
New Moon 4

Skylar woke up on a hospital that afternoon. Apparently, Natalia had come into her room to find her laying on the floor unconscious. At first, Natalia thought it was a suicide but when she found now way Skylar could've killed herself she realized it was medical.

Natalia rushed Skylar to the hospital and she was seen immediately. About 45 minutes later Skylar woke up to see Natalia and a bunch of doctors gathered around her bed. "What's wrong?"

Natalia sighed and looked up at the doctor who had a serious expression on his face. Skylar half expected to see Carlisle but then remembered that he was gone. She wanted Carlisle to be there to explain why Natalia had such a sad expression on her face.

"I found you on the floor in your room, unconscious. I thought you had taken your life but then you were breathing and there was nothing that you could've used to do that. I brought you here and the doctors took an MRI scan to see what was going on and they found.....they found,"

Natalia couldn't bring herself to say it so the doctor did instead, "We're so sorry Skylar but on your MRI scan we found a brain tumour,"

Skylar felt like she had stopped breathing. She withered as a brutal headache pulsed inside her head. The doctors moved to help her, "This is one of the symptoms as well as the loss of consciousness,"

"What are the others?" Natalia asked as Skylar's headache ceased.

"Headaches, difficulty walking, muscle weakness, loss of coordination. Dizziness, fatigue, vertigo and nausea. Probably the worst is the mental health which includes confusion, blurred vision, personality and behaviour changes and awful seizures," the doctor explained.

Skylar was horrified, she didn't want to change. She didn't want to slowly slip away, she wanted to stay the same. What would Carlisle say? He would offer to changer her but he's not even here. What if he's not here and she dies?

"Can you remove it?" Natalia asked.

"No, we can't remove it at all. Where it is, it's just too dangerous to even try. It's something you'll have to live with or get treatment," the doctor sighed.

"So how long do I have?" Skylar was numb.

"Without treatment 12 - 18 months however that is only in older people. The life expectancy for an otherwise healthy 18-year-old is 5 years. With treatment, most people live 5 years the lucky ones live 10,"

Skylar was well aware of what the treatment was like. She knew it was long and it takes a toll on your body, "If I don't take the treatment how long will I have?"

"An older person could last 12 - 18 months without treatment. Other than the tumour you're healthy so a year," the doctor said, "but if I were you I would take the treatment, then you have a chance,"

Skylar thought for a moment. If she took the treatment it meant long days at the hospital and regular checks up and tests. She didn't want tests, check-ups or needles, but that would increase her chance of living longer. However, if she didn't take the treatment then it meant no long nights or tests maybe check-up but not as many. But, it would give her less time to live and her mental health will slowly deteriorate along with her physical abilities. Then she realized her powers, she could use then to keep herself alive.

Unfortunately, she knew that it was inevitable with or without the treatment. She would die and there's nothing to stop it, only slow it down. Skylar thought about Carlisle, there was a possibility that she would never see him again. He might come back but she could be dead already. Whatever decision she makes the end is always certain.

"I don't want the treatment. I'd rather just continue on...," Skylar announced.

Natalia's jaw was dropped at Skylar's decision. The doctor smiled awkwardly and left the room to let Skylar talk. "How could you just not take the treatment? It gives you more time,"

"I don't want to go through with the tests and the needles and regular hospital visits. I have a life and I want to live as much as I can with what time I have left," Skylar explained.

"But you can extend that time with treatment," Natalia argued.

"The treatment will make me weaker faster. Plus, I can use my powers to keep me alive, it might drain them but as long as can live,"

Natalia sighed, she never expected this, "I told you I didn't want to watch you slowly slip away because of your anger. But now I'm going to watch you change and become weaker and weaker. I know you couldn't help this but please consider what you're doing,"

Skylar sat there rethinking her decision, she looked up at Natalia. Skylar knew what her choice would be, "I know you want me to live but it's not your decision, it's mine. I don't want to go with the treatment because at the end of the day my fate is inevitable,"

"What about Carlisle?" she asked.

His name touched a nerve. Skylar would feel so sorry for him if she died before he came back, "I...I don't know. If I go before he comes back then he'll never see me again. If he comes back before then I don't know if I could bring myself to tell him. It'll destroy him,"

Natalia sighed with tears in her eyes, "Whatever happens I'll be here. Even though you're choosing to not take the treatment I'll still be there,"

Skylar only nodded and thought of the year and 9 months to come.


Skylar was relieved when Bella showed up to school the next day. She didn't say anything to the group. She only walked into the school like a zombie.

Skylar decided not to tell anyone about her tumour, it saved a lot of pitty. So she walked around school like there was nothing wrong. Except she had an excruciating headache from the tumour no doubt. She hadn't had any other symptoms yet so she could get on with her normal day. Natalia made her promise that if she started having any of the other symptoms other than a headache she was to come home straight away.

"Is she okay?" Angela's voice rang through Skylar's head.

Skylar nodded, squeezing her eyes shut as she braced the wave of dizziness. The was no way she was going to make a scene or go home she had to continue with the day.

Jessica came up behind Skylar and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Skylar's chest ached and the lump in her throat was still there, "Is she really like this because of the Cullens?"

"Yes Mike," Skylar rolled her eyes and looked at the blonde boy.

The bell rang signalling the start of the school day. Skylar swung her bag over her shoulder and took a breathe in. She looked at the Cullen's parking spots and sighed. She really needed them right now, especially Carlisle.

"Come on Skye," Jessica called. Skylar turned back to the school and walked in.

Classes passed slowly that day. The classes she would have with the vampires were hard to sit through. Not only that but focusing on the teacher was very hard as her headache got worse. Every time she looked back at their desks her mind wander to Carlisle and she would zone out for the rest of the class.

Lunch passed the same as the day before. Skylar only pushed her food around her tray with her fork. She wasn't hungry. She hadn't eaten since the night the Cullens left.

"Hey, Bella!" Mike called and Skylar looked up to see where her friend was.

She glanced behind her shoulder to Bella. Bella looked over at the table and met Skylar's eyes. She smiled sadly at her before she watched Bella move over to the Cullen's table. Skylar frowned and looked at the ground.

"You should go sit with her," Jessica said, "maybe she'll talk to you,"

Skylar nodded standing up and walking over to Bella. When she sat down Bella was staring into space. Bella continued to look spaced like she didn't even notice Skylar was there.

"Bella? I'm glad you came today," Skylar began, "you don't have to talk now if you don't want to. But when you do I'll be here to listen, hopefully. They didn't just leave you, they left me as well,"


Skylar sighed as she looked up at the house in front of her. For some reason, she thought it would make her feel better if she went to their house. Now that she stood there it only made her feel worse.

Shrubs and vines had grown up it, making the once beautiful and welcoming house look ugly and uninviting. She had invited Bella to come with her but she didn't respond not that Skye cared really.

Skylar took small steps up the front porch. To her surprise, the door was unlocked so she let herself in.

It was just how they left it. Everything was in its usual place like nothing had been touched. Skylar smiled at the cleanliness, maybe if they left it like this that meant they were to come back.

After looking around a bit, Skylar turned around and headed for Carlisle's office. Maybe if she spent time in there she would feel better.

She opened the office door and slowly walked in. It smelled like Carlisle as she took a breath in. Skylar walked over to the leather chair and sat in it. She breathed a sigh of relief, her headache had finally subsided for now.

His desk was tidy there was no paper on the desk except for a small photo. Skylar frowned and picked up the picture to examine it.

She smiled down at the photo of her and Carlisle at Bella's party. In the photo, Skylar smiled straight at Alice with her arm around Carlisle. Carlisle looked down at her with his arm around her too with a loving smile.

She ran her thumb over Carlisle's picture. He looked at her with a smile full of so much love. A tear fell from her eye as she at the of him coming back only to find out that she's gone. She only hoped that he would be back before then.

Skylar sighed and put the photo in her pocket. She leaned back in the chair and put her feet up on the desk. Then she reached into her bag and pulled out a book. Skylar wanted to spend as much time as she could in his office.
