
Tragic Orphan Seek Revenge

Orphaned overnight, Lily had to follow her Aunt to the world of unknown, a world of cultivators and political struggles while discovering her family's history, culture and past.

mitsuki88 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 017 Trouble in Tea House

After hours of walking through the vibrant streets of Jiu Hua, Xiao Xi suggested they take a moment to rest and enjoy some tea and snacks in a nearby tea house. Lily's eyes lit up with delight at the suggestion, and they made their way towards the inviting establishment.

As they entered the tea house, Lily couldn't help but be captivated by its beautiful decoration and soothing ambiance. The fragrance of freshly brewed tea enveloped the air, creating a sense of tranquillity within the bustling atmosphere. Excitement danced in Lily's eyes as she soaked in the delightful surroundings.

However, in her distraction, Lily accidentally bumped into a plump man with three followers. Their expressions quickly turned to anger as they glared down at her. "Are you blind or what? How dare you bump into our Young Master Yee!" one of the followers shouted, his voice dripping with disdain.

Fear coursed through Lily's veins as she stumbled over her words, desperately apologizing. "I am so sorry, it was not intentional," she stammered, her voice trembling with apprehension.

When one of the followers was about to hit Lily, Young Master Yee said "HOLD IT! Let's not hit her, such a beauty should follow be back to be concubine". The whole group laughed and agreed.

Lily was thinking hard on how she can get out of trouble this time.

But the situation took a sudden turn when a voice, filled with authority and confidence, cut through the tension. "Young Master Yee is out here looking for trouble?"

All eyes turned towards the source of the voice, and Lily's gaze met the fiery red hair of a determined-looking woman who stood tall and exuded an air of strength. The tea house fell into an uneasy silence as this unexpected saviour stepped forward, her presence commanding attention.

The woman's piercing gaze fixed upon Young Master Yee and his followers, her voice firm and unwavering. "Respect and kindness should guide our actions, not arrogance and aggression. It is unbecoming of a noble to cause trouble for innocent people."

Young Master Yee stumbled over his words, his arrogance faltering in the face of this formidable woman. "I...I didn't mean any harm. It was just a joke," he mumbled, his confidence wavering.

The woman's eyes narrowed, her voice firm as she responded, "Really? A joke at the expense of someone's dignity is no joke at all. Now, I suggest you leave and reflect on your behaviour."

Young Master Yee and his followers hesitated for a moment before hastily retreating, their arrogance replaced by a sense of defeat. The tension in the tea house dissolved, and a collective sigh of relief swept through the crowd.