
Tower of Champions

In a vast multiverse ruled by divine entities, a unique epoch ushers in a competition for ultimate dominion. For the first time ever, humans are chosen to participate, and among them, Scott is chosen. Accused of a crime he hasn't committed, he's left for dead but saved by an otherworldly being. Empowered by this entity, Scott embarks on a treacherous journey through the Tower of Champions, facing traps, enemies, and shifting alliances while seeking for answers. Explore this high-stakes litRPG adventure where all existence hangs in the balance.

NPCwhowantstolive1 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 18: First Party Member

Scott's wandering gaze oscillated between the system's notification and Slim's grin. He fixated on the swirling mass of crimson mist suspended in the vacant eye sockets of the undead creature. Despite the tempting prospect of aligning himself with the skeleton, who seamlessly blended the roles of necromancer and singer, Scott couldn't hasten his decision.

Sensing Scott's hesitation, the necromancer spoke again. "My friend, I hope you're not harboring illusions of ascending the tower solo."

"Huh? Why would you say that?" Scott inquired.

Slim wore a wry smile as he shook his head. "I can't believe I have to explain this. Have you been living under a rock?" He sighed, gesturing toward the colossal, spiraling tower at the city's heart. "While there are no rules mandating team-ups in the main stages, it would be remarkably unwise not to do so. The sheer number of factions already entrenched in there makes it impossible for a lone individual to prevail. Even if such a person existed, mark my words, they'd meet their demise within months."

Scott furrowed his brow, sinking into contemplation. The ease with which protagonists in anime and comics navigated solo challenges contrasted sharply with the daunting reality. Moreover, Omar and the others retained memories from the future, a chasm Scott couldn't bridge alone.

While Scott weighed his options, Slim leaned in closer. "I know why you're hesitating to form a party with me, but don't worry, I'm not that kind of guy."

Scott snapped out of his reverie, staring at the whispering necromancer. "What?"

"You're afraid I'll bully you if we form a party, right?" Slim declared, confident in his assessment.

Scott couldn't contain his laughter. Slim took a step back, intrigued by the unexpected reaction. "Did I say something amusing?"

"You know what? I agree with your proposal. Let's work together," Scott said, a concealed smile playing on his lips.

[You have joined a party with Slim the Grim!]

[Exp: 20]

[Party members can view each other's Level, Race, Class, and Quests!]

[Experience Points will be shared between party members based on their individual contributions!]

[You have gained a new Skill!]

[Skill: Party Communication (Level 1) – Party Dependent Skill – New!]

[You have received a new Quest!]

[Main Quest: Enter the main stages of the Tower of Champions – Not Started!]

"Level 6 half-human and a hammer warlord – now that's what you call rare," Slim remarked, his attention fixed on the system notification.

"What did you just say?" Scott inquired, tilting his head in confusion.

Slim pointed towards the system window. "Your stats, mate. You're a level 6 half-human, and your class is a hammer warlord. First time I've come across someone with such an unusual profile."

Scott furrowed his brow as he read through the system's message. What the hell is he talking about?

It became evident that what Scott saw and what Slim observed were two different things. I thought my shapeshifting ability was only limited to my appearance, but it seems it also alters what others perceive in terms of my stats.

Slim took a step forward, his towering skeleton frame looming over Scott. Placing a bony hand on Scott's shoulder, he scrutinized him from head to toe.

"What? Is there something on my clothes?" Scott asked, scratching the back of his head.

Slim shook his head. "I'll be straight with you. You absolutely can't travel with me looking like some abandoned sewer rat." He paused, striding briskly around Scott. "Forget what I said; even sewer rats dress better than this." Slim continued to move around his stunned companion.

The necromancer halted in front of Scott again, donning his shades. "You're lucky you've got me, though. Let's go visit my stylist."

Only then did the duo realize the absence of anyone ahead in the line. Slim took brisk strides toward the teleportation device, which obediently opened. Turning to Scott, he queried, "What are you waiting for?"

In disbelief, Scott asked, "It can take two people?"

Slim smirked, retorting, "It can accommodate more than fifty people at once. Have you been living under a rock? How do you not know these things?" He held onto the door.

Approaching the device, Scott noticed it subtly expanding as he got closer. Slim chuckled, observing the anxious man. "You still have a lot to see, my friend."

Slim lowered his hand, and the doors closed. A cryptic voice echoed within the sealed device, asking, "Destination?"

"Gilumure. Upper district. I'll cover both of us," Slim stated.

"5 mana points required."

The indicator outside the box turned indigo, and a creamy mist filled the teleportation device. Scott watched attentively, not wanting to miss a detail. Glancing at Slim, he noticed the skeleton was motionless. Huh? What's wrong with him?

A distinct crack suddenly echoed, and a tear appeared beneath the duo, pulling them in before they could react. In an instant, they materialized in another box within a dimly lit room.

"That was fun, right?" Slim asked, turning toward Scott. He frowned, detecting fear in the man's eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" he inquired, tapping Scott on the shoulder.

Scott jolted, turning his head side to side. Cold sweat clung to the sides of his clothes as his anxious eyes tried to make sense of his new surroundings. "Where are we?"

"This is Gilumure. There's no need to be scared. The first teleportation is always the roughest, but you're safe," Slim reassured.

The necromancer pointed towards a steel door a few meters away. "Our destination is behind that door. Are you coming?"

"Yeah, give me a moment. Let me catch my breath," Scott replied, his voice low.

"Okay. I'll be waiting for you on the other side," Slim said, walking towards the door without further words.

He isn't handling his first teleportation well. I can't blame him, though. We all find it challenging the first time. Thankfully, he didn't throw up or soil himself, Slim thought as he approached the door, leaving the quiet room.

Meanwhile, Scott fell onto his backside, his breathing quick and heavy. What the hell were those things?

Unlike the necromancer, he could recall every moment of the teleportation. The void they passed through was dominated by beings that could shatter the very fabric of time, but for some reason, they simply stared at the duo and other beings floating through the interdimensional streams.

Scott took deep breaths, attempting to calm his tense nerves.

[Abnormal Stat: Madness has increased by 2!]

[Warning! The user will succumb to their insanity if Madness exceeds Composure by 10 points!]

[??? Has been updated!]

[There's currently a 1% chance your body will be ??? by ???]

Scott cursed under his breath, pushing himself upright and stepping out of the teleportation device. The steel door loomed in front of him as he approached, the murmur of hushed conversations filling the air.

The room, cool and devoid of any furniture or adornments, offered no clues about its nature. He reached for the handle, pulled, and the door swung open soundlessly. A flood of dazzling lights overwhelmed his senses, but they did little to hinder his vision.

"Where am I?" Scott wondered, his gaze roaming across a vast, well-lit space holding thousands of suspended items encased in glass. System notifications materialized before him, outlining the luxurious items with detailed stats. Blinking in astonishment, Scott marveled at the expansive hall; no matter how he turned, the walls remained elusive.

"You finally made it," came a voice from the right. Scott turned, spotting Slim, but the necromancer was not alone. A tall, athletically built figure in a blue bodysuit observed him with a curious interest.

Scott's mask barely concealed the astonishment that crossed his face when he noticed the woman's distinctive features – fluffy, pointed ears and a long, curious tail.

No way. Is that what I think it is? A real-life cat girl.

Swallowing hard, Scott watched as the duo approached. Slim swaggered along with the cat girl, occasionally pointing at Scott.

"Buddy, this is my stylist and long-time friend, Mia," Slim said with a smile. He then turned toward the cat girl. "This is my buddy I was talking about. He's kind of shy, but I need you to work your magic on him."

Mia sauntered around the masked man, wordlessly sizing him up. Slim stood by the side, giving his confused partner a thumbs up. A moment later, the violet-haired cat girl paused in her steps, her black tail swinging from left to right. She stared into Scott's eyes, her lips parting the further she looked. Then, she snapped her head to the side.

"You weren't kidding. His eyes are beautiful but scary as hell. It felt like I was going to lose my mind." She wore a grin, exposing her fangs. "I like him."

Slim burst out laughing while nodding. "I knew you would."

Mia turned toward Scott, shortening the distance between them. "What's your name?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"It's Scott."

"Scott, huh. That's like a human's name. But you don't seem to be one," she said, staring at the cursor above the man's head.

"Half-human," Slim declared casually from the side, leaning against one of the floating items.

"A half-human? Not something you see every day," Mia muttered, her skepticism lingering. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your other race?" She tried to discern Scott's lineage through his scent, but he emanated an unfamiliar odor that eluded her senses.

Slim, too, turned his attention to Scott, eager to hear his response.

Scott sighed, meeting the curious gazes of the duo. "I'll have to disappoint the two of you; I have no idea about my second race."

"Oh," Mia replied, unable to conceal her disappointment. However, her features brightened as she impulsively grabbed Scott's arm. "It doesn't matter. So, what kind of look are you going for? Do you have anything in mind? And why the mask? Is there something odd on your face? A massive zit or a tribal mark, perhaps? Where are you from? How long have you known Slim? You do realize he's a bit strange, right? So, you're probably a bit peculiar too, yeah? And what happened to your clothes? They look pretty ragged."

Scott stole a glance at Slim, uncertain about the character he had just been introduced to. The skeletal figure flashed a friendly smile and a thumbs-up, leaving Scott to puzzle over what to expect. Glancing at the cat girl, he quickly skimmed through her status screen, revealing her skill set dominated by beautification, negotiation, and styling abilities. As the stylist guided Scott deeper into the hall, she bombarded him with even more questions, leaving him little room to respond.

"Don't worry, buddy. Mia's got you covered," Slim called out cheerfully, his voice echoing through the hall as they moved further away. The necromancer casually retrieved his magazine from his inventory, finding a comfortable spot to settle in.

Knowing Mia, she's going to start with his hair first, before forcing him to try a bunch of weird outfits. That should take an hour or so, then she's straightforward when it comes to the weapons and armor, Slim thought, glancing at his watch. We should be out of here before midnight if everything goes according to plan.

He flipped open the magazine, greeted by an array of curvaceous ladies in bikinis. The necromancer grinned; his attention fixed on an article near an alluring woman. An hour whisked by, and Slim found himself on the penultimate page of the magazine. Despite yawning several times, his sockets occasionally darted in the direction Scott and Mia had taken off.

"There's still 30 minutes left. Mia should be showcasing all the war hammers and hammer-based weapons in her inventory," Slim mused, but distant footsteps soon echoed. Checking his watch, he remarked, "That was quick." He stowed away the magazine while rising from his seat.

Moments later, two figures reappeared, prompting the necromancer to lower his shades and applaud. "Looking good, my friend."

Scott's unruly hair had been expertly trimmed, styled with backward waves. Instead of his worn-out attire, he sported a simple short-sleeve top paired with gray pants and knee-length obsidian boots. Leather, fingerless gauntlets adorned his arms, while a ruby crucifix hung from a golden chain around his neck.

Slim grinned with satisfaction as he circled around Scott, admiring the new ensemble. "I see you went for the enchanted clothes too. You truly have an eye for fashion. Much more comfortable than those bulky armors."

The skeleton casually patted Scott on the shoulder before redirecting his attention to Mia. "How come you guys returned so soon? I thought you would need another thirty minutes."

Mia pouted, folding her arms across her chest. "He said he had no need for my weapons, and I was really looking forward to showing him my arsenal."

Slim turned toward Scott. "Buddy, her items are highly sought after. Believe me, no one has better items than her in Nova Primus or any of the other first cities, for that matter."

"Trust me, I know how wonderful her items are, but they're wasted on me," Scott apologized.

Slim refocused on Mia, leaning closer as he whispered into her ears. "Did something happen?"

The tall cat girl nodded. "He was interested in checking out the weapons at first, but he suddenly changed his mind as soon as he reached for the first item." Mia paused, recalling the odd event. "I don't know how to describe it, but it felt like something heavy was unexpectedly placed on his head."

The duo simultaneously stared at Scott with concern.

"Well, it doesn't matter. As long as he's happy," Slim laughed, taking out two black crystals from his inventory. "Here's your payment, Mia. Thank you for everything."

Mia simply glanced at the elemental shards for a moment before turning away. "Who said I needed your stinking money? Take those things out of my face."

The cat girl waved her hands, summoning a long scythe with a sleek silver handle and a blade darkened with an ominous hue. "Here, take this. It's your reward for being a regular at my place and for bringing in so many customers over the years."

Scott glanced at the unusual gift, and a system message promptly materialized in front of his eyes.


Description: This rare scythe is crafted from a combination of silver, obsidian, and black steel. The silver handle is adorned with intricate patterns and engravings, providing a comfortable grip. The blade is made from a specially treated obsidian that is both durable and sharp and is infused with a dark energy that resonates with death and similar energies.

Rank: Rare.

Condition: The scythe has no owner yet (conditioned to self-destruct upon the owner's death).

Damage: ???

Type: Two-Handed Melee Weapon.

Durability: ???/???

Scott's brows shot up as he read through the system's message. They must be really close. That's one hell of a parting gift.

Slim's hands trembled as he stared at the weapon, his gaze alternating between the deadly instrument and the satisfied smile on Mia's face. "M-Mia, this is..."

Mia raised her right hand, cutting him off. "I don't want to hear it," she declared, gently wrapping the item around Slim's trembling fingers. She then turned towards Scott. "He can be full of himself sometimes, but please take care of him, okay?"

"I'll do my best," Scott promised.

"That's all I can ask for." Mia opened her inventory, retrieving three robust briefcases. "In this first one, there are fifty rare mana recovery potions," she said, pointing to the initial briefcase. She then gestured to the other two. "In each of these, there are two hundred rare recovery potions. This should be enough to keep you guys safe for the first few rounds. Don't die, okay?"

Scott nodded, understanding that Mia's generosity was likely spurred by concern for Slim.

"Thank you, Mia," Slim uttered softly as the scythe vanished into his inventory. "Don't worry; tales of our legendary feats will surely shake the tower." He laughed, moving closer to the cat girl. The two locked gazes, silence bridging the years of memories flooding their minds. Mia enveloped the necromancer in a gentle hug, tears streaming down her face. "Please don't die. It's okay to stop if you can't continue anymore."

Scott could discern the sorrow in her voice, understanding that the chances of seeing the beautiful cat girl again were slim. Yet, he refrained from interrupting this heartfelt farewell between friends.

The duo maintained their embrace for several minutes before Mia pushed Slim gently to the side. She chuckled while wiping her swollen eyes. "That reminds me; I still have a few things to give you guys." With a snap of her fingers, several suitcases materialized in front of Scott.

"As a half-human, you're likely to require food, water, and a fresh set of clothes. Consider these your compensation for safeguarding this dunderhead, alright?" Without waiting for Scott's response, she turned away, dismissing them with a wave. "You guys can leave now. I shouldn't even be here at this hour. I'm done dealing with you freeloaders."

"Take care of yourself, Mia," Slim spoke, his voice hushed.

The cat girl acknowledged with a raised hand as she strolled deeper into the hall. However, both Scott and the skeleton could discern her tear-streaked face in the reflective mirrors. Scott stored the items in his inventory, quietly approaching Slim.

"I'm almost tempted to stay behind, buddy," Slim sighed, shaking his head. He averted his gaze from the departing cat girl, donning his shades. "Is there anything else you want to do?"

"No. I was supposed to deliver a map to a certain place, but Mia assured me she'll take care of that. I'm good to go. What about you?"

"Same here," Slim replied, his eyes fixed on the room leading to the teleportation device. "Let's head to the central district then. There's no point wasting any more time."

Scott nodded, and without uttering another word, the duo exited the expansive hall. The lights dimmed immediately upon their departure.