.

When she stepped out, she saw Mu Liang and Mino standing in a daze not far away, with light shining in front of them.

"What's the matter?". Liyue frowned her snow-white eyebrows and walked to the two of them to look forward.

She was obsessed.

At this time, the Starlight tea tree was radiating green radiance, and the tea leaves were dotted with dots, which looked very dazzling.

"It's so beautiful". Liyue praised unconsciously.

"Like the starry sky at night". Mu Liang said gently.

"I don't want to pick off the tea". Mino couldn't bear to spoil such a beautiful scenery.

"Well, if you want to pick the tea leaves, let's pick it tomorrow". Mu Liang grabbed the girl's rabbit ears.

"Oh! Am I still idle now?". Mino pouted, raising his hand to protect the rabbit ears.

"After a while, the light of Starlight tea tree will disappear. It will only emit light twice a day".

Mu Liang turned around and walked towards the house. He said in a bad mood, "Besides, it's black, can you see the leaves picking?"

Starlight Realm can only be used twice a day, once during the day and once at night.

"Hehehe…I just forgot". Mino scratched the rabbit ears embarrassedly.

"Hurry in, it's cold outside". Mu Liang still has to take a bath.

"Mu Liang, what picture do I want?".

"Go, get it yourself".