

Darren Jethro a teenager whose soul somehow transmigrated somewhere, there he found a little Fairy claiming to be SYSTEM ANIME MULTIVERSE. TOP 10:"I am the God of beauty, the God of Celebrations.” TOP 9:"As long as I'm alive, no one will die" TOP 8"Dont underestimate the human race,Meruem" TOP 7"BREAK THE LIMIT !!" ENGLISH IS NOT MY LANGUAGE, THE IDEA OF THIS NOVEL WAS GET FROM THE CHINESE NOVEL I READ. DON'T HOPE WITH MY NOVEL

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Tanjiro & Uzui Tengen Vs Gyutaro

The screen shows Tanjiro who is holding Nezuko from getting out of control, Daki the Upper Moon demon comes to Tanjiro, Nezuko and the residents who are victims of Tanjiro and Daki's fight. Daki started to attack them but suddenly Uzui Tengen Hashira A voice came at a speed that ordinary people couldn't see.

Daki was stunned to see Uzui's sudden arrival.

"Hey, isn't that Kamado Nezuko? He's becoming a demon merrily." Uzui crouched curiously at Nezuko.


"It's pretentious in front of Oyakata-Sama (Master) but why is it like this. No one told him to turn into a devil so lively" Uzui shouted in Tanjiro's face, and was surprised why Uzui suddenly shouted at him.

The demon named Daki spoke "Apparently it's Hashira who came over. I don't have to bother looking for you"

"Noisy. I'm not talking to you go there. You're not an Upper Moon demon, right? Because you're too weak. You're not the demon I was looking for" Uzui ignored Daki.

Daki's neck oozed veins because he felt underestimated "What nonsense are you talking about? uh" suddenly his neck broke




Tanjiro tries to calm Nezuko but it doesn't work, Tanjiro remembers the song his mother used to sing. Tanjiro sang, hoping that the song he sang would calm Nezuko, after he felt Nezuko had calmed down, Nezuko suddenly burst into tears remembering the song she often heard from her mother. Nezuko's body shrunk as she fell asleep after crying.

One Piece World

"Pffftttttt Nezukoo Channn" Sanji's nose bled profusely and fell unconscious.

"whahhhhhhh Sanjiiii calm down you're bleeding too much" Food-Uhum Chopper started to treat Sanji.

Zoro ignored Sanji, he stared seriously at the screen in front of him "That attack is very fast, if I fight it I die instantly. My road to become the No.1 swordsman is still long."

"Devil? Very interesting I want him to join my crew of shishishi" Luffy laughed imagining he had a demon crew.

Nami heard that beating Luffy to a pulp "Stupid, if the devil enters our ship, he will eat us all"

"H-how about that devil named Nezuko? He looks good not bad like the others" Luffy insisted on having a demon crew

"This time I agree with Luffy" Sanji who had come to his senses stood up and said with blood still running down his nose

God D.Usop hid to see how scary the demon was "H-he's still alive even his head was cut off, is there really a demon like that alive in this world"



Naruto World.

"Interesting, even though his neck was cut off he is still alive, I want to get this demon blood, maybe with his blood my dream of becoming immortal will come true" Orochimaru licked his lips.

World of Hunter x Hunter.

Hisoka became horny seeing the strong power shown by Uzui, Hisoka wanted to fight him "Ahhh I can't resist this lust, Uzui Tengen where are you I can't wait to eat you, ah I remember during the hunter exam there was a ninja maybe he knows where Uzui is being right now."

Bleach World.

"Oh, good speed for the size of an ordinary human." Said a bespectacled man who always smiled and looked like a kind-hearted man, the man was Aizen the villain that the whole Soul Society was looking for.





"How dare you chop off my head! You have to pay for it!" Daki blabbered.

"I have no business with you, just die innocently"

"Seriously! You just said I'm not an Upper Moon demon"

"That's true, isn't it?" Uzui mocked him

"I'm a tier Six top demon, you know!?" Daki reassures Uzui.

"Then why did you cut off your head? You are too weak, your brain is lost in the earth?"

"I still haven't lost! Because I'm an Upper Moon demon"

"Obviously you've lost."

Daki cries being ridiculed many times by Uzui.

Uzui here feels strange why his body hasn't been destroyed.

Daki shouted "Oniiii chaaannnnnnn" something like body started to come out, from Daki's body.

Uzui rushed to try to cut the neck of the strange body that came out of Daki's body, but Uzui's attack didn't hit him. The creature that came out of Daki's body started to calm Daki "There's no point in crying, at least put your head up. You really are a stupid little sister, aren't you? You got burns on your face huh? You should take good care of your face. You were born with a pretty face. , know."

Uzui saw this opportunity began to attack again, but here the injured part of Uzui's head was hit by the attack of the man called onii-chan.

"Great, you can withstand my attacks. Even though I attacked with killing intent. Great, you really are great. You have a handsome face and good skin, no spots, bruises or cuts. You have a good body too, huh. I can't even get fat. You also tall, must be over 180 centimeters. Must be popular with women too."

Gyutaro scratched his face and body until the wound "How jealous. I really envy. Can you just die? Of course with a painful death. I will rip your skin and tear your guts."

Gyutaro twisted his body in an attacking position "Every wound he received you have to pay. I will make you die in circles, because my name is Gyutaro"

Gyutaro threw his two scythes at Uzui. Uzui resisted Gyutaro's attack to protect the citizens, Gyutaro's scythe out of the roof of the house rotated and came back again.

"I'm so envious. You really are a nice guy, aren't you? You protect those people to look cool, don't you."

"It's delicious. In their eyes, you are their soul savior. They will definitely like you and say thank you."

Uzui replied to Gyutaro "Yes, of course. Because I am a handsome man who appears lively. In fact, I have 3 wives."

"You have three wives? You must be joking! I will not forgive you!"

Gyutaro's weapons seemed to change as he said "Demon blood move: Flying Blood Scythe!"

Blood that appeared to be in the shape of a sickle attacked Uzui, unable to withstand the attack while protecting, Uzui threw a small bomb.

"What, exploded? He went downstairs, didn't he."




"I don't like this. You have a handsome face and three wives. You even mean to act cool. You're different, aren't you. Different from the other hashiras I've killed. who was chosen with a talent. I really envy. I want to kill you immediately."

"Talent? heh, do I look like a talented person? If you look at me like that, you really have a happy life. Live hundreds of years, but lock yourself up in this area. It's only natural that you guys don't know the outside world" Uzui mocked the two demons.

"What do you know?"

"I know. You must not know that this country is very wide. There are many strong people here and there, there are mysterious people (Gyomei), there are also people who become Hashira after two months of learning the sword (Muichiro). I am the chosen one "Nonsense, you think how many lives have been taken from my hands?"

'It's true I can't be like Rengoku'

Gyutaro annoyed "Then how do you explain it? My blood scythe is very poisonous, but you're still standing tall and not dead, huh!"

"I come from a Ninja family, so I have immunity to poison."

Uzui recalled his memories when he was still a Shinobi (Ninja).




Demon Slayer World.

"Huhuhuhu Tengen Sama came here for sure to save us" Suma cried

"Shut up stupid if you cry loudly the devil will notice us" Hinatsuru scolded Suma, he was also moved to see this.

Hinatsuru said "We will go back now before the demon finds us, we will only be Tengen Sama's burden"

Makio agreed with this "Yes we will be back, after all this video has already revealed what happened here, in other words our mission is complete"

"Tengen, Obanai you two go there, kill the two Upper Moon demons. Tengen, your three wives are there, right? save them I'm afraid they will be caught and the female demon will soon be killed" Ubuyashiki gave Uzui and Obanai a mission, because inside Uzui's video looks like he can't fight the demon Upper moon alone.

"Haik, Oyakata-Sama" Uzui and Obanai immediately moved.




Gyutaro laughed seeing the poison start to work "As expected, the poison moves slowly. Immune to poison seems to be a bluff. It's so sad."

Uzui smiled and said "Wrong, the poison doesn't work at all! Do I need to dance? I can still eat a hundred bowls of tempura rice merrily!"

Uzui moves forward to attack gyutaro but his real aim is to keep Daki away from Gyutaro by kicking him.

"How dare you kick imouto(My little brother)"

Uzui threw small bombs forward and backward, Gyutaro managed to dodge but Daki didn't succeed he was hit by a bomb that Uzui threw right in the face. On that occasion Uzui slashed Daki's neck quickly. Daki's head and body fell, Uzui continued to attack Gyutaro because of the limited range of his sword. Uzui held the tip of his sword so that the distance of his sword extended to hit Gyutaro's neck but it didn't work, his attack only managed to cut Gyutaro's neck.

Gyutaro asked Uzui "Could it be that you already noticed?"

"About what?" Uzui answered with a smile.

"It's meaningless even if you're awake. You'll die slowly. Even as we talk, we win slowly"

"I'm not sure about that. Don't forget me. Kono Inosuke is the same and his lackey has come!" Inosuke and Zenitsu came to interrupt Gyutaro.

"Who are they?"

Tanjiro also came in an attacking stance in front of Uzui.

The people in the District had already gone out to save themselves.

Makio and Suma in the video help people who were injured by Daki's attack.

"You guys came with a lot of fun apparently. I like it!"

The scene changes when Tanjiro saves Hinatsuru.




Demon Slayer World.

The Hashiras are currently dumbfounded by Tanjiro's actions, they all praise Tanjiro "This kid combines fire and water breathing? hey Rengoku did you teach him" The Hashira looked at Rengoku.

"No, it's also not our family's fire breather it's different he calls it 'Hinokami Kagura' I've never heard of that" Rengoku was still as usual firmly speaking and shouting.

The Hashira believed Rengoku's words. Hashira all had the same thought about 'How can that kid still move even though he's already badly injured'

One Piece World.

"This beautiful swordsmanship is strong, especially the swordsmanship of the man named Uzui Tengen, I want to meet all these Hashira but it seems it's not in our world" Dracule Mihawk who holds the title of the strongest Swordsman in the world admires this demon hunter swordsman.




Uzui arrived behind Gyutaro "Kamado Tanjiro! I really thank you"

The screen changed once again showing, Uzui came to save Tanjiro. Uzui's left hand was severed he couldn't hold the sword, Uzui bit the hilt of his sword and attacked Gyutaro. Gyutaro and Tanjiro are shocked they thought Uzui should have died from poison.

Uzui was like a madman saying "The sheet music is over! we're going to win!"

Uzui moves forward to attack Gyutaro again

Uzui using his ears perceives Gyutaro's attack as music

"One, Two, Three, Seven, Five, Twelve, Thirteen, I can read your moves! from your discordant melody." Uzui deflected all of Gyutaro's attacks.

'Score music?! Sheet music, he said? He made my Blood Demon Kick as music and parried it? Even though he only had one arm. Seriously! To hell with your bullshit!' Gyutaro Angry

They both attack each other AND the KABOOMM around them explodes.

'ah uh set set sat set sat' Gyutaro and Uzui attacked each other. Gyutaro kicked Uzui, Uzui flew away at Gyutaro's kick. Gyutaro immediately activated Demon Blood Kick after Uzui. Uzui parried all his attacks.

Gyutaro shouted "Arrgghhhhhh"

Uzui also shouted "Eaarghhhhh"

they clashed sword Siing Siing with incredible speed. The area around them was affected by his attack.

Tanjiro followed them waiting for the opportunity to cut Gyutaro's neck, Tanjiro was worried that even if they were even, Uzui's Energy would run out first.

Uzui's stomach was hit by Gyutaro's scythe and his sword chain was shattered by Gyutaro's attack. Uzui immediately cut off Gyutaro's left hand but even though his left hand had been cut, Uzui's eye was successfully injured by Gyutaro's scythe.

Tanjiro shouted "Uzui Sannnn"

Uzui heard that shouted "Don't stop! Jump!

Tanjiro immediately jumped at the two

Gyutaro said "You're slow stupid brat"

Setttt Tanjiro's chin on Gyutaro's sickle stab "Keaghh"

Tanjiro didn't give up and immediately attacked Gyutaro's neck but his arm strength wasn't enough, Tanjiro tried to cross his body. Tanjiro's head appeared a strange mark until his eyes, his hair also grew "ARGHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGG SHINEEEEEEEEE(MATIIIIIIII)" Tanjiro's sword managed to slash half the flesh on Gyutaro's neck

The screen showed Zenitsu almost reaching his limit, his sword unable to cut the cloth that was part of Daki's neck. Inosuke appeared from the side slashing all of Daki's cloth.

Daki was surprised why Inosuke was still alive even though his Onii-chan had his heart stabbed.

Inosuke and Zenitsu managed to cut Daki's neck as well as Tanjiro who managed to cut Gyutaro's neck.

The two heads of brother and sister flew in the beautiful night, the two heads of brother and sister finally met on the ground.

Tanjiro has reached his limit of not being able to use his breath anymore.


KABOOMM Gyutaro's body exploded with Demon Blood Kick. The entire surrounding area was destroyed by the explosion.


World of Hunter x Hunter.

"Th-this? What a terrible battle, it's true that my strength is still weak to find Gin. Killua let's train harder than before" Gon said to Killua

"Yes, I also want to train harder than before, but we don't have time right now, we have to go to the Chimera Ant Queen's place soon" Killua clenched his fists.

"Killua is right Gon we have to find the Queen quickly. If you want to become strong quickly, you and Killua will seek experience here by fighting the Chimera Ant Soldiers"



Hisoka is getting horny seeing the power shown by Uzui Tengen "Ahhhhhh Tengennnnn I really can't hold my lust, ahhhhh I want to immediately stab - ahem kill you, ahhh Tengen"

Demon Slayer World.

Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru made it home safely, their hearts were very happy, they were not found by the demon. When they saw the video on the screen their hearts suddenly broke.

"Tengen-Samaaa Huaaaaaaaa, Tengen-Sama is dead" Suma cried loudly.

Hinatsuru and Makio were sad to see this and wanted to cry too. Hinatsuru said to suma "Suma stop saying stupid it is Tengen-Sama in the future, now Oyakata-Sama must have ordered one of Hashira to help Tengen-Sama"

Makio hit Suma's stupid head "Let's hurry home and find Tengen-Sama"



All Hashira and Oyakata-sama were shocked to see what Tanjiro, Zenitu and Inosuke were doing.

Ubuyashiki/Oyakata-Sama said with a smile on his face "These kids have amazing talents, one day I'm sure they will help us kill Kibutsuji Muzan"

"Rengoku I want you to train the three of them, is that possible?" Ubuyashiki/Oyakata-Sama still had a smile on her face and said softly.

"Yes! I can, I will train them to become Hashira Hahaha" Rengoku was excited and laughed at the sight of the three who would become his students.

"Shinobu please call the three of them here"

"Hey, Oyakata-sama"

"Tch I hate to admit it but he does have the talent to be Hashira" Sanemi the Tsundere man admits Tanjiro.

"Zenitsu.....is that really you?" Tanjiro asked surprised Inosuke on the other hand was also curious

"Th-that's.....eeeetoo...I don't know.....Yaaa it's meuu" Zenitsu also doubted that it was him.

Inosuke came forward to put Zenitsu to sleep.

Tanjiro stopped him "W-what are you doing Inosukee"

"Of course I'll put him to sleep by hitting him, don't get in my way Gonpachiro Khahaha"

Zenitsu was scared to see Inosuke who was really like a wild boar seeing his prey, Zenitsu hid behind the bodies of the three twins.

World of Overlords.

Ainz said to the screen in front of him "Ohh that powerful swordsman named Uzui Tengen must be around level 80"

"Yes, human strength is strong Ainz-sama, from the information I have found about this world human strength is stronger than Adamantite adventurers." The brain Demiurge of Nazarick gave his opinion.

One Piece World.

Zoro was amazed by Uzui "Even though his left hand is gone, he can still move fast and can keep up with the demon."

"Hahahaha he thinks the devil's attack is a musical melody, you really pulled Uzui Tengen even though you lost your hand and got hit by poison you can still move freely, what if you don't lose your hand and don't get poisoned I want to fight you" Mihawk acknowledged this Swordsman .

The World of Enen No Shouboutai.

"Yahh amazing strength and speed Tengen, if we meet I want to try to fight you" a lazy male voice sounded, the man was Benimaru Shinmon the strongest Commander.



"Hey Arthur, can you use a sword like Uzui san? Of course you can't hahahaha prince of dreams" Shinra mocked Arthur.

Arthur's head popped up ### "SHINRAAAA COMES OUT I WILL CUT YOU"

"Hooo interesting person if there is an opponent like that I want to fight him" said Charon, a big man with eyes closed cloth.



Note:the update is erratic because I'm very busy😀🙏