
New Moon 5

Skylar stared down at the picture in front of her. She smiled warmly down at Carlisle. She hadn't let the picture out of her sight since she got it.

A knock sounded at her door to see Natalia at the door. Since she found out about Skylar's sickness, she hasn't left her alone for a second. She comes in all the time to make sure Skylar was alright. "Bella just called and asked if you wanted to see a movie with her and Jessica Stanley,"

"What did you say?" Skylar frowned.

"I figured you would want to go so I said you'd be there," she shrugged, "You'll have to leave soon so get something warm on. What are you looking at?"

"Oh," she smiled and held it up, "I found it yesterday,"

"Where?" Natalia came to sit next to Skylar and grabbed the picture from her.

"I went to their house," Skylar explained.

Natalia looked at her and smiled down at the photo, "You too look happy,"

"We were," she muttered.

The two sat together in silence before Natalia sighed and gave the photo back to Skylar, "Get dressed Skye, Bella will be here soon,"

She nodded. Skylar looked at the picture one more time before putting it on her bedside table. She stood up and went to her closet to grab a new change of clothes.

By the time she was done Natalia was calling her to come down to Bella.

The movie was boring and Skylar's vision had blurred along halfway through it. But she sat through it for Bella's sake. She noticed Jessica didn't look like she was enjoying the movie either. She wondered why Bella had picked such a movie.

"I don't know why you wanna sit through all those zombies eating people and no hot guys kissing anybody. It's gross," Jessica complained as they walked out of the theatre, "like why are there so many zombie movies anyway?"

Skylar sighed as she listened to Jessica rant on at Bella, "Some people are just into those movies Jessica,"

Bella wasn't listening but Jessica just kept talking, "Like is it supposed to draw a parallel to leprosy? My cousin had leprosy, it's not funny you know? And like is it supposed to be a metaphor for consumerism?"

As Jessica talked, Skylar looked at the clothes in the store, "Like some girls like to shop...not all girls apparently. I was surprised you called actually. Like your depression thing, I'm totally worried,"

"Jessica!" Skylar stopped her from saying anything else, "how about you talk about something else?"

Jessica mumbled an apology as the trio passed a side road. Skylar looked at the men at the end of it who were staring at them trying to get their attention. "What's up, guys? What are you doing?"

Bella gasped as she came back to earth and stopped. She stared down at the road with her jaw still dropped. Jessica and Skylar shared a confused look, "Bella are you okay?"

"I think I know those guys," Bella turned her attention to the men on the motorbikes, "I'll be right back,"

"Bella don't!" Skylar shouted as Bella began to walk away.

Jessica scoffed and looked at Skylar, "What is she doing?"

Skylar shook her head as Bella got onto the back of the man's motorbike. Skylar narrowed her eyes at the girl and searched her mind. Her eyes widened when she saw Edward in her mind.

"Bella, what the hell were you thinking? Are you crazy?" Jessica exclaimed as Bella walked back to them.

She seemed to be in her own world, "I thought I saw something,"

"Or someone," Skylar mumbled.

"You're insane or suicidal actually. That homebody could've been a psycho or something. I was about to end up in an FBI interview room, like some lame T.V show," Jessica continued to lecture while Skylar was staring at Bella.

How did she see him? And could Skylar possibly see Carlisle if she figured it out? But of course, Skylar didn't want to put herself in the position like Bella.

"Wow, that was such a rush," Bella breathed, stopping Jessica's talking.

Jessica scoffed, "Great so now you're an adrenaline junkie? That's cool! Next time, go skydiving or something, don't jump onto a random guys motorbike! Crazy!"

Jessica walked away and Skylar grabbed Bella's arm, "Bella, how did you see him?"

"You saw him too?"

Skylar raised her eyebrow and waited for Bella to realize. Finally, Bella nodded understanding how Skylar did it. "I don't know how I saw him. Before he left, he made me promise to not to put myself in trouble. Maybe if I put myself in trouble I can see him,"

"Are you insane? It's not worth it Bella,"

Bella rolled her eyes, "You're no better Skylar, you're going off to their house,"

Skylar glared at Bella and released her arm, "I went over there to see if it would make me feel better. And it did, actually. I miss them every day Bella but Carlisle wouldn't want me to sit around and mope about him. I don't even know if I will ever see him again, Bella. At least you'll see Edward again,"

Bella's eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean you might not see him again?"

"I have a brain tumour that's too risky to remove. And I don't want treatment because it only makes me weaker faster," Skylar sighed.

"Oh my God, Skylar I'm so sorry. H-how long have you got?" Bella's jaw dropped. Like Skylar, Bella didn't think this sort of thing would happen.

"A year and a year, that the rest of this year till September next year. So at least I get to graduate,"

"That really sucks, if there's anything I can do-"

"Just be there when I need you okay?" Bella nodded and looked to the ground, "Come on Bells, let's go home,"


Skylar's phone rang and she reached over the table to answer, "Hello?"

"Hey," Bella's voice came through, "what are you doing?"

"Um nothing, why?" Skylar said as she sat up from her bed.

"Do you want to go to Jacob's house with me?"

"Sure when-" Skylar started but Bella cut her off.

"Great, I'll be there in 10 minutes,"

Bella hung up her phone and Skylar put hers down. She stared at her phone in confusion, before she got up and pulled a jacket on. Skylar pulled back her hair into a ponytail and stuck her phone into her pocket.

Bella honked her horn as Skylar was walking out the door, "I'll be back later!"

Skylar walked out to Bella's truck and got into the passenger seat. She looked at Bella with a confused look, "Why are we going to Jacob's?"

"You'll find out when we get there," Bella said.

Skylar narrowed her eyes at the girl before turning and looking out the back window. She noticed a black sheet covering two large objects.

She decided not to press Bella about what they were and just wait till they got to Jacob's house.

The ride to La Push went by quickly and soon they were pulling up to a little red house. Jacob ran out of the house when he heard the truck. When Bella got out of the truck Jacob ran up to her and gave her a hug, "Bella, where have you been loca?"

Bella laughed awkwardly and let go of the boy, "I brought you something,"

Skylar watched Bella pull down the tailgate and remove the black sheet. Skylar's jaw dropped at what was in front of her. Bella was definitely an idiot.

"Wow scrap metal," Jacob said sarcastically, "you shouldn't have,"

Skylar rolled her eyes at the two. Bella really must have a death wish now and Edward isn't around to save her if something happens.

"But then I thought if I had a mechanic-type friend to help me out they could be pretty nice," Bella explained.

Jacob smiled, "Me being the mechanic friend right? Since when are into motorbikes anyway?"

"Since now," Bella said, "I get if you think it's really stupid and reckless,"

"I do, I really do," Skylar spoke up causing the two to turn their attention to her.

"Good to see you again Skylar," Jacob smiled before turning back to Bella, "so, when do we start?"

"Now please, just be careful getting those out they're pretty...heavy,"

Skylar watched as Jacob pulled the motorbikes out of the truck with ease, "You're buff! How did that happen? You're like 16, I don't get it,"

Jacob laughed as he pushed the bikes into his garage, "Age is just a number baby. What are you? Like 40?"

Bella only laughed and followed him into the garage.


A few days had passed since they had started working on the bikes. Skylar started to enjoy hanging out with Jacob and Bella. It took her mind off the vampires Jacob pulled out a few tools and began working on the bikes. Skylar noticed the radio nearby, "Can I turn the radio on?"

"Sure," Jacob said.

Skye smiled and turned the radio on. Soft rock music came out of the speaker and filled the garage. She saw Bella frown but didn't bother to say anything. Another song came on and Bella got up and turned off the radio.

"That was a good song! Why did you turn it off?" Skylar complained.

"I just don't really like music anymore I guess," She said as she sat back down.

"Okay," Jacob sighed, "no more music,"

"So I was thinking if we do this every day and hopefully we will. We have to fit homework in there somewhere. I don't want Billy thinking I'm a bad influence on you,"

"You? A bad influence on me? Please," Jacob scoffed and Skylar laughed.

Bella shook her head, "I'm older than you. That makes me the influencer and you the influence,"

"No, no, no. My size and knowledge base actually makes me older than you...and you," Jacob pointed at Skylar, "because of your general paleness and lack of know-how,"

"I convinced you to build two-wheel death traps with me," she argued her point, "so doesn't that make you young and naive?"

"I still think it's a bad idea," Skylar said as Jacob got off the ground to look at the girls.

"So where do we stand?"

"I'm 35, you might be 32 and Skylar is definitely 45,"

"Hey!" Skylar gave Bella a filthy look.

The trio laughed, "Hey Jake are you in here?"

Skylar turned her head to see two boys walking in from the beach. She couldn't remember their names, "Hey guys this is Bella and Skylar. Girls, this is Quil and Embry,"

Skylar waved at the boys and the shorter boy with light brown hair waved back, "I'm Quil. So the bike building story is true,"

"Oh yeah," Bella nodded, "I taught him everything I know,"

"What about the part where you're his girlfriend?" Quil teased.

Skylar smirk and looked over at her friends. Jacob was blushing and Bella just stared at the boys, "Um...we're just friends,"

"Oh burn!" Embry said.

"Actually, I remembered I said she was a girl and she's my friend," Jacob corrected.

"Embry, do you remember him making that distinction?" Quil furrowed his eyebrows.

"Nope," he smiled and high-fived Quil.

"So do you two have girlfriends then? Skylar decided to tease them back.

Bella and Jacob laughed and Embry's perked up, "Is that an offer?"

She rolled her eyes and Jacob spoke up, "Yeah right. Quil is taking his cousin to prom,"

Skylar giggled and walked over to stand next to Bella, "You want funny Black? I'll give you funny,"

Jacob stood up to grab a tool as Quil lunged at him. Skylar's eye widened as she watched the two fight. She felt a nudge on her shoulder and looked at Embry, "I've got five bucks on Quil,"

Skylar smiled, "You're on,"
