
Tragic Orphan Seek Revenge

Orphaned overnight, Lily had to follow her Aunt to the world of unknown, a world of cultivators and political struggles while discovering her family's history, culture and past.

mitsuki88 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 019 The Legend Unveiled

As Lily and her newfound companions, Jiang Hong and Xiao Xi, sat in the tranquil atmosphere of the private tea room, their conversation flowed freely. Jiang Hong's keen perception led her to a realization, and she couldn't help but express her curiosity.

"If you don't mind me asking, Lily," Jiang Hong began, her eyes filled with intrigue, "I am not able to see your cultivation level. What stage are you currently at?"

Lily's cheeks flushed with a hint of shyness, yet she felt comfortable sharing her journey with Jiang Hong. "I just came to Jiu Hua recently, and I am still in the early stages of learning and cultivation."

Jiang Hong's gaze held a mix of understanding and interest. "Ah, I see. So, you are just beginning to explore the vast realm of cultivation. It is a path filled with wonders and challenges. I am sure the descendants of Yan family are all capable and talented"

Lily's eyes widened with curiosity and anticipation. "You have heard about my mother?"

Jiang Hong smiled softly. "Yes, definitely. Your mother's name is spoken with reverence and admiration among cultivators. She was known for her indomitable spirit, unwavering dedication, and profound cultivation achievements. Her legend has left an imprint on the hearts of many, even though I have never had the honour of meeting her." Jian Hong continued, "Your mother was a legend. She achieved the Heaven level cultivation at the young age of 25, and her talent and strength were unmatched. She was even chosen as a potential bride for the young emperor."

Lily's heart swelled with a mixture of pride and longing. To know that her mother had carved a path of greatness in the cultivation world ignited a spark within her. She yearned to uncover more about her mother's extraordinary journey and carry on her legacy.

Jiang Hong continued, her voice filled with warmth and encouragement. "Remember, Lily, you carry within you the bloodline of a legendary cultivator. While your journey may be different from your mother's, the potential for greatness resides within you. Embrace your own path and cultivate your unique strengths."

Lily nodded, her determination renewed. She realized that her journey was not solely about following in her mother's footsteps, but about forging her own destiny and leaving her own mark upon the world.

As they sat in the private tea room, a sense of reverence and awe filled the air. The tales of legends and the weight of ancestral legacy stirred their hearts. Lily, guided by Jiang Hong's wisdom and supported by Xiao Xi's unwavering friendship, knew that she was not alone in her pursuit of greatness.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Lily embraced her journey with renewed vigour. She understood that she carried the essence of her mother's strength within her, and she would honour that legacy by cultivating her own unique path.

As their tea cups touched in a silent toast, Lily felt a surge of determination. Together, they would navigate the challenges of the cultivation world, each creating their own legends, while standing on the shoulders of the great cultivators who came before them.