
Tower of Champions

In a vast multiverse ruled by divine entities, a unique epoch ushers in a competition for ultimate dominion. For the first time ever, humans are chosen to participate, and among them, Scott is chosen. Accused of a crime he hasn't committed, he's left for dead but saved by an otherworldly being. Empowered by this entity, Scott embarks on a treacherous journey through the Tower of Champions, facing traps, enemies, and shifting alliances while seeking for answers. Explore this high-stakes litRPG adventure where all existence hangs in the balance.

NPCwhowantstolive1 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 20: Zara

"I wonder where this is taking us," Scott muttered, fixating his gaze on the thick mana capsule enveloping his body. He lay motionless, a faint buzz filling his ears. Though unable to see beyond the cyan mana barrier, he sensed it transporting him to the tower's primary stages.

Instinctively, thoughts of his classmates flooded his mind. Armed with knowledge from the future, they likely amassed abundant resources during their decade-long ascent of the tower.

I can't alter the past, but I can shape my future, he mused. Survival must be my priority; only then can I uncover the answers I seek.

Scott inhaled deeply, easing his tensed nerves. Uncertain of when they would reach the main stages or what awaited them, he resolved not to be caught off guard.

The journey continued for another thirty minutes until a thunderous bang shattered the cocoon. Scott swiftly shut his eyes, shielding himself from the harsh rays.

"Where the hell is this?" Scott stared at the unbroken capsules strewn across the vast, grainy sea of nothingness. The unforgiving desert stretched endlessly under the scorching sun, providing no respite except for occasional gusts of hot, dry wind.

"Damn it. Why did it have to be a desert?" Scott cursed aloud.

His mind involuntarily drifted to the members of the Shadow Syndicate, and beneath his mask, his expression contorted with displeasure. Was it just a coincidence that they all wore flame and heat-resistant armor?

He couldn't forget Slim's claim that sharing information from the upper floors was impossible. Despite this, Scott couldn't shake the feeling that the group's choice of attire wasn't arbitrary. Someone or something must have tipped them off, he thought.

This would be the best time to eliminate those bastards, but it's impossible to tell where they are. The fact that I'm the only one awake is also a problem, Scott thought, his curious eyes shifting from one capsule to the other.

Scott attempted to move, but a tingling, creeping sensation overwhelmed his body. Another cocoon sprouted from the remains of the first, wrapping tightly around him in seconds. This time, unlike before, it held him firmly. A protrusion suddenly emerged from the loose earth, and a snarling figure shot out from the sand, stretching its hand with a yawn.

The sun's rays illuminated the miniature creature with pointed ears, horns, and bat-like wings. Its skin resembled molten magma, and unusually large eyes shimmered with a mischievous light as it gazed at the capsules.

"They've sent quite a few to my humble lair this time around," it giggled, rubbing its arms together. However, it suddenly lifted its nose, the searing winds carrying an unfamiliar smell.

"What kind of creature emits this smell?" It examined numerous cocoons, but none showed signs of cracking or opening. "It's a shame I don't have time; I would have loved to trace the origin of that scent. Oh well."

It levitated off the ground; its mischievous eyes lingering on the cocoons below. A delicate lattice of cracks webbed across the mana barriers, shattering them into pieces. The expunged champions surveyed their surroundings with a mix of caution and confusion, tightening their grip on weapons. Though their gazes met those of their rivals, no one made a move.

A shrill laughter suddenly filled the air, compelling the bewildered contestants to raise their heads.

"Is that an Imp?" a man blurted out.

"I would prefer it if ugly muckers like you didn't stare so intently at me," the imp giggled as it descended, scratching its posterior with one hand while flipping off the champions with the other.

"Creature, you do not want to mess with me," a muscular man warned, glaring at the imp.

"Oh, really?" The imp flashed a sadistic smile before erupting into laughter. "Your face is more than enough to garner a lifetime of ridicule. It would be beneath me to even consider messing with a moron like you."

Gasps and muffled laughter echoed from different sections of the assembled crowd. The muscular man unsheathed his sword, a crimson glow dying its surface.

The imp fixed a condescending gaze upon him, as if questioning his intelligence. "Are you certain you wish to proceed with that? Though your brain may be as smooth as polished marble, the occasional endeavor to use it might prove beneficial."

The trialists, a diverse mix of humans and non-humans, observed the interaction between the imp and the irate man with unwavering attention. None showed any inclination to intervene, creating an atmosphere of tense anticipation. While the exact nature of the confrontation eluded them, the muscular man appeared to be a convenient scapegoat should things take an unfavorable turn.

Franz, no stranger to the unspoken dynamics at play, couldn't ignore the calculating glances of those around him. Yet, in the face of the imp's provocations, he couldn't bring himself to retreat. Reputation held significant weight within the tower, and he wasn't about to forfeit his standing over a troublesome imp.

"You asked for this, you overgrown rat," Franz declared, raising his sword.

"Look at me. I'm literally shaking," the imp taunted, laughter bubbling from its twisted form.

Franz lunged toward the imp; his sword enveloped in a bloody aura. But just as he raised the long blade, a figure materialized from the knight's blind spot, delivering a ruthless blow to the wrist of the unsuspecting man. A crisp crack echoed through the air as the sword slipped from Franz's grasp, his screams resonating into the distance. His right hand now hung at an unnatural angle, dangling freely in the air. The maddened knight collapsed onto his knees, his bloodshot eyes turning towards his assailant in disbelief. He shuddered, staring at the dainty figure concealed beneath a green cloak.

A matched set of golden gauntlets and greaves adorned her arms and legs, yet the majority of the trialists, Franz included, fixated on the fluffy, amber tail peeking out from beneath her cloak.

The knight took only a moment to shake off his daze. "How dare you break my wrist! Do you know who I am?" He seethed, reaching into his inventory for a recovery potion and several smaller pills. With one gulp, he swallowed the items and rose to his feet.

The blonde cat girl rested one hand on her hip, her glossy eyes brimming with indifference. "Your foolish actions nearly put everyone's lives at risk. While you're free to throw away your own life, I'd rather not suffer the consequences of your idiocy."

"Who the hell do you think you are to—" The imp landed on Franz's head, driving the knight deep into the earth before he could complete his sentence. The small creature fixed a glare on the fair-skinned lady, muttering incoherent words as it frowned.

Nobody paid the frowning imp any attention. Instead, all eyes were on the blood splatter beneath its tiny legs.

Scott and Slim exchanged a glance, the necromancer inhaling a sharp breath. "Buddy, you're lucky she acted before you. That little guy seems seriously angry," Slim remarked.

Meanwhile, Scott's gaze darted between the system messages flashing in front of him.

[Hastur's Gaze cannot peer into the information of the Trial Examinator!]

[The trial disruptor has been eliminated!]

[Penalty: Instant Death has been avoided!] 

[Champion Interface]

{Basic Stats:}

Name: ??? 


Experience Points: 420/700

Mana Points: 60/60 

Mana Recovery: 5 Mana Points per day 

Race: Feline. 

Class: Feline Brawler.

{Physical Stats:}

Strength: 18.

Agility: 30.

Endurance: 30.

Dexterity: 33.

Toughness: 30.

{Abnormal Stats:}

Charisma: 25.

Madness: 30.

Bloodlust: 10.

Perception: 29.

Instincts: 40.

Composure: 30.


Pounce (Level 3).

Hand to Hand Combat (Level 4).

Sprinting (Level 4).

Gymnastics (Level 4).

Survival (Level 2).


Purrfect Slash: A quick, low-stamina ability that allows the user to swipe their claws across an enemy, inflicting 10-20 damage and a bleed effect over time. Stamina Points will decrease by 10 when activated.

Leap of the Cat: An ability that allows the user to pounce on an enemy from a distance, dealing 50-80 damage, and increases the odds of stunning the target by 25% for five minutes. Stamina Points will decrease by 25 when activated.

Cat's Reflexes: A passive ability that increases the user's odds of dodging an attack by 20% and grants a temporary speed boost after successfully dodging an attack. Cool down: Passive.

Roaring Fury: An ability that allows the user to deliver a series of rapid strikes with their fists and feet, culminating in a powerful finishing move that could deal 50-70 damage. Stamina Points will decrease by 35 when activated.

Stealthy Pounce: An ability that allows the user to quickly dash behind an enemy and deliver a surprise attack, dealing 20-80 damage, and increases the odds of stunning the target by 20%. Stamina Points will decrease by 20 when activated.

Sixth Sense: There's a 10% chance of dodging a critical strike. Cool down: Passive.

Nine Lives: A passive ability that grants the user additional health and reduces the damage taken from enemy attacks. Cool down: Passive.

Cyclone Claw: An ability that allows the user to spin in a circle, delivering a flurry of punches and kicks to all enemies within range, dealing 10-20 damage to each. Stamina Points will decrease by 30 when activated.

Sharp Senses: A passive ability that grants the character increased critical hit chance and improved accuracy when attacking. Cool down: Passive.


Main Quest: Enter the Main Stages – Completed!

Side Quest: Be the first to stop the Knight from attacking the Examiner – Completed!

Side Quest: Search for the Varkham Hound – Ongoing!

Side Quest: Eliminate the Varkham Hound – Not Started!

The imp floated once more, its enraged eyes shifting among the various trialists. "Listen up, everyone." Its squeaky voice resonated across the desert, and it pointed to Franz's remains. "If you don't want to end up like smooth... I mean, scattered brains over here, I advise you all to keep your mouths shut."

It snickered, folding its tiny arms as it descended onto the lifeless body below. "I won't bother with introductions. All you need to know is that I'm in charge of this trial, and because this idiot pissed me off, I have no intentions of letting you pass without suffering." The examiner narrowed its gaze, focusing on the feline. "Especially you."

Then it waved its hand, disregarding the reactions of the surrounding trialists. Beams of light descended from the heavens, striking the trialists before they could react. A vast majority of them displayed holographic, pulsating purple hearts above their heads, while a blackened skull hovered above the rest.

Slim attempted to smack the skull away, but it vanished briefly before resurfacing. He turned towards Scott, who also tried to repel the skull, only to witness its persistent reappearance.

"Buddy, I think we're in deep trouble," the skeleton remarked.

Scott found himself torn between laughter and tears. Amidst the sea of purple hearts, only he and Slim bore the skull mark among fifty other champions in the surrounding area.

The imp's voice echoed once more. "As you can see, some of you bear the mark of life, while others carry that of death." The mischievous creature giggled, floating again. "We're going to play a simple game. Those with purple hearts can emerge victorious by finding and eliminating the spawns of death. Meanwhile, those marked for death will proceed to the next stage only if they survive a day. If a day passes without all the death bearers perishing, a new set will be chosen." The imp grinned, casting a gaze upon the twisted faces of those with the mark of death. "Simple, right?" He turned to the side, locking eyes with the cat girl who glared at him with murderous rage.

Out of the tens of thousands of trialists, fewer than one percent bore the mark of death. How they had been chosen, or why, remained a mystery none of them could unravel.

"Oh, that reminds me. It would be in your best interest not to assume you're the only ones here." The imp gracefully landed on the ground, its voice echoing once again. "For those bearing the mark of death, you must move in groups of at least three members. If a member of your group is killed, and assuming there are only three members, you have twenty-three hours to recruit another member. If you're unable to do so, your stay will be extended by another twenty-four hours, even if you manage to survive a day. With that said, you have thirty minutes to assemble your teams."

The imp toyed with the lifeless body, humming a tune as it did so. "The rest of you can leave," it said casually.

With a swing of its arm, the examiner made a vast majority of the trialists vanish. "Your turn is coming. Choose your partners for now," the imp declared, not bothering to look at the bewildered trialists.

The bearers of death mingled among themselves, giving rise to several factions within minutes. However, some struggled to align with any group, notably the Feline. Each attempt to join or be joined was met with the imp's disapproval, its smile returning only after each rejection. As the clock ticked down, all but three people had found their groups.

Scott and Slim exchanged glances, shaking their heads slowly. Unlike the imp, who had intimidated those attempting to recruit the cat girl, other groups actively avoided the duo.

"It appears we underestimated the influence of the Shadow Syndicate. Even though that elusive scoundrel isn't present, they're still following his orders," Scott muttered.

Slim sighed, his gaze fixed on the cat girl. "Buddy, it seems we don't have any choice," he said. "We're going to have to recruit her. Oh, she's already coming here on her own."

The duo observed the approaching beauty, who moved with quick, purposeful steps, coming to a stop just a few feet away. She took a deep breath. "Can I join your team?" she asked, accompanied by a warm smile.

Scott and Slim exchanged glances before turning to the imp, who watched with evident impatience.

"Buddy, do you think we should risk it?" Slim inquired, using their shared communication skill rather than speaking aloud.

"That vindictive asshole will definitely make our stay here a living hell if we do, but we're just as screwed if we don't," Scott replied, his gaze lingering on the impatient imp.

"Surviving a day in this place with all those guys chasing after us is going to be exhausting. Adding the wrath of that damn shorty to it would be too much, I think," Slim sighed, rubbing his jaw.

Meanwhile, a wry smile played on the lips of the cat girl. I can't blame them for hesitating. I wouldn't have stopped that guy if I knew something like this would happen, but then again, I had a feeling something worse would have occurred if I didn't intervene.

She sighed while adjusting a loose strand of hair, tucking it behind her ears. "I apologize for inconveniencing you. I'll be taking my leave." She turned around to depart, but a voice reached her ears.

"Why, though? Didn't you want to join us?"

The cat girl turned around again, puzzled by what she heard. Scott chuckled as he continued, "My friend and I are in a tight spot either way, so there's no harm in adding one extra person." Scott turned toward Slim, who wore a forced smile as he nodded. Scott didn't say anything wrong, but it was certain the imp would make their team suffer the most.

Scott took a confident step forward. "Given that the examiner hasn't outrightly terminated you, there must be limits to what he can do. We just need to endure for a day and be done with that nuisance. So, are you in?"

The cat girl bowed her head, her pale green eyes fixated on Scott's outstretched hand.

"Well? Time is running out, you know."

"Pardon me. I'm Zara. It would be my pleasure to join your team," she said, interlocking arms with the masked man.

A sardonic laughter permeated the air, and all eyes turned toward the floating imp. It clapped; its eerie gaze fixed on the new alliance. "It seems you've all completed your team formations. Wonderful. Truly wonderful."

One by one, the various groups vanished until only Scott's team remained. The imp touched down on the ground, whistling as it advanced towards them. "A tasteless skeleton, a masked freak, and a goody-two-shoes busybody. What a team," it remarked, clapping with a devious grin distorting its already hideous face. "I know just the perfect starting point for you guys."

With a wave of its hands, the trio disappeared. The imp laughed while excavating the earth. "I'm going to have loads of fun during this trial."

Abruptly, it halted, a familiar scent wafting into its nose. "That masked freak had the same smell from earlier." It frowned, staring eastwards. "Maybe it's just a coincidence. There's no way someone taking the first trial would be powerful enough to shatter the mana barriers on their own. Unless..." The imp shook its head, as if dismissing unnecessary thoughts. "That's not possible. I should focus on my duty." It giggled once more before burrowing into the earth.