

Darren Jethro a teenager whose soul somehow transmigrated somewhere, there he found a little Fairy claiming to be SYSTEM ANIME MULTIVERSE. TOP 10:"I am the God of beauty, the God of Celebrations.” TOP 9:"As long as I'm alive, no one will die" TOP 8"Dont underestimate the human race,Meruem" TOP 7"BREAK THE LIMIT !!" ENGLISH IS NOT MY LANGUAGE, THE IDEA OF THIS NOVEL WAS GET FROM THE CHINESE NOVEL I READ. DON'T HOPE WITH MY NOVEL

Spinxx · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Note:Huhuhu you know i wrote this 3 x, it always gets erased damn it




The video on the screen starts to move showing the moment when Tanjiro and his friends arrive at the train station, then moves again to show a man with long hair eating. The man always said every mouthful of food he ate "Umaii!!"

"Umai!!" "UMAIII!!"

The screen moved again showing the four of them fast asleep with their hands tied with the children.

After 10 minutes the video shows all the scenes that occur on the train where Rengoku, Zenitsu and Nezuko are guarding the train carriage from tentacles that appear from the train wanting to eat humans.

And the scene where Inosuke and Tanjiro kill the demon who can control dreams, after killing the demon the train starts to get out of control and falls.

The actual scene starts now where Rengoku teaches Tanjiro to use his breath, suddenly at that moment an unpleasant aura appears. Rengoku is in an alert position and ready to draw his sword.

The third level Upper Moon Demon appeared in front of them, the demon looked at Tanjiro and immediately moved quickly to kill Tanjiro with his fist.

Breath of Bara, Second Form: Nobori En Ten (Rising Scorching Sun)•

Too bad the demon's attack didn't kill Tanjiro, Rengoku slashed the demon's fist into two pieces.



Demon Slayer World.

"Nani?! Why did three Demon Upper Moons appear there, will Kyojuro be able to fight him alone?"

All Hashira had the same thoughts, except...

"WHAT? DEMON LEVEL THREE? KYOJURO TAKE ME IN YOUR MISSION WON'T YOU GO ON RUN A MISSION ON THE TRAIN OR LEAVE ME ALONE WHO GO TO THE TRAIN MISSION KILL THE DRIVE ALONE" Sanemi Hashira who is using Wind breathing, Sanemi screams like crazy she is excitedly wanting to once killed the Upper Moon demon.

"Okay! I will take you Sanemi it will make our chances of killing him greater" Rengoku answered Sanemi the Hashira Wind.

"Doesn't this mean before the incident where Tanjiro and his friends went on a mission with Tengen? At the time with Tengen Tanjiro was able to use Hinokami Kagura, but in this video Tanjiro still couldn't use it properly" Shinobu Kocho Hashira Insect concluded this.

"Means, will Kyojuro San die here? If you remember when Tanjiro remembers Kyojuro when he was with Tengen" Mitsuri Kanroji Hashira Cinta's face became sad.

Obanai Iguro Hashira Snake saw Mitsuri become sad, his eyes turned cold, Obanai thought 'You make Mitsuri sad, I will kill with my own hands you Demon'

Obanai said to Rengoku "I will come with you too Kyojuro, worst case scenario after Muzan sees this video he will send a first tier Demon to kill us"

Oyakata-Sama/Ubuyashiki nodded in agreement with Obanai "Take them with you Kyojuro, we better be careful not to let our strength decrease, by killing one Hashira makes our strength weaken and our plan to kill Kibutsuji Muzan will fail"




After Rengoku slashed the Demon's hand, the Demon retreated smiling at Rengoku. His hand regeneration was so amazing that people from other worlds who saw this were amazed.

The demon said "Good katana" then licked the blood on his hand.

Rengoku remained alert and asked "I don't understand why you're targeting the injured person"

"I thought he could interrupt our conversation."

"What do you want to talk to me about? It's our first time meeting, but I already hate you"

"Is that so? I also hate weak humans. Seeing weak people disgusts me."

"It seems we both have different moral values"

"Then, I have a good offer. Would you like to become a Demon too?"


"I can see how strong you are. You're a Hashira right? Your fighting spirit is well honed. You're already approaching the world's highest."

"I'm Rengoku Kyojuro Sang Hashira Fire"

"My name is Akaza. Kyojuro, I'll give you the reason you haven't reached the highest realm. Because you are a human you will grow old and die later"

"Become a demon, Kyojuro. That way, you can train for centuries at will." Akaza stretched out his hand.

Rengoku still didn't show any interested expression "Growing old and dying is a beauty of human being as a mortal being, precisely by aging and dying will make human life very meaningful and noble."

"This young man is not weak, don't insult him. I will repeat it no matter how many times we both have different moral values. Whatever the reason, I refuse to become a Demon"

"Is that your answer?" Akaza stepped on the ground a snow-shaped symbol appeared.

•The Art of Fighting, Destructive Death: Compass Needle•

"If you refuse to become a Demon, I will kill you"

Akaza galloped forward towards Rengoku.

Akaza punched Rengoku, Rengoku dodged the attack and blocked him with his Katana.

Akaza and Rengoku clashed punches and sword slashes at such high speed that Tanjiro couldn't see the movement of the two of them, Tanjiro could only see flashes of light from Akaza and Rengoku's movements.

Rengoku cut Akaza's hand, not until a second Akaza's cut hand reappeared as before.

Akaza jumps into the air

•Destructive Death:Air Blow•

Akaza punched the air, Rengoku looked in all directions to predict the direction of Akaza's attack, but unfortunately Rengoku didn't succeed and was hit by Akaza's attack.

Akaza hit the air repeatedly, the air blow that Akaza produced attacked Rengoku.

Rengoku now knows how to fend off Akaza's attacks. Breath of the embers, Fourth Form: Sei En No Uneri(Blooming Flame Undulation)

Rengoku used a flame-like technique that deflected all of Akaza's shockwave attacks.

One Piece World.

"Uwohhhhhhh Sugggeeeeeee, the katana can emit fire, Hooi Zoro can you do that" Luffy and Chopper looked at Zoro with star-like eyes.

"How could I do that, I'm not a devil fruit eater" Zoro replied.

"Baka Marimo, you idiot they use breathing skills not the idiot Marimo devil fruit"Sanji taunts Zoro

"Hahh??!! do you want to fight stupid chef?" Zoro and Sanji argued then Nami came hitting them on the head.

Luffy and Chopper were disappointed, but Luffy didn't give up "Zoro ne Zoro please practice breathing, I want to see you give off a dragon-shaped fire"





Akaza stopped attacking Rengoku, they looked at each other. Rengoku immediately moved forward towards Akaza to make it easier to cut his neck.

Akaza and Rengoku clash again, Tanjiro and Inosuke want to help but they can't help but hear Rengoku yell at him "Don't move! It's dangerous for your wound to open again! Wait for my orders!"

"Don't mind the weaklings, Kyojuro! Put your all into it" Akaza attacked Rengoku then retreated far back.

"Focus on me"

Rengoku was still advancing towards Akaza wanting to cut his neck but was avoided by Akaza, once again Rengoku aimed at his neck but was held by Akaza. Akaza was blown away into the forest by Rengoku's attack.

Rengoku chased Akaza into the forest, Akaza suddenly appeared in front of Rengoku. Rengoku attacks Akaza but is dodged, when Rengoku attacks once again but his katana is caught by Akaza's legs and Rengoku is kicked by Akaza flying away.

"Become a Demon, Kyojuro" Akaza appeared in the smoke and dust from their fight.

Rengoku gripped the hilt of his Katana exhausted.

"Then, we can fight forever to become much stronger. You deserve my offer."

"Kotowaru(Not going)! Let me repeat, I hate you. I refuse to be a Demon"

Rengoku jumped up with his katana held, above his head.

Breath of Bara, San no kata: Kien Bansh(Blazing Universe)•

The attack managed to injure Akaza's body but quickly recovered "Subarashi!" Akaza was amazed by Rengoku's attack.

Akaza fast forward

•Destructive Death:Air Blow•

Rengoku parried Akaza's attack but it caused Rengoku to be blown away.

Rengoku goes forward again "Haaargghhh"

They clashed again, one of the punches that Akaza launched managed to injure Rengoku's head, Rengoku didn't care about the wound, Rengoku continued to advance.

Ichi no kata: Shiranui(Unknowing Fire)•

Akaza blocked Rengoku's attack with both of his hands he didn't care that his arm was cut off not until a second his hand grew back.

As they collide, Akaza launches a fist that shatters Rengoku's ribs. Rengoku backed away feeling the pain.

•Ni no kata: Nobori En Ten•

The attack did not result in Akaza being injured. Akaza's attack managed to make Rengoku's left eye unable to see, Rengoku ignored him and continued to attack.

•San no kata: Kien Bansh•

Knowing his attack had no effect, Rengoku changed his attack.

Shi no kata: Sei En no Uneri

Akaza " •Destructive Death:Ranshiki•

Rengoku " •Go no kata: Enko•


Rengoku launched an attack that injured Akaza's stomach and arms.

Akaza backed away, Rengoku was exhausted his breath was panting and his internal organs were injured.

"Let's keep fighting. Don't die now, Kyojuro." Akaza said expressionlessly.

Rengoku caught his breath suddenly Rengoku's temperament changed.

"Kyojuro, you..."

"Orewa(me)…..I will definitely carry out my duty! I won't let anyone here die"

Akaza got goosebumps feeling Rengoku's change "What an incredible fighting rage! even though he is full of wounds, but he has great spirit and determination. His horses are without gaps. Khahaha As expected, you have to become a Demon, Kyojuro! Fight with me forever"

•Ku no kata: Rengoku !•

Annihilation Type: Messhiki

Rengoku put all his strength into this attack. As Rengoku advanced, a dragon-shaped flame appeared which opened its mouth at the enemy in front.

Akaza laughed and blocked Rengoku's attack.

The area around them was destroyed, as a result of the two of them fighting. In the flames Rengoku cut Akaza's fist, raised his sword again towards Akaza's neck, Akaza deflected Rengoku's attack into his chest, Rengoku stabbed his katana deeper then twisted the direction of his katana towards Akaza's throat.

From the outside, you can see the flames rising high into the sky. The video changes where Rengoku's stomach is pierced by Akaza's hand, Rengoku's mouth is already bleeding a lot.

"Die....you will die, Kyojuro! Be a Demon, Say that you want to become a Demon! Because you are the chosen strong person!"

Rengoku flashbacks when he talks to his mother. "Do you know why you were born stronger than anyone else?

"Don't know" replied little Rengoku

"To help weak people. People who are born with various talents, must be useful for the world and for the sake of many people. God's grace should not be used to harm others or for personal gain"

Helping the weak is the responsibility of the strong, that is, a task that must be carried out with full responsibility

The current mother cannot live much longer, but the mother is happy to be the parent of a strong and kind child like you. I entrust the rest to you."

This time Rengoku really put all his strength into cutting Akaza's neck "Hahawe(Mother), I am also honored to have been born by great parents like you. KEAAARRGGHHHHHH" Rengoku's face was covered in veins.

Rengoku's sword made it through the flesh on Akaza's neck, Akaza frantically tried to punch Rengoku in the face, seeing this Rengoku stopped him with his other hand. Akaza was surprised Rengoku stopped his attack even though Akaza had punched a hole in his heart with his right hand.

Akaza saw the sky was shining, it was almost morning, Akaza was in a hurry to get out of here but when he wanted to pull out his right hand, it couldn't escape Rengoku's stomach muscles.

'I won't let you run!' Rengoku thought.

Akaza wanted to run away, the sun was about to rise but he couldn't, Rengoku still held his hand.

Akaza mustered all his strength "KEAAARGGG GET OUT!!" the sword stuck in Akaza's neck began to cut half of his neck.

Akaza ripped his arm he jumped and went deep into the forest.

Tanjiro chases Akaza and throws his Katana right at Akaza's chest, Tanjiro screams (uh I don't want to write it).

Rengoku smiled hearing Tanjiro's words "Don't scream anymore or the wound in your stomach opens, you are also seriously injured. Kamado shounen, if you die, I will lose. Come here. Let's talk one last time"

"Rengoku san stop talking and use breathing to stop the bleeding"

"I'll talk while I can. So listen up. Tell this to my brother, Senjuro. I hope he goes on the path he believes in according to his heart. Then, to my father. I hope he takes care of his health, the last one is Kamado shounen. I have faith in your sister. I recognized him as a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. I saw him shed blood to protect the humans in the carriage. Live With Puffing Out"

(I'm not writing it anymore it's a long dialogue)

As Rengoku was about to die, he saw his mother behind Tanjiro.

"Hahawe(mother), did I do it right?"

His mother answered.

~You've done well~

at the moment of his death, Rengoku died smiling...