
Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Mu Liang traveled to a parallel world of apocalypse, this world has become a wasteland, the cultivation, the rain are sour, and the sky is scattered with dust. Mu Liang was rescued by a mutant rabbit ear i mother, and he was bound to the trainer system at the same time. Tame a tortoise, and evolve infinitely to the sacred beast Xuanwu, with a back width of more than ten thousand miles, with mountains and flowing water, and black and fertile soil… just to build a home on the back. Tame a small tree sapling and evolve into a world tree, block the gale and acid rain, purify the air, and reappear the blue sky and white clouds. Tame a military ant, who dares to provoke me? Marching ants, like a sandstorm, left a pile of dead bones wherever they swept. Tame a bunny ears mother, and then get entangled? ? ? One year later, give a small rabbit ears. ——— Link: patreon.com/user?u=44739101 Donate to the translator please. MTL Novel with small corrections. Follow me on patreon for advance chapters

Noa764 · Eastern
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146 Chs

Chapter 42 : It is true that you are smelly.

"No salt, it's really tasteless".

Mu Liang tried the tomato broth.

Found that the light broth, mixed with the sweet and sour tomatoes, is a very appetizing soup.

Mu Liang put the soup on the table, and put a large piece of roast meat on the wooden plate.

He turned his head and shouted to the girls: "You go to wash your hands; you are ready to have dinner".

"Wash your hands?". Liyue was stunned.

It was the first time she had heard of such extravagance.

The white-haired girl turned her hand and glanced, her palms were black.

Indeed…it looks like it needs to be washed.

"Huh? You don't need to wash your hands". Mino wiped the sweat from his forehead, leaving five black finger marks on his face.

"No, there was no other way before".

Mu Liang shook his head and preached earnestly: "Now that the situation has improved, we can no longer live as we did before".

"But, it's a waste of water". Mino grumbled.

"It's all rainwater, any waves are not wasted". Mu Liang glanced at the girl with rabbit ears.

With the crystal fish, he can no longer look down on the rain, and he doesn't even bother to filter it.

"Okay". Mino saw Mu Liang's serious expression…

"I just go to wash my hands".

The girl with bunny ears muttered, the weak one didn't dare to refute, and she went to wash her hands cleverly.

"You should also wash your hands quickly, otherwise there will be no dinner". Mu Liang turned his head and squinted at the white-haired girl.


Liyue wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything under Mu Liang's gaze.

"Oh". The white-haired girl obediently followed the rabbit-eared girl to wash her hands.

"Really, did I have two daughters?".

Mu Liang held his forehead and murmured, "Obviously I am older and they are not a few years old, so how come they feel that they are old".

Sometimes, people have more experience, and in front of some immature people, they will automatically become mature and stable, and unconsciously take the lead.

Perhaps this is the talent that the leader has.

"It's done". Mino leaned forward, spreading his hands like a child to check.

"Very good, the washing is very clean". Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

He glanced at the white-haired girl who also opened his palms, and whispered softly, "Go and sit down. You can eat".

"???" After listening to Liyue, she suddenly reacted, staring blankly at her open hand for some reason.

She doesn't understand why she behaves so naively?

You know, she is sixteen years old.

"Huh! Today's soup is red". Mino looked at the soup in the wooden bowl in surprise.

"Liyue, what are you doing in a daze? Come over for dinner". Mu Liang shouted with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Of course he knew why the white-haired girl was stunned. After all, people are social animals.

The white-haired girl has been out of the gregarious life for too long. If she wants to integrate into a new gregarious life, she will subconsciously imitate people and make her a little uncomfortable.

In a word, just get used to it.

"Oh, here it is". Liyue patted her cheek, shaking off the extra thoughts.

She sat at the table, curiously watching the red broth glowing in the wooden bowl.

"It's been a hard day, let's get started". Mu Liang took the lead in drinking the soup.


Mino just took a sip and exclaimed, "What's the matter with this soup? It's so delicious".

The bunny-eared girl still has blue eyes, and she does not hide her love for the broth.

The sweet and sour taste made her want to stop.

Mu Liang chuckled and said, "I added tomatoes in it, so you can learn how to make it in the future".

"What is a tomato?". Mino blinked suspiciously.

"Tomatoes are a kind of red fruit, and there are still some that are not fully ripe. I will teach you then".

Mu Liang glanced at the bunny ears on top of Mino's head. She really liked this soup.


Mino nodded happily and waved his arms in praise: "Tomato broth is the best broth I have ever drunk in my life".

"Then you can eat more". Mu Liang gave the rabbit-eared girl another spoonful of soup.

The tomato broth made by myself is a very pleasant thing for the girl to chase after the great.


Mino squinted and laughed, slurping the tomato broth.

"Is it so delicious?". Liyue whispered in a low voice.

After all, the reaction of the girl with rabbit ears was a bit exaggerated, which made her a little bit unbelievable.

There was a glimmer of expectation in the white-haired girl's eyes, and she took a sip of the tomato broth.


Liyue raised her white eyebrows, and the tomato broth couldn't fit.

She huffed and dries up a bowl of soup.

"After drinking, I'll give you another spoon". Mu Liang gave the white-haired girl another spoon of tomato broth.

The steel pot is not big, it can cook about four bowls of broth, about two spoons per bowl.

"No, no need". Liyue blushed and gave way.

"Drink quickly, or Mino will grab you". Mu Liang teased.


Liyue subconsciously picked up the wooden bowl to protect the food.

She was dull for a while before reacting, her pretty face flushed with shame.

"I'm not going to grab it". Mino pursed his mouth.

The girl with bunny ears gently pulled Mu Liang's arm with her small hand to express her own dissatisfaction.

In fact, it is more not dissatisfaction, but acting like a baby with Mu Liang.

"Eat barbecue, it's almost cold". Mu Liang smiled and divided meat between the two girls.


Mino frowned and chewed the meat, muttering in a low voice, "How did the taste change?".

Dried meat roasts are hard to bite and fragrant when chewed, but they have a strong fishy smell.

The two girls suddenly felt that the barbecue was not as delicious as they used to eat.

After dinner.

Mu Liang grabbed the fire and turned to watch the girl with rabbit ears tidy up the tableware.

He asked curiously: "Mino, how is the skirt sewn?".

"It has been sewn, and I have added a pair of sleeves to the two robes".

Mino said, shaking his rabbit ears happily.

Last night, the girl with rabbit ears sewed a skirt according to the cloth cut by Mu Liang.

As for the short shorts, there is no time to sew.

"You will take a bath later". Mu Liang added stones to the fire pond.

He didn't wait for the rabbit-eared girl to speak, and then said: "You take a long robe for Liyue to wear".

"Take a bath? Didn't you just wash it yesterday?". Mino asked blankly.

"You ate yesterday, why are you still eating today?". Mu Liang asked lightly.

"Uh~~". Mino was choked up, and he didn't know how to refute it weakly.

"I…", Liyue opened her mouth before she could refuse.

"Can't you smell the stench on yourself?".

Mu Liang's black eyes looked at the white-haired girl faintly, and he curled his lips in disgust: "I can smell the smell, so let me take a bath honestly".

"I, I, I… don't stink". Liyue's face was flushed with shame, and her ears were dyed red.

"I'm not smelly at all".

She gritted her teeth in shame and repeated, suddenly having the urge to rush to bite Mu Liang.

For the first time in her life, she was said to be stinky face to face, and she still disliked her.

Mu Liang shook his hands in disgust: "…"

"Hehe…" Mino covered her mouth and snickered. The familiar scene made her find it interesting.

"Wash it, I'll go now". Liyue stomped her feet in shame, turned around and rushed into the bathroom in frustration.

"Wait a minute, I will help you heat the water".

"No, I will finish washing immediately".

"Cold water, it smells bad after taking a shower".

"You, you, you lie".


"Sure enough, you are lying, you said that I am also lying to me, are you?".

"No, it's true that you smell bad".

Kang Dang~~