
Tower of Champions

In a vast multiverse ruled by divine entities, a unique epoch ushers in a competition for ultimate dominion. For the first time ever, humans are chosen to participate, and among them, Scott is chosen. Accused of a crime he hasn't committed, he's left for dead but saved by an otherworldly being. Empowered by this entity, Scott embarks on a treacherous journey through the Tower of Champions, facing traps, enemies, and shifting alliances while seeking for answers. Explore this high-stakes litRPG adventure where all existence hangs in the balance.

NPCwhowantstolive1 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 17: Slim The Grimm

Scott pushed himself into a sitting position, his gaze turning instinctively toward the explosion's epicenter. The force of the detonation hinted at utter devastation. As he rose, dusting off snow clinging to his coat and mask, an unsettling realization crept in—those pursuing him were relentless and swift.

His frown deepened. "Who were those guys?" The answer hung in the air, unspoken but implied. The Shadow Syndicate trio likely had a hand in their advance. Scott pondered the speed of their pursuit, concluding that the guide might have played a role too. "She better hope we don't cross paths again."

Turning his attention back to the flashing arrowhead, he brushed off the lingering snow on his mask. The urgency of his situation weighed heavily; he scrutinized his surroundings, wary of further hidden pursuers. Satisfied, he pressed on through the biting cold, trudging for another four hours until he conquered the mountain's peak.

The snowstorm waned, but a new set of challenges awaited—a plummet in temperature and thinning air. Amidst the unforgiving elements, a steel building emerged. Its singular room encompassed a solitary bed, a fireplace stocked with dry wood and a matchbox, and a modest dagger. Scott surveyed the refuge, acknowledging the respite it offered in this harsh, mountainous terrain.

Scott tossed a few dry woods into the fireplace, and an unfamiliar liquid descended from the makeshift chimney, dousing the logs. He ignited a matchstick and threw it into the fireplace, and crimson flames engulfed the hearth, and it didn't take long for its warmth to fill the steel cabin. Scott sat on the wooden bed with no bedding, his gaze lingering on the dagger close to the only window.

A bed and fireplace for those who plan on continuing their journey, and a dagger for those who want to end it all. She really wasn't kidding, he sighed, averting his gaze from the dried bloodstains close to the bed.

Several dried mushrooms and two bowls of water appeared from his inventory with an unspoken command.

No matter how many times I think about it, I still can't believe it has been ten years already. Why did I wake up in the Nameless Forest? Scott pondered, munching on the dried ration.

Anika had confirmed and elaborated on most of Milos's understanding of humans, yet he struggled to accept that an entire decade had transpired since the events in the Amazon rainforest.

If the competition has been active for the past decade, I wonder what stage the frontrunners have gotten to. Scott suddenly shook his head as if dispelling the thought. There's no point thinking about something useless. Knowing that wouldn't change a thing. My priority should be getting to Nova Primus in one piece and getting into the main tower. Everything else is secondary.

Scott's gaze lingered on the snow drifting aimlessly outside the window, his eyes captivated by its ethereal dance. He remained in the room for an additional hour, resisting any inclination to spend the entire day in its confining space.

Descending the Ravnar mountains proved to be a considerably smoother journey, revealing intermittent signs of civilization as Scott ventured further. Along the route, signposts marked the distance to Nova Primus, providing a sense of progress. Occasional hints of human activity, whether in the form of frozen debris or lifeless bodies, became more prevalent.

After another four hours of walking, Scott halted at a cliff's edge. His eyes flickered, betraying a subtle shudder as he gazed at the towering structure looming in the distance.

"Holy crap!"

His gaze fixed on the sprawling cityscape below, a mesmerizing tapestry of towering skyscrapers, glittering high-rise apartments, and luminous bridges that spanned the metropolis. Yet, amidst this dazzling array, his focus focused on the heart of the city. There stood a colossal tower, ascending into the sky like a radiant beacon, emitting a pulsating crimson blast that pierced the rose-tinted clouds above.

"Wow! I can't believe they constructed all of this in just a decade."

Anika had briefed him on what to expect, but Nova Primus surpassed even his heightened expectations. While he had initially assumed the city's center would cling to a medieval aesthetic, the towering structures pulsating with arcane energy suggested they had already transcended the zenith of Earthly achievements.

"I suppose this is to be expected. Merging science with magic is destined to yield the extraordinary," Scott mused to himself.

He lingered for a final moment, absorbing the breathtaking scenery before yielding to the insistent flash of the pointer. Several hours still stretched ahead before he could arrive at the grand city.

Three more hours elapsed, Scott navigated through a dense forest, guided by the subtle caress of the night breeze. Each step was deliberate, taken at a measured pace, as he surveyed the unfamiliar vegetation enveloping him. Since his descent from the mountain, minutes had elapsed, yet the solitude persisted—no human or otherworldly being in sight. Unlike the desolate mountains, life thrived in the surrounding forest.

If her words hold true, the city gates should come into view within the next hour. I must locate a marketplace to unload some items from my inventory and procure essentials like food, water, and armor for the inevitable climb. And then, there's the matter of tracking down the gruffpaw associates, Scott contemplated.

He halted abruptly, his indifferent eyes scanning the encompassing trees. "You've been tailing me for a while. Are you thieves, or what? Decide quickly," he declared. His words hung in the air, but only the gentle wind replied. A sigh escaped him, accompanied by a dismissive shake of his head. "Consider this your first and final warning. We won't be talking if you keep on following me."

Without uttering another word, he pressed on with his trek. A mere few minutes later, three figures draped in distinctive camouflage gear descended from a nearby tree. Their eyes remained fixed on the path Scott had taken, fingers loosening their grip on the daggers they held.

"Boss, do you think he was just bluffing?" one of them questioned.

The leader turned sharply towards his subordinate. "Do you want someone else raising your kid?" he hissed. "That guy reeks of trouble. Why on earth would you want to provoke him after he let us off so easily?" The bandit leader regarded his subordinate with a look that suggested he found the question almost absurd.

"But boss, it's not the first time someone has acted all high and mighty to avoid being robbed. We should—hey, where are you guys going? Don't leave me here alone."

The ambitious bandit hurriedly chased after his companions. Despite his earlier bravado, the thought of being alone with Scott unnerved him. He had never encountered someone with eyes so menacing.

Scott, on the other hand, significantly shortened the distance to the city's gate. Unlike before, a lively stream of human traffic filled the path he traversed. His unconventional attire and mask drew surprised glances and hushed whispers from the crowd, but no one approached him, and he made no effort to engage with anyone. Nonetheless, he realized he needed to address his appearance; he couldn't afford to wander around resembling a vagabond any longer.

Examining the status screens of his fellow travelers, Scott found that most of them possessed subpar or non-existent combat abilities. The group primarily consisted of researchers, guides, and a handful of armed escorts whose combat skills fell even below those of the hoarder.

We should be closer than ever to the gates now.

Scott observed the attire of the surrounding travelers, which, for the most part, remained consistent with his recollection. However, a notable distinction was the prevalence of armor, and the general emphasis on durability and quality.

Scott journeyed in silence, intermittently glancing at system notifications. The atmosphere grew more animated and vibrant as time passed. After another hour of travel, he found himself standing before the city's formidable walls. Coming to a sudden halt, he gaped at the towering structure before him.

These were no ordinary walls constructed from concrete or steel; instead, they were crafted from a fusion of magic circuits and an array of materials several times denser steel, all indigenous to the tower. Occasional bursts of vivid colors illuminated sections of the walls, captivating Scott and a handful of toddlers who found the spectacle truly astonishing.

Several exits and entrances dotted the area, devoid of armed personnel or immigration officers to grant approval for entry.

"We're recruiting healers! If you possess healing skills, step forward! The pay is exceptional!" A man in gleaming silver armor bellowed, brandishing a large, animated placard.

"Fighters and rangers, we want you! Come forward if you're in those classes. We offer the most competitive compensation in the city!" Another man proclaimed, pointing emphatically at his own placard.

"Need to exchange your items for money? Head over to Theodore's. We guarantee the best rates," chimed in yet another entrepreneur.

Scott observed the various representatives energetically advertising or recruiting individuals. As he sifted through the system notifications of those who approached them, he couldn't help but notice a substantial number of them belonged to the same affiliation.

She wasn't kidding when she said there are a lot of scammers here. Scott thought to himself as he walked further through the tunnel like gates. While he met the criteria of a potential target, none of the scammers spared him a second glance simply because he appeared too destitute to possess anything of value.

Now that I'm here, finding an official exchange should take priority. After that, I need to find information about the tower, then I can look for where to get food, armor, and other necessities, Scott thought as he absentmindedly exited the gates.

[Main Quest: Return to the Starting Point – Completed!]

[EXP: 50!]

A radiant beam descended from the skies, striking Scott at the center of his head simultaneously with the appearance of the system notification.

Scott raised his head, perplexed. What on earth was that? He scrutinized his body but found no injuries or alterations. Turning his head from side to side, he noticed the passersby displaying a range of expressions, varying from indifference to anger.

Questions lingered in Scott's mind. What did that light do? As he pondered, an unfamiliar voice resonated in his ears.

"Hey, you! This gate is for humans only. Non-humans are supposed to go through Endo."

Scott faced the young lady reprimanding him. "What do you mean? I'm human too."

The young woman tilted her head back, restraining a laugh. She gestured toward the crown of her head and remarked, "You might want to grab a mirror. I'm not exactly in the mood for this game."

Without uttering another word, she pivoted and departed. Meanwhile, Scott ambled toward a nearby store, disregarding the disapproving glares from those around him. Coming to a standstill in front of a small shop, he peered at his reflection. What on earth is that?

A flickering triangular cursor hovered above his head, tempting him to reach out. However, his hands simply passed through it like a specter. Casting a quick glance at the other passersby, he realized none of them bore anything resembling the peculiar indicator.

"So, that's what she meant. This is all my fault."

He had disabled the map the moment he entered the forest; then, he believed it led him astray, despite the city gates looming so close.

"The fact that I got marked as a non-human implies my identity as a half-human doesn't even qualify to be called a human. This could prove troublesome," he muttered softly.

"Hey, get the fuck away from my property," barked a mean-looking man standing at the shop's entrance. It was a stark reminder that humans, in general, were not renowned for treating each other with equality or fairness, let alone individuals from other species.

Scott turned away from the butcher, proceeding with slow, deliberate steps. The blame rested solely on his shoulders for ignoring the map. Yet, he found a small measure of comfort in the fact that, at least, no one had physically attacked or harassed him.

As Scott continued along the well-illuminated streets, he observed several floating lamps affixed to peculiar orbs. Most of the surrounding buildings bore a resemblance to those on Earth, differing only in the materials used in their construction. The unexpected presence of electricity in the city surpassed his initial expectations. However, he remained puzzled by the absence of any visible vehicles or aircraft. He strolled for another thirty minutes before noticing a queue forming in front of an oddly shaped box reminiscent of an old-school telephone booth.

What were they waiting for? Do they have phones here too? Scott gazed at the vacant box, its surface emitting an indigo gleam. However, there was no sign of anything resembling a telephone. A muted clink resonated, and the indigo light gave way to an emerald glow. The woman at the front of the line entered the box, and the green light shifted back to indigo. The box's surface was adorned with runic glyphs, and a slightly creamy mist filled its interior. Another clink echoed, and the woman vanished.

Scott's mouth fell open behind his mask. The indicator turned green again, and the man at the front of the line stepped in next. The same phenomenon repeated itself.

Teleportation? Scott was both excited and impressed. The desire to experience teleportation was universal, yet some in the line appeared indifferent, as if they would rather be anywhere else.

Scott considered giving it a shot, but uncertainty loomed over whether it involved a monetary commitment or some other requirement. He pondered this to himself as he observed the line, his gaze eventually fixating on a particular figure just before a bend in the queue. Swiftly, without second thoughts, he navigated the open road and approached the back of the line. A few passersby shot him curious glances, some displaying furrowed brows in response to his unanticipated intrusion. Scott paid little attention to their reactions, musing silently on how many among them would be unnerved if they were to witness him without his mask.

He approached the enigmatic figure, who sported a sleek tuxedo and indulged in the pages of a risqué magazine. "Hello," Scott began, fixing his gaze on the cursor flashing above the stranger's flamboyant hat. "Mind if I ask you a quick question?"

[Champion Interface]

{Basic Stats:}

Name: ??? 


Experience Points: 500/800

Mana Points: 200/200 

Mana Recovery: 10 Mana Points per day. 

Race: Undead. 

Class: Necromancer

{Physical Stats:}

Strength: 10.

Agility: 10.

Endurance: 10.

Dexterity: 26.

Toughness: 10.

{Abnormal Stats:}

Charisma: 43.

Perception: 14.

Charm: 40.

Madness: 10.

Confidence: 90.


Summoning (Level 2).

Necromantic Resistance (Level 2).

Dark Magic (Level 3).

Necrotic Touch (Level 2).

Sweet Talker (Level 2).

Singing (Level 4).

Basic Madness (Level 0).


Summon Skeletons: Summons 2 skeletons to fight alongside the necromancer for 30 seconds.

Shadow Blast: A dark energy blast that deals moderate damage to a single target.

Raise Zombie: Raises a zombie from a nearby corpse to fight for the necromancer for 1 minute.

Necrotic Aura: A passive ability that weakens nearby enemies, reducing their damage output by 10%.

Death Bolt: A powerful spell that deals significant damage to a single target.

Curse of Decay: A curse that slowly drains an enemy's health over time, dealing minor damage per second for 15 seconds.

Undead Army: Summons a group of 5 skeletons to fight alongside the necromancer for 1 minute.



Description: An artistic feather pen containing ink from the nexus octopus.

Elemental Shards x10

Description: Formed from condensation of death energy situated at the deepest reaches of the NetherRealm.

Roses x1000

Description: Perma roses plucked from the famous Tydrill mountain range. Known to survive a decade of tribulation before wilting. They are commonly bought by lovers professing their undying love.


Main Quest: Enter the main stages of the Tower of Champions – Ongoing!

Side Quest: Infiltrate the human city of Nova Primus – Completed!

Side Quest: Seduce twenty female humans – (7/20) – Ongoing!

The necromancer shifted his gaze from the risqué magazine, lowering his black shades as he locked eyes with Scott. Sensing the tension, the surrounding humans subtly distanced themselves from the supernatural duo. On one side stood an unkempt, masked figure in tattered clothing, observing a skeleton comfortably clad in a trendy three-piece suit and a top hat, openly perusing an indecent magazine.

The skeleton averted his eye sockets, a pen materializing in his bony hand. "Don't bother asking. I already know why you're here," he remarked with a skeletal grin.

Scott cocked his head backward, taken aback by the unexpected revelation. Before he could formulate a response, the necromancer reached for his clothes, smoothing them out before signing it. The skeleton nodded in satisfaction, sending the pen back to its spectral inventory. He grinned at Scott once more. "You're welcome. Have a great day," he said, his voice smooth and clear.

As a parting gesture, he gave Scott a friendly pat on the shoulder before returning to his magazine.

Scott stood frozen in place, his mouth agape, mind reeling. What the hell just happened?

He found himself staring at the necromancer's autograph, puzzled as to why the otherworldly being assumed he desired such a peculiar memento.

The skeleton shifted its gaze back to Scott, noting that he hadn't departed yet. "Is there anything else you want?" the necromancer inquired; irritation evident at the persistence of an unexpected fan intruding on his leisure.

With an audible sigh, he produced his pen once more, eyeing Scott impatiently. "Another autograph for your girlfriend, perhaps? Just tell me what you want me to sign."

Scott shook his head, attempting to dispel the surreal situation. "There's a misunderstanding," he explained. "I'm not here for that. I just wanted to ask you a question."

"Hold on," The necromancer interjected, as he stowed away the pen in his inventory. "I know you're a fan, but I can't reveal when my next album is dropping. You'll have to be patient like everyone else, alright?" With a confident wink, the suave skeleton sauntered away, leaving Scott dumbfounded.

What the… I can't even be mad at this guy. Suppressing a burgeoning laugh, Scott approached the nonchalant necromancer again.

"Excuse me," Scott called out, determined to get a straight answer to his lingering question.

The necromancer shot a frown at the troublemaker. "You again?" Persistent fans were a nuisance, but he always restrained himself from scolding his admirers.

"I can't give you an exact release date for the next album. Patience is key, and trust me, it'll be worth the wait," he declared.

Interrupting the necromancer, Scott sighed, expressing genuine admiration. "I'm sure your album will be incredible, and I wish you the best of luck. However, that's not why I'm here." He gestured towards the box at the front. "I just want to know how that thing works, that's all."

A bashful smile adorned the skeleton's face. "Oh, you should've mentioned it earlier." He stowed away his magazine. "It's a teleportation device that anyone can use freely, provided they have sufficient mana."

"Oh, so that's how it works," Scott muttered.

The necromancer, readjusting his glasses, wore a smile that revealed his pearl-white teeth. "Now, I have a question for you. Don't take this the wrong way, but what exactly are you?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Scott replied, feigning ignorance.

"I hadn't noticed it earlier, probably because my attention was elsewhere, but the stench emanating from you is more pungent than death itself. Could it be the mask?" The necromancer shook his head, taking a step closer to the half-human. "No, that's not it. I can detect it in your eyes too."

He removed his glasses, tucking them into his breast pocket as he extended his right hand. "My friends call me Slim. Slim the Grim. And what about you?"

Scott's gaze flickered between Slim's outstretched hand and his charming smile. "Name's Scott," he replied, clasping hands with the necromancer.

"Pleasure to meet you, Scott. There's something intriguing about you. Are you planning to ascend the tower?"

Scott nodded.

Slim's grin widened, startling a few onlookers. "Fantastic. How about we join forces and climb the tower together?"

[Do you wish to accept the invitation?]

[Yes!] [No!]