
Tragic Orphan Seek Revenge

Orphaned overnight, Lily had to follow her Aunt to the world of unknown, a world of cultivators and political struggles while discovering her family's history, culture and past.

mitsuki88 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 018 An Unexpected Bond

Lily couldn't help but continue to gaze at the woman with the fiery red wavy hair and confident aura, her heart overflowing with gratitude and admiration. She was in awe of the stranger's bravery and kindness, touched by the reassurance that she was not alone in this unfamiliar world.

Still trembling from the encounter, Lily mustered the courage to express her heartfelt appreciation. "Thank you...thank you so much for stepping in. I don't know what I would have done without your help."

The woman, whose name Lily now knew was Jiang Hong, smiled warmly. Her fiery red hair seemed to dance with a newfound brightness as she replied, "No need for thanks. It's important to stand up against injustice and protect those who need help. You're safe now."

Lily nodded, her voice filled with gratitude. "I will never forget what you've done for me. You've shown me that even in unfamiliar places, there are kind-hearted individuals like you who come to the aid of others."

Jiang Hong's eyes sparkled with a mix of compassion and determination. "Kindness is a powerful force that connects us all. Remember, we are here to support and uplift one another on this journey."

As their conversation continued, Xiao Xi approached with evident concern in her eyes. "Are you alright, Lily? That was quite a scare."

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Lily offered a reassuring smile to Xiao Xi. "I'm shaken, but I'll be okay. Thanks to Jiang Hong's bravery and quick thinking."

Xiao Xi's eyes shifted to Jiang Hong, her expression mirroring Lily's admiration. "Thank you for helping us. Your intervention truly saved her from a distressing situation."

Jiang Hong nodded, her presence exuding a sense of calm and strength. With a sense of camaraderie now established, Jiang Hong extended an invitation. "Why don't we continue our conversation over a cup of tea? I have a private room here in the tea house where we can find some peace and quiet."

Lily's face lit up with excitement. She couldn't imagine a more enchanting setting to share a moment of respite and exchange stories with her newfound companions. "That sounds wonderful. Thank you, Jiang Hong."

Together, Lily, Xiao Xi, and Jiang Hong made their way to the private room, leaving behind the bustling atmosphere of the tea house. Inside, the room was adorned with elegant decor, creating an atmosphere of tranquillity. The aroma of fragrant tea filled the air, inviting them to take a seat and indulge in a moment of relaxation.

As they settled into the cozy space, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of warmth and camaraderie. The clinking of tea cups and the gentle exchange of stories blended harmoniously, forming a bond between three individuals who had crossed paths in the most unexpected way.

In that private room, as the soothing tea washed away the remnants of fear and uncertainty, Lily felt a profound sense of gratitude for the friendship she had found. With Jiang Hong and Xiao Xi by her side, she knew she had allies, guides, and kindred spirits on this extraordinary journey through the enchanting world of Jiu Hua.

a new found friendship ;)

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