
Tower of Champions

In a vast multiverse ruled by divine entities, a unique epoch ushers in a competition for ultimate dominion. For the first time ever, humans are chosen to participate, and among them, Scott is chosen. Accused of a crime he hasn't committed, he's left for dead but saved by an otherworldly being. Empowered by this entity, Scott embarks on a treacherous journey through the Tower of Champions, facing traps, enemies, and shifting alliances while seeking for answers. Explore this high-stakes litRPG adventure where all existence hangs in the balance.

NPCwhowantstolive1 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 19: Shadow Syndicate

Nova Primus, enclosed by its grand walls, harbored four distinct districts. The lower, middle, and upper sectors collectively offered a diverse range of amenities, catering to a broad spectrum of races. Within each settlement, champions of various classes and levels resided, basking in fame, luxury, and comfort.

Among the myriad starter cities, Nova Primus, the Human City, stood out for providing its citizens with the highest quality of life, irrespective of their affiliations, social standings, or ages. The city's rapid ascent to prominence remained a mystery to many, yet its welcoming embrace was extended to all who entered.

Few were privy to the secrets of Nova Primus's swift rise, but the humans, known for their benevolence, willingly shared their knowledge and technology. This generosity ensured the prosperity of those who sought refuge within the city walls.

For the majority of the city's inhabitants, only three districts held significance: the Lower, Middle, and Upper districts. However, a select few, driven by wild ambition or incurable folly, acknowledged a fourth—the central district. This area lacked the luxury and safety that the beautiful city offered, and the only structure adorning the deserted district was a looming tower that promised death. Periodically, champions, both seasoned and youthful, would venture into the district, their muscles pulsating with vigor and their hearts brimming with reckless ambition. The peace and serenity that the city provided seemed like a mockery to their adventurous spirits. Ordinary life failed to satisfy their thirst for excitement, so each night, at midnight, they gathered in anticipation, waiting patiently for the colossal tower, shrouded in misty emissions, to draw them into the heart of the action.

Scott and Slim strolled through the bustling streets leading to the tower, discreetly eyeing potential rivals in the crowd.

"I heard this place is usually hopping at night, but this is just ridiculous," Slim muttered as he slid his glasses into his breast pocket.

"What other rumors have you heard about the contest?" Scott inquired; his voice low. The fact that they were attracting quite a few stares didn't bother him; they made quite a unique duo.

Slim cracked his knuckles, scanning the surroundings for familiar faces. "Most rumors about the upper floors are a waste of time because it's impossible to confirm their veracity. While it's feasible to send items from one floor to another, it's literally impossible to transmit information or backtrack to a previous floor."

Scott turned his attention sharply to the skeleton. "Is it possible to send items?"

Slim nodded. "Indeed. But it's not as straightforward as one might think. It can only happen via a one-way transfer. In simpler terms, someone from the upper floors can send items to someone on the lower floors; it never works the other way around."

Scott couldn't help but think of the man he'd killed on the Ravnar Mountains. No wonder he possessed rare items; someone from the upper floors likely sent them to him.

Unaware of Scott's thoughts, Slim pressed on, "That's the reason Mia's got all those amazing things." His skeletal tone took a solemn turn as he broached the subject of the cat girl. "A relative used to send her stuff over the years, but..." The necromancer trailed off, shaking his head. "Sadly, the last five years has been quiet."

Scott replied with a gentle tone, "That could mean anything, though."

Slim sighed, a wry smile gracing his face. "Maybe, but Mia isn't the type to think that way." The skeleton took a deep breath, and his smile became more cheerful. "Let's not dwell on depressing matters, buddy. I know it's a long shot, but finding Mia's relatives is part of the reason I'm climbing this godforsaken tower. Even if I'll never get to see her smile again, I want to ensure she doesn't lose that radiant expression."

Scott tapped the skeleton on his sides. "You're a good friend. But are you sure you wouldn't rather stay here with her?" He knew it wasn't his place to meddle in the necromancer's affairs, but he felt compelled to at least try.

Slim sighed again while shaking his head. "I wish there was a way for me to stay, but my place isn't here. Ever since I can remember, it's been my dream to climb the tower. Even though I acknowledge the real possibility of death, my existence would feel incomplete if I didn't give it a try."

The necromancer stared at the pulsating essence being discharged into the pink skies above. Although it had no eyes, one could sense the lingering sadness within its empty sockets. Slim averted his gaze, focusing on Scott once more. "So, why are you climbing the tower? No offense, but you don't look like the kind of guy filled with ambition."

Scott chuckled. "I'm searching for answers," he said without elaborating further.

"Answers, huh." Slim repeated, nodding. He suddenly dropped his hand on Scott's shoulder. "Well, whatever it is, we're going to do it together. Right, partner?"

Scott stared at the silly smile the skeleton wore, and he couldn't help but giggle. "Yeah. Let's survive until we both accomplish our goals."

While the duo conversed, a masked figure several feet away observed the unlikely partners. "Isn't that the creep from the burning river?" the muscular man muttered, tapping the dainty figure next to him, who focused on the daunting tower.

"Lyra, check out that guy," Cassius pointed toward Scott. "Isn't he the one we met at the burning river?"

Lyra frowned behind her mask as she followed Cassius' outstretched finger. She narrowed her gaze, staring at the shorter of the two champions. "It's him," she blurted out.

While Scott's appearance had undergone a significant transformation, the memory of his distinctive mask and truly unsettling eyes lingered in her mind.

"Who are you referring to?" inquired a man clad in attention-grabbing armor adorned with flames.

Positioned beside Lyra, his blue eyes flickered between the assassin and the fighter. Lyra swallowed hard before recounting her encounter with Scott, sparing no details. The Shadow Syndicate group, consisting of over twenty individuals, fixed their attention on the assassin as she spoke. Moments later, Lyra concluded her narrative, casting an anxious gaze at the lanky man.

"Are you certain Henry and his men pursued him?"

Lyra shook her head while responding, "I merely disclosed the whereabouts of the guide he conversed with. Whether they pursued him or not, I cannot say. As I mentioned, we departed after providing them with the information."

"Yes, you did mention that, but Henry hasn't been reachable for a while now. Given his personality, it's plausible he attempted to attack that fellow," the man said, casting a glance at Scott. "Do you know which class he belongs to?"

Lyra and Cassius both shook their heads.

"Hmm… you mentioned you first encountered him at the shore of the burning river, right?"

"Yes," Cassius spoke before Lyra. Suddenly, he remembered an oddity from the fateful encounter. "Sir Kane, I just recalled something peculiar about that individual."

The lanky man turned towards the fighter. "Oh? What is it?"

"Sir, the boatsman didn't take any toll from him for some reason," Cassius explained.

Kane shifted his gaze to Lyra, seeking confirmation from the assassin, and she simply nodded.

"What an interesting person. The fact that he's casually conversing with that skeleton might suggest he isn't human. Not that it matters."

The man pointed toward six of his subordinates. "Bring him over—no. I'll see for myself if he's the traitor. Let's go."

The procession from the Shadow Syndicate sauntered toward where Scott and Slim stood. The surrounding champions quietly gave way, their curiosity piqued by the infamous group.

Slim frowned as he observed the approaching group. "Buddy, is it just me, or are those guys headed our way?"

Scott turned his attention toward the group, his eyes scanning the various system messages being displayed. Even though Cassius and Lyra had their faces concealed by flame-patterned masks, he could identify them from their status windows. However, Scott focused on the status screen of the man leading the group. However, what piqued his interest the most was the fact that the man wore a flame-resistant variation of Henry's snow-resistant armor, and he held a similar longsword too.

[Champion Interface]

{Basic Stats:}

Name: ??? 


Experience Points: 100/900

Mana Points: 80/80 

Mana Recovery: 10 Mana Points per day 

Race: Human. 

Class: Warrior. 

Affiliation: Shadow Syndicate (Vice Leader).

{Physical Stats:}

Strength: 35.

Agility: 28.

Endurance: 34.

Dexterity: 36.

Toughness: 30.

{Abnormal Stats:}

Charisma: 50.

Perception: 29.

Instinct: 28.

Will Power: 10.

Leadership: 49.

Composure: 30.


Survival (Level 2).

Hand to Hand Combat (Level 4).

Sword Mastery (Level 4).

Communication (Level 4).

Expert Firearm Mastery (Level 5).

Hunting (Level 3).

Expert Negotiator (Level 5).

Torture (Level 3).

Mana Casting (Level 1).


Defensive Stance: A thin layer of Mana will coat your body, and it will become an impenetrable fortress ignoring slashing and stabbing attacks for five minutes. Mana Points will decrease by 30 for each minute Defensive Stance is activated.

Mud Sling: Quickly fire seven mud balls and impair the vision of your enemies. There is a 1% chance of blinding an enemy when Mud Sling is activated. Mana Points will decrease by 2 when Mud Sling is activated.

Skilled Negotiator: Odds of getting your way when negotiating increases by 25%.

Cleave: There's a 10% chance of decapitating an enemy when Cleave is activated.

Intimidating Glare: There is a 5% chance of intimidating those with higher Will Power than you. There's 100% certainty of intimidating those with lower Will Power.

Battle Cry: There is a 20% chance of stunning your enemies when Battle Cry is activated, reducing their Composure, Perception, and Instincts stats by at least five points, and for five minutes. Your allies and subordinates will receive five points boost to their Composure, Perception, and Instinct stats for five minutes when Battle Cry is activated. Mana Points will decrease by 30 when Battle Cry is activated.

All Mighty Strike: Half of Mana Points and normal bodily functions are sacrificed to unleash a powerful strike capable of dealing significant damage. You will drop a level once All Mighty Strike has been deactivated.

Tongue of All: You will understand every language, written and spoken, native or foreign to your world!


Main Quest: Enter the Main Stages of the Tower of Champions – Ongoing!

Side Quest: Find the traitor – Ongoing!

Side Quest: Retrieve the Ayan Ore – Ongoing!

Alarm bells rang in Scott's mind as he perused the system's message, yet he maintained the same dispassionate demeanor as the group closed in.

"Who are you guys supposed to be?" Slim asked, arms folded across his chest. Since fighting before entering the main stages was prohibited, he was confident the group couldn't do anything to him or Scott.

Kane merely glanced at the necromancer before turning away in disgust. Focusing on Scott.

"And you are?" Scott inquired, his voice cool and calm.

"Take off your mask and show me your face," Kane demanded, his voice equally composed.

"Fuck off," Scott retorted, turning away.

One subordinate stepped forward, "Hey, asshole," he shouted, reaching toward Scott. But the man stopped in his tracks as soon as Kane raised his hand.

Kane smiled, though there was nothing kind about his eyes. "I don't think you know who I am."

"I don't care," Scott replied without turning.

Kane laughed while his men seethed on the side. "Luthor. No. I'm not even sure that's your name." The man chuckled again, shortening the distance. "It doesn't matter what name you're going by now. I'll make things easy for you. Give me the ore, and I won't kill you. This is your last chance."

Scott gazed at the tower in the distance, paying no mind to the group.

The smile on Kane's face vanished, replaced by a bone-chilling murderous glare. Scott turned to meet the man's eyes, his gaze seemingly mocking the enraged leader.

The surrounding crowd recoiled in fear as they witnessed Kane's menacing, murderous gaze. Despite the palpable tension, both Scott and Slim held their ground, unwavering.

A cough from the necromancer broke the silence, punctuated by the sound of clapping. "I'm not sure what you're babbling about, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't hassle my friend here. Though I fancy myself a gentleman, I can be quite brutish when provoked. So, heed my friend's advice and kindly fuck off."

The crimson mist within the necromancer's empty eye sockets flared, accompanied by a ghostly howl that reverberated in the surroundings. Onlookers instinctively took another step back, fear tightening its grip on their hearts as they observed the standoff between the two groups.

Kane's gaze shifted between Slim and Scott before he burst into laughter. "You've made your choice. I assure you; you'll regret every moment of it. See you in the main stages." With a motion toward his men, they reluctantly followed him, leaving only two behind near Scott and Slim. These two had a specific order: to keep a close eye on the duo, preventing any attempt to escape the central district.

Turning toward the composed skeleton, Scott whispered his gratitude. "Thanks."

"No problem, buddy. But what on earth did you do to provoke those guys?"

"I'm just unlucky," Scott replied, offering a refined account of the events that led up to the confrontation.

"Oof. I don't envy you buddy," Slim said while patting Scott's shoulder. "That's some rotten luck, but no use fretting over it now," he remarked, glancing at the growing number of curious onlookers.

"Let's just hope we don't end up outnumbered wherever we're sent. Luckily, these guys don't seem like much of a challenge," Slim commented.

"Thanks again. I owe you one," Scott acknowledged.

Slim chuckled, pulling out his magazine. Time passed slowly as the crowd in the massive square swelled. Tension hung in the air; the few conversations were hushed. People glanced over their shoulders, contemplating whether to retreat to the upper district before it was too late.

At midnight, the pulsating emissions from the tower ceased, plunging the surroundings into darkness. Tremors rattled the central districts, accompanied by a buzzing echo from the skies.

"Is this normal?" Scott asked, scanning the surroundings cautiously.

"I honestly have no idea," the necromancer replied, stowing his glasses and magazine in his inventory.

The tremors intensified, prompting some hesitant champions to flee toward the square's exit. However, an invisible barrier thwarted their escape. The inactive tower shook once more, casting a violet glow into the night sky. The stunned champions could only watch as cyan flares descended, enveloping the immobilized group, one by one, until they vanished.